Star Trek

Chapter 437 A Thousand and One Issue 7

Knowing this time, Liu Zheng didn't understand until he ate a lot. Shit, damn it, I was tricked by the enemy! This time, the close battle sailed out of the enemy's treachery! The reason why Liu Zheng said so was that Liu Zheng saw that under the situation just now, in fact, some of the enemy's main battle tanks, although one after another, attacked around along the coastline like crazy. It seems that they are the base for revenge on Liu Zheng. In fact, now that I think about it, it is clearly attracting Liu Zheng's attention.

Yes, that's true. A fear of attracting Liu Zheng's attention, then the enemy's battle plan, which can be said to be successful. Because, immediately, a long-range intercontinental ground attack missile launcher in the enemy base suddenly began to launch an attack when Liu Zheng was not paying attention. Therefore, there was this long-range intercontinental attack missile, flying across the sea and roaring directly against its own naval combat force. When Liu Zheng didn't pay attention, he suddenly began to launch an attack. Therefore, there was this long-range intercontinental attack missile, flying across the sea and roaring directly against its own naval combat force.

Of course, whether the enemy's intercontinental attack missile is to attack one of its own combat units, its own aircraft carrier, or its own intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. At present, Liu Zheng is not clear.

However, Liu Zheng knows very well that no matter the enemy's intercontinental attack missile, specifically the combat target that attacks his own, now it seems that there is nothing he can do. Yes, because at this time, it is no longer possible to stop the enemy's attack no matter what you take. Now, this intercontinental attack nuclear missile has flown over its own naval combat force.

Yes, at this time, I still remember that this enemy's long-range intercontinental nuclear missile attacked its own combat unit. However, soon, Liu Zheng has sucked out, that is, it is certain that the long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is the most likely to attack him. Because not long ago, he only used this long-range intercontinental nuclear submarine to attack those ground combat units in the enemy base.

Therefore, for the enemy, according to the enemy's consistent combat style, they actually want to retaliate, so, for sure, they will attack their combat units with steel. Therefore, for this reason, this enemy's long-range intercontinental attack nuclear missile must be Liu Zheng's intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, that's how it should be.

However, what surprises Liu Zheng now is that this time, the enemy actually carried out a joint operation of super weapons and conventional weapons at the same time. Yes, that's true. You know, in previous years, under normal circumstances, the enemy basically rarely sent super weapons and conventional weapons to attack Liu Zheng's base. But this time, it was an accident.

Liu Zheng saw that the so-called superweapon attack was clearly another lightning storm attack by the enemy. Yes, five seconds ago, Liu Zheng received a warning that a lightning storm was about to attack. Soon, Liu Zheng found that another lightning storm of the enemy had finally begun.

Moreover, this time the enemy's lightning storm attack targeted its own shipyard. It was clearly another lightning storm attack by the enemy. Yes, five seconds ago, Liu Zheng received a warning that a lightning storm was about to attack. Soon, Liu Zheng found that another lightning storm of the enemy had finally begun.

Moreover, this time the enemy's lightning storm attack clearly targeted its own shipyard. Shit, why does your own shipyard look good? The enemy really cares about their own shipyard. Because so far, the enemy must have scouted clearly, that is, for Liu Zheng, the only force that can be relied on is the naval combat force.

Moreover, there is another very important point, that is, the naval combat power that Liu Zheng relies on is also very powerful. It can even be said that it is almost the most aggressive of all Liu Zheng's combat forces. Therefore, at this time, in this case, it is not difficult to understand that the enemy took special care of Liu Zheng's shipyard. Yes, that's true. At the right time, the enemy's lightning storm attack had come. Just over my own shipyard, there was another scene of lightning storm raging and wild.

In the sky, there are clouds, lightning and thunder, and on the ground, the wind is strong, sand and stones are flying. Then, the heavy rain poured down, and a stream of lightning shot down from the black sky. It hit the ground hard. So, Liu Zheng saw that those military facilities were very fast and could no longer withstand such a fierce attack. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, the health value finally fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments. In the storm, under the lightning and thunder, finally, the health value fell and fell at a speed visible to the naked eye, and finally, with a bang, it was blown into countless wreckage and fragments.

At the same time, following this lightning storm attack, Liu Zheng saw that seven to eight F22 fighters of the enemy, and even accompanied by five to six enemy helicopters. At the same time, in the gray sky, in the lightning and thunder, while launching an attack on Liu Attack the positive base!

It should be said that this is a very good joint attack. A lightning storm is a super weapon attack. During this period, combined with the attack of the enemy's F22 fighter and helicopter gunship, it complements and covers each other. Naturally, it will have a very strong lethal ability.

So, Liu Zheng saw that over his base, first of all, over his shipyard, there were dark clouds, lightning, thunder, and roaring strong winds, and lightning fell from the sky one after another, stabbing the shipyard and the surrounding water like dragons. Lightning flashed, the wind roared, and lightning fell from the sky one after another, stabbing the shipyard and the surrounding water like dragons.

In addition, in the lightning and thunder, in the invisible darkness, the enemy's F22 fighters and helicopter gunships roared from the darkness, and then went to Liu Zheng's base on the ground. Attack. At the same time, on the ground, more than a dozen land-based light air defense bubbles at the edge of the base built by Liu Zheng, as well as several short-range anti-aircraft missiles, also launched an air defense attack. Su Susu, Susu, in mid-air, continuously fired air-to-ground missiles and hit the target - the combat laboratory in Liu Zheng's base.

At the same time, the ground is open, frequent and violent air defense bubbles continue to bombard. Therefore, in mid-air, as anti-aircraft shells hit the target one by one, the sound of explosions kept coming, and several enemy helicopter gunships exploded. Another two enemy F22 fighters, after being seriously injured, plunged into the ground and blew up a dark red in the sky. The explosion of fire.

It should be said that this is a scuffle. The enemy's F22 fighters or helicopter gunships in the air took advantage of the lightning storm to fish in the water and take the opportunity to attack. Therefore, relatively speaking, it naturally has a better attack effect than the general situation. Yes, that's true. In the end, with the end of the enemy's super weapon, the lightning storm attack, it was finally sunny in mid-air. And some of the enemy's fighters or helicopter gunships were all shot down. Above the sea, it is still surging and splashing waves.

However, at this time, just after the smoke dissipated, Liu Zheng found that in his base, a combat laboratory, at this time, there was a blazing flame in the sky, and at the same time, a rolling smoke also enveloped it. Looking at his health, Liu Zheng found that he had been knocked out by more than 95%. Wow, damn it, it's so dangerous! Liu Zheng knows that in this case, it is certain that as long as he is attacked by an enemy air-to-surface missile, his combat laboratory will also be destroyed. That's for sure.

Because, of course, Liu Zheng knows, that is, the defense ability of his combat laboratory itself is not very strong. Yes, that's true. At the same time, because it covers a very large area, it is very vulnerable to enemy attacks. Once attacked, it will be caused by a large footprint, so the loss of health will also be greater.

Since then, naturally, for Liu Zheng, this is simply a rather dangerous position. You know, once your combat laboratory is really destroyed by the enemy, what does it mean to you? That goes without saying. Yes, that's true. This is simply a rather dangerous position. You know, once your combat laboratory is really destroyed by the enemy, what does it mean to you? That goes without saying. Yes, that's true.

Because in the current situation, Liu Zheng is still able to barely fight against the enemy because he also owns a shipyard and a combat laboratory. It is certain that if his combat laboratory is destroyed by the enemy, then even if he still owns a shipyard, it is certain that he will no longer be able to produce high-end combat units. For example, aircraft carriers and intercontinental attack nuclear submarines will no longer be produced.

However, it can be said that in some cases, from a certain perspective, these two combat units - aircraft carriers and intercontinental attack nuclear submarines are the typical representatives of Liu Zheng's most offensive power. In this case, it can be said that what this combat laboratory means to Liu Zheng and what it means is obvious. Yes, that's true. Therefore, it was because of this that when Liu Zheng suddenly found that his original combat laboratory was almost destroyed by the enemy and the enemy's joint attack, he couldn't help sweating sadly. Yes, that's true. It can be said that shooting is really a very dangerous situation. Make yourself frightened, even unforgettable.

However, despite this, after all, Liu Zheng also knows that if you don't die in a disaster, you will be blessed. Now, the enemy must have not destroyed their own combat laboratory. This means that at the most critical time, Liu Zheng finally survived. Yes, it can be said that so far, with the end of the enemy's joint attack on conventional weapons and superweapons, as the enemy has not achieved their attack target, that is to say, its own shipyard is still safe and sound, and its own combat laboratory is still there. Although there is only less than 5% of the health value left, it can be said that Liu Zheng has more than a dozen engineers in his hands. As long as you send an engineer to get into the seriously damaged combat laboratory, it will be repaired quickly.

Therefore, in this case, it can be said that Liu Zheng has passed the most dangerous period. Well, next, it should be said that Liu Zheng has seen hope. Although before that, every step of Liu Zheng was almost difficult. It's hard to walk. However, after all, with my own efforts, I finally passed. At the most dangerous time and the most difficult time, I was finally survived by myself. Now, Liu Zheng knows that at present, his most important task is to find ways to complete the maintenance of his combat laboratory within the first time.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the engineers distributed in various places of the base, (Liu Zheng did this mainly because he prevented the enemy's attack power and eliminated all his engineers in a one-time attack. You know, in this situation, engineers are really very important to themselves. Yes, that's true. However, if you completely concentrate the engineers in one position, then once you are attacked by the enemy, especially by the enemy's superweapons, whether it is the enemy's lightning storm attack,

is still the enemy's super nuclear weapons attack, so it is certain that these engineers gathered together will be wiped out all at once. Yes, that's for sure.) Now, Liu Zheng casually chose an engineer closest to his combat laboratory and ordered him to march towards the target quickly. I can be sure of the engineer who received the order.) Now, Liu Zheng casually chose an engineer closest to his combat laboratory and ordered him to march towards the target quickly. At this time, the engineer who received the order, in this case, can be said to march towards the target, a combat laboratory of Liu Zheng, at the fastest speed.

I saw the engineer staggering with a toolbox in his hand, looking in a hurry. Soon after, the engineer rushed to the vicinity of the combat laboratory. However, suddenly, Liu Zheng thought that the next step, the engineer was about to get into his combat laboratory. However, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that an engineer suddenly disappeared. It has rushed to the vicinity of the combat laboratory. However, suddenly, Liu Zheng thought that the next step, the engineer was about to get into his combat laboratory. However, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that an engineer suddenly disappeared.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very puzzled. Wow, damn it, what the hell is going on? What the hell is going on? Obviously, I just saw that this engineer has approached this combat laboratory. But why did it suddenly disappear? Suddenly there is no figure? However, soon after, Liu Zheng understood. Because I finally saw that the engineer actually got into a crater.

Wow, it seems that this tank is still very big. The engineer only rushed forward for a moment, but did not see a very large crater under his feet. So, he fell into the crater. When the engineer came up from the crater, Liu Zheng saw that the engineer seemed to be cursing, as if complaining about the crater.

Finally, with the engineer, he finally came to the side of the seriously damaged combat laboratory. Liu Zheng saw that the engineer's figure flashed, and suddenly went to his own combat laboratory in Shaanxi. Then, the health value begins to recover - a own combat laboratory, and the health value begins to recover and then returns to 100%.