Star Trek

Chapter 414 Helpless Flowers Fall 9

It should be said that in this case, for Liu Zheng, it has really reached the last critical moment. Yes, that's true. Now, although the enemy's first base has been destroyed by itself (to be precise, it has been destroyed by itself, because at this time, there are no more military facilities in the enemy's base. In addition, other military forces, at least, did not see their existence. However, two technology oil wells are still working there.

However, of course, Liu Zheng knows that those two technology drilling oil wells are actually of little value and significance. Because since the main factory is built, the whole base is no longer available. What's the use of having one or several technological drilling wells? What can the earned production and construction funds be used for?) Therefore, at this time, in this situation, it can basically be said that the enemy base no longer has any danger to Liu Zheng.

Therefore, at this time, in this situation, the most important task for Liu Zheng has been transferred to scout the enemy's second base and is ready to attack it at any time. Yes, since the situation has changed, naturally, your own strategy and tactics, combat direction and combat policy should also change. Otherwise, he would really become the ancient man who carved a boat and asked for a sword. And be ready to attack it at any time. Yes, since the situation has changed, naturally, your own strategy and tactics, combat direction and combat policy should also change. Otherwise, he would really become the ancient man who carved a boat and asked for a sword.

Yes, that's true. Fortunately, in the thrilling battle just now, although he finally destroyed the enemy's base, Liu Zheng was pleased that his combat strength, combat units, military division facilities, and the pattern of the whole base basically did not suffer much loss. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that all this is actually because he has almost achieved the ultimate in the defense of the base before. According to Liu Zheng's preliminary statistics, he has built as many as 15 land-based light anti-aircraft guns in his own base alone. In addition, as many as seven land-based long-range air defense guns have been built by themselves. In addition, there are at least 20 short-range anti-aircraft guns, that is, short-range anti-aircraft missile launchers, and at least 13 long-range missile anti-aircraft launchers.

In the face of such a large number of air defense facilities, the enemy's air strike force is basically unable to attack these military bases in Liu Zhong. Therefore, in the battle just now, although the battle was very fierce, basically, Liu Zheng's base did not suffer much damage. Since then, naturally, it means that I still have enough capital and gradual combat strength to deal with the enemy's second base. Yes, in a sense, that is the real contest and the final contest.

However, what Liu Zheng didn't expect at all was that at this time, the sound of missiles flying came from the sky again. Moreover, according to his previous experience, Liu Zheng knows that these missiles are clearly the enemy's Fire series of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missiles.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally couldn't help feeling very surprised. Because, it should be said that before that, I had basically destroyed the enemy's base. And this kind of fire series of long-range host ground-to-ground attack missiles are the combat units in the enemy's base. It is clear that I have destroyed the enemy base, but why, at this time, in this situation, there is actually such a remote host ground-to-ground attack missile. It is certain that there is still this kind of remote host ground-to-ground attack missile launcher hidden somewhere (of course It is a series of Fire).

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng was naturally surprised. However, since I am sure that the enemy's missile launchers must exist, just in case, I must get them out and destroy them. Yes, that's true.

So, in this situation, under the order of Liu Zheng, in the enemy's base that had been destroyed that day and had become a ruin. Around the base, almost everywhere, Liu Zheng was looking for the remote host of the enemy's fire series. The figure of a ground attack missile. It is certain that since its base is still under attack by such missiles, that kind of launch vehicle must exist. However, you must seriously find out what is wrong.

Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng found that over a lush forest, several long-range mainframes of such a fierce fire series attacked the ground, rising to the sky, dragging the orange danger, roaring through the air, and then, after flying to a certain altitude, they changed the direction of flight. , flying towards his own base. Over a lush forest, several long-range ground-based ground attack missiles of such a series of such arags rose to the sky, dragging the orange danger and roaring through the air. Then, after flying to a certain height, they changed the direction of flight and flew towards their own base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it was obvious that the remaining long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground missiles left behind must be hidden in a forest. After thinking about this, he immediately searched the forest seriously. Sure enough, soon after, three enemy fire series of long-range intercontinental ground attack missiles were finally found by the rescuers on the edge of the forest. At this time, they are preparing for the next round of launch.

After seeing this, yes, in fact, some of them are not afraid of this order series of intercontinental attack missiles. Knowledge, if you don't find out their specific location, then it is very likely that sometime, the enemy's three Intercontinental attack missiles of the enemy's fire series will suddenly give themselves All of a sudden, you can't defend yourself. In that case, things will be really troublesome. Liu Zheng also considered this aspect, so he decided that we should find them out.

Once they have their whereabouts, then you will be relieved. Because not long ago, it should be said that the enemy's three fire series of intercontinental attack missiles were in the dark, but their own base was in the light. Therefore, since then, its base defense must be very passive. Now, after discovering the specific addresses of the three intercontinental attack missiles of the enemy's fire series, then, for Liu Zheng, the most important task must be to find ways to get rid of them first. Otherwise, my heart is still not secure.

However, what means and combat units were used to destroy the enemy's three fire series of long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launchers, finally Liu Zheng decided to use his own aircraft carrier. Yes, Liu Zheng's story is that the forest with the enemy's fiery intercontinental attack missiles should not be far from his naval base. Yes, that's true. In this case, at this time, in this case, this forest should be within the combat radius of its own aircraft carrier.

In this case, it is undoubtedly the right choice to use aircraft carriers and destroy them. Because the aircraft carrier is relatively fast to fly, and its own carrier-borne bombs are very large, which can attack the target three times at a time. In this way, as long as it is within the scope of his combat radius, it can basically be said that all attacks are invincible. Destroying them is undoubtedly the right choice. Because the aircraft carrier is relatively fast to fly, and its own carrier-borne bombs are very large, which can attack the target three times at a time. In this way, as long as it is within the scope of his combat radius, it can basically be said that all attacks are invincible.

After thinking of this, after Liu Zheng's order, he saw that the two aircraft carriers moored next to the military port near his base were finally ready to take off. Just wait for Liu Qingshan to cut off the battle and take off, and then they will roar and fly towards the target. At this time, Liu Zheng looked at the time and felt that it should be almost time. Therefore, the attack order was issued in time. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another.

Still, first hovered over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missiles, air-to-ground missiles shot out one after another, dragging the gray-white tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog. The continuous sound of explosions suddenly sounded, and a group of dark red explosive guns rose to the sky, and the target was wrapped in the fog.

Therefore, with the extremely huge attack ability of its own super carrier-based aircraft, more than a dozen carrier-based aircraft successively attacked the three intercontinental attack missiles shrouded in the forest of the enemy's fire system.

So, through his two aircraft carriers, Liu Zheng finally destroyed the three enemy's Fire series of long-range intercontinental attack missiles. Since then, Liu Zheng has naturally been relieved a lot. Now, Liu is looking at some of his remaining combat forces and is guessing what he should do next to attack the enemy's second base.

5 should be said that the enemy's second base and the enemy's base are very large, both in terms of combat characteristics and type of combat power. Really, each has its own advantages. The couple repeatedly sat on the enemy base, and the main color was finally attacked by long-range missiles. In particular, the long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile of the Fire series has a long range and is lethal. The long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile of its own Dongfeng series is basically comparable. All of them are very big. Really, each has its own advantages. The couple repeatedly sat on the enemy base, and the main color was finally attacked by long-range missiles. In particular, the long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile of the Fire series has a long range and is lethal. The long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile of its own Dongfeng series is basically comparable.

Therefore, Liu Zheng has always known that the enemy's fire series of long-range ground attack missiles pose a great threat to his base defense and his defense position. Even if he built a special air defense force for this purpose, Wu (that air defense force, including short-range anti-aircraft missiles, five long-range anti-aircraft missile launchers, etc.)

Therefore, it can be said that the air defense force specially formed by itself is not strong in air defense capability. However, despite this, in the face of the enemy's fire series of long-range intercontinental attack missiles, although they basically intercepted all missiles in mid-air, the huge explosion shock wave still caused great damage to them. Therefore, so far, it should be said that thanks to his own field maintenance vehicles, he has carried out field maintenance in time after his air defense forces were damaged. This ensures that they can continue to fight.

Therefore, it can be said that it is this long-range main ground-to-ground attack missile of the Fire series that forms the main attack characteristics of an enemy base, which is also a combat force that Liu Zheng is most afraid of. However, the main combat characteristics of the second enemy base are ground attacks and fighter attacks. In terms of air attack, the second enemy base mainly relies on F22 stealth fighters. However, compared with the kind of Intercontinental missile of the Fire series of an enemy base, there is no doubt that this enemy's F22E fighter came out in terms of attack capability or attack efficiency. Above the grade.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knew that although the enemy was not as good as the first base in air strikes, its ground attack was very strong. In general, the ground combat power of this enemy's second base mainly includes the latest type of main battle tanks, and there are also that kind of phantom tanks, although these main battle tanks and phantom tanks are not very cash in performance and belong to melee forces. However, it should be said that once they really form a cluster attack advantage, once they rush into their own base, it can be said that it will cause great harm to the body.

Now, finally, after Liu was looking for the enemy's three long-range ground-to-ground attack missile launchers, he used his own aircraft carrier to make a one-time attack and simply destroyed them all. Since then, Liu Zheng finally believes that the first enemy base has been completely destroyed by himself so far. Next, what you should consider, a one-time attack, will simply destroy them all. Since then, Liu Zheng finally believes that the first enemy base has been completely destroyed by himself so far. Next, what you should consider is the enemy's second base.

However, at this time, suddenly, what Liu Zheng did not expect was that seven more intercontinental attack missiles of the Fire series roared and fell from the sky and hit his ground attack force fiercely. Then, several dark red explosions rose to the sky, and at the same time, the mushroom cloud continued to spread. Therefore, after the dark red hot pot gradually dissipated, Liu Zheng was surprised to find that his ground attack force actually had two Samsung elite-level long-range heavy grenade sports cars left at this time. After seeing this, Liu Zheng could hardly believe his eyes. Shit, what happened? What happened? What happened? I have completely destroyed an enemy base, but why did that kind of fire series of intercontinental attack missiles appear again?

In the face of this situation, Liu Zheng knew that there was only one explanation, that is, what can be decided is that although three of the enemy's kind of fire series of long-range intercontinental attack missiles were destroyed by himself, in addition, there must be several more. I don't know where the cabin is. However, in the current situation, after destroying almost all of his ground combat forces by the enemy, Liu Zheng finally found that there was an enemy's fire series of long-range intercontinental attack missiles on the edge of that mountain range.