Star Trek

Chapter 472 Pence 6

Now, in this situation, Liu Zheng sees that the enemy's air strikes are still continuing in his base. Of course, naturally, on the ground, Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft firepower is also going all out. He fought back fiercely against some of the combat forces of the enemy in the air.

The dense air-aircraft bubbles continue to attack in mid-air. At the same time, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his short-range anti-aircraft missile was finally produced. Sph, sw, sw, sw, one after another, several anti-aircraft missiles fired out, roaring, dragging the orange tail flame at the rear, constantly changing the direction of flight, and attacking the enemy's F22 fighters in mid-air.

Although, under Liu Zheng's very strict air strike force attack, the enemy's F22 fighter was basically shot down in mid-air. Of course, some exploded directly in mid-air. However, later, the two enemy's two long-range strategic bombers looked very huge, just like bats. Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's long-range strategic bomber belonged to the Changsi fighter. At the same time, their defense performance is very strong and their health value is very high.

For some time, it is certain that the three bases of the enemy have caused great danger to Liu Zheng's base. Normal University, that's indeed the case. In fact, the reason is very simple, because in this battle, the three enemy bases have opened super weapons.

You should know that only Liu Zheng himself can understand how much damage will be done to Liu Zheng's base once those three super weapons are opened at the same time. Yes, that's true. Super weapon? What is a super weapon? Naturally, that's just that kind of weapon of mass destruction. Yes, whether it is a super nuclear missile or a lightning storm attack, it is quite powerful. Liu Zheng has experienced this.

Therefore, in this case, although Liu Zheng has been psychologically prepared for a long time, it is not such a thing when he really faced the enemy's attack after another lightning storm. After all, the attack of that kind of enemy's super weapon is indeed too powerful.

Yes, before that, it can be said that your main opponent is actually some of the enemy's air strike forces. Yes, especially the two enemy bombers, one is the enemy's F22 bomber, and the other is the enemy's B2 ghost bomber. Of course, in terms of attack capability alone, it is naturally more powerful than that kind of ghost bomber.

However, with the enhancement of his strength, Liu is building more and more light land-based air bubbles in his base. At the same time, as time goes by, that kind of short-range anti-aircraft missile has also been put into use one after another. Since then, it is certain that the air defense system in Liu Zheng's base has been further strengthened. Therefore, since then, it is difficult to pose any threat to Liu Zheng's base with the enemy's air attack.

However, in spite of this, the air defense system has been further improved in Liu Zheng's base, so that when the enemy's air strike has been prevented, I feel that at this time, the enemy's super weapons have also begun to gradually The ground is ready. Yes, from the system prompt, Liu Zheng has seen that so far, at least one enemy base has prepared super attacks and weapons.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that in the face of this super weapon attack by the enemy, it was the biggest threat to his base. Yes, that's true. Generations of enemy super weapons have attacked one after another, so it is certain that this base is really unbearable. Although the kind of iron curtain device that you can also see, through the iron curtain device, it can protect one or two of its most important military facilities from the attack of enemy's super weapons. However, despite this, it comes back. On the one hand, a wolf and dog built one of its own iron curtain device. However, the enemy's super weapons are one after another. Because all three enemy bases have their own super weapons.


Since then, things have been troublesome. Therefore, Liu Zheng has clearly understood that in the face of the upcoming superweapon attack of the enemy, it is a joke if he wants to defend against the enemy's super weapon attack through that kind of iron curtain device.

In this case, the most effective way for Liu Zheng is to destroy the super weapons in the enemy base. Yes, as the saying goes, lifting the soup to stop boiling is far from being pulled from the bottom of the pot. After destroying the enemy's super weapons, (the best way is to destroy them together with the construction of the main factory in the enemy's base. In this way, it can be regarded as a real draw from the bottom of the pot).

Yes, that's true. Although it is difficult to destroy the super weapons in the enemy base together with the construction of the main factory in the enemy base. But when the words come back, what can we do? Even if it can't be destroyed together with the construction factory in the enemy base, it can destroy the super weapons in the enemy base. Even if the enemy sees it again, it will destroy it again. In this way, it is equivalent to being able to successfully suppress the enemy's superweapon attacks. Yes, that's true. Once this can be achieved, it will be very good for Liu Zheng.

Yes, that's true. You know, as long as you can successfully suppress the enemy's superweapon attacks, then your comprehensive combat ability will be significantly improved. For example, my own aircraft carrier, my own long-range intercontinental attack nuclear submarine, my own intercontinental ground attack ballistic nuclear missiles, my own long-range heavy howitzer, and my kind of medium-range ballistic attack missiles, these ace combat forces, as long as my base, can Within a period of time, you will be protected from the enemy's super weapons attack, so it is certain that as long as your combat power is strong to a certain extent, you can launch a counterattack against the enemy's base in an all-round way from sea, land and air.

Therefore, for Liu Zheng, his main task at present is to find a way to suppress the enemy's superweapon attack. In this way, the safety of this base can be substantially guaranteed. Only when the construction of your own base is ready for combat production can it be carried out smoothly. Yes, that's true.

However, Liu Zheng knows that it is not so easy to do this. Because so far, its own shipyard has just been built. However, it is not easy to produce aircraft carriers. Because Liu Zheng knows that it will cost at least 10,000 yuan to produce an aircraft carrier, and the production and construction time is quite long. Yes, it can be said that it takes longer to produce an aircraft carrier, or even to build a general factory.

More fatally, you should know that the production of the sound of an aircraft carrier requires many other conditions at the same time. Yes, that's true. It doesn't mean that as long as you have enough production and construction funds, you can produce aircraft carriers. You should know that in order to produce aircraft carriers, at least in terms of other military facilities, the following preparations are required. First, you must build your own chariot factory. Second, we must build our own combat laboratory. Leaving these two points, it is impossible to see the aircraft carrier. At the same time, these two conditions are also required for the remote host attack nuclear submarine to be produced.

Therefore, aircraft carriers and long-range hosts to attack nuclear submarines are not so easy to produce. In many cases, in many cases, an aircraft carrier is about to be produced successfully, but at this time, suddenly, an overdue weapon attack by the enemy, whether it is a super attack and weapon, or a lightning storm attack, suddenly took the chariot factory in its base or The war research room was destroyed all of a sudden.

As a result, his aircraft carrier, which was about to come out, died in the shipyard as his chariot factory or combat laboratory was destroyed. At the same time, it does not mean that a large chariot factory and combat laboratory must be destroyed, and the two military facilities must be destroyed before their aircraft carrier will not be produced. Instead, only one of the two military facilities has been destroyed, so it will be impossible for aircraft carriers or those long-range mainframe attack nuclear submarines to be produced.


So, at this time, in this situation, in the face of this series of difficulties, Liu Zheng also knows that he is willing to use that kind of way to fundamentally solve the threat of super weapons from the enemy. However, it's not easy to talk about it. Yes, that's true. However, Liu Zheng also knows that there is really no better way for him. Therefore, three minutes ago, Liu Zheng was fully prepared to lay his heart and then shot the production plan of the two aircraft carriers. Yes, it can be said that whether its own base can be attacked by successive superweapons by the incoming enemy.

That is to say, if you can produce a night in a limited time, yes, even if it is just an aircraft carrier, then your base will also get a savior. On the contrary, if you can't produce an aircraft carrier in the shortest time, it can be said that your base can only wait for the uninterrupted attack of successive super weapons by the conqueror enemy.

Liu Zheng knew that in time, his base had the strongest defense ability, and even if it was as solid as gold, it was impossible to block such frequent superweapon attacks. Yes, imagine that a super host attack nuclear missile just exploded in its own base. A huge dark red mushroom cloud just rose to the sky. Some military facilities in his base were destroyed, and he had not yet come to rebuild it. Suddenly, there was a lightning wind. Violent attacks came one after another, and the flash of lightning fiercely hit his base, and countless combat units and military facilities suffered two brutal massacres.

Yes, what kind of situation is that? It's simply terrible. No matter what base it is, it is impossible to withstand such frequent, violent and cruel superweapon attacks. Therefore, in any case, Liu Zheng decided to resolutely stop the enemy's super weapon attack from the perspective of drawing money from the bottom of the kettle. Otherwise, it can be said that there is no other way to pursue it.

However, Liu Zheng saw that at the time when about 70% of his aircraft carrier had been produced, an overdue attack and weapons of the enemy had reached the final attack time. However, at this time, for Liu Zheng, there is nothing he can do. Yes, that's true. On the one hand, although the iron curtain device is being built, there is still at least three minutes before it is finally completed. In addition, that is, even if it is built now, this kind of iron curtain device cannot be used at once. It takes at least three minutes of cooling time before it can be used.

Since then, that is to say, the enemy's super weapon strike, it seems that one of its own bases could not escape by 9. The key is that this super attack nuclear missile by the enemy is to attack the military facilities in their own base at that moment. Yes, that's true. Liu Zheng knew that there would be no problem if the enemy's super weapon attack, the object of the attack, made his own main factory, or his own shipyard, or his own super attack and weapons. Yes, that's true.

Because, of course, Liu Zheng knows that the important military facilities just mentioned, whether they are their own main factories, their own super weapons, or their own shipyards, have very high health and strong defense capabilities. Naturally, it is by no means an enemy superweapon attack. They can be destroyed.

However, the words come back, but that is, if, if, if the enemy's super weapon attack, the target of the attack is not these military facilities, not the construction factory in its own base, nor its own superweapons, nor its own construction factory, but its own other Some important military facilities, such as their own airports, their own chariot factories, their own ore refineries, their own barracks, etc., are relatively low health and their defense capabilities are very poor. An attack, an enemy super weapon attack, whether it is a super attack and weapons, or a lightning storm attack, an attack, they will be very familiar with being destroyed.

So, at this time, Liu Zheng watched the enemy's super attack and weapons launch an attack on the military facilities at that moment in his base. It was a long wait. It is a very cruel suffering. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that if the enemy's super attack and weapons reach his own main building, or his own shipyard, or his own super weapon, then he will be grateful and put his hands together. However, at the same time, Liu Zheng also knew that once the enemy's super weapon attack and the target of the attack was not the military facilities just mentioned, then it can be said that his base is really miserable.

At this time, suddenly, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's attack on this superweapon attack must have shifted his will. He will always come. Finally, in the hopeless expectation of Liu Zheng, the enemy's super attack and weapons finally arrived. Suddenly, the nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the pale blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, as the light fog of the nuclear bomb explosion fell one after another, Liu Zheng saw that on the ground that his newly attacked ground was naturally full of debris, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there.