Star Trek

Chapter 40 Sea War 6

At this time, Liu Zheng's seven missile bumpers have flown over the heads of the landed elite long cannons of Redhead players. Below, the enemy's seven or eight elite long guns are starting to fire at the target!

With the continuous roar, the target was soon shrouded in a fog rising to the sky.

"Attack! Attack! Be sure to kill all these elite cannons without leaving any land for me!" With Liu Zheng's order, the seven missile helicopters began to adjust their postures towards the target to adjust to the most suitable posture for attack. Finally, the attack began: from the missile launchers on the seven missile helicopters, free-ground missiles were constantly fired out. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air, and the tail sprayed orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and the power to destroy everything.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom After that, as the missiles continued to hit the target, they exploded. Those red player Heid's hard-to-land cannons were killed by Liu Zheng's missile helicopters one by one. On the ground, large and small craters are everywhere.

The smoke is full, and it seems that it is still talking about the large-scale air-ground battle just now.

"Well, according to the current situation, I'd better kill the red player Heid first! Now, I will beat whoever I want! Hey hey, hey!" Thinking of the terrible strength he has now, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly happy.

Liu Zheng knows that the key to really occupy a place is to see if you have occupied the city center of that place for more than ten minutes. Therefore, Liu Zheng has worked a lot to achieve such a goal. He thought, first, I would first use the most advanced second artillery system and use the long-range missile equipped with nuclear warheads to take some of the most important military facilities in the target base, such as military factories. The airport and so on have been destroyed, and at the same time, it will also wipe out some of the important combat power of the enemy, especially those with great threats, especially those gathered together, through the long-range missile system.

The second step is to send the surface ship force to approach the target. One way, the aircraft carrier will be further bombed to prepare for the next landing. Second, dock the ships equipped with the most advanced weapon systems and then land forcibly to reach the goal of occupying the opponent and the base for more than ten minutes.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng began to prepare for the counterattack. You know, this is a cross-sea operation, and my previous experience in this area is very lacking, so I must be prepared until it is foolproof.

However, due to the limited number of base units built, Liu Zheng is only equipped with the following situations: although there are two aircraft carriers, only one of them is equipped with a rail bomber; the unit transport ship, although it has produced Many, but only one of them can be used to load more than 20 combat units, including all kinds of advanced chariots and that kind of super warrior - cluster mortar fighters. In addition, in order not to suffer losses when marching on the sea, Liu Zheng also built a special surface ship protection force, composed of five missile destroyers...

It should be said that when things get here, they should be done, and they only owe the east wind.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, his long-range attack began. And this also really opened the prelude to Liu Zheng's cross-sea battle. Now, in Liu Zheng's base, there are two landing-gun long-range nuclear missiles. Although the number is not large, Liu Zheng believes that there is no problem to rely on two long-range nuclear missiles to destroy the most important military facilities and combat units in the enemy base. Moreover, he also owns an aircraft carrier, and then he can further bomb those missing units.

At the same time, in order to prevent the enemy's navy, there is no problem in destroying the most important military facilities and combat units in the enemy base. Moreover, he also owns an aircraft carrier, and then he can further bomb those missing units.

At the same time, in order to prevent the landing operations of the enemy's navy, including maritime combat units, and the kind of marines, Liu Zheng also built nine shore-based anti-ship missiles in his own coastal defense zone. Liu Zheng believes that with such a large number of advanced anti-ship missile systems, it is quite difficult for the enemy's naval forces to land or attack their own base targets. Now, Liu Zheng can finally go to fight at ease!

"The second gun is ready, and the intercontinental missile begins to be launched!" With Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng saw that although he had given the order to attack, and the target of the attack had already been selected, which was the red player's airport. However, he found that there was no movement on his second-gun missile launch base.

"Wow, damn, what's going on? What the hell is going on?" Liu Qingshan was a little confused for a while. However, Fortunately, he explored the problem quickly. Finally, he found that it was because he could no longer build more houses, so he could not have more people to store. The launch of this intercontinental missile requires the support of at least four personnel units.

"Wow, wow, look at this! I thought I was well prepared, but it was still..." Liu Zheng couldn't help getting angry. And under this anger, he didn't care about anything.

"Mom, mother, forget it, what an ally! Let's take over the base where Kakoura is next to you first! In this situation, I can no longer take care of anything else! Whoever blocks his offensive path, then, should die!" Liu Zheng gritted his teeth and said hatefully.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered his "No. 7" missile helicopter unit to carry out this task first.

And the missile helicopter force hovered over the target at this time. It was originally intended to defend Kakula, but now it seems that it is no longer needed. As the saying goes, "the backhand is the cloud, and the hand is the rain"! Just now, the two sides were still very close allies, but in a blink of an eye, they have become your deadly enemies. This is what the world is like.

Therefore, Liu Zheng decisively lifted the peace treaty with Kakoura's ally and launched an attack on him.

"Attack!" With Liu Zheng's order, the seven missile helicopters began to target, and the military facilities of Kakoura on the ground began to attack fiercely. The seven missile helicopters began to adjust their postures to the target to adjust to the most suitable posture for attack. Finally, the attack began: from the missile launchers on the seven missile helicopters, free-ground missiles were constantly fired out. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air, and the tail sprayed orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and the power to destroy everything.

However, the effect of this attack is not very good. Although some targets with small health and poor defense ability were quickly killed, some fortress-style military facilities with strong defense ability, high health and good air defense ability are not so easy to fight.

Three minutes later, Liu Zheng's seven missile helicopters, that is, five small military facilities in Kakoura, had just been destroyed, but the large military fortress had never been killed. Anyway, Liu Zheng has lost at least four missile helicopters under the attack of Kacula's air defense force.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be angry: Wow, damn, damn it, damn it, it seems that I really have to use my ground troops! Well, well, in order to take the next step, I can have more production units and combat units. This time, I will spend more time and energy!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng mobilized his elite combat strength and rushed to Kakulla's base.

In fact, it's not that Liu Zheng doesn't care about his base camp. Don't forget that there are more sophisticated combat forces that have been loaded into the transport ship. Moreover, the transport ship has not left yet! Once needed, those combat forces can be unloaded from the ship at any time and used.

Looking at his various chariots, Cacula, who was just his ally, rushed to the left, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Alas, that Kakula, I didn't want to destroy your base, but on the one hand, I really lack land now. On the other hand...