Star Trek

Chapter 387 Jedi Counterattack 2

Now, Liu Zheng can't help rushing his eyes to his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows that he owns these two intercontinental attack nuclear submarines. However, in a battle not long ago, one of the intercontinental attack nuclear submarines was destroyed by several enemy attack submarines. At that time, thanks to my other intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, I really felt that I had ordered to retreat as soon as possible, so it was not destroyed together. But otherwise, once the two intercontinental nuclear submarines are all destroyed at that time, then things will be troublesome.

Because Liu Zheng can no longer produce this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Because, as a high-end combat unit, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine needs to be successfully produced. Among them, at least a super power plant needs to be built, and in addition, it is a combat laboratory. However, now in Liu Zheng's base, there is no need to talk about super power plants and combat laboratories. Even the most basic and of course the most important military facility - the construction of the main factory has been completely destroyed.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng can't help but cherish his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, that's true. You know, in many cases and in many cases, you still need to rely on intercontinental attacks on nuclear submarines. But it is because, although the submarine-launched intercontinental missile launched by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is not very fast, on the one hand, it can attack targets in any corner of the map. In addition, the intercontinental attack missile launched by this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine will break through all the enemy's air defense systems and will not be intercepted at all. Yes, it is precisely because of this feature that will not be intercepted at all that this kind of intercontinental attack missile launched by the mainframe attack nuclear submarine has a very important practical effect.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has been upgraded to a Samsung elite level. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that once he is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, it is certain that his comprehensive attack ability will be further improved. Yes, that's true. At least, his attack distance is much farther than before. In addition, his lethal strength and attack ability must be much stronger. But it's almost certain. Yes, that's true. It is certain that his comprehensive attack ability will be further improved. Yes, that's true. At least, his attack distance is much farther than before. In addition, his lethal strength and attack ability must be much stronger. But it's almost certain. Yes, that's true.

Now, in this situation, Liu Zheng found that there were at least 78 naval combat fleets moored around the enemy's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have a whim. Damn it, now, since his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has a very good long-range strike ability, he might as well use it to attack the enemy's group of naval combat units. In this way, it is also fully prepared for its landing troops to carry out landing operations.

Yes, Liu Zhengkong had attacked the enemy's group of naval combat forces, and simply used his own intercontinental attack and nuclear submarine. In this way, although the speed is slower, as a long-range strike force, it is no better than sending advanced naval combat units to carry out short-range combat for the target. In this way, you may not suffer any loss, and you may be able to destroy all the enemy's naval combat forces. Yes, that's true.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he only saw his long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine and began to prepare for the final attack. Now, Liu Zheng saw that the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was moored under the narrow sea. Yes, that strait is really narrow. I'm afraid that an aircraft carrier may not be able to pass through the ground. However, the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was very easy to pass through the ground. Now, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was moored in the diving sea. It looked like a huge herring.

Now, with Liu Zheng's order, the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine moored in the narrow strait is finally ready for the final attack, and then finally began to attack the various warships of the enemy thousands of miles away. Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng was also very excited. Yes, now I can finally witness the unique demeanor of my intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, after crossing a trajectory, the submarine missile finally hit the target: the various enemy warships on the edge of the enemy base. Among them, there are five missile destroyers, three missile frigates, and several attack submarines.


However, what puzzled Liu Zheng was that although his submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear missile hit a group of aircraft carriers in the naval combat units on the edge of the enemy's base. However, an intercontinental attack nuclear missile exploded, and a dark red and explosive firelight exploded above the sea. A dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky. Above the sea, it was immediately surging, rough, and turbid waves were emptied. However, under such a fierce attack, the enemy's aircraft carrier However, only about 30% of his health was knocked down. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked.

Wow, damn it, I didn't expect that the enemy's aircraft carrier would have such a powerful defense capability. In particular, it seems that I am not interested in my own submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile.

Now. While Liu Zheng was still attacking the intercontinental nuclear missile and did not sink the enemy's aircraft carrier, suddenly, due to the attack just now, basically, this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has exposed its target. Therefore, close to Liu Zheng saw that the naval combat units moored on the edge of the enemy base at that time were successively vigorous, and then rushed frantically from the base to the location of Liu Zheng's intercontinental attack nuclear submarine.

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that there were tens of thousands of boats competing on that sea, and the scene was very spectacular. Seeing this situation, Liu Zheng knew that in the face of such a huge naval attack combat force, there was only his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine in the narrow strait. Therefore, you must take the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine with your own interests to a safe place. Otherwise, this family will die without a place to die. In that narrow strait, there is only one of its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Therefore, you must take the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine with your own interests to a safe place. Otherwise, this family will die without a place to die.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, followed by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, the old ship passed the bow, and then sailed out of the narrow strait at the fastest speed, bypassing the seemingly narrow island, and then towards its own base. A quick voyage in the direction.

Yes, that's true. The main reason for making such a decision is that several long-range heavy howitzers are parked on the edge of their own base. Moreover, at least three of those long-range heavy howitzers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Yes, of course, Liu Zheng knows, and comes, at the general level, his long-range heavy howitzer vehicle already has quite good attack ability. Yes, that's true. Whether it is his attack distance or his lethal strength, it is quite powerful.

Now, since three of them have been upgraded to Samsung Elite level, it is self-evident that Samsung Elite-level long-range heavy grenade vehicles have wonderful attack capabilities. Therefore, as long as you weave your intercontinental attack nuclear submarine back to the edge of your base, it is certain that with the extremely powerful attack ability of those Samsung elite-level long-range heavy howitzer vehicles, you can believe that any naval combat power of the enemy can imagine The long-range heavy howitzer truck close to himself.


However, in fact, the speed of the enemy's naval attack force is not very late. Therefore, in front of him, Liu Zheng commanded the remote host to attack the nuclear submarine and ran like crazy. On the wide sea, a white track of spending money. It looks very obvious. Behind it was the enemy's group of naval warships, so on the vast sea, in front of him, Liu Zheng commanded the long-range host to attack the nuclear submarine and ran away desperately. On the wide sea, a white track of spending money. It looks very obvious. Behind it was the enemy's group of naval warships, so it looked very spectacular on a vast sea.

. At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking that in fact, he could carry out a submarine-fire intercontinental attack missile attack on the enemy's naval combat unit that was chasing his warship in the process of escape. Yes, you can use this kind of attack and take the union's strong missile attack. Yes, the enemy warship chased wildly behind, and its own warship fled frantically in front of it. However, in this process, it should be said that its own intercontinental nuclear submarine is fully capable of missile launch in this process.

More importantly, the intercontinental attack missile launched by its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has very good guidance ability, so even the enemy warships sail very fast, but they will not escape the launch of their own intercontinental attack nuclear submarines. The trajectory of the missile. Yes, in previous battles, Liu Zheng had long heard about the power of my own powerful intercontinental attack missile.

Yes, that's true. As I summarized not long ago, there are three main reasons why my intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is great, why it is valued by me, and why it has always been my heart to be my own professor. One is that his attack distance is so far that almost every location on the map can be his target. They are all worried about the target that will not be attacked because of the problem. The second point is that no matter how strict the enemy's base has air defense systems, all air defense systems have no moral treatment of this submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile. Of course, this is more significant.

In addition, there is a third point, that is, the missile launched by its own long-range intercontinental attack missile has a very good attack capability. Yes, that's true. It can be said that this submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile is a small nuclear weapon. Or, it carries a small nuclear warhead. Therefore, it should be said that his lethal ability should be very good. However, not long ago, why the intercontinental submarine launch with a nuclear warhead to attack the nuclear missile did not destroy an enemy aircraft carrier was really a mystery to Liu Zheng, which really made him feel unexplained and incomprehensible. Inexplicable.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental nuclear submarine was sailing quickly in the direction of his base. Behind it, seven to eight or four enemy warships of all kinds are chasing. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's plan, once his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine sails near his base, because he has deployed several long-range heavy howitzers there, so in this case, once some of the enemy's combat units approach, then, it is certain that It will be ruthlessly attacked by its own long-range heavy howitzers. In this case, once some of the enemy's combat units approach, it is certain that they will be ruthlessly attacked by their own long-range heavy howitzers.

Yes, that's true. After all, there are two or three Samsung elite-class vehicles in those long-range heavy howitzers. You should know that Liu Zheng is the clearest in his mind how strong the attack ability of the Samsung elite-level long-duty howitzer vehicle is. Yes, that's true. In this way, as long as the enemy warships dare to approach, their long-range heavy howitzers will attack the target unceremonyly and mercilessly. That's almost certain.

However, soon after, Liu Zheng found that the speed of the enemy's warships that did not sail suddenly accelerated. In this way, it was getting closer and closer to Liu Zheng's own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine in front of him. Soon after, Susu, one by one, missiles, shot out of the enemy's missile frigates, broke through the sea, and swept across the sea. The rear tail dragged the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and finally hit the target accurately. One after another, missiles shot out from the enemy's missile frigates, broke through the sea, and swept across the sea. The rear tail dragged the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and finally hit the target accurately.

If you don't know this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng found that this kind of enemy frigate actually had anti-submarine capability. And his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine does not have much health, and its defense ability is not very strong. Therefore, in this situation, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine had been knocked out by more than 30%.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very anxious. Yes, at this speed, soon, one of its intercontinental attack nuclear submarines will be sunk by anti-submarine missiles launched by enemy missile frigates. How can this work? How can this work?