Star Trek

Chapter 470 Pence 4

Modern, Liu Zheng finally destroyed the enemy's cruise missile launcher through his three long-range mainframe ground-to-ground missiles. Only a small victory, but for Liu Zheng, it does make a great contribution.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that on the edge of his shipyard, with the official completion of his combat laboratory, Liu Zheng knew that he could finally see aircraft carriers and intercontinental nuclear submarines. It should be said that these two combat weapons are of great significance to Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Because, in general, their long-range strike power, in fact, only these two have substantial significance.

Because, it can be said that among its long-range strike force, the one with the longest attack distance is its own long-range intercontinental ground attack missile. However, come back, you should know that although its own long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack missile is very far away, it does not have a missile interception system. That is to say, in the face of the interception of enemy anti-aircraft missiles, this kind of long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic attack missile is helpless. Normal University, that's indeed the case.

You know, although a missile has a long attack distance and is lethal, but, in the face of the enemy's air interception, there is no way at all. Then, it is certain that this kind of long-range intercontinental ground attack missile, although the attack distance is relatively far away, it can even be said that its lethal is not Changda, but what's the use of this? It cannot hit the target substantively, but is intercepted by the enemy's air defense system before hitting the target. Therefore, at best, this kind of ground-to-ground long-range intercontinental attack missile only plays a certain comprehensive role for the enemy. But in other words, it has a certain suppressive effect on the enemy's strategy and tactics. And it is impossible to have a substantial offensive effect. For the enemy, it only plays a comprehensive role to a certain extent. But in other words, it has a certain suppressive effect on the enemy's strategy and tactics. And it is impossible to have a substantial offensive effect.

Yes, that's true. It is also because of this that, at this time, Liu Zheng has always used aircraft carriers and intercontinental attack nuclear submarines as his actual long-range attack weapons.

On the one hand, Liu Zheng certainly knows that this kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is actually the longest-range attack weapon. Basically, it can be said that any location and any target on the map is under his absolute attack range. Moreover, although the long-range intercontinental attack missile launched by this long-range intercontinental attack submarine belongs to the kind of submarine-launched attack missile, the missile jet has a very strong guidance ability, even in the face of mobile targets,

(It can even be said that in fact, the target moves very fast, but it still will not escape the fate of being hit. Because, the submarine-launched intercontinental attack missile launched by this long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, under the guidance system with strong guidance ability, even if the position of the target has changed, it can still fly away from the fluctuations caused by the target when it moves, or the target itself has Thermal energy sensing, chasing, knowing to hit the target) and the fluctuations generated, or the thermal energy sensing of the target itself, chasing, knowing to hit the target)

From this point of view, this kind of long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine is the real long-range attack weapon. Moreover, although the intercontinental attack missile launched by this long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine does not seem to be very large, it is indeed a nuclear weapon. The explosion equivalent is quite powerful, so this kind of remote host attack on nuclear submarines has a very obvious combat advantage. On the one hand, the attack distance is far away and can attack almost any target. In addition, it is very lethal, and the explosive power of a small warhead is almost equivalent to thousands of tons of explosives.

Yes, that's true. In addition, that aircraft carrier, for Liu Zheng, should be said to have another kind of strong attack ability. It can be said that this aircraft carrier, its own kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, complements each other and complements its strengths, and together constitute Liu Zheng's long-range strike force. Because Liu Zheng knows that although his kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine has many advantages, long attack distance and lethality, and that kind of submarine-launched nuclear missile will not be intercepted by the enemy's air defense system at all, which are the unique attack advantages of the host attack nuclear submarine.

However, despite this, it comes back. Anyway, that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine can only carry out large-scale attacks on targets, but it cannot carry out fixed-point clearance strikes. That is to say, that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, if you attack some dense targets, whether it is the enemy's combat units that are reported together or the enemy's military facilities in a place, as long as the health value is not very high, then for that kind of host attack nuclear submarine submarines. For intercontinental attack nuclear missiles, they are the best attack solutions.

Yes, one attack can destroy many targets. This attack effect and attack efficiency are very good. Yes, that's true. However, despite this, the words come back, anyway, the kind of long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarines are good at attacking knowledge cluster targets. Instead of a single goal.

Sometimes, in many cases, Liu Zheng knows that in the face of some high-health combat units in enemy bases, because their defense capabilities are very strong, they can't destroy them at all by relying on that kind of long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. For example, the construction factory in the enemy's base, as well as super weapons, all of which have quite strong defensive capabilities and high health. In this case, even if the long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine attacks several times, it will never have a good effect.

At this time, in this case, if you use your own aircraft carrier to carry out a fixed-point clearance strike on the target, the effect will naturally be very good. Yes, that's true. This fixed-point clearance attack method is very suitable for its own aircraft carrier to launch attacks. If you use your own aircraft carrier to carry out a fixed-point clearance strike on the target, the effect will naturally be very good. Yes, that's true. And this fixed-point clearance attack

, very suitable for attacking your own aircraft carrier. There are a variety of very powerful combat units. Among them, there are at least a dozen of such flaming intercontinental attack missiles in the enemy's bases. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shivering. Yes, I know that my own aircraft carrier belongs to the upgraded type of aircraft carrier. On the one hand, the number of carrier-based aircraft carried above is small, and at the same time, the ammunition carried on the carrier aircraft has become richer. Since then, after a one-time attack, the carrier-based aircraft can attack the target three times in a row under the condition of one attack.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that since his shipyard has been built, he should give full play to his surface combat power. Normal University, especially its own aircraft carrier, and that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that at this time, in this situation, if he uses his own aircraft carrier that is about to be produced and that kind of intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, it can be said that the enemy's base will face extinction. Yes, that's true.

Finally, after three minutes, Liu Zheng saw that his first aircraft carrier was finally produced. For his aircraft carrier, it can be said that Liu Zheng has great hopes for her. Because the targeted removal attack method of this aircraft carrier is really of great significance for destroying the enemy's base.

Because Liu Zheng knows that in fact, although there are many military facilities in a base, in the final analysis, only a few are really decisive. These include the construction of a general plant, a combat laboratory, a chariot factory, a super power plant, a super weapons, and a shipyard. In addition, among these military facilities, the most important thing is naturally the construction of a general factory. However, the construction of the main factory is generally relatively high in health and strong in defense. Therefore, under this coercion, it can be judged that it is naturally not easy to destroy the enemy's main construction factory with ordinary combat power. Because if you want to attack the enemy's main building factory through the ground combat force, it is certain that you must break through the enemy's base defense.

However, it is certain that each base has a very strong ground defense position. It is indeed very difficult to pass through that ground defense base without a really strong combat force. Yes, generally speaking, to capture the enemy's defensive position, it is necessary to combine the center of the long-range strike force and melee forces, and even use air support forces. Therefore, it is only through ground combat, anti-aircraft artillery for the enemy's ground defense, and then put it into the enemy's base to build the main factory in the enemy's base. Launching an attack, that kind of combat method can be said to be the most primitive and the least successful.

Another way to attack is through long-range attacks. Generally speaking, there are two main types of long-range strikes. One is through super weapons, whether it is a lightning storm attack or a super and weapon attack, it is an attack with super weapons. However, although this superweapon attack is very lethal, it is not enough to destroy the construction of the main factory in one-time attack. Yes, that's true. Generally speaking, even if it is the most powerful lightning storm, a one-time attack can only cause 6% to 70% of the health damage to the construction plant.

So, at this time, in this case, it is almost impossible to just pass the superweapon, just like destroying the core military division facility in the enemy base - building a general factory. In addition, another long-range strike method is through long-range missiles. However, generally speaking, long-range missiles will be intercepted by protective firepower, and it is very difficult to break through the air defense system of a base. Unless the submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear missile launched by a long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine like Liu Zheng, however, this submarine-launched intercontinental nuclear missile will not be able to destroy the target at one time.

Therefore, in this case, it means that only aircraft carriers can really have the ability of fixed-point clearance attack. It is because of this that Liu Zheng felt such a commonality after the production of an aircraft carrier that the whole county was quite excited. Because since then, I can finally rely on the aircraft carrier to remove the most powerful military facilities in the enemy base, so as to further attack the starting point of the enemy. In this way, it is naturally good news for me and for my base.

Yes, that's true. It is said that the pressure of search moves has been reduced, so, on the other hand, the construction of com combat production of your own base will naturally be further strengthened. In this way, the comprehensive combat ability of our side will definitely be continuously improved. That's for sure.

Now, with Liu Zheng's order, its newly produced aircraft carrier, set out from its own base, above the sea, and rushed towards the enemy base closest to his base as fast as possible. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng sees that there are a variety of very powerful combat units distributed in that base. Among them, there are at least a dozen of such flaming intercontinental attack missiles in the enemy's bases. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shivering. There are a variety of very powerful combat units. Among them, there are at least a dozen of such flaming intercontinental attack missiles in the enemy's bases. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shivering.

Yes, that's true. You should know that if such a large number of intercontinental attack nuclear missiles attack their own bases at the same time, then even if the air defense system is relatively perfect in their own bases, in the face of the comprehensive attack of such a large number of intercontinental attack missiles, I'm afraid that their own air defense system can't intercept them at all. Come down. Now, after seeing this situation, Liu Zheng can't help but feel that it seems that he is now sending an aircraft carrier to attack this enemy base first, which is an extraordinary policy decision.

So, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his aircraft carrier had marched to the base at a distance from the enemy, only less than 100 kilometers above the sea. There, on the sea, Liu Zheng saw the waves, surging, turbid waves in space, and splashing waves. It looks very spectacular. And one of his aircraft carriers is on the rough sea, motionless and stable as Mount Tai.

Now, Liu Zheng knows that such a distance is naturally a piece of cake for his carrier aircraft. Because Liu Zheng knows that the combat radius of his carrier-based aircraft can now reach 78K. The reason why Liu Zheng still makes his aircraft carrier so close to the enemy's base is mainly because of the fact that since then, the time required for carrier-based aircraft to take off to the sky over non-leader targets will be greatly reduced, thus greatly improving the efficiency of the attack. Yes, that's true. Now, for Liu Zheng, the carrier-based aircraft is ready. It can take off at any time.

"Aircraft carrier, carrier-based aircraft take off, ready to attack!" In this way, Liu Zheng's attack order was finally issued. With the extremely sharp sound of "you" sounded one after another, an enemy carrier-based aircraft roared off from the deck one after another. Still, first circled over the warship for a while, followed by a beautiful turn, flying over the sea, roaring, formed a battle formation, and rushing towards the target.

And when it flew over the oblique sky of the target, with the sound of "ploping" missile fire, air-to-ground missiles continuously shot out one after another, dragging gray tail smoke, constantly swinging the direction of its flight, and hitting the target one after another! So, the sound of continuous explosions suddenly sounded, and a dark red explosive cannon rose to the sky, and the target was suddenly wrapped in the fog.

Yes, now, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen of his carrier-based aircraft roared from the deck and flew over the wide sea. After about ten seconds of flight, they finally flew over the enemy's base. Yes, that's true.

At this time, in this case, although more than a dozen of their carrier-based aircraft were attacked by enemy air defense weapons on the ground, especially the anti-aircraft missiles fired by the Patriot anti-aircraft missiles, which are very fast and very efficient. It can be said that every Patriot anti-aircraft missile , can arch and accurately hit the target.