Star Trek

Chapter 43 Sea War 9

Now, Liu Zheng has officially started the attack on that yellow opponent.

It should be said that Liu Zheng's strategy is still very correct. The so-called "long-distance friendship and close attack". Although that yellow player always looks down to himself, in fact, that guy's ambition is also great!

Moreover, Liu Zheng also knew that if he wanted to become stronger and more powerful, the only way was to occupy more colonies. Only in that way can more combat power be built. This is the most basic appreciation.

Through observation, Liu Zheng found that the continent occupied by the yellow player LaCook was also divided into two parts. This can be seen from those two aspects. One aspect is that there is a seemingly obvious boundary on that continent. And that boundary, obviously, divides that continent into two parts.

In addition, Liu Zheng also found that there are two urban centers on the same continent, which have different names. This is enough to explain everything.

However, not long ago, Liu Zheng fell into a very puzzled situation: he wanted to occupy the territory closest to his continent first. However, both their own fighters and their long-range missiles were shot down by the same strange air defense force of the enemy.

In fact, if his fighter plane is shot down, then Liu Zheng is not very sad. However, his own fighter, a long-range missile, was also intercepted! It was not until later that Liu Zheng realized that a new anti-aircraft weapon had been built in the enemy's base: Gatlin Laser. According to some information about this combat power, it is said that this thing can attack any air unit, of course, including all kinds of missiles.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to send several of his missile destroyers to see if he could reach the enemy's important military facilities. And the Geteling laser of the enemy is naturally within Liu Zheng's detection range.

However, what disappointed Liu Zheng was that although the strength of some of his sea ships was not very weak, including two Sea Beast-class missile destroyers. This kind of sea beast-class missile destroyer has the advantage of attacking ships on the other side. It should be said that it is a very good comprehensive combat power.

However, when they just arrived in the coastal area, they were attacked by the enemy's strong attack called "nuclear melting power". When launching an attack, the thing always includes itself in a large light blue mask. It seems to be breeding something more powerful. Then came one powerful missile attack after another. The missiles roared, making an air-like sound, jetting orange tail flames, dragging the increasingly long, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting away at the target with an irresistible momentum and a power to destroy everything. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

"Boom~~~~" With the missile attacks of more and more enemy's good nuclear-capable combat units, Liu Zheng's sea beast-class missile destroyer was finally killed. And with the sound of the violent explosion, the waves have been blown up a few feet high and roaring in the air...

However, soon after, Liu Zheng finally understood the specific combat indicators of the Sea Beast-class missile destroyer. Similarly, he also had a deep understanding of the enemy's "nuclear fusion chariot" attack capability and its attack method. That is, that is, although the attack power of that thing is indeed quite strong, on the other hand, the health value of that thing is quite low. Often under one blow, it will naturally be beaten into countless pieces...

However, despite this, after all, the enemy quickly sent a lot of defensive forces, and most of them were of that kind of missile series. And with so many missile attack weapons, and at the same time firing at Liu Zheng's Sea Beast-class missile destroyer, naturally, the Sea Beast-class missile destroyer is unbearable. I have no choice but to retreat for the time being...

And at this time, Liu Zheng only changed his mind: that is, he can't continue like this. Well, he should think of a more perfect battle plan. At that time, one of the most practical combat plans was to send its own marines to occupy the territory closest to the checkpoint by forced landing, and then consolidate it. It's time to think of a more complete battle plan. At that time, one of the most practical combat plans was to send its own marines to occupy the territory closest to the checkpoint by forced landing, and then consolidate it. After that, after having a certain strength, go to another continent in the same continent...

If you want to achieve that kind of forced landing, then Liu Zheng is actually very clear, that is, in any case, the combat power of the beach area and the defense power of the enemy must be eliminated first. Otherwise, how can your landing troops carry out landing operations smoothly? For Liu Zheng, the task of removing those landing obstacles fell on the shoulders of his second artillery unit.

However, at this time, just as Liu Zheng began to operate, suddenly there was a sound of alarm in the direction of his base. Wow, wow, who is it to disturb the area occupied by his combat power?

Soon, Liu Zheng switched his perspective back, but saw that there were actually two enemy helicopters attacking several of them that did not have air defense capabilities! Soon, Liu Zheng switched his perspective back, but saw that there were two enemy helicopter gunships attacking several of his combat capabilities that did not have air defense capabilities!

"Dada Da Da ~ ~ ~ ~ Da Da Da Da Da Da ~ ~ ~ ~ Da Da Da Da Da Da ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ He kept shooting over and hit the bodies of those chariots fiercely, emitting pieces of golden light.

"hong~~~hong~~~" But Liu Zheng also saw that his chariots seemed to have been dumbfounded at this time. Unexpectedly, they did not fight or move. They were just so stunned that the two armed helicopters of any enemy made full fire and carried out that kind of crazy attack on them. Hit. Under that kind of almost crazy attack, Liu Zheng's ground-to-air missile launchers one after another were quickly destroyed one by one...

At this time, Liu Zheng found this situation in time, so he immediately drove his own "chivalrous defense systems" with air defense performance. And the air defense performance of this "chivalrous defense system-car" is one of the most advanced and most powerful air defense forces. When they were finally led by Liu Zheng, they found the target in the first place and began to carry out a full attack. The tails of the missiles also sprayed orange tail flames, dragging long gray-white tail smoke, roaring and flying away. The sound of flying through the sky sounds extremely harsh. Those missiles, in the process of flying, constantly change the direction of their flight with the movement of the target, and closely follow the speed of the target. Moreover, it is often, after all, the flight speed of that missile is far faster than that of a fighter, so it won't take long for the target to finally be hit by a missile, and then there will be a loud "bang" noise...

"Wow, damn, I finally knocked down the enemy's two helicopter gunships! I finally shot down the two enemy helicopter gunships! Basically, it is impossible to take advantage of Laozi's base! It must be impossible!" Liu Zheng felt very confused about the unknown performance of the yellow player.

And next, Liu Zheng thought about how to defeat the shore-based defense forces on the enemy's territory closest to his continent! At that time, the most effective and efficient attack method was the long-range missile attack of the Second Artillery Force. Moreover, because of the long-range second artillery force, as one of its main forces, it is very aggressive. And I only attack those coastal targets. In this way, although the enemy has also prepared that kind of "Gatlin" in their base, as long as they don't attack targets that are too close to that position, there should always be nothing.