Star Trek

Chapter 477 Final Victory 1

It should be said that the current situation is really hard-won for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. You know, before that, he had spent a considerable price and was attacked by the enemy's super weapons one after another. In many times, in many cases, his base was on the verge of being destroyed by the enemy. At that time, under that circumstances, it was his own aircraft carrier that had been supporting Liu Zheng and persisted.

Liu Zheng knows that with the final production of his aircraft carrier, it is certain that the enemy's attack on him, especially the threat of the enemy's super weapons, will also end. Yes, that's true. If it can finally be produced, it is certain that the enemy's attack on itself, especially the threat of the enemy's superweapons to itself, will also end. Yes, that's true.

Since super weapons are called super weapons, they must naturally have extraordinary attack power. Liu Zheng knows that in the current situation, the construction and production capacity of super weapons are in control between the enemy and us. However, only one superweapon can be built at each base. At the same time, only one superweapon can be built. Yes, that's true. Because, for sure...

Once the mother base can build too many super weapons, it will not be carried out in a heavy place at all; or counterattack. Then, the battle naturally loses its balance. Therefore, according to the regulations of the system, only one superweapon can be built at each base between the enemy and us.

Liu Zheng knows that there are two super weapons between the two sides. Yes, that's true. One of them sits on super attacks and weapons. This super attack and weapon is relatively the largest level of nuclear weapons. On the one hand, his attack distance is far, just like all super weapons, no matter where the target is, then he can hit the target accurately.

Another point is that this super attack nuclear missile is particularly lethal. Although Liu Zheng also knows that in addition to this super attack and weapon, there is also a small attack and weapon. However, that kind of small attack and weapon is relatively less lethal, just more powerful than that kind of ordinary attack weapon.

Another super weapon is called Lightning Storm Attack. Yes, that kind of lightning storm attack is mainly launched by a super weapon called a weather controller. Compared with super attacks and weapons, that kind of lightning storm attack seems to have a larger attack range and is of course more destructive. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, the super lightning parental attack has always been a nightmare for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's the case. The attack range seems to be larger, and of course the destructive power is greater. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, the super lightning parental attack has always been a nightmare for Liu Zheng. Yes, that's the case.

Once his base is attacked by a lightning storm by the enemy, Ke said that for his base, this is equivalent to being destroyed. If you don't do it well, you will be destroyed by the enemy's lightning storm. At the very least, the vitality is greatly damaged and it is difficult to recover. Therefore, Liu Zheng is not very worried about the enemy's super weapons and those super attack nuclear missiles, especially the kind of lightning storm attack. To be honest, Liu Zheng is really quite afraid.


Now, it can be said that for Liu Zheng, he is really very nervous. It should be said that in half a minute, its most exciting attack weapon, the aircraft carrier, will be produced. Liu Zheng knows that once he produces the aircraft carrier, he can make full use of his aircraft carrier, which is a very strong fixed-point clearance strike ability. On the one hand, once the super weapons in the enemy base are built, the aircraft carrier that he can rely on is very good. The fixed-point clearance ability simply destroyed the super weapons in the enemy base.

In this way, naturally, the attack pressure of the enemy's super weapons suffered by its base will be greatly reduced. In this way, it is basically equivalent to, to a certain extent, that he has basically resolved the danger of the enemy's superweapon. Yes, that's true. With the rather strong strike capability of the aircraft carrier, Liu Zheng believes that completing this task and giving the enemy's super weapons that will not threaten the safety of his base, such a goal should be said to be achieved.

Therefore, it is precisely because of this that Liu Zheng has always been very looking forward to his aircraft carrier. Liu Zheng knew that in fact, he could produce a total of five aircraft carriers. Liu Zheng knew that once he really owned five aircraft carriers, it was self-evident what it meant to him. Yes, Fu Fangfeng is indeed like this. At that time, it can be given that he will no longer pay attention to the three bases of the enemy. As long as you want, you can eliminate them all at any time.

In fact, in many cases, in many cases, after a generation of Liu Zhengzhen holds the initiative of the battlefield, (in this case, the initiative to fight for the battlefield will really be in Liu Zheng's hands. In this way, it can be said that you can control the fate of any enemy base at any time. If you want him to continue to exist, then it can continue to exist. If you want Mu to have a base, then this base will be erased from the map in the shortest time, or even in a blink of an eye. This is ability. This is domineering, that is to say, this is to say that the world is invincible!)

However, in many cases and in many cases, to be honest, Liu Zheng is still unwilling to do so. Yes, that's true. When swimming, in the face of the crazy attack of the enemy, when it was difficult for him to fight, Liu Zheng really thought that once he had the strength of the tenant, then he would be desperate, simply, thoroughly, clean, ruthlessly, and resolutely cut off all the bases, Destroy all of them.

However, let's talk about it. Because Liu Zheng also knows that he is not only fighting for a breath now, because he still has a longer-term goal. Yes, that's true. In this case, in fact, you should also use the other party. After firmly controlling the other party in your own hands, you can make full use of them and accumulate more mineral resources for yourself. At the same time, you should also obtain more production and construction funds for yourself through the refinery for yourself. The base can develop better in the future, become stronger and make more contributions.


For this reason, under most of the sneaker, even Liu Zheng has really taken the initiative on the battlefield, but generally speaking, he will not destroy the enemy's base immediately. It is to make full use of the military facilities in the enemy's existing bases, give full play to the role of the enemy's current human and material resources, and accumulate more production and construction funds for themselves. Of course, one of the prerequisites for this is that you should have a very absolute advantage and be able to control the enemy. No wind or anything can escape the palm of your hand.

Of course, in this case, it seems to be a little farther away. At present, the enemy's super weapons are still staring at. Carelessly, I don't know which military facility in my base will be attacked by the enemy's super weapons again. It can be said that under the current situation, its own base is still under the threat of enemy super weapons. This kind of day is really sad for Liu Zheng. In the morning, my heart was trembling, my heart was beating, and I was trembling.

So, it is also because of this that Liu Zheng is very eager to produce his first aircraft carrier as soon as possible. Liu Zheng knows that as long as his aircraft carrier can be produced, it will basically solve a very big problem for him. However, Liu Zheng sees that there is still half a minute before his first aircraft carrier is really completed. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that a lightning storm attack by the enemy was about to begin. Liu Zheng knew that before his aircraft carrier was produced, it could be judged that he had no choice but to attack the enemy's superweapons in any form. Yes, that's true. At this time, in this situation, there is still only one way to demur, that is, maturity, escape, hiding, and transfer. As if

Yes, that's true. For me, no matter what I can do, as long as I can escape the attack of the enemy's super weapons once or twice, it will be a very big victory for me.

Yes, that's true. In fact, to be honest, Liu Zheng is very clear about the advantages. He knows that as long as he has heard of this period of time, the whole world will be his own in the next few days. Yes, with the enemy's attack, I have finally found a solution for myself, so it is certain that the enemy's attack will also become more and more passive. The whole world will be its own. Yes, with the enemy's attack, I have finally found a solution for myself, so it is certain that the enemy's attack will also become more and more passive.

On the one hand, with its own aircraft carrier, it is about to be produced, so to speak, as long as its own shipyard, especially its own aircraft carrier, can still be safely produced without being destroyed by the enemy, then with The successful construction of his first aircraft carrier basically announced the enemy's base, which will be completely said by himself in the near future. At that time, it can be said that it was time for Liu Zheng to say the same thing. Yes, that's true.

The current situation is that its first aircraft carrier, with electric pole, is about to be produced. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that another enemy superweapon attack, the lightning storm attack, was about to begin. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be together. However, he knew that there was nothing he could do. Although its own aircraft carrier has not been produced so far? However, what you can do now is to evacuate the combat units in your base as much as possible. In particular, those combat units that are of great significance to themselves. For example, those engineers, those long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground ballistic nuclear missiles, and those movable light anti-aircraft bubbles, that is, the few of their own ground combat main forces - long-range heavy howitzers that they have just produced, and so on.

Yes, for himself, Liu Zheng knows that in the face of the enemy's crazy superweapon attack, he has learned a lesson, that is, as long as he preserves a certain military facilities and combat strength, he will definitely stay in the green mountains without fear of firewood. In the face of the enemy's crazy superweapon attack, I have learned a lesson by myself, that is, as long as I preserve a certain military facilities and combat strength, I will definitely stay in Qingshan without fire.

So, after that, with Liu Zheng's order, some combat units were once again quietly gone to a safe place by Liu Zheng in the shortest time. Among them, those long-range heavy howitzers were deployed to Liu Zheng in the southeast corner of his base. On the one hand, it is on the edge of its own base and is rarely attacked by enemy super weapons. In addition, that place, which connects its own base to the entrance and exit, is the most accessible place for enemy ground attacks.

On the other hand, Liu Zheng was very decisive in developing the three long-range intercontinental ground-to-ground attack ballistic missile launchers in his base and moved to the northeast corner of his base. Still, there is a valley, which looks very deep and should be said to be safer. In addition, you should know that this long-range intercontinental ballistic missile has a very long attack distance and deployed them in that valley, which should be said, does not affect their attack. At the same time, it can ensure their safety to the maximum extent.

In addition, Liu Zheng divided his more than ten engineers into three directions, respectively, to the east, west and south of his base. In this way, even if it is attacked by enemy super weapons, it is impossible to annihilate all its engineers in one fell swoop. That kind of situation at the end of the pot will not appear at all. It should be said that Liu Zheng has always attached great importance to his armed engineers. Because, in many cases and in many cases, the construction of its own base is very dependent on this kind of engineer.

Yes, it can be said that Liu Zheng has always attached great importance to the role of engineers. You should know that in the face of enemy attacks, even if your base is strong in defense, it cannot be 100% guaranteed. Mu, a particularly important military facility in your base, such as your own main factory, will not be destroyed by the enemy. Yes, the battlefield is fleeting and ever-changing, and anything can happen. Mu, a particularly important military facility in his base, such as his own main factory, will not be destroyed by the enemy. Yes, the battlefield is fleeting and ever-changing, and anything can happen.

However, among various military facilities, the lack of a general factory is the most important. Every player is very clear about this. Yes, that's true. Once the main factory is destroyed by the enemy, it means that it will never have a chance to compete with the enemy. Because once that happens, it means that your base will completely lose its ability to regenerate. All military facilities will be reduced by one, and will never be rebuilt again.

Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng certainly knows that he must do his best to ensure the safety of the main construction plant in his base. Although, you can also repair some of your own military facilities that have been attacked, including your own main factory, through system maintenance tools. However, anyway, that maintenance speed is too slow after all. In this case, once you encounter another powerful attack by the enemy, it is certain that it will be difficult for you to save your main factory. After all, that maintenance speed is too slow. In this case, once you encounter another powerful attack by the enemy, it is certain that it will be difficult for you to save your main factory.