Star Trek

Chapter 36 Sea War 2

The general attack has begun.

Liu Zhengxian rushed his 20 or 30 infantry fighters to the front. Behind it is his fifteen field guns.

On the way forward, several enemy infantry, several cavalry, and several artillery were bombarded. Naturally, the resistance of the enemy's combat power cannot stop Liu Zheng's combat power attacks. Therefore, soon after, it was already on the edge of the enemy's base.

However, to Liu Zheng's surprise, the enemy's defense is really good! Because at this time, they have surrounded their bases tightly with walls! Moreover, defensive facilities such as dense watchtowers have been built, which looks as solid and heavily defended.

It's just that outside the wall, there is a warehouse without any defense. However, Liu Zheng also knows that this kind of warehouse is meaningless for Liu Zhenglai Bian, even if it is attacked. The key is to eliminate the enemy's fighting power and then capture the enemy's main city. As long as he can occupy the enemy's main city for ten minutes, the opponent can only declare surrender.

Therefore, Liu Zheng did not attack the warehouse, but began a fierce shelling at a watchtower. The fifteen field guns fired one after another, and the fire flashed at the muzzle of the gun. The sound of fire was endless. Then, the shells spewed out, crossed an arc, and hit the target fiercely. After being hit, the target naturally made a dull sound of explosion. And in the sound of that explosion, the target's thick smoke rolled up and the artillery soared into the sky. Countless peeling debris and fragments flew away. And the health of the attacked building is also declining at a speed visible to the naked eye...


Finally, under the bombardment of the fifteen field guns, the enemy's watchtower was finally knocked down. In the front, although the enemy's infantry or cavalry fighting power rushed in from time to time, because Liu Zheng had already deployed a certain amount of infantry fighting power and cavalry fighting power waiting for him, they could not cause any trouble to Liu Zheng's artillery fighting power at all.

However, next, from the sea rock, shells roared and hit Liu Zheng's field guns fiercely. Moreover, its explosive power is quite powerful. Liu Zheng fixed his eyes and found that it was the enemy's warship. Although it is a sailboat, the attack power of the artillery on it is quite powerful. In the end, although Liu Zheng was so angry that he also killed the enemy's shipyard and those warships. However, all his combat power, including those infantry, cavalry, and those field guns, have been killed. This almost made Liu Zheng unable to believe his eyes. Wow, wow, how can this be possible?

However, in fact, this is the case. That's it.

"It seems that you really can't underestimate the enemy's combat ability!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Although he has surpassed the technology of his opponents in three eras, because his opponents have also entered the * era, in fact, his combat effectiveness cannot be ignored.

It seems that I have to think of another way. It's not good to rely on brute and hard fighting alone.

When Liu Zheng was frowning and thinking about what to do, suddenly, Mei Ting suddenly shouted to tell herself that after some hard management, she finally upgraded the base to the atomic age!

"What? What? Wow, wow, I said Mei Ting, you are really awesome, you are really awesome! Okay, okay, now, I'd like to see what other means the light blue opponent will have! Humph, we just submitted a letter of friendship, but he still didn't accept it. Now, I'd really let him taste it. He planted the bitter fruit he planted at the beginning!" Liu Zheng gritted his teeth and said.

And Mei Ting's advantage is also here. When Liu Zheng was very excited, she would never say that it was completely her own kung fu, but just smiled. It seems that looking at Liu Zheng's happiness and proud look, this is her greatest happiness.

"Mei Ting, hurry up and produce the most advanced combat power! I'm about to take revenge!" Liu Zheng is already a little impatient.

"Okay, brother Zheng! Don't worry, I will definitely give you a good time this time!" Mei Ting said that soon after, ten missile launchers and ten Type 96 main tanks had been produced.

Due to the adoption of secrets, its production speed is very fast, which naturally greatly improves Liu Zheng's combat efficiency. It seems that no matter when and where they are rich, it is always easy to do.

and as if to test the power of that future model tank. At this time, there are red players landing one by one. Of course, it doesn't matter if you dock. Don't dock on the coast of Liu Zheng's base! Not to mention that you have not made an alliance with Liu Zheng, that is, you have already made an alliance, but in the face of interests, no one will trust anyone. You said that you fell first by borrowing your ally's territory, but who knows, once you get ashore, will you learn to leave? Therefore, even if it is a real ally, Liu Zheng will beware. What's more, what's more, the one who came ashore is not an ally, but an ordinary opponent!

"Oh, come on, come on, come on, come on, come on the shore, and there are expert artillery! Moreover, I have fired at my own steel chariots! Although in terms of power, the opponent's expert artillery is far less than his own modern artillery, he can't be allowed to fight like that!

"Missile launcher! Open fire and let them taste the power of Laozi's modern weapons!" Under an order, Liu Zheng saw that more than a dozen missile launchers under his command began to slowly adjust their angle towards the target. Soon after, they saw that the missile launchers first slowly raised the missile carried behind the car, forming an elevation angle of about 38 degrees. Then, after positioning, with a "bang" sound, missiles ejected out, dragging a long gray-white tail smoke, cutting through the sky and roaring away. That looks like a sharp sword, stabbing the target fiercely. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom And the enemy's infantry, who were rushing forward, did not know the depth of the sky at all. They were directly shaken into the sky by the strong explosive force, fell down, and were blown to death...

And how can those two or three expert artilleryes withstand the attack of such powerful missiles! Under one blow, his whole body was immediately scattered and turned into scattered debris...

Similarly, Liu Zheng was so angry that he killed the enemy warship that had not yet escaped. Then, Liu Zheng decided to avenge the arrow just now: this time, he must pull up the light blue player base on the same continent as himself! Moreover, he will not be given any chance to surrender! Damn, damn, that guy is really disgusting, and really disgusting!

Moreover, Liu Zheng has also thought about it for a long time to unify this land quickly, and then attack the other three continents by himself! You can't always let this guy hold you back. Damn, Damn, no, we have to get rid of him immediately.

While talking, Liu Zheng has led the combat power to attack, and once again attacked the wall of the light blue players.

"Bomb me!!!!" With Liu Zheng's almost hysterical roar, he saw that both the Type 96 modern tank cluster and the missile launch vehicle cluster fired at the opponent's wall at the same time, especially the place with a certain defensive ability above the wall.

The more than a dozen Type 96 tanks kept shining with the dark red fiery in the barrel, and with the sound of blasting, shells shot out from the long barrel. With a blue smoke, he roared away. And the body of the battle was suddenly retreated by the powerful recoil, which seemed to strengthen the attack power of the shell. Shortly after the shell was fired, a continuous explosion began to sound. One after another of explosive artillery rose to the sky in the rolling black smoke~~~

In this way, under the attack of the two future-level chariot clusters, the opponent's seemingly strong wall could not withstand such an attack at all. Soon after, they both rumbled and collapsed. Liu Zheng took the opportunity to command the group of chariots and rushed away as he continued to attack the opponent's base.

In this way, Liu Zheng led the future-level chariot force and quickly stationed in the center of the light blue player's base under the cover of the missiles flying all over the sky. Moreover, Liu Zheng also planned to stay there for ten minutes.

Just in the center of the base of the light blue player, just below his city center, Liu Zheng's 89 missile launchers and the 89 Type 96 tank troops, just like the winning troops, are stationed in the core area, facing those who are suspicious and may have power over themselves. The target of the threat, further attack the cannon...