Star Trek

Chapter 439 It's time to attack 1

Now, in this situation, Liu Zheng knows that the two enemy bases closest to his base have been destroyed. Then, it's time for you to consider sending your own naval combat force to attack other enemy bases. Yes, that's true.

Liu Zheng knows that this war has been a protracted war so far. One of the important reasons is that the enemy's base has super weapons. Yes, these super weapons, some, belong to the kind of weather controller, this kind of weather controller, when carrying out attacks, fiber lightning storm attack.

The other type is super nuclear missile. This super nuclear missile has long-range strike capability and cannot be intercepted by the enemy's protective firepower at all. In this case, once the target is hit, it will cause great lethality. Therefore, six to seven enemy bases have carried out super weapons attacks on Liu Zheng's base one after another. In this way, it is certain that Liu Zheng really feels a little uny.

So far, Liu Zheng has finally abandoned the original combat plan, that is, to try to occupy an enemy base first, and then fight back after his combat strength has developed to a certain extent. However, later, the development of the situation exceeded my expectations. Yes, that's true. Because the series of situations that happened later showed that in fact, I really underestimated the power of those enemies.

Yes, that's true. Later, after Liu Zheng found that the enemy had such a powerful counterattack force, he had no choice but to temporarily change his combat plan, that is, in this case, in any case, he should also destroy the two bases of the enemy first. Otherwise, it will be very unfavorable to yourself. Yes, that's true. I had to temporarily change my combat plan, that is, in this case, in any case, I should also destroy the two enemy bases first. Otherwise, it will be very unfavorable to yourself. Yes, that's true.

Yes, now, for Liu Zheng, that is, preparing to carry out a comprehensive counterattack against the remaining bases of the enemy. You know, after this period of battle, it can be said that although it was very difficult, Liu Zheng finally survived. In particular, in the face of the enemy's successive super weapons attacks, Liu Zheng's base was basically disabled. Isn't it? The main factory was finally in ruins under the attack of two successive lightning storms by the enemy. Even the most important military division facility, its own chariot factory, was destroyed.

Now that I think about it, Liu Zheng also feels that he is very afraid. Yes, you know, after all, six to seven enemy bases have super weapons. Imagine that once so many super weapons attack themselves at the same time, it is conceivable how much pressure their base will bear.

However, the good thing is that although its own main building factory has been destroyed, even its own war factory has been destroyed. However, before that, Liu Zheng had produced enough combat forces, especially enough air defense forces. Since then, naturally, for Liu Zheng, even if his main factory and chariot factory are all destroyed, Liu Zheng can still have full confidence to meet the enemy's attack.

Now, let Liu Zheng see what is in Xiaoxi's heart. Anyway, after his own efforts, his base has finally survived. Since then, in the fierce attack of the enemy, under the successive attacks of various super weapons, in the successive thunderous attacks, under the bombing of super intercontinental attacks and weapons, my base survived very tenaciously. Coming. Although, the base is full of debris and craters, and the smoke of gunpowder is full of flames of war. But what can we do? After all, there are still more than a dozen land-based light air defense bubbles around the ruins. Moreover, most of those land-based light air bubbles have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Since then, naturally, they also have very good air defense capabilities. Yes, that's true.

Even, Liu Zheng was very pleased to see that although in the face of such a fierce attack by the enemy, that kind of attack almost made his base almost like facing the end of the world. However, in the cracks of the fierce attack of the enemy, Liu Zheng still tenaciously developed his own combat production. Yes, that's true.

In that situation at that time, Liu Zheng knew that in fact, the only one in his base that still had combat production capacity was the shipyard. Therefore, in the days when the war factory was destroyed, Liu Zheng tried his best to work hard on his naval combat strength. Although, at one time, the combat laboratory in his base was almost destroyed by the enemy. However, after all, at the last moment, its own combat laboratory survived.

Yes, when I think of that my own combat laboratory was fiercely attacked by a lightning storm by the enemy, and at the same time, with the air-to-ground missile attacks of several F22 fighters of the enemy, in this case, the one's own combat was actually 95% killed. Above. That is to say, its own combat laboratory is on the verge of being finally destroyed. Fortunately, at this time, Liu Zhengqi's strong engineer got into the combat laboratory that was about to explode, thus saving a combat laboratory.

Yes, that's true. Of course, Liu Zheng knew in his heart, so if he really lost the combat laboratory, then it is certain that he will no longer have any capital and qualifications to correct the enemy. Because, even if it is your own shipyard, it has high health value and strong defense performance,

However, Liu Zheng knows that despite this, once his combat laboratory is destroyed, the situation he has to face is that the shipyard can produce some low-level combat units, yes, for example, that kind of attack Submarines, missile frigates, comprehensive battleships, etc. In fact, whether it is combat performance or attack performance, these surface warships or underwater attack submarines, in general, they all belong to low-level surface combat forces.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows very well that he can't only rely on that low-level combat power to attack the enemy. Yes, it can be said that before the enemy's high-level combat units, their own low-level combat units are simply live targets. There is no counter-hand power at all. Yes, that's true. Therefore, under that situation at that time, Liu Zheng decided that he must keep his own combat laboratory. Otherwise, it is certain that in the future, I will no longer have any ability to deal with the enemy's combat strength.

At that time, the so-called counterattack was just an empty word. Yes, that's true. It is very good that I can preserve my base from being attacked by the enemy, or under the continued fierce attack of the enemy. As for other things, if there is not enough combat power, it is all empty talk.

In modern times, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen missile destroyers had been produced near his own shipyard. Liu Zheng knows that the main role of this missile destroyer is the air defense attack on the sea. Yes, that's true. You know, on the one hand, in the face of the enemy's crazy air attack, if you deploy an air defense front again above the sea, then it is certain that you will have more initiative in air defense operations.

In addition, more importantly, its own aircraft carrier formation must have several battleships for air defense when attacking enemy bases. Otherwise, if you suffer an air attack from the enemy, whether it is the bombing of the enemy's F22 fighter or the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, you must have several air defense warships when attacking the enemy's base. Otherwise, if you suffer an air attack by the enemy, whether it is the bombing of the enemy's F22 fighter or the enemy's long-range intercontinental ground attack missile attack, it will pose a fatal threat to your naval combat force.

Therefore, in this case, it is very necessary to equip its naval combat force with air defense force. And this kind of missile frigate is just a very good choice. Subsequently, Liu Zheng produced several attack submarines. As an anti-potential amount, it is also equipped with that naval combat force. However, just so, Liu Zheng knows that it is far from strong enough. Yes, that's true, so how can it be enough?

In this case, Liu is making a decision after some speculation, so he is producing several comprehensive battleships. This comprehensive battleship has long-range attack capability, which is equivalent to a long-range heavy grenade sports car on the ground. In this way, it may be possible to attack more effectively when facing the ground or the enemy's naval combat units. Yes, that's true. Although its own aircraft carrier also has a very good team and ship attack ability, after all, the cycle of using aircraft carriers from takeoff to attack is too long. In many cases, in many cases, it will delay the fighters, so it is actually very necessary to equip several comprehensive battleships.


Finally, three minutes later, five comprehensive battleships were finally produced. Then, Liu Zheng made these five newly produced comprehensive battleships too strong to his naval combat force located deep in the ocean. This also means that the five comprehensive battleships have been listed since then. It is too strong to be one of its naval combat troops located deep in the ocean. This also means that the five comprehensive battleships have been listed since then.

However, to be honest, Liu Zheng is not very clear about what kind of attack capability his comprehensive battleship has. Yes, that's true. Some of the data I have on this comprehensive battleship are completely based on historical records. Therefore, if you want this comprehensive battleship to have actual combat ability, then Liu Zheng knows that he must fully master their combat performance in the bookstore.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng decided to use this comprehensive battleship to attack some of the enemy's military targets on the shore. Through this attack, I can also have a general understanding of the combat performance of this comprehensive battleship. Thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, three of the five comprehensive battleships began to attack an enemy machine gun bunker on the shore.

At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, above the sea, and at the hole of the three-speed comprehensive battleship, the dark red explosive fire kept shining. Then, one shell after another, roared out and flew across the sea, and then hit accurately. It was hit by the enemy's bunker on the shore. Coaxed, coaxed, coaxed, so, as several shells hit the target, the dark red explosion of the group rose to the sky above the shore, and then the two enemy machine gun bunkers were quickly blown off.


After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Wow, damn it, it's good, it's good, it's really good! I really didn't expect that this kind of comprehensive battleship would have such a good long-range strike capability. IE, it seems that the attack ability of this comprehensive battleship is really similar to its own long-range heavy howitzer. This kind of comprehensive battleship actually has such a good long-range strike capability. IE, it seems that the attack ability of this comprehensive battleship is really similar to its own long-range heavy howitzer.

However, just as Liu Zheng planned to list the three-speed comprehensive battleship, suddenly, from above the shore, a sound of shelling suddenly sounded. Moreover, it sounds like the sound of this bombardment is simply powerful, and it sounds like the sound made by long-range heavy artillery. Then, one shell after another flew across the sea and attacked one of Liu Zheng's comprehensive battleships.

coaxed, coaxed, and quickly, those shells hit the target. Therefore, above the sea, suddenly the waves splashed turbid waves and the air waves were surging. One of its comprehensive battleships, which was attacked, simply faced the attack of shells falling from the sky so violently and had no chance to react. Then, it suddenly sank to the bottom of the sea.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very surprised. Wow, damn it, what kind of combat force is this? Looking at it, it turned out that it was a long-range heavy gun of the enemy! Liu Zheng knew that this kind of enemy's long-range heavy gun was basically similar to his own long-range heavy howitzer. The attack distance is very far, the sound is strong, and the lethality is very large. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that seven to nine such long-range heavy artillery had been gathered from the ruins of the enemy base.

In the face of so many long-range heavy artillery of the enemy, Liu Zheng knew that he would destroy them this time anyway. Otherwise, although the enemy's base has been basically mutilated by itself, what can this do? Once you go into a comprehensive counterattack, once the two wooden bridges are repaired again, if these enemy's long-range heavy guns are not completely destroyed, then it is certain that at that time, these enemy's long-range heavy guns will definitely take advantage of their own bases. Fierce attack. If these enemy long-range heavy artillery is not completely destroyed, then it is certain that by that time, these enemy long-range heavy artillery will definitely take advantage of the opportunity to attack their own base.

At that time, the situation will be bad. Therefore, Liu Zheng decided that he would definitely not be able to leave sequelae. At this time, he happened to have a large number of combat forces here, just in time to carry out a fierce concentrated attack on the long-range heavy artillery of the enemy. So, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his three-speed aircraft carrier sent their carrier aircraft one after another. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, the enemy's carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.