Star Trek

Chapter 401 Rainy Day 8

For Liu Zheng, facing two enemy bases at the same time, especially these two enemy bases, are very strong opponents. It can be said that this situation is really rare in the previous combat process. Yes, that's true. Well, in this case, Liu Zheng knows that it seems that this is really a test for him.

Liu Zheng knows that these two enemy bases and their opponents are very good at using missiles. However, Liu Zheng is very small, and missile attacks are naturally very important in modern warfare. At the same time, it is also quite difficult to prevent. After all, that kind of missile attack is a long-range strike force, and it is more sudden and easy to be prevented. Therefore, unless you have a very good air defense force and the air defense system is quite perfect, it can be said that in the face of enemy missile attacks, at many times and in many situations, it is really quite troublesome. Liu Zheng is actually ready for this point.


Of course, Liu Zheng knows that the most important thing is when the base is founded. Because at that time, the defense facilities and combat forces in his base were basically not in place. Therefore, in that case, generally speaking, it is often the time when the enemy's attack is the most fierce. At the same time, it is also the most dangerous time for your base. Now, it can be said that Liu Zheng's base is in this situation. In this case, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he must build this base well. First of all, what you have to do is to resolutely implement the defensive counterattack strategy. After having a rough combat force, the issue of attacking the enemy's base was considered. Before that, what I thought was that I must defend my base.

Because of this incident, Liu Zheng already knew that these two enemy bases, these two opponents, are the best at air strikes. Yes, that's true. Whether it is a missile attack or a fighter attack, it can be said to be very powerful. In this regard, although Liu Zheng has made full psychological preparations, it is naturally impossible to rely on psychological preparation. The most important thing is the real combat power. Whether it is a missile attack or a fighter attack, it can be said to be very powerful. In this regard, although Liu Zheng has made full psychological preparations, it is naturally impossible to rely on psychological preparation. The most important thing is the real combat power.

So, it is from this point of view that Liu Zheng is now actively building anti-aircraft fire. Although Liu Zheng is very clear, although the anti-aircraft combat performance of that kind of land-based light anti-aircraft gun is not very good, then again, that kind of anti-aircraft gun has quite obvious advantages. That is, the cost is low, and at the same time, it can be built unlimitedly. In this way, it is certain that around your base, it can be said that you have built most of the land-based anti-aircraft guns as you build.

Although the air defense performance of this land-based light anti-aircraft gun is not very strong, a generation has formed a cluster advantage, so even more than a dozen such land-based anti-aircraft guns gather together to attack air targets at the same time, so in this case, Next, it is certain that their comprehensive attack level must be very strong. In this way, it will certainly play an important role in the start-up period of its own base.

Therefore, in this case, it is of course very necessary for Liu Zheng to build several such land-based light anti-aircraft guns when the base was first built. Of course, although you can also build some other anti-aircraft firepower, such as producing some movable self-propelled anti-aircraft guns, on the one hand, in addition to air strikes between the rear and the enemy, you must also defend against the enemy's ground attacks. In this case, naturally, of course, although you can also build some other anti-aircraft firepower, for example, to produce some mobile self-propelled anti-aircraft guns,

However, on the one hand, in addition to the air attack between the rear and the enemy, you must also defend against the enemy's ground attack. In this case, naturally, the necessary ground attack artillery fire is still very necessary. However, if you are only producing that kind of self-aircraft defense, it will naturally directly affect your production of ground attack artillery. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng has decided that in terms of the construction of the air defense system, he mainly builds the land-based light anti-aircraft guns. In addition, once he builds his own tank factory, then the next time is to produce a large number of Type 99 main battle tanks.


In this way, once the war starts, Liu Zheng will once again enter the intense combat preparation. Now, in this situation, Liu Zheng saw that there was a technology drilling oil well on the edge of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy. Shit, it seems that this time, I was lucky enough to drill a natural technology oil well near my base. You know, this kind of technology drilling oil well can continuously provide production and construction funds, which is really a very good military facility. Under normal circumstances, after you stabilize your feet, you have to build this kind of technology drilling well.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knows that such a scientific and technological drilling oil well requires at least 3,500 production and construction funds. It consumes so much production and construction funds, although it is nothing for the overall base construction and belligerent production. However, when the base was first built, 3,500 production and construction funds were not a small amount. You should know that the production and construction of a Type 99 main battle tank only requires 800 production and construction funds. Therefore, it is because of this that Liu is very happy after seeing the natural technology drilling well.

So, immediately after, with Liu Zheng's order, an engineer was finally trained. Then, I saw the engineer, who was astight, rushed to the natural technology drilling oil well with a toolbox in his hand. Soon after, he came to the side of the natural technology drilling well. Then, it will be implemented, and then Liu Zheng is happy to see that the natural technology drilling oil well has become his own military facility.

At the same time, Liu Qingshan saw that with the natural technology drilling oil well, it was quickly occupied by himself, and a large amount of production and construction funds were immediately injected into his base. It seemed that there were at least four or 5,000. He was quickly occupied by himself, and a large amount of production and construction funds were immediately injected into his base. It seemed that there were at least four or five thousand. A large amount of production and construction funds have been injected, and it seems that there are at least four or five thousand. He was quickly occupied by himself, and a large amount of production and construction funds were immediately injected into his base. It seemed that there were at least four or five thousand.

In this way, Liu Qingshan carried out his own base construction in an orderly manner in accordance with his own base construction plan. First of all, ordinary power plants at the average level should be built at this time. Moreover, in order to ensure that the power supply will not be interrupted in the future, at least three ordinary power plants should be built. Then, the military facilities to be built continue, which means that barracks, chariot factories, ore refineries, combat laboratories, and chariot maintenance factories must also be built.

The reason why Liu Zheng attaches great importance to this kind of chariot maintenance factory is that only after the construction of this kind of chariot maintenance factory can he repair the damaged chariot. In fact, Liu Zheng knew that once the station section was blown up, it was impossible for his damaged combat unit to drive back to his base from the front line and recover his health through the chariot maintenance factory. In that case, it can be said that everything has been delayed and everything has been delayed. Huang cauliflower has been cold for a long time, and the fighters are fleeting. Therefore, it is actually just a theoretical view to repair the health of your chariot through the chariot maintenance factory in the base.


Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's first attack finally began. What Liu Zheng didn't expect was that the first attack of the enemy was actually an attack by airborne soldiers. Yes, that's true.

At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that with a loud noise, a large transport plane came from the sky. At this time, it was flying towards Liu Zheng's base. Liu Zheng knew that under normal circumstances, then this enemy's large military transport aircraft, under the attack of its own air defense system, would basically not fly over his base at all. Normal University, that's indeed the case. It is flying towards Liu Zheng's base. Liu Zheng knew that under normal circumstances, then this enemy's large military transport aircraft, under the attack of its own air defense system, would basically not fly over his base at all. Normal University, that's indeed the case.

However, in the current situation, due to the air defense system of its own base, it is not perfect. Therefore, in this case, it is not easy to shoot down the enemy's large military transport aircraft. At this time, Hao Liu Zheng clearly saw that the enemy's large military transport aircraft was not far from his base. At this time, the land-based light anti-aircraft guns that had just been built on the ground finally began to attack the target.

All, from different, above the ground, the land-based anti-aircraft guns began to attack the target one after another. Running in the bitter place, according to the red explosive fire, it keeps shining. In mid-air, one after another anti-aircraft shell hit the target one after another. However, as a large military transport aircraft, Liu Zheng certainly knows that his air defense performance is still very good. Therefore, although he was subjected to such a dense air defense attack, his health value remained at about 60%. Hit the target one after another. However, as a large military transport aircraft, Liu Zheng certainly knows that his air defense performance is still very good. Therefore, although he was subjected to such a dense air defense attack, his health value remained at about 60%.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very surprised. Shit, once this large military transport aircraft of the enemy successfully carried out the enemy's paratroopers over its base, then because its air defense system is not very perfect, and at the same time, its ground combat strength on the ground is not much. So, in this case, it is certain that once the enemy paratroopers and those airborne soldiers really land in their own base, they will definitely cause great trouble to their own base.

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with his huge attack ability of fresh land-based anti-aircraft fire, although the enemy's large military transport aircraft finally flew over Liu Zheng's base in the east, and finally dropped several enemies under the situation at that time. However, there are only four to five airborne soldiers. Soon after, the enemy's large-scale transport with mobile phones, in this way, under the attack of dense anti-aircraft fire on the ground, finally fell helplessly.

Liu Zheng saw that the large military transport plane suddenly stood alone in mid-air, and then suddenly lost its balance. Then, the goods rolled, from the middle of the air, the rolling black smoke of the city that never sleep, and then hit the ground and exploded up. Red explosive firelight. Then, he suddenly lost his balance, and then rolled, and the goods, from the rolling black smoke of the sleepless city in the air, then hit the ground, and there was a big explosion of the dog's dark red explosion.

In this way, Liu Zheng knew that an attack by the enemy should be said that although the transport plane was shot down by himself, the battle did not end. Yes, that's true. Because, in any case, the 56 enemy airborne soldiers were built to land on the ground. Fortunately, at this time, in their own base, several bar-style main battle tanks were actively defending there. However, Liu Zheng knew that if he had to actively rely on several old fort-style main battle tanks, he could only and may not be able to eliminate the enemy's airborne infantry well. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the three terminators of themselves were super indecisive and rushed from the edge of their base to the enemy's airborne troops at the place where they might have landed.

So, in this way, between the water where the enemy airborne troops were about to land, suddenly, they were afraid that he was afraid, and the three terminators who had just rushed to the road were super uncertain, so they saw those who had just landed on the ground. The enemy's airborne troops soon fell into a pool of blood one after another. The nature of the chicken, which didn't even make a scream, never stood up again. In this way, the enemy's attack ended. It should be said that in this attack, the enemy's airborne troops did not completely crash successfully, and then were shot down by the large military transport aircraft with their own anti-aircraft firepower.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that if the enemy's large bureau uses mobile phones to successfully land all the airborne troops, then it is certain that under the current situation, his own base will definitely be greatly threatened. Because now, there are not many ground combat forces in one of their own bases. These include several old 80 main battle tanks, and in addition, these are some Terminator overdue snipers. However, to be honest, Liu Zheng is not very clear about what kind of threat these combat forces can pose to the enemy's airborne infantry.

Anyway, but there is one thing that is certain that if too many enemy airborne troops succeed once the airborne, then it is certain that it will pose a considerable threat to Liu Zheng's base. However, in the current situation, fortunately, during the start-up period of the base, I built two shareholders' land-based air defense bubbles, so that some of the enemy's airborne troops did not succeed in all the air conditioning. Thus, it ensures the safety of its own base. It will definitely pose a considerable threat to Liu Zheng's base. However, in the current situation, fortunately, during the start-up period of the base, I built two shareholders' land-based air defense bubbles, so that some of the enemy's airborne troops did not succeed in all the air conditioning. Thus, it ensures the safety of its own base.

From this point, Liu Zheng can clearly realize how important the air defense system is for the construction of his own base. Yes, that's true. Therefore, for a long time after that, it is undoubtedly the most important thing to strive to strengthen your air defense firepower and improve your air defense system as much as possible. Of