Star Trek

Chapter 374 Single Horse 4

In this way, Liu Zheng did not spend much time and energy to finally destroy the enemy's base. However, immediately, the headquarters came down with a task, that is, to order himself to go to another broader military map of all the combat units that knew him, where there were seven opponents. However, those opponents are fighting separately, which is not very difficult.

So, three days later, Liu Zheng was finally ready to fight again. Yes, although in this world, those opponents fight separately, they are the most powerful characters. Moreover, the terrain here is also very burdensome. Once it is not done well, it can be said that you will die without a burial base. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided that he must be careful, the chlorine infantry, and first do a good job in the defense of his base, and then, once there is a chance, he will take action without mercy. When it is time to take action, constantly expand his spectrum, constantly enhance his strength, and strive to take all All the enemy bases were occupied.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that through his two long-range heavy bombers, he simply destroyed the body of the enemy closest to him. Yes, Liu Zheng really didn't expect this at all. It can be said that Liu Zheng has not been very optimistic about his long-range and heavy strategic bombers.

Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng has always believed that since he has a long-range missile, what is the need to have his own long-range strategic bomber? Moreover, you know, the production of such a long-range strategic bomber requires at least 5,000 production and construction funds. Such a huge value is really something that Liu Zheng can't accept. Do you have your own long-range strategic bombers? Moreover, you know, the production of such a long-range strategic bomber requires at least 5,000 production and construction funds. Such a huge value is really something that Liu Zheng can't accept.

In addition, there is another important advantage. You know, this kind of long-range strategic bomber does not fly very fast, and it is difficult to break through the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower attacks in the future. Therefore, it has always been not that Liu Zheng did not know that he had the ability to produce such a long-range strategic bomber, but because he was really lazy to use this kind of strategic bomber. Because it can produce a variety of missile systems, including centrally dyed ground-to-ground missiles, long-range surface-to-ground missiles, and long-range intercontinental surface-to-ground missiles, which should be said to be very good in terms of attack capabilities. Moreover, you only need to launch this missile and stop near your own base, and you can attack the enemy's combat units or military forces in the environment and places. In this way, it is a pretty good combat unit.

However, in a battle soon after, Liu Zheng finally found that his statement turned out to be very wrong. Yes, it's really quite wrong. The reason is that, on the one hand, you should know that generally speaking, they have missiles in their own ground-to-air space, but they are still long-range and those attack missiles for historical progress. They have one of the most obvious weakness, that is, in fact, they give enemy air defense systems that are difficult to break through.

Yes, this has been proven many times. Whether it burns more coal or its own ground-to-ground attack missiles, once it flies over the enemy's base, it will soon be knocked down by the enemy's air defense fire on the ground. It was not knocked down, but destroyed directly in mid-air. If it is an attack missile of a multimedia naval gun, it is certain that after being detonated, it will cause a chain reaction. Several other ground-to-ground attack missiles will also explode one after another.

Therefore, it is also for this reason that Liu Zheng has always been for this kind of ground-to-ground attack missile, but he increasingly feels that its practical value is not very high. Yes, that's true. Knowing a chance, Liu Zheng finally found that his kind of long-range strategic bomber really had the benefits that ground-to-ground attack missiles could not have in terms of attack operations. That is, this kind of long-range strategic bomber, in fact, his defense ability is not as bad as he thought. Yes, that is to say, once this long-range strategic bomber flies over the enemy's base, it is certain that in a short time, it will not be shot down by the enemy's air defense system at all.

Yes, that's true. You know, if you attack your own ground-to-ground attack missiles, then the 80 enemy's anti-aircraft firepower, one type of aircraft with very poor attack power, then your own ground-to-ground attack missiles will definitely be destroyed. That's 100%. However, this kind of long-range strategic bomber is all like that. Generally speaking, even the enemy's most powerful protective firepower is impossible to shoot it down at once. In this way, as long as its long-range strategic bomber cannot be shot down within the time, it can throw the heavy bomb with the explosive ability of a large nuclear bomb on the ground.

Yes, it's understandable. Because, after all, this is a long-range heavy strategic bomber, so the heavy bomb she dropped must naturally have quite good bombing ability. Therefore, in this case, as long as your long-range strategic bomber can explode in the notification above the enemy's base, it is certain that the enemy's base on the ground will be hit hard.

can be said to be a very good example. On the other hand, Liu Zheng did not expect that his two long-range strategic bombers, a one-time attack, could basically destroy a sharp base. Yes, that's relatively impossible. Because even if it is your own long-range strategic bomber, no matter how powerful the air-to-ground attack ability is, it comes back. After all, the two bombers can destroy all the military facilities in this base of the enemy, which is simply a fantasy.

However, despite this, this is the case in implementation. Two of their own long-range strategic bombers began to bomb air-to-ground bombs at an enemy base closest to them. Among the enemy's bases in the autonomous county, there was indeed a series of protective firepower shelling. However, you should know that this kind of long-range strategic bomber has a very large position and stronger defensive performance. Therefore, in this case, it is impossible for the enemy's air defense system to shoot down its own long-range strategic bomber at once.

And the development of things will fall as Liu Zheng thought. As long as his long-range strategic bomber will not fall on the enemy's air defense firepower in time, then, it is certain that the next step is his world. The whole sky will also become the stage for their performance. With his two long-range strategic bombers, they kept hovering and flying over the enemy's base, and then rapidly descending, descending and further. Then, it is certain that the next step is his world. The whole sky will also become the stage for their performance. Seeing that with his two long-range strategic bombers, they kept hovering and flying over the enemy's base, and then rapidly descended, descended, and fell further

As the flight altitude continued to be lower, soon after, Liu Zheng clearly saw a one-meter heavy bomb roaring and falling from their magazine from the two long-range strategic bombers. Then, on the ground, there is a dark red mushroom cloud that burst into tears, so that this kind of bomb, which is suitable for small nuclear bombs, will cause great lethality to an enemy base.

So, Liu Zheng found that what was first destroyed was a barracks of the enemy. For the transfer team, the enemy's barracks have the smallest health value, so it is also very normal to see them destroyed. Next, in the smoke of gunpowder and in the blazing fire, Liu Zheng saw that the war factory in the enemy base was soon destroyed. Above the ground, the wreckage and debris are everywhere, large and small craters scattered there. In the midst of the blazing fire, Liu Zheng saw that the war factory in the enemy base was soon destroyed. Above the ground, the wreckage and debris are everywhere, large and small craters scattered there.

In this way, after Gao Liuzheng's two long-range strategic bombers completed the last type of attack, Liu Zheng saw that in addition to a technology oil well and an ore refinery in one of the enemy's bases, there was also an established operation. In terms of combat units, there were only three long-range heavy pomegravers left. Five more artillery vehicles are main battle tanks, while other combat units or military units have been basically completely destroyed.

Yes, to be honest, it was beyond his expectation that Liu Zheng had achieved such rich results in this attack. Yes, when the information comes to think of it, it's simply impossible. The base dispatched two long-range strategic bombers and easily destroyed an enemy base at the beginning of the battle. So far, it can be said that the enemy base has been maimed by itself. Since nothing can be produced, the threat to your own base is basically completely reduced to a minimum. Since I saw it, it should not be exaggerated to say that this base was disabled by myself.


In this way, Liu can't help summarizing the current military situation in the next time. Yes, it should be said that in the current situation, all links are basically fighting separately, and no alliances, organizations or teams have been formed. Yes, that's true. However, according to this trend, it is certain that there will be fewer and fewer bases left in the near future. There are only two or three four seats left at the meeting. However, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that staying in the team and his opponent must be very strong.

As the saying goes, those weak players have long been eliminated. Therefore, in this case, naturally, those left behind are the elites. In this way, although the number of opponents has been decreasing, the words have come back. In fact, this matter is getting worse and worse. Yes, that's true.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng has been ready for a long time. It can even be said that Liu Zheng has been fully prepared for a long time. That is, it is the enemy's combat base in the city, which is the strongest, but it doesn't matter to me. Because, on the one hand, only its own base has deployed a quite strong defensive combat force, so no matter what combat unit of the enemy is, it will undoubtedly be the enemy's attack in any way. That doesn't matter. Because, on the one hand, only its own base has deployed a quite strong defensive combat force, so no matter what combat unit of the enemy is, it will undoubtedly be the enemy's attack in any way.

Because, in fact, after this period of operation, it is certain that in Liu Zheng's base, whether it is ground attack ability or air attack ability, Jin has now reached a new announcement. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng has repeatedly seen that no matter what, he will destroy all the remaining bases of the most powerful enemy forces. It is certain that in Liu Zheng's base, whether it is ground attack ability or air attack ability, Jin's has now reached a new announcement. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng has repeatedly seen that no matter what, he will destroy all the remaining bases of the most powerful enemy forces.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that in his base, next to the shipyard, various naval combat forces have been produced. These include five attack submarines and several missile frigates. In this case, Liu Zheng knows that relying on these combat forces alone cannot really form a naval formation. Yes, that's true. You know, a real naval formation with very good attack capability, at least, including two aircraft carriers, is to have at least one attack nuclear submarine.

However, these two maritime combat units have quite strong attack capabilities, so the production and construction funds to be consumed are naturally very high. Therefore, in this case, it is impossible to produce such a powerful naval combat unit at once. In the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that in addition to the production of these black vehicle combat units, two sets of aircraft carriers and two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines are also under construction. It is estimated that it will be almost built in about three minutes.

Now, Liu Zheng can say that he has basically determined the way of attack. That is, first, rely on your own long-range strategic bombers to carry out large-scale bombing of enemy bases first. Then, on this basis, they have their own naval combat forces to carry out large-scale bombing of enemy bases. Then, on this basis, he is sending his own marines to carry out landing operations.

Yes, of course, Liu Zheng understands that no matter when, it is difficult to destroy all the military facilities and combat units in the enemy base by relying only on air attack power and naval combat power to conquer an enemy base. Therefore, in this case, naturally, it is inseparable from ground attack. In order to truly conquer an enemy base, relying only on air attack power and naval combat power, it is difficult to destroy all the military facilities and combat units in the enemy base. Therefore, in this case, naturally, it is inseparable from ground attack.

Although, in many cases and in many cases, the target base and its own base are not connected. However, in spite of this, I can completely light up the transport ship and transport it and put my ground combat force, elm ~ ~ ~ the enemy's base. For example, Liu Zheng knows that an amphibious transport ship can carry at least three long-range heavy grenade vehicles. If you use that kind of amphibious transport ship to load infantry combat units, at least one amphibious transport ship can be loaded into ten infantry combat units.

Therefore, in this case, you only need five medicine transport ships, and you can easily rent a considerable number of ground combat weapons to your destination. Even if you cross the sea, as long as you go through the process of fighting with the secular world, you must send a protective force. It is very easy to rent a considerable number of ground combat weapons to your destination. Even if you cross the sea, as long as you go through the process of vulgarity, you must send a protective force.

Yes, generally speaking, when transporting ground combat forces to the destination, generally speaking, a naval combat force is sent to escort. In this way, it is possible to guarantee 100% of your ground combat strength to the destination.