Star Trek

Chapter 411 Helpless Flowers Fall 6

Also, what makes Liu Zheng more concerned is that they are several medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles, which cost huge production and construction funds, and take a long time to produce them. However, it was destroyed all of a sudden.

So, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng felt infinitely annoyed. It made him feel regretful. Yes, if I could be more careful, cautious and consider more comprehensively at the beginning, then it should be said that this kind of mistake can still be avoided. However, from the current situation, this ground attack force has been basically completely destroyed so far. So, at this time, in this situation, don't say anything more. On the one hand, you must learn from experience. On the other hand, the top priority is to restore your combat ability at the fastest speed.

Battleship, that is, you must find a way to destroy some long-range intercontinental attack missiles in the enemy base. Yes, even if it is equipped with a complete air defense system, in the face of such a large number of long-range intercontinental attack missiles, it poses a great threat to your ground attack force. If you don't destroy them, it can be said that your own attack will be difficult to achieve results. Even if it is equipped with a perfect air defense system, it is a great threat to its ground attack force in the face of such a large number of long-range intercontinental attack missiles. If you don't destroy them, it can be said that your own attack will be difficult to achieve results.

Yes, in the face of this situation, Liu Zheng really didn't expect it. Originally, in the face of his long-range attack force, Liu Zheng had great hopes for him. Yes, that's true. After all, this ground attack force was formed after Liu Zheng prepared for a long time. In particular, more than a dozen medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles have spent too much money on production and construction, as well as too much time and energy to see. However, in the battle just now, it was destroyed by several long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles of the enemy.

However, at this time, in this situation, Liu Zheng also knew that it was useless to think too much. The top priority was that he must restore his combat ability as soon as possible. Because in the current situation, it can even be said that due to its own ground defense force, it has been basically destroyed by the enemy. If the enemy jointly attacks their own base at this time, it is certain that their base will be destroyed in one fell swoop.

So, at this time, just in case, Liu Zheng first set up a production plan for ten main battle tanks. Yes, after all, the Type 99 main battle tank is relatively cheap, and naturally the production speed is relatively fast. In this way, once the enemy launched a counterattack against their base and took advantage of the opportunity to enter, then, at least, with these ten main battle tanks, they can resist it. So, at this time, in this situation, five minutes later, ten Type 99 main battle tanks were finally produced by Liu Zheng.

In this case, Liu Zheng's heart has more or less. In the following time, Liu Zheng spent a lot of production and construction funds. (For good thing, at this time, it should be said that Liu Zheng is still relatively rich. Yes, that's true. 700,000 production and construction funds are also relatively rich for Liu Zheng.) Basically, it can be said that you can make peace at will. At this time, time is tight, so Liu Zheng, as long as he gives himself some practice, he doesn't care even if he spends too much production and construction funds.

That's it, ten minutes have passed. In Liu Zheng's base, five long-range heavy grenade sports cars were finally produced again. At the same time, several medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles have also been produced. Since then, it should be said that Liu Zheng's ground combat strength has finally been restored to a certain extent. In this case, even if the enemy really attacks their own base, they are no longer afraid.

It seems that the enemy made a fatal mistake, or missed a very good opportunity, that is, under their own very helpless situation just now, the enemy should make full use of this opportunity, even if it is not a joint attack, just relying on the attack in one of their bases. Strength, I believe, Liu Zheng is also difficult to resist. Because in that period, it was almost certain that Liu Zheng was the most vulnerable time, because almost all the ground combat forces had been destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, in that situation, it is certain that there is nothing I can do in the face of the enemy's surging ground offensive. I had to watch my base, which was attacked by the enemy's fierce artillery. And there is nothing we can do.

Now it's all right. Anyway, I finally seized the last opportunity. Heaven's enemy has not recovered and finally built another ground combat force of its own. In this way, even if you don't have the ability to counterattack for the time being, you can still defend your base. Yes, that's true.

In the next time, for Liu Zheng, how to attack the enemy's base is of course his core task. There is no doubt that now, the enemy's base has been disabled by itself. Yes, the main construction factory is gone, the chariot factory is gone, and most importantly, those airports and those airports where enemy fighters exist are gone. In this case, it can be said that the enemy's base has become a tiger without teeth. In this way, it can be said that you have the final say on how you want to deal with the tower.

Of course, the top priority is to destroy the long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles in the enemy base. Now, in time, as the last combat force in the enemy's base, those enemy's long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles have never given up launching a counterattack against their own bases. Yes, Liu Zheng clearly saw that in mid-air, a one-meter intercontinental missile roared over and then fell from the sky over his base. Because the author has given a very perfect air defense system in his base, in this case, the air strike force of some enemy troops, It is impossible to break through such a tight air defense system.


Of course, now, it is not very difficult for Liu Zheng to deal with long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles in enemy bases. At least, after this period of preparation, its second intercontinental attack nuclear submarine in its own naval base has already been produced. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng can rely on his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine to carry out surgical strikes on some long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles in the enemy base. Yes, that's true. After all, Liu Zheng knows that the submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear missiles launched by his kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can break through the enemy's air defense system.

So, at this time, in this case, although the enemy's base is still. The battle is a very good air defense system, but he said that if he attacks with submarine-launched nuclear missiles launched by this intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, it is certain that since Mongolia has broken through the enemy's protection system, it is naturally based on this kind of submarine-launched nuclear missile. It is not very difficult to destroy some long-range intercontinental attack missiles in the enemy's base one by one. It is certain that since this submarine-launched nuclear missile Mongolia has broken through the enemy's protection system, then naturally, with the huge attack capability of this submarine-launched nuclear missile, it will destroy the enemy one by one. Some long-range intercontinental attack missiles in the military base are not very difficult.

Although the submarine-launched nuclear missile launched by his intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is relatively slow, it can be said that this is his only shortcoming. In addition, it should be said that this kind of construction of attack nuclear missiles is the best combat force. On the one hand, as just analyzed, he can break through any enemy air defense system and will not be intercepted. On the other hand, it has excellent guidance ability. Even if the target is very moved, or even if the target moves at a high speed, it will still chase it, and finally hit the target and destroy it.

Now, under the current situation, Liu Zheng saw that at least a large number of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles are at the head of the enemy base. Since then, Liu Zheng knows that it may take too much time to launch attacks on their own intercontinental attack nuclear submarines. Time is really precious to Liu Zheng now. Therefore, Liu Zheng is considering whether he has a way to destroy all the long-range ground-to-ground attack missiles in the enemy base in the shortest time.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided that he could use his aircraft carrier to cooperate with that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine and attack the target at the same time. In this way, it is certain that the efficiency of the attack will be greatly improved. Because, relatively speaking, the carrier-based aircraft carried on it has a large bomb capacity and strong attack ability. It can be said that since then, it is certain that the efficiency of the attack will be greatly improved. Because, relatively speaking, the carrier aircraft carried on it has a large bomb capacity and strong attack ability. It can be said that at least three enemy long-range ground attack missile launchers can be destroyed in one take-off.

At this time, not long ago, because his two aircraft carriers continued to fight and were seriously damaged, so Liu Zheng had no choice but to return them to the naval base for maintenance. Now, in this situation, it should be said that after about half an hour of maintenance, their two aircraft carriers should be able to go to sea and carry out military missions. Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the two aircraft carriers set out from their own naval base and sailed through the wind and waves, slowly sailing to the middle of the water on the wide sea.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help recalling that not long ago, his naval combat forces were hit by the enemy for a long distance. Yes, the situation at that time was also because of the air defense firepower that he did not give, so he was hit by the enemy. Similarly, it is not the enemy's fighter that attacks its own naval combat force, but the enemy's intercontinental ground-to-ground missile. Liu Zheng remembers very clearly that it was an active attack, and several intercontinental missiles fell from the sky before it was hit by the enemy in the air. Similarly, it is not the enemy's fighter that attacks its own naval combat force, but the enemy's intercontinental ground-to-ground missile. Liu Zheng remembers very clearly that it was an active attack, and several intercontinental missiles fell from the sky one after another. Therefore, on the sea, a dark red explosive fire immediately rose to the sky. At the same time, a mass of huge mushroom clouds rose to the sky. Above the sea, the wind roared, the turbid waves and the sea and the sky seemed to trigger It's like a tsunami.

Then, one of his naval combat troops, including two aircraft carriers, two intercontinental attack submarines, and five missile frigates, were all destroyed. In a few seconds, a naval fleet that he managed was destroyed by the enemy's long-range main ground attack missile. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng felt a palpitation. Damn, he didn't expect that the enemy's warm and series of long-range mainframe attack missiles really had a very strong lethal ability. It seems that you must be careful in the future and prepare for the ruthless attack of the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles.

So, at this time, under such circumstances, Liu made a decision and named his newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine the first attack force. Name your two newly repaired ships the second attack force. At the same time, while having the ability to use his own naval combat strength to launch a destructive attack on an enemy base, Liu Zheng also further set up his own production plan for ground combat forces.

Yes, in order to take the next step, it is naturally necessary to truly destroy an enemy's base and sufficient ground combat units in the shortest time. Yes, that's true. Among them, there must be at least 13 main battle tanks. Otherwise, without a sufficient number of main battle tanks, it will not provide an effective barrier for your long-range strike force. In addition, long-range heavy grenade sports cars must be restored to at least seven to eight. Yes, in many cases and in many cases, your own long-range heavy grenade sports car can really play a huge role. In particular, in the face of the infantry combat forces that may rush over the enemy, or some melee combat forces, this long-range heavy grenade sports car can completely carry out long-range attacks on those straight targets with their long-range strike capabilities and very strong lethality.

In this way, even if the target is moving at a high speed, they can't escape in the face of this long-range shell attack. Therefore, as a medium-range strike force that cooperates with those main battle tanks, its long-range heavy grenade sports car has always been an indispensable and important role in Liu Zheng's offensive and defensive operations. Therefore, in terms of quantity, it is very normal to require this kind of long-range heavy grenade sports car. Yes, that's true.

In addition, according to Liu Zheng's combat plan, the final attack method is still at least 20 loyal ground-to-ground ballistic missiles, surround the enemy's base, and then set them to an automatic attack state. It is believed that the simultaneous attack of ten medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles will certainly surround the enemy's base in a semicircle state, and then one large and medium-range ground-to-ground ballistic missiles will roar out. In mid-air, it will certainly form a very spectacular situation.

At that time, in that case, it is certain that the enemy's base will be limited to the unrenewable ocean. You know, such a dense medium-range ballistic missile attack is unique in all Liu Zheng's combat history. However, the current purpose, the current task, is naturally, to use its naval power to destroy those long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles in the enemy base.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the intercontinental attack nuclear submarine named by himself immediately surfaced, and then began to carry out another long-range attack on the target. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, the submarine-launched missile, after crossing a trajectory, finally hit the target: one long-range intercontinental attack nuclear missile after another in the enemy base.