Star Trek

Chapter 4 Star Trial 3

The enemy's attack is booming.

Just as Liu Zhenggang wanted to take a breath, another group of attacking forces of the Xingling clan rushed to the edge of his base. At this time, the crisp soprano of the system sounded in Liu Zheng's ear: "Your troops are under attack, your troops are under attack!"

However, Liu Zheng felt very gratified by the performance of his defensive combat power. I saw that the ten Thor mechas rushed forward with that fearless spirit. His arms were stretched flat, so all the weapons on his elbows and shoulders fired. Looking at the momentum of the attack, it was like a rocket launcher! And more than a dozen "Thunder" attacked at the same time, and its power was quite shocking!

What makes Liu Zheng happier is that these Thor charged forward, and the siege tanks that have been transformed into siege mode throughout the base have once again been reflected in their long-range artillery fire. With the roar and scream of the beast-like siege tank, a high explosive bomb landed on the joint attack corps of the Zerg and the star of the enemy who tried to launch an attack...

"Well, it's time! It's time to launch the final attack on the enemy's base!" Liu Zheng left a brigade of more than 30 air warships as the guard force of his base. At the same time, led by the other two mixed fleets, followed by the 30 siege tanks, and of course, the ghost infantry team of 15 people followed. In this way, Ma Hao, the brigade, was vast, with mixed fleets in the air and siege tanks on the ground. They went out of their own bases and searched and advanced to the depths of the unknown map along the official road that only appeared on the interplanetary continent.

What kind of planet is this! It looks desolate. Occasionally, I see a few trees, which have never been seen on the earth, and look like rocks.

Finally, Liu Zheng led his attack force and passed through the heavenly eye called the "watchtower", which made his reconnaissance scope wider. According to the size of the map, Liu Zheng knew that he should arrive at the enemy camp soon. Sure enough, soon after, there was another group of various Zerg troops, with their teeth and claws, going back and forth in the shadow not far in front of them. They didn't know what they were busy with or preparing for battle. Perhaps his attack force has been discovered by him, right? Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

So, Liu Zheng also began to deploy the battle. He divided the air attack formation, mainly composed of battleship patrol ships, into left and right, and deployed the fifteen siege tanks behind the two groups of air attack ships, and turned them all into siege mode. In this way, no matter from which direction the enemy's combat power is attacked - whether it is on the left, on the right, or in the front - there will be Liu Zheng's two groups of air fleets to resist first, creating conditions for the huge artillery attack of the siege tanks that are good at long-range attacks.

That is, when Liu Zheng had just finished deployment, the enemy's group of Zerg-dominated combat attacks began!

"Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji-Ji~~" Liu Zheng's two air fleets, mainly battle patrol ships, began to attack the enemy's Zerg forces. The "air-to-ground laser gun group" on the battleship continues to fire, and its firepower density is almost dizzying.

However, the enemy's Zerg force is naturally not a fuel-efficient lamp. While Liu Zheng was very energetic, the counterattack of the Zerg troops began. Some of them attack with artillery-style weapons and some of them use infectious biological attacks. As a result, Liu Zheng saw that as more than a dozen stone-like green things shot into the air, they hit Liu Zheng's battleship patrol ships that were attacking in mid-air very accurately. As a result, the bright green light fog immediately spread, looking like a plague. And Liu Zheng's battle patrol ships, wrapped in those green fog, most of their health points were suddenly reduced by 40 percent.

At this time, Liu Zheng knew that if he continued to be entangled with the enemy's Zergs with quite good air defense capabilities, it would be very unfavorable to some of his battleship patrol ships. So, under Liu Sen's order, the battle patrol ships began to retreat. And Liu Zheng's purpose is also obvious, that is, once his battle patrol ships retreat, the enemy's Zerg forces will definitely pursue. Once they chase, they will soon enter the range of their own group of siege tanks that have been deployed into siege mode...

Although the enemy's Zerg fighting forces naturally refused to let go of Liu Zheng's dozen battle patrol ships, like a tide, chattering and making that mixed sound, chasing Liu Zheng's dozen battle patrol ships. Slowly, slowly, they have entered the attack range of Liu Zheng's dozens of siege tanks.

"Blast me! Give me a lot of energy and kick him with my life!" Seeing that the enemy's Zerg's combat power had entered the range of their own siege cannons, Liu Zheng's order saw dozens of siege tank cannons sounding together, the golden light shining at the barrel, and heavy shells roared through the air, making a screaming sound of tearing the air.

"Boom~~~~" shells fell on the head of the enemy's advancing Zerg combat power, making a deafening explosion. And the enemy's Zerg combat power was also in the extremely violent explosion, with limbs flying and blood all over the ground...

In this way, after Liu Zheng introduced the enemy's Zerg forces into the attack range of his siege tanks, a burst of bombs and several bombings finally killed this group of enemy's combat power. After that, Liu Zheng used the same tactic and used the battleship patrol team as bait to attract the enemy's Zerg combat power from its base in batches, and then used the dozens of siege tanks to destroy them one by one.

According to Liu Zheng's combat thinking, in this way, the enemy's combat strength is almost consumed one by one, and then use a special attack method to directly attack the enemy's old nest.

Naturally, in this tug-of-war, Liu Zheng will naturally continue to send more troops to his position, on the one hand, the addition of siege tanks, and the addition of air combat forces. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that on the winding road from his base to the front position near the enemy base, siege tanks were marching on the ground, and all kinds of air warships, mainly battle patrol ships, also sprayed orange tail flames and gathered towards the designated place... ...

Finally, Liu Zheng felt that it was almost time to hit Huang Long. Therefore, under Liu Zheng's order, dozens of marines, who had been ready to leave for a long time, boarded more than a dozen medical transport planes. At the same time, ten ghost infantrymen also got into two medical transport planes one after another, and then galloped to the rear of the enemy base...

Naturally, Liu Zheng is not stupid enough to lead the nearly 20 medical transport planes over the enemy's base - isn't that uncomfortable for himself? Instead, it bypassed the enemy base and went around behind the enemy base. After that, Liu found a flat land suitable for airborne in the rear of the enemy base, and then lowered the ten ghost team members, and then activated the nuclear fusion strike through the ghost team. Target: Point directly to the most important and basic mother's nest in the enemy base.

In the fusion chip device in Liu Zheng's base, a nuclear fusion warhead shot out, dragging the long orange tail flame, roaring in the sky and breaking through the air. The speed is also unusually fast. Compared with ordinary air warships, the speed will naturally be more than twice as fast... "Boom~~~~Rumble~~~~Rumble~~~~" With a earth-shaking loud sound, an extremely white dazzling light burst out, almost making Liu Zheng's eyes His eyes shook and opened. And between heaven and earth, it seemed that at that moment, it was also reflected by the dazzling light as if it had been exploded.