Star Trek

Chapter 343 Prayer 9

Now, Liu Zheng can't help but rejoice in the battle plan he just thought of. Yes, that's true. You know, in this case, if one of my combat plans can be implemented smoothly, then I will definitely win the war in advance. Yes, that's true. If this battle plan can be implemented smoothly, then you will definitely win the war ahead of time. Yes, that's true.

You should know that in the current situation, after all, Liu Zheng has stood firmly. In his own base, whether it is air defense combat force or ground combat force, it can be said that Liu Zheng's overall level and overall combat level have reached a certain level. In this case, it should be said that there is no problem with your base defense. Therefore, in this case, naturally, Liu Zheng should consider the issue of launching attacks on some of the enemy bases. This is actually very normal. It's also very natural, and it's all very simple.

However, Liu Zheng also knew that despite this, if he let himself carry out a routine attack on the enemy's base, no matter which way he attacked, he would pay a great price. Yes, that's true. You should know that in this state, both the enemy and we have accumulated for a long time and operated for a long time. Therefore, not only has Liu Zheng's own base been extremely strong, but at the same time, all the bases and their combat capabilities of the other party have also been greatly improved. Therefore, in this case, if you want to attack routinely, it is definitely not an easy thing.

Moreover, there is another problem here. Liu Zheng knows that the bases of the enemy he is facing and his opponents are all defensive counterattacks. In this situation, if you are in the process of fighting, if you are in the process of attack, you can't eliminate the other party in one fell swoop, then it is certain that the other party will carry out a comprehensive counterattack on its own base, which is a kind of fullest counterattack, in the enemy's base All the combat forces will be dispatched. It is self-evident how much pressure you will face at that time. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, in this case, in any case, you should follow the combat policy of "if you don't fight, you will win. At the same time, you should pay more attention to combat strategy. You can't fight hard with the enemy's opponents. Therefore, under such circumstances, Liu Zheng was delighted with the battle plan he had just thought of. Yes, it should be said that that combat plan is indeed a very good plan, and you can't fight hard with the enemy's opponents. Therefore, under such circumstances, Liu Zheng was delighted with the battle plan he had just thought of. Yes, it should be said that that combat plan is indeed a very good plan, a combat plan that can receive the best results at the least cost.

Specifically, that is, first of all, train a few of their own super agents. Yes, you know, his kind of super agent has all the abilities of the "spy" in the enemy base. Moreover, it seems that his kind of super agent is even stronger than spies in some ways. In this case, naturally, Liu Zheng knew that it would be better if he used this kind of super agent again. Liu Zheng is also very clear about this.

In the second step, you should transport your own super agent to the enemy's base in a MM way. Of course, during the transportation process, it must not be found by the enemy. Otherwise, although his super agent has the ability to deepen, he can confuse the enemy's attack. However, come back, although their super agents, those combat units that can confuse the enemy, will not be attacked by them. However, the tools for transporting this super agent, whether it is a helicopter or an amphibian transport vehicle, does not have this ability. Although his super agents, those combat units that can confuse the enemy, will not be attacked by them. However, the tools for transporting this super agent, whether it is a helicopter or an amphibian transport vehicle, does not have this ability.

So, in this case, naturally, you must be careful. After transporting his super agent to the enemy's base, with the invisibility ability of this super agent, it should be said that as long as he is not found by the police dog in the enemy's base, his super agent will easily sneak into the enemy's power plant. Yes, as long as their super agents sneak into the enemy's power plants, they will use their special functions to destroy or destroy the enemy's power plants. In this way, naturally, the power supply in the enemy base will be cut off.

Once the power supply in the enemy base is cut off, the next thing will be much easier. Yes, that's true. Without power support, all the combat units in the enemy base that rely on the power industry to work, especially those air defense systems, will become waste. In this way, you can carry out long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missile attacks on enemy bases. Now, Liu Zheng has at least the number of feed long-range intercontinental attack missiles in his hands. In this case, in one attack, four long-range intercontinental missiles are fired at the same time. In the case that the air defense system in the enemy's base is completely destroyed, the super destructive power of its own intercontinental missile can be said to be used for a few attacks, and the whole enemy base will become one. Piece of ruins. Liu Zhengna has sufficient confidence in this. Yes, that's true.

So, after thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided that now he should put his plan into action. Yes, that's true. So, Liu Zheng gathered the three super agents he had trained to the designated position, and then I, Liu Zheng, transformed his super agents one by one. The so-called transformation is to transform its own super agent into a certain infantry combat unit of the enemy. In this way, the enemy's combat strength has not been able to identify the true identity of this super agent.

Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng also knows his own super agent very well. Yes, that's true. You know, this kind of super agent really has the ability that can't be compared with spies. Generally speaking, this kind of super agent can not only transform himself into the enemy's infantry combat unit, but also escape the attack of the enemy's combat power, because in that case, any of the enemy's combat force (except in the enemy's case) can't recognize the truth of his own super agent. Identity.

Therefore, in this case, naturally, your own super agent can also easily sneak into the enemy's base, and then carry out all kinds of sabotage operations in the enemy's base.

One of the most important points is that you can station this kind of super agent into the enemy's power plant. In this way, their super agents can destroy the enemy's power plant, thus cutting off the power supply in the enemy's base. Although this kind of damage to the power supply in the enemy base can be interrupted for about a minute at most. However, this is already very good. Stationed in the enemy's power plant. In this way, their super agents can destroy the enemy's power plant, thus cutting off the power supply in the enemy's base. Although this kind of damage to the power supply in the enemy base can be interrupted for about a minute at most. However, this is already very good. You can use about a minute to use your own garbage volume of long-range intercontinental missiles to carry out devastating attacks on important targets in the enemy's base.

If it really doesn't work, you can also send several super agents there. In this way, once the minute or so of the ground super agents interrupt, you can also station the second super agent into the power plant again. Since then, naturally, you can get about a minute to cut off the power around the enemy's base. Thus, my attack will be more calm.

In addition, Liu Zheng also knew that his super agent could also be stationed in the enemy's chariot. In this way, you can master the enemy's chariot. This ability is similar to the mind control ability that the Yuri replicator has. However, a big difference here is that that kind of Yuri replicator can be separated from a certain distance when using his mind control ability to control the opponent's combat units. However, Liu Zheng knows that his super agent is dwarfed in this regard. This kind of super agent of his own can only get into the enemy's chariot, and then, this can turn the enemy's chariot into his own chariot.

Now, it can be said that everything is ready but the east wind. Originally, Liu Zheng was preparing to produce at least two amphibious transport ships, and then transport his super agents to the enemy's base. Then, let your super agents carry out sabotage operations in the enemy's base. Liu Zheng believes that this battle will be a complete success. Liu Zheng is preparing to produce at least two-bed amphibious transport ships, and then transport his super agents to the enemy's base. Then, let your super agents carry out sabotage operations in the enemy's base. Liu Zheng believes that this battle will be a complete success.

However, soon, Liu Zheng knew that he did not have to produce those two amphibious transport ships. Yes, that's true. Because at this time, Liu Zheng found that there was a wooden bridge between his base and another enemy base. In this way, he can take his super agents directly to the enemy's base through the wooden bridge. In this way, you don't have to produce amphibious transport ships. In this way, it has not only saved a certain amount of production and construction funds, but also more importantly, there will be a certain amount of time for this attack.

Yes, that's true. It's the speed of the soldiers. It is very likely that just because of the delay of this minute or two minutes, your own attack and the combat plan you formulated may declare bankruptcy. However, if you take a few minutes in advance, your own battle plan and this attack may be successful. Yes, that's true. In many cases, in many cases, success and failure are just one minute or half a minute apart.

The battlefield has been changing rapidly since ancient times. Whether you can seize the opportunity and seize the fighter plane is actually a very important question. It is a very important topic. Now, Liu Zheng feels that the time is ripe to destroy the enemy's base through super agents. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that the three super agents who had successfully transformed into enemy-to-aircraft artillery. Starting from their own base, they first climbed uphill, and then rushed through a wooden bridge towards the enemy's base. It seems that his super agents are calm and staggering. They look full of confidence. At a glance, this action will definitely succeed.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the attack on his own base by other enemy bases had also begun. Still more than a dozen infantry combat units are rushing towards their base from 7:30. However, at this time, in Liu Zheng's base, there are all kinds of combat forces. Among them, it includes very powerful ground-to-ground combat units. For example, Liu Zheng has produced as many as five long-range heavy howitzer vehicles like his own. Moreover, three of them have been upgraded to Samsung Elite level. Under such circumstances, naturally, Liu Zheng did not care about the enemy's ground attacks at all. Yes, it is because I already have sufficient combat ability to deal with the enemy's ground attacks.

In addition, Liu Zheng now has at least five shore ship missile launchers in his hands. You should know that their main target of attack is the enemy's warships. That is to say, it is the best place for me to attack the enemy's surface warships on the surface of the sea on the ground.

However, then again, in the same way, for the enemy's combat units or military on the ground, in short, for the targets on the ground, their own shore ship missile launcher also has a very good attack ability. In addition, a super cannon was also built in Liu Zheng's base. This super cannon can attack enemy combat units that fall within a certain range with the general laser beam of dragons falling from the sky. The lethality is also very strong. In Liu Zheng's base, a super cannon was also built. This super cannon can attack enemy combat units that fall within a certain range with the general laser beam of dragons falling from the sky. The lethality is also very strong.

So, now, in this situation, it can be said that Liu Zheng doesn't care about the enemy's ground attack at all. Yes, it is because under the current situation, Liu Zheng already has a fairly good ground combat force. Yes, that's true.

Therefore, in the current situation, another group of about a dozen infantry fighting forces of the enemy are rushing towards their own base. Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling coldly. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, he suddenly heard the sound of cannons in his defensive position. I saw that my long-range heavy howitzer vehicles first launched a fierce attack on the target. With the sudden sound of deafening gunfire, Liu Zheng saw that the dark red firelight kept shining at the mouth of the gun barrel. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that one shell after another shot out and flew towards the target. For a moment, in mid-air, shells flew, and more than a dozen enemy infantry combat units bounced down like rain, coaxing and coaxing. With the next explosion, Liu Zheng saw that the infantry combat units rushing to the front of the enemy were blown into the sky by artillery fire, and then, Falling to the ground, at the same time, a burst of screams came, and soon, the enemy's more than a dozen infantry combat units had been eliminated by about 30%.