Star Trek

Chapter 46 Sea War 12

Seeing that some of his combat power, whether it is the ground chariots or those maritime combat power, has been powerfully attacked by the enemy. Moreover, it is still a kind of encirclement-like attack! At the sight, Liu Zheng's combat power is about to be destroyed! Wow, wow, the whole army has been destroyed!

"What should I do? What the hell should we do?" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng's head couldn't help moving quickly.

At this time, Mei Ting's voice actually sounded in Liu Zheng's ear again: "Brother Zheng, Brother Zheng, we still have super weapons! Our second-gun long-range missile carries a nuclear warhead. Can you consider using it?

And after hearing Mei Ting's voice, Liu Qingshan couldn't help but be stunned, and then immediately understood: Wow, wow, yes, yes! Why didn't I think of it? Why didn't I think of it?

So, Liu Zheng switched his perspective back to his base at the fastest speed, then controlled the weapon panel and used a whole nine long-range missiles in a row. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng also has a general understanding of the military facilities in the enemy's affiliated territory, so he will not be too blind when attacking. And the specific attack targets are as follows:

First: build factories, second, air bases; third, shipyards, fourth, science and technology centers... Of course, there is another very important goal, that is where the enemy's combat strength is received.

However, in the end, when Liu Zheng began to take action, he found that although his combat strength had been basically killed, the enemy's combat strength was actually little left.

"Attack~Attack!" Therefore, Liu Zheng began a fierce attack on the enemy's annex territory according to the goals he had just set. A huge rocket, carrying a huge nuclear warhead, shot out from the launcher of the long-range missile launch base, and the angle was also very high, 90 degrees, straight into the sky. Soon after, the missile began to deflrate, and then flew away in the direction of the target.

At high altitude, the missile, flying in a cruise mode, the sound of breaking the air, roared and sounded frightening. It should take about seven or eight seconds from the launch to hit the target. At the moment when the missile hit the target, in the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the human diaphragm sounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread and spread quickly. Puffed-large, puffed-large, and then turned into a mushroom cloud and soared into the air, and suddenly there was a dazzling snow white between heaven and earth. Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, a huge shock circle was formed around the starting point of the mushroom cloud, and almost all the military facilities in this shock circle, including various combat forces, were greatly damaged to a certain extent. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another!

One after another, several such long-range missiles, carrying nuclear warheads, rushed to the sky and exploded five targets one after another. It should be said that this result is still very good. However, the targets in another place still did not hear the earth-shock explosion.

Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a little puzzled. Wow, wow, what's going on? What on earth did this happen? However, when Liu Zheng looked carefully, he found that it turned out that the enemy had built three more Gate lasers in that area! I said, it turned out to be like that! Liu Zheng finally understood this time.

However, now, 95 long-range nuclear missiles have destroyed most of the valuable military facilities of the enemy on this territory, and it is not as easy as to build them all at once.

At the same time, I will start from three aspects and will definitely occupy this area. First, send naval forces once again to escort their second marines. It seems that only the Marines can kill the enemy's three Gate lasers. Second, after killing the enemy's Gate lasers, the construction worker who landed with the Marines and let him build another city center in the occupied land. After the construction of the city center, you can naturally carry out the construction of other important military facilities and the production of combat power.

Once you have the power to build military facilities and produce combat power here, then things will naturally be much easier to do, and things will naturally be much better.

So, after Liu Zheng looked at the three enemy's Gate lasers, he sneered meaningfully, and then went to deploy them.

Fortunately, in her own base, Mei Ting has long followed Liu Zheng's instructions. At this time, 15 or 16 of various chariots have been produced. Among them, the main one is the missile launcher. Because Liu Zheng knows that it is better not to use that kind of long-range attack power to fight, especially on the enemy's territory.

Liu Zheng loaded the 18 missile launchers into two transport ships at once. At the same time, I haven't forgotten to load a worker in. After landing, once he gained a firm foothold, he relied on him to build the city center.

After that, the two transport ships, after the protection of the three warships, crossed the strait and finally arrived at the shore of the enemy's affiliated territory. Then, Liu Zheng let those combat forces disembark in turn. However, at this time, from the depths of the dense forest on the shore, two elite mortars of the enemy came from there. The two enemy elite mortars, carrying mortar launchers on their shoulders, had begun to fire on the two transport ships.

At the beginning, Liu Zheng still wanted the three warships to kill the enemy's two elite mortars first. However, because the distance is too far, it is impossible to launch a good attack.

However, however, Liu Zheng soon came up with a countermeasure: he drove his combat power out of the two transport ships to land at the fastest speed. And once those combat forces land, naturally, their long-range missile attacks will come in handy. Only see...

The first missile launchers to rush out of the transport ship. With a "bang", missiles spewed out one by one, dragging a long gray-white tail smoke, cutting through the sky and roaring away. In the process of flying, those missiles are flying faster and faster, almost with that kind of lightning speed and momentum. That looks like a sharp sword, stabbing the target fiercely. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

And the two elite mortar infantry of the enemy were quickly blown into the sky under the bombing of several roaring missiles, and then fell heavily from the air, and then were naturally blown up and fell. Naturally, they could not die.

"Land troops and move on. Direction: Go west along the coast. Target, three Gate lasers!" Liu Zheng clearly completed the combat mission of attacking the three Gate lasers of the enemy.

However, when Liu Zheng commanded his newly landed marines to attack the three Gate lasers, he still rushed out of a large group of enemy forces from the enemy's base as last time.

And, at the same time, five or six enemy chariots rushed from the direction of the other Gate laser. The attack on both sides began.

I saw one by one missile roaring and attacking Liu Zheng's landing troops from two directions. For a moment, among the landing troops, the fire was shining and soared to the sky. The sound of the explosion and the flying around of all kinds of wreckage of chariots converged into a picture, which looked very spectacular. However, Liu Zheng's combat strength was also in the " Spectacular". Once again, he was beaten with a drop of water, and soon, there was no one left.

At this time, Liu Zheng was dumbfounded again. Wow, wow, it's really not easy to fight on the enemy's territory, it's really not easy! At this time, Liu Zheng felt that the Guizhou donkey was exhausted.

"However, I can use a new method, um, yes, change your mind, change your mind to have a look!" Liu Zheng suddenly thought.

Since it is very difficult to send troops here, what will be the effect if you build your own base here? What will the effect be?

Yes, it's a good idea. However, if you want to build your own city center here, you must first destroy the enemy's city center. However, as far as Liu Zheng knows, it is very difficult to destroy a city center. It seems that I can only act on long-range nuclear weapons again...