Star Trek

Chapter 34 Who Fights 9

At this time, a land battle is underway.

On both sides of the battlefield, there is a dense coconut forest. At this time, it was a time of heavy rain. Liu Zheng's combat strength includes five anti-tank missile launchers, seven self-propelled guns, and seven Hellcat main battle tanks. The enemy came to participate in the attack this time, mainly including several self-propelled guns and several main battle tanks.

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's shout, Liu Zheng's self-propelled guns began to shell at the enemy's main battle tank rushing forward. And it was this shelling that made Liu Zheng really understand the power of the self-propelled gun.

"Oh~~~~" With the roar of gunfire, shells, at a speed visible to the naked eye, crossed a beautiful arc and shot at the target.

"Boom~~~~" With the sound of the explosion, after the target was hit, a dazzling light shone. And in the dazzling light, the enemy's attacked main battle tank suddenly exploded. Before that, Liu Zheng only thought that the missile launch equipment was the most powerful. And in the dazzling light, the enemy's attacked main battle tank suddenly exploded. Before that, Liu Zheng only thought that the missile launch equipment was the most powerful. But now, he finally understands that the real powerful weapon is not necessarily the missile chariot.

"With the sound of a missile launch, Liu Zheng's missile anti-tank fighting vehicles began to attack the enemy's rushing chariots. The missiles roared, making an air-like sound, jetting orange tail flames, dragging the increasingly long, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting away at the target with an irresistible momentum and a power to destroy everything. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

"You can't just fight like this, and you can't just fight like this! Well, I have to think of a way. I have to think of a way. At this time, Liu Zheng suddenly thought of his seven missile destroyers. Well, just use them! You know, the power of that missile destroyer is quite great. Well, it's quite big. Moreover, because they are above the sea, the enemy's combat power will naturally not be able to attack them so easily.

However, although they are also equipped with carrier-based missiles, the range is also limited. Many enemy forces and some military facilities cannot be hit. What to do, what to do? Liu Zheng suddenly thought of a way to seduce him. Yes, use your own ground combat power to lure the enemy's ground chariots to the attack range of your seven missile destroyers, and then attack them together. In this way, you should be able to achieve good results. Use your own ground combat power to lure the enemy's ground chariots under the attack range of your seven missile destroyers, and then attack them together. In this way, you should be able to achieve good results.

However, Liu Zheng has another very important thing to complete before this action. That is, you must first kill the city center in the enemy's base on the edge of the sea. Just now, its two nuclear bombers have blown up less than 30% of their health. I believe that after this second bombing, it will be able to be killed in one fell swoop.

Yes, in such a big bombing, that kind of nuclear bomber has a considerable attack advantage. You know, this kind of nuclear bomber's attack is as powerful as the attack of more than a dozen ordinary bombers. This is indeed not something that can be said on the same day.

"Take off!" With Liu Zheng's order, one jet fighter slowly drove from the hangar to the runway, and then glided out of the runway. The speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, with the sound of a roar, one jet battle after another The plane rose from the straight runway and drilled into the sky. After that, it lined up in a combat formation, and then flew towards the enemy's second base inland. Soon after flying over a piece of forest, mountains and rivers, it finally flew to the center of the enemy's center outside its base.

"Wow, wow, do you think I can't find that you built this city center outside the base? Humph, I will let you experience the power of my nuclear bomber again now! Can't I find it? Humph, I'll let you experience the power of my nuclear bomber again right now!" After thinking about this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his two nuclear bombers attacked the enemy's city center, which had been blown up by fireworks. When the two nuclear bombers dived to the lowest point, they slowly opened the bomb storage, so a nuclear bomb hit the ground in a free fall, and in the process of falling, the extremely sharp and harsh roar was very intimidating. Giant bombs one after another - they look like children, whistling with that extremely sharp roar. In the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the diaphragm resounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread, expand, expand, and then transformed into a mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, a huge shock circle was formed around the starting point of the mushroom cloud, and almost all the military facilities in this shock circle, including various combat forces, were greatly damaged to a certain extent. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another!

Looking at the mushroom cloud rising from the sky, almost at that moment, it had covered the forest next to the enemy's city center, and Liu Zheng could even see that the forest was disappearing at a speed visible to the naked eye. . The ruthless raging fire had also spread to the forest by this time, and the thick smoke was ringing above the forest at this time.

At this time, Liu Zheng felt that after the bombing of his two nuclear bombers, the enemy's city center should have been almost blown up. You know, the explosive power of that nuclear bomb is quite powerful! Sure enough, soon after, as the thick smoke gradually dissipated, the enemy's urban center finally revealed its original face: it had fallen down, and now there is only a ruin left.

However, when Liu Zheng really wanted to implement his plan, suddenly, Liu Zheng found that the other part of the stone bridge belonging to his opponent and territory was densely arranged with all kinds of combat forces. Moreover, on those chariots, especially those missile-launched chariots. Liu Zheng thought that in this case, not to mention his chariots that are far less than the other party's number, needless to say that they have reached their destination, I'm afraid that even if they can cross the stone bridge, it is already very good. After all, on the other side of the stone bridge, there are too many enemy missile-launching chariots! Under the fierce shooting of that bunch of missiles, it is certain that some of their chariots that do not have an advantage over the number will soon become the cannon fodder of the enemy's missile launchers. After all, on the other side of the stone bridge, there are too many enemy missile-launching chariots! Under the fierce shooting of that bunch of missiles, it is certain that some of their chariots that do not have an advantage over the number will soon become the cannon fodder of the enemy's missile launchers.

What should I do? What should I do? After thinking about this, Liu Zheng felt that this matter was really troublesome. Wow, wow, isn't this clearly putting pressure on yourself with so many enemy chariot troops? I'm afraid I can't rely on my more than a dozen chariots of all kinds. Wow, come on, I'll give it a good time. Well, Laozi's nuclear bomb bombing is not just for buildings! It is believed that it has the same attack effect for the enemy's chariot troops.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng once again ordered his two nuclear bombers to go out again. However, this attack target is no longer a military facility in the enemy base, but the seemingly dense enemy chariot force. Looking at the enemy's group of chariot troops showing off their power there, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Boy, wait and see!

"Take-off ~ Target: The group of enemy chariots located about 100 yards away from their own base opposite the stone bridge! The group of enemy chariots located opposite the stone bridge about 100 yards away from their own base!" Liu Zheng ordered to Mei Ting. Since Liu Zheng had handed over the command of the air force to Mei Ting not long ago, this task should naturally be completed by Mei Ting. With Liu Zheng's order, one jet fighter slowly drove from the hangar to the runway, and then glided out of the runway. The speed was getting faster and faster. Finally, with the sound of a roar, one jet battle after another The plane rose from the straight runway and drilled into the sky. After that, it lined up in a battle formation, crossing the forests, the fields, the rivers, and the mountains. Finally, after flying over the stone bridge, Yu flew over the enemy's group of chariots.

"Woo~~~~" With the sound of "Woo" sound, some of the enemy's fighting vehicles equipped with anti-aircraft missiles are working hard to carry out air defense operations. A bunch of ship-to-air missiles were launched from the missile launchers equipped with anti-aircraft missiles, and the tail was also sprayed with orange tail flames, dragging a long and thickening gray-white tail smoke, making a harsh whistling sound, piercing through the air, piercing clouds, and whistling. Break through the air and go. In the process of flying towards the target, those air-to-air missiles constantly adjusted the direction of flight, swinging gently from left to right, and after the target had moved forward, they followed with a speed far higher than that of the enemy bombers. Finally, the distance between the high-speed missile and the bomber in front of it became shorter and shorter. Finally, with a loud "boom" sound, the missile finally hit the target fiercely.

However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng's two nuclear bomb bombers have strong defense capabilities and high health values. Although the enemy's chariots equipped with anti-aircraft missiles were fully engaged in air defense operations, they did not affect the bombing of some enemy chariot clusters by Liu Zheng's two nuclear bombers. Liu Zheng saw that his four nuclear bombers were diving to the lowest point, and then slowly opened the bomb storage, so a nuclear bomb hit the ground in a free fall state, and in the process of falling, the extremely sharp and harsh roar was very intimidating. . Giant bombs one after another - they look like fat children, roaring with that extremely sharp roar. In the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the diaphragm resounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread, expand, expand, and then transformed into a mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, centered on the starting point of the mushroom cloud, a huge shock circle was formed, and almost all the enemy chariots in this shock circle suffered great damage to a certain extent, and there were some enemy chariots. , but it was bombed directly. The wreckage of the scattered chariots was blown into the sky one after another, and then fell from the air one after another. And on the ground, large and small craters are everywhere.

In this way, the enemy chariots located in the central area of the nuclear explosion have almost nothing left. The central area of the nuclear explosion is already blank at this time. A little far from the center of the nuclear explosion, those chariots were damaged to varying degrees, and most of them were surrounded by gunpowder smoke, and their health was greatly reduced. Anyway, Liu Zheng's nuclear bombing just now almost confused the enemy's large group of chariots. A little far from the center of the nuclear explosion, those chariots were damaged to varying degrees, and most of them were surrounded by gunpowder smoke, and their health was greatly reduced. Anyway, Liu Zheng's nuclear bombing just now almost confused the enemy's large group of chariots. After that, the large group of enemy chariots retreated one after another. In this way, all kinds of chariot clusters that originally had considerable attack ability were bankrupted by Liu Zheng's nuclear explosion.


Now, the most important thing for Liu Zheng is to be able to build a city center again. Only in this way can he produce more combat units. Otherwise, even if you have more resources now, I'm afraid it won't work. Resources cannot be converted into combat power, which is a very helpless thing.

Of course, Liu Zheng knows that there is only one city center on each territory. Naturally, the city center can no longer be built on its own territory. In addition, the enemy's territory needs to be considered. However, it should be certain that on the enemy's territory, it must also be necessary to destroy the enemy's city center before building its own city center. Now, the enemy's city center is no longer in the enemy base near the sea. That is to say, Liu Zheng can now build his own city center on that territory. However, under the current situation that his land warfare ability is not very strong, can he send someone there? Even if someone is sent to build the city center, can it be preserved? This is all a problem.

Moreover, not long ago, under the considerable advantage of the enemy's ground combat strength, Liu was also completely relying on the power of his two nuclear bombers to kill the enemy's established ground chariots, more than a dozen at a time. If it hadn't been for the two nuclear bombers, I'm afraid that my current base would have been attacked by the enemy long ago. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng felt a lack of confidence. Wow, wow~

However, at this time, Liu Zheng found that the enemy had built a dock under the eyes of his twelve missile destroyers. Moreover, a warship has been produced. Unlike in the past, seven or eight enemy helicopter gunships were hovering over the dock. Wow, wow, this time, the opponent also learned well and sent so many colorful armed helicopters to protect them. However, there are 12 missile destroyers of their own, and even if there are so many helicopter gunships there, can they really be saved? I'm afraid this is unknown! Anyway, Liu Zheng will not let the enemy appear another dock under the eyes of his twelve missile destroyers. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and the twelve missile destroyers rushed straight to the enemy's newly built dock.