Star Trek

Chapter 420 Resurgence 6

Moreover, judging from the progress of production, there are still 30 functions left. In terms of time, it will take at least three minutes. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very anxious. Wow, damn it, the more critical it is, the more it is. However, in the current situation, the enemy's superweapon, the warship storm, will attack its own base, so if not, its own superweapon will also be destroyed in the enemy's lightning storm attack. If that's the case, then I'm really miserable.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that even if such a result occurs, there is nothing he can do. Because, after all, it can be said that I am fully prepared and done my best to attack. However, after all, the enemy's lightning storm attack ability is very strong, and the attack cooling time is relatively short. In this regard, I really can't compare with P.

Suddenly, just when Liu Zheng was very worried, the enemy's super weapon, the lightning storm, finally attacked. At this time, Liu Zheng knew very well that he had no other way in the face of the attack of the enemy's lightning storm. Only Mu was so busy that he prayed that this lightning storm attack would not destroy his most important military facilities, such as his chariot factory and his own combat reality. The laboratory, most importantly, is its own super weapon - super nuclear missile. However, Liu Zheng knows that in many cases and in many cases, it is not up to him. Yes, that's true.

It should be said that now, Liu Zheng knows that the battle is getting more and more fierce. Yes, that's true. Under the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that the weather controller, the two super weapons in the enemy base, have naturally become his main attack targets. Liu Zheng knows very well, but in any case, under any circumstances, the two weather controllers should not become the main force to attack him.

Yes, that's true. Because the attack weapon reflected by the weather controller in the final attack is a lightning storm. And that kind of lightning storm is a disaster for any base. Yes, it's an attack that can be organized at all, and it's a disaster that can't be avoided at all. Therefore, if possible, for Liu Zheng, the enemy's lightning storm will not succeed in any case.

Therefore, it is also in this situation that Liu Zheng's entire battle has been centered around stopping the enemy's lightning storm attack. Of course, in this process, he is also constantly improving, but for Liu Zheng, the only thing he can do is to be careful, cautious and frightened, like walking pancakes. You know, if you are not careful, it should be said that the enemy's lightning storm attack will succeed and will cause great damage to your base. Once that happens, it can be said that the loss suffered by your base is almost irreparable.

Judging from the current situation, the combat strength Liu Zheng now has mainly includes four aircraft carriers, six speed frigates, and five attack submarines. In terms of ground combat forces, seven short-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles have been built on the ground. In addition, there are several long-range anti-aircraft missile launch vehicles in the process of construction.

However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that it is very necessary to strengthen his ground combat strength. Because, although in the current situation, stopping the lightning storm attack, the enemy's super weapon, is the most important task to correct the current situation, does not mean that the enemy relies on this super weapon to attack itself. At the same time, you should also master other effective ways to deal with the enemy.

Moreover, Liu Zheng has always known that if he wants to really destroy a base, he will ultimately rely on ground combat forces. Therefore, in the following time, Liu Zheng decided that on the one hand, he still did not relax for a moment to attack the enemy's super weapon. On the other hand, he must constantly build some ground combat forces. On the one hand, to prevent the enemy's ground attack, and on the other hand, he will soon Be fully prepared when you turn to the attack. Yes, that's true. You know, it is certain that in the current situation, as long as you stick to it, then there is still a great opportunity for you.


It should be said that for a period of time before that, the most important way for Liu Zheng to attack the enemy's super weapons was to use his own super weapon - super nuclear weapons, and then cooperate with his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarines to attack the target. Since then, although the effect is still good, this kind of bundled attack also has very obvious weaknesses. That is, the cycle of attack is too long, so naturally, it should be said that it cannot fundamentally solve the problem.

Because now, Liu Zheng is fighting against two enemy bases, and both enemy bases have super weapons such as weather controllers. Therefore, although this bundled attack can destroy the weather controller, a super weapon in one of the enemy's bases within a certain period of time, but later, the weather controller, the super weapon in another enemy base, cannot be effectively suppressed. Yes, that's true. Now, not long ago, Liu Zheng finally successfully destroyed a weather controller in the enemy base, but the weather controller, the super weapon in another enemy base, is less than half a minute away from the final attack time.

In this case, it can be said that the situation is also very critical. Because it is obviously impossible for Liu Zheng to destroy the enemy's weather controller with this bundled attack again. Because, it is certain that Liu Zheng can't change the cooling time of the five minutes because he just tried his super weapon not long ago. Therefore, in this case, you must be able to carry out another bundled attack of this superweapon intercontinental attack nuclear submarine after five minutes. And five minutes ago, Liu Zheng had no choice.

In this situation, at a time of desperation, Liu Zheng had no choice but to use his own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine and launch the submarine-launched intercontinental missile to attack the target. Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that since then, it has not been able to solve the problem at all. Yes, that's true. However, this is the only way to work at present.

So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the newly produced intercontinental attack nuclear submarine was preparing for the final attack in its own naval base. In the tense and violent vibration, a submarine-launched intercontinental missile sprayed an orange tail flame and slowly rushed to the sky. At the same time, a sound of alarm kept ringing between the sea and sky. It seems that the flight speed of that submarine-launched intercontinental missile is not so fast, but Liu Zheng knows that its ability to avoid the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles is already very important!

In this way, Liu Zheng saw that his intercontinental submarine nuclear missile was dragging the dark red tail flame and roaring. It looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, after crossing a trajectory, the submarine missile finally hit the target: the super weapon in the enemy base - the weather controller. Dragging the dark red tail flame, roaring, it looked like dragging a huge broom. Finally, after crossing a trajectory, the submarine missile finally hit the target: the super weapon in the enemy base - the weather controller. Boom~

So, Liu Zheng saw that in the enemy's base, an enemy's weather controller that was attacked. After the dark red explosive light fog gradually dissipated, she also revealed her original face. The health value was indeed knocked out a lot. Around, on the ground, scattered After some other military facilities were destroyed, it is said that the wreckage and debris that fell down, a piece of gunpowder smoke still moved there quickly and did not completely dissipate. Liu Zheng saw that after this attack, the health value economy of the weather controller, the enemy's super weapon, was destroyed by 30%.

In this case, Liu Zheng certainly knows very well, that even if he is the first forward-launched intercontinental missile attack carried out by such an intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, it is very likely and certain that when his second such missile attack comes, the enemy's sky It is very likely that the health value of the gas controller has been 100% repaired. Since then, my second construction of an intercontinental attack missile can only cause about 30% of the damage again. In short, it is not possible to really destroy the enemy's weather controller.

In this case, what should I do? In fact, it has indeed become a problem that Liu Zheng is considering now. Yes, the problem is relatively serious. Because before it lacked effective countermeasures, the enemy's super weapon, the weather controller, is now getting closer and closer to the final attack. Liu Zheng clearly saw that at this time, the enemy's weather controller was only more than 20 seconds away from the final attack. More than 20 seconds, naturally, it won't come soon. Now, Liu Zheng knows that what he can do is to move some of his important military forces.

Yes, that's true. That's all I can do at present. By moving their positions and moving them to a single place, naturally, the enemy's attack, the enemy's lightning storm attack, at best, can destroy some military facilities in their own base, and these hard-won combat units, for Liu Zheng, Avoid attacks as much as possible. Yes, only if you smash them all by yourself, then, at least, can resist possible enemy ground attacks. This can destroy some military facilities in his base, and these hard-won combat units, for Liu Zheng, avoids attacks as much as possible. Yes, only if you smash them all by yourself, then, at least, can resist possible enemy ground attacks.

Yes, that's true. As the saying goes, if you stay in the green mountains, you won't be afraid of firewood. Now, in the current situation, this is indeed the case. Only if the gradual combat force is not destroyed, then the security of your base will not be truly completely attacked. Since the enemy's lightning storm is unavoidable, let him come. At most, destroy several of your own military facilities and build them yourself. Anyway, Liu Zheng also knows that although the attack power of the enemy's lightning storm is very strong, and the damage range is also very large. However, back to that, even so, it is impossible to destroy the kind of construction factory of its own base just by lightning storm attack.

Now, finally, quickly, 20 seconds have passed. Before that, Liu Zheng had already sent some important military facilities and moved them to a safe place. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the lightning storm attack launched by the enemy's weather controller finally rushed from far to near in the direction of his base.

In the sky, there are clouds, lightning and thunder, and on the ground, there is a strong wind, flying sand and stones. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard. So, Liu Zheng saw that those military facilities were very fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, the health value finally fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's lightning storm attack was finally over. Yes, it finally ended in Liu Zheng's fear. In the face of the lightning storm attack of the enemy just now, it can be said that Liu Zhengshi's helplessness, that kind of helplessness, that kind of fear, that kind of loss, that kind of anxiety, not a middleman, can not be understood at all.

Now, Liu Zheng naturally needs to check what kind of damage the enemy's lightning storm attack just now has done to himself. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng saw that in his base, at least three power plants were destroyed, and even in his own base. At least in the current situation, there is a problem with the power supply.

In addition, Liu Zheng found that his chariot factory had also been destroyed. Liu Zheng knows that the relative importance of his own chariot factory is self-evident. Without it, what can be targeted is that they will not be able to produce various combat units. And its most effective combat unit, combat force, is basically produced through this chariot factory. Yes, that's true.

At this point in the battle, Liu Zheng once again clearly realized that in order to really contain the enemy's attack, the only way is to restrain the enemy's super weapon, the weather controller, to launch another attack on himself. Yes, now, it can be said that under the current situation, a lightning explosion-proof attack by the enemy has caused such heavy losses to its base. If the two weather controllers in an enemy's base take turns to attack their own base with this kind of lightning storm, then his own base can last for a long time. To be honest, Liu Zheng is not sure at all.

It seems that I have to attack the enemy's super weapon, the weather controller, through my own aircraft carrier. Now, Liu Zheng has no choice but to come to this way. Liu Zheng knows that his aircraft carrier has a relatively long attack distance. At the same time, the attack ability of the carrier-based aircraft carried on it is also very strong. Moreover, because this carrier-based aircraft belongs to the new generation of carrier-based aircraft, the bomb load is very large, and it can launch at least three attacks at one take-off. . Since then, it should be said that it is a very good choice to attack the enemy's weather controller with the carrier aircraft on its own aircraft carrier. Because this kind of carrier-based aircraft belongs to the new generation of carrier-based aircraft, it has a very large bomb load and can launch at least three attacks in one take-off. Since then, it should be said that it is a very good choice to attack the enemy's weather controller with the carrier aircraft on its own aircraft carrier.