Star Trek

Chapter 350 The Last Counterattack 03

Now, finally, Liu Zheng has his own Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade vehicles, an attack force composed of enemy airborne troops. In this way, his base base has finally gained peace again.

Then, Liu Zhengyan, in another base, began to build a base for combat production. According to Liu Zheng's plan, on the one hand, he further improved his air defense firepower. Since then, he has mainly built such an air defense missile. Yes, this kind of land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile has air defense combat capability, which is unmatched by other combat forces. According to Liu Zheng's plan, on the one hand, he further improved his air defense firepower. Since then, he has mainly built such an air defense missile. Yes, this kind of land-based long-range surface-to-air anti-aircraft missile has air defense combat capability, which is unmatched by other combat forces.

However, at the same time, Liu Zhengyu decided that he should also use his naval combat power to control the sea area. Yes, that seemingly vast sea has a very important strategic location. In this case, then naturally, you should control this sea area. Only after truly controlling this sea area will your own attack be really threatening. Yes, that's true. From this point of view, if anyone controls the ocean, it can be said that he can control the whole world.

Now, in this situation, Liu Zheng sees that there is an island in the wide ocean. In the current situation, if you want to control this ocean, you should first occupy the island in the center of this ocean. However, it is not easy to occupy that island.


Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng also has a quite good naval combat force in his hands. Yes, that's true. He has been to China, with two aircraft carriers and five attack ships. In addition, Liu Zheng also has two intercontinental attack missile nuclear submarines. It should be said that this kind of combat force is also quite good. Therefore, it is precisely because he has such a strong naval combat power that Liu Zheng now considers whether he can make full use of some of his strong naval combat forces to attack the enemy's seemingly very powerful naval base.

This is a very wide ocean. In the middle of this seemingly wide ocean, there is an island. That island is not very large. However, through the investigation of spy satellites, Liu Zheng has seen clearly that there are several enemy Wu Tianqi tanks on that island. Moreover, those weather tanks have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. The area is not very large. However, through the investigation of spy satellites, Liu Zheng has seen clearly that there are several enemy Wu Tianqi tanks on that island. Moreover, those weather tanks have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level.

In addition, several enemy comprehensive warships were stationed next to the island. Among them, there are at least three missile cruisers, and there seem to be several objects and attack submarines.

The question now is whether you can destroy the enemy's naval base with these naval combat units in your hands. Yes, it's really a problem. If he is not sure, then Wu should not attack blindly. Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that he would destroy the enemy's naval base anyway. Yes, that's true. Because the enemy's naval base is located right in the center of the wide ocean. In this way, the location of that naval base is too important. It can be said that if King Wu continues to let the enemy occupy the island, then the wide sea will continue to control the enemy. In this way, it will greatly limit its freedom and its attack on the enemy. It seems very unfavorable to myself.

Therefore, it was from this perspective that Liu Zheng finally made up his mind, that is, in any case, he would destroy the enemy's base p. Yes, that's true. As for what combat unit should be used to complete this very important task, Liu Zhengquan still used his own aircraft carrier. Yes, anyway, yes, that's true. As for what combat unit should be used to complete this very important task, Liu Zhengquan still used his own aircraft carrier. Yes, anyway,

Its own aircraft carrier has a unique advantage in long-range attacks. First, on the one hand, this kind of aircraft carrier is now very efficient. Once the attack order is issued, it will send ship-based aircraft in the first place. First, the carrier-based aircraft dispatched by its own aircraft carrier is very fast and strong in attack power. Moreover, it also has It has the ability to attack many times. In this way, naturally, it has greatly improved its attack effect and ability to attack well.

In addition, now he owns two aircraft carriers. In this way, you can take turns to use it, so that your attack can achieve an uninterrupted effect. In this way, the enemy is unlikely to get a chance to breathe. Therefore, combining these aspects, Liu Zhengjue launched an attack on the target with his own aircraft carrier. It should be said that under the current situation, it is most appropriate to launch an attack with your own aircraft carrier.

After thinking of this, immediately, with Liu Zheng's order, his naval combat force at that time was vast, starting from his base, crossing the strait, and then entering the wide ocean. Yes, that piece of water, should be said, the widest of all maps. It seems that it is boundless.

Now, Liu Zheng is commanding his naval combat force and marching freely in the seemingly wide ocean. Yes, it should be said that my own naval combat force is still relatively strong. Because of his strength, Liu Zheng gave no pressure in the very wide ocean. Yes, now, my own naval combat force has everything. In this way, no matter what kind of medicine the fighting force encountered by the enemy, Liu Zheng did not feel any pressure in that very wide ocean. Yes, now, my own naval combat force has everything. In this case, no matter what kind of medicine you encounter with the enemy,

I have a way to deal with it. For example, if you can attack the enemy's submarine, you can use your own attack boat. You can also carry out anti-aircraft fire attack. Once there is an enemy's air force to attack, then your own missile destroyer can launch anti-aircraft missiles and easily shoot down targets in the air. If it is the enemy's surface warship or the enemy's target on the shore, it is a piece of cake for Liu Zheng. It is quite simple for their aircraft carriers to destroy them one by one with their strong attack ability and their combat characteristics that can be attacked in turn.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that his naval combat force, in the process of slowly continuing to march, has gradually lost his temper with the naval base located in the center of the whole ocean. At this time, Liu Zheng decided to destroy the enemy apocalypse tanks on the island first. And this task naturally fell on Liu Zheng's two aircraft carriers. Yes, it should be said that it should be most appropriate to use your own aircraft carrier to destroy the enemy's Apocalypse tanks.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two aircraft carriers finally began to attack the target. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

I was like this. Liu Zheng saw that his two aircraft carriers, with her very good attack ability, were very simple, to destroy several enemy tanks on that island. Then, as Liu Zheng thought. After he had just destroyed the enemy's apocalypse tanks on an island, then the enemy warships next to him rushed madly towards their aircraft carriers. However, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng did not pay attention to it at all. Yes, now, with the naval combat power in his hand, the enemy's seven warships are not convenient for them at all. Several enemy apocalypse tanks on that island were destroyed. Then, as Liu Zheng thought. After he had just destroyed the enemy's apocalypse tanks on an island, then the enemy warships next to him rushed madly towards their aircraft carriers. However, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng did not pay attention to it at all. Yes, now, with the naval combat power in his hand, the enemy's seven warships are not convenient for them at all.

Yes, that's true. And rushing to the front, Liu Zheng saw that it was the enemy's three missile destroyers. Liu Zheng knows that the five major aircraft are still the most suitable for dealing with this kind of enemy missile destroyer. Yes, after all, it is still a water combat force. And his aircraft carrier, if to attack the enemy's surface warship, it should be an enthusimate, which is his best. So, with Liu Zheng's order, several carrier-based aircraft roared again and went to the sky. For a moment, several carrier-based aircraft flew over the vast sea, flying, roaring, skimming across the sea and flying towards the target.

Then, Liu Zheng saw that his ship-based aircraft were still far away from the target and began to launch air-to-air attack missiles. One after another, the missiles dragged the gray-white tail flame and constantly changed the direction of flight. Finally, they hit the target accurately one after another. Boom, boom, I saw a bunch of explosive fires rising into the sky, and snow-white waves looked even more spectacular. Constantly changing the direction of flight, and finally, it accurately hit the target one after another. Boom, boom, I saw a bunch of explosive fires rising into the sky, and snow-white waves looked even more spectacular.

And the enemy's three missile destroyers, in the face of such a fierce attack, it seems that they have no power to fight back. Soon after, it was finally sunk one after another. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. In this way, after an attack, it took only five minutes to say that the island in the center of the ocean already belonged to Liu Zheng. In this way, it can be said that Liu Zheng has finally occupied the island, which means that Liu Zheng has controlled a wide ocean.


In the following time, Liu Zheng got into the comprehensive situation and made the following attack plan. First of all, what you want to attack is the weakest enemy base. Yes, that's true. Wu Liu saw that there were not many military facilities in that base. Only one main factory has made the following attack plan. First of all, what you want to attack is the weakest enemy base. Yes, that's true. Wu Liu saw that there were not many military facilities in that base. There is only one main building, one nuclear power plant, and more than a dozen anti-aircraft fires.

It seems that this enemy base has no attack power. It is very storage and heatstroke prevention. In particular, it has a very complete air defense system. It seems that the enemy was attacked by their own air. Among other things, those more than a dozen flood control are a proof. It is very storage and heatstroke prevention. In particular, it has a very complete air defense system. It seems that the enemy was attacked by their own air. Among other things, those more than a dozen flood control are a proof.

In this case, Liu Zheng considered that since the enemy has such a complete air defense system, it would not work if he wanted to strike through the air in this case. Whether you want to attack through a fighter plane or a missile, it is almost impossible to succeed in the face of such a rapid and complete air defense system.

If there is no other combat plan, this combat plan is to attack with your own naval combat power. However, Liu Zheng found that the location of the enemy base was very special. Yes, that's true. Surrounded by dense islands, large and small, the terrain looks very complex. And this terrain full of large and small islands is very suitable for its own fleet to march there, let alone fight there. Moreover, after so many islands were attacked by their own fleet, they were very vulnerable to the enemy and ambushed by the enemy. Therefore, in that case, I still didn't send my naval combat force to go there. It is very unsuitable for his fleet to march there, let alone fight there. Moreover, after so many islands were attacked by their own fleet, they were very vulnerable to the enemy and ambushed by the enemy. Therefore, in that case, I still didn't send my naval combat force to go there.

So, in this case, the only means of combat is the ground attack force. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles have gathered there on standby in their base camp. However, its own long-range heavy howitzer vehicle does not have amphibious combat capability. Yes, they can only march on the ground, but they can't fight across the sea. Therefore, if you want to march from your base camp to the vicinity of the enemy's base, you must transport forces through amphibious. Among its own bases, only amphibious transport ships have 27 trace capabilities. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, an amphibious transport ship has been included in the production plan. According to his cost, Liu Zheng knew that it would be produced in a short time.