Star Trek

Chapter 346 Prayer 12

Yes, that's true. After all, my combat unit called Dongfeng 41 intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile actually has such a deformed feature, which I really didn't find in the past. Knowledge, after TV, I really don't know anything about what kind of combat force and what kind of attack characteristics my own combat unit will be transformed into.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, I only saw that one of its own long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles suddenly began to deform. As a result, a series of rumbles kept ringing. Next, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile really began to deform. Soon after, a building, a building that looked very tall, actually appeared in front of Liu Zheng. Yes, Liu Zheng did not expect that Liu Zheng felt very familiar with the military of his long-range intercontinental attack missile launcher that could be deformed. Yes, by the way, Liu Zheng thought that his kind of long-range ground-to-ground attack intercontinental missile must be a combat unit with a very strong attack ability. However, Liu Zheng saw that this time, he came up with the idea of this kind of military, how he did not have the ability to fight. Yes, that's true.

So, Liu Zheng couldn't help making a detailed observation again. This time, Liu Zheng finally found that the military history that has finally been successfully transformed is not a military facility with attack capability. Unexpectedly, it is the kind of construction factory in his base. Wow, damn it, what happened? What did this say? After doing it for a long time, I thought that it would deform a combat unit with unique attack ability, but I didn't expect that the deformed military was its own kind of building factory!

Now, for Liu Zheng, everything is ready, only owed the east wind. Yes, that's true. You should know that now, in your own base, the combat force you have built, whether it is air combat or the right battle, is basically enough to attack the enemy and form a corresponding solid defense. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that the combat force he had established, whether it was air combat or the right combat, was basically enough to attack the enemy and form a corresponding solid defense. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that it was time to launch an attack on the enemy base.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that there is a quite good defensive combat force in the enemy's base. Yes, according to the results detected by his spy satellite just now, it should be said that there are at least ten Apocalypse tanks in that enemy base so far, and at least three to four of them have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

In addition, there are at least seven to eight anti-aircraft guns in that enemy base. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that it is not easy to destroy the enemy's base with the general attack method.

Therefore, in order to truly pose a threat to the enemy's base and truly exert the combat effectiveness of his current combat effectiveness, Liu Zheng's plan is actually very reasonable. Yes, that's true. That is, first send your own super agent to cut off the power supply in the enemy base. Then, on this basis, they have their own intercontinental ground-to-ground long-range missiles, destroying the enemy's base in the shortest time. Of course, if this combat plan is to be successful, one of the most important steps is to cut off the power supply in the enemy base first. And this task, undoubtedly, fell on his own agents. Destroy the enemy's base. Of course, if this combat plan is to be successful, one of the most important steps is to cut off the power supply in the enemy base first. And this task, undoubtedly, fell on his own agents.

So, in the current situation, for Liu Zheng, he should let his super agents play their due role. Finally, now, I have trained an engineer and two super agents. Next, Liu Zheng knew that the first problem he had to solve was that in any case, he had to transform his two super agents into the role of the enemy's infantry combat force. Yes, you must change your identity and become the enemy's infantry combat force. Otherwise, in this case, it is impossible for them to enter the enemy's base. Yes, that's true. It can even be said that among the metal enemy's bases, it is basically impossible to get close to the enemy's base. Among other things, the super magnetic storm of the enemy alone is enough to destroy distant or even distant targets in one fell swoop.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that if you want to change their identity and become the enemy's infantry combat force, the most important point is that you can't transform them at the same time anyway. Otherwise, they may report that the target control has become their own combat force, but they themselves cannot become enemy combat units. In this way, they will naturally be identified by the enemy, so they will not be able to approach the enemy's base.

In this way, in the following time, Liu Zheng transformed his two super agents. After the successful transformation, with Liu Zheng's order, one of his engineers, holding a toolbox in his hand, looked very excited, set out from his base and stepped on the hillside. On the upper part was a wooden bridge connecting the bases of the enemy and us. At the head of the bridge, there is a maintenance hut. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that as long as his engineer can enter the maintenance cabin at the end of the bridge, then, it is certain that the bridge will also be repaired. In this way, his senior agents can enter the enemy's base through the wooden bridge. In that case, naturally, one of my military plans and one of my own military operations will soon face success. At this time, Liu Zheng saw one of his engineers, carrying a toolbox, heading towards the maintenance hut out of the prisoner.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that one of his engineers had come to the maintenance cabin in front of the wooden bridge. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the engineer wandered beside the bridge maintenance cabin for a while, and then, with Liu Zheng's order One of his engineers quickly entered the maintenance hut with a sound.

With the engineer, he flashed into the bridge maintenance hut. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the bridge that had collapsed was repaired almost at that moment. It looks like Wang Heng. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. Then, with an order, two of his super agents rushed from the bridge to the enemy's base.

In front is a jungle, which looks lush and lush.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that soon after, his two super agents finally crossed the wooden bridge, and then there was a jungle that looked very story in front of five. Liu Zheng knew that the jungle should be a good place for an ambush. That is to say, it is very likely that the enemy is in the jungle and deploys a vehicle of combat forces. In this way, it can be said that once your combat unit passes through the wooden bridge, it will be attacked by the ambush force of the enemy in the jungle.

And, another thing is that because the enemy's combat troops deployed in the jungle are secretly ambushed there. Therefore, in this case, their attacks will be unexpected, so the possibility of success will become very high.

However, now, Liu Zheng knows that since his two super agents have successfully transformed into enemy infantry combat units, even if they do ambush the enemy troops in the jungle, they will not attack his two super agents. It should be said that the characteristics of this super agent, or their uniqueness, can be said to be here.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his two super agents, after protruding, passed through the jungle. Far ahead, there was a hot and very messy stone beach. On the rocky beach, there are messy stones, large and small, and at the same time, various craters, large and small, are distributed in every corner. Obviously, I don't know when there must have been a fierce battle here. Moreover, through the situation at the scene, the battle at that time should have been very fierce. Yes, that's true. Moreover, the troops invested by both sides should also be very large. This rocky beach should be said to be a very good battlefield.

Everywhere, the two sides must have opened the frame and unfolded on this withered battlefield. War. This total decision should determine the final victory or defeat of both sides. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing with emotion. With the passage of time, things have changed. Now, they are no longer fighting on this battlefield between the enemy. However, the battle between the two sides should determine the final victory or defeat of the two sides. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing with emotion. With the passage of time, things have changed. Now, they are no longer fighting on this battlefield between the enemy. However, the intensity and strength of the battle between the two sides will not be worse than the previous battle.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his two super agents had entered the edge of the enemy's base. There, Liu Zheng saw that the seemingly very tall super disk filling power was standing there. At the top of a super magnetized coil, a sky-blue magnetic arc, constantly shining there, as if the Shenzhen city would launch an attack on the target. Liu Zheng saw that the seemingly very tall super disk was standing there. At the top of a super magnetized coil, a sky-blue magnetic arc, constantly shining there, as if the Shenzhen city would launch an attack on the target.

Liu Zheng knew that once the super magnetized coil was attacked, it could be easily attacked even if it was very far away from him. Moreover, the lethality is also very powerful. Once the target is hit, it can almost be said that it will also be destroyed in the first time. This powerful lethality is also an important reason why Liu Zheng likes this super magnetized coil very much. Yes, that's true.

Under this situation, Liu Zheng saw that finally, his two super agents, no matter on the edge of the enemy base, wandered tightly, and then passed through the supermagnetic storm coil and then went to those power plants. Liu arrived, next to those power plants, holding several enemy Apocalypse tanks. When Liu Zheng's two super agents passed by the enemy's apocalypse tanks, they saw that the enemy's apocalypse tanks were actually hitting their turrets, publicized, and then stopped again. Liu Zheng knew that just now, the enemy's weather tanks were actually detecting his two super agents. After finding that Ping had nothing suspicious, he lowered his alert again and did not launch an attack on the target.

Now, his two super agents have come to several enemy power plants. Liu Zheng knew that as long as one of his super agent entered the power plant, then, it was certain that the super agent would destroy the power plant in the enemy base through his skilled skills. Then, the whole enemy base will fall into a state of power failure.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that this state of power outage will not last for a long time, just about a minute. However, for Liu Zheng, about a minute is enough. Yes, that's true. You should know that you use this minute to give full play to the attack role of your long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles. You know, your long-range intercontinental attack missile, a one-time attack, can launch at least five to six heavy missiles. That kind of powerful destructive power is not a joke. It can be said that it has a destructive and destructive power.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and did not hesitate any more, so one of his super agents has dodged into the power plant. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the whole enemy base suddenly fell into darkness. Yes, there is no interruption in the power supply. At this time, it finally began to work. Liu Zheng knew that the power cut off of the soldier would last for about a minute. In about a minute, it is certain that all the combat units and military facilities in the enemy base that rely on electricity to support their work will lose their attack power.

Yes, that's true. In particular, especially the enemy's anti-aircraft guns, their attacks will stop due to the cut off of power supply. In this case, due to the cessation of their attacks, some of their long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles can play their role. Otherwise, the enemy's air defense system will not be destroyed, and those long-range intercontinental surface-to-surface missiles will be fiercely attacked when they fly over the enemy's bases. Yes, you know, the enemy's air defense system is also very good.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that since the enemy's base has fallen into a state of paralysis caused by power shortage, he can make full use of this opportunity to launch an attack on the enemy's base with his own intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that four of his long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles had begun to be fully prepared in his base.

Yes, after adjusting the angle, it can be said that basically everything is ready. In this case, as long as Liu Zheng's order, the attack will officially begin. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that this kind of long-range intercontinental ground attack missile could be deformed into a military facility. Wow, I really didn't know this in the past.