Star Trek

Chapter 50 Sea War 14

Finally, the chariot factory was built very quickly. In this way, Liu Zheng will be relieved.

Because since we have a chariot factory, the production of all kinds of chariots is naturally very fast. Moreover, the number of chariots that can be produced in its own base camp is quite large. Therefore, in one breath, Liu Zheng suddenly produced nearly 20 main fighting vehicles: ten integrated nuclear cannons and ten "net fire missile launchers". After that, Liu Zheng gave an order, and more than 20 chariots launched a devastating blow to the four or five chariots of the red player who had inexplicably retreated back to the coast. More than 20 missile launchers slowly began to adjust their angle towards the target. Soon after, they saw that the missile launchers first slowly raised the missile carried behind the car, forming an elevation angle of about 38 degrees. Then, after positioning, with a "bang" sound, missiles ejected out, dragging a long gray-white tail smoke, cutting through the sky and roaring away. That looks like a sharp sword, stabbing the target fiercely. Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom

"Boom~~~~"With the target hit by an extremely large number of missiles like dense arrows, the four or five enemy chariots were almost blown up at that moment, and they were blown up at all There was no time to fight back.

In fact, such a large-scale missile launch is not common for Liu Zheng. It looked like countless missiles, roaring towards the same attack point from a fan-shaped angle and blowing up. That scene is really spectacular!


Now, since there are so many chariots in my local base base, the safety problem has naturally been solved very well. Therefore, Liu Zheng continued to focus his attention on the front line. At this time, Liu Sen, with his very strong combat power, has killed the three Gate laser air defense systems first, and then killed all the military facilities of other yellow player La Cook's territory. In this case, basically, it can be said that Liu Zheng has controlled the affiliated territory of the yellow player La Cook.

And Liu Zheng's next plan is to consolidate the achievements that have been made, guard this territory, and then continue to launch the final attack on Nara Cook's nest.

However, the yellow player Lakuk is naturally unwilling. A good piece of his annex territory was robbed by Liu Zheng. Can he be happy? Therefore, he once again gathered some combat strength and set out from his base camp in an attempt to take back his affiliated territory.

But, Liu Zheng, can you give him this opportunity? You know, Liu Zheng, after the previous operation, can be said to have reached an extremely strong strength. Therefore, it can be said that it is more difficult to climb to the sky!

Now, another good opportunity is in front of Liu Zheng. The yellow player La Cook saw that Liu Zheng's strength was very strong, so he did not dare to attack. Therefore, at this time, he first stationed all his combat power at the junction of his own land and the subordinate territories occupied by Liu Sen to gather a certain number. Then attack Liu Zheng's combat power.

But will Liu Zheng give him such a chance? Now, Liu Zheng has thought of his own nuclear bomb attack! Ha ha, ha, because now, the yellow player La Cook's Gate laser air defense system here has been destroyed by himself, so his long-range nuclear missile will naturally not be destroyed.

"Nuclear bomb ready! Long-range attack! Target: The gathering point of the enemy's combat power!" With Liu Sen's order, a missile shot out from the missile launcher of his long-range missile launch base, rushed straight to the sky, through the clouds and fog, and roared away. After that, he flew over the wide ocean, dragging the orange tail flame, and soon flew over the enemy's chariots that were gathering there.

Moreover, at this time, suddenly, a group of 20 enemy mecha suddenly appeared in the assembly area. Moreover, it is also arranged in a very neat formation. It seems that this is a test of overspace transmission.

Liu Zheng knows that this kind of mecha is very powerful. However, Liu Zheng is no longer worried. The long-range nuclear weapon in his hand is now about to explode in the gathering place where the enemy's combat power is gathered! Haha, haha, just let them go to see the king of the world together! Finally, suddenly, a huge missile fell from the sky and hit the enemy's top of the 40 to 50 chariots that had gathered there. In the sky that was still very clear, immediately, a loud sound that was about to break the diaphragm sounded across the earth. Then, a dazzling white light began to spread quickly, expand, expand, expand-large, and then turned into a mushroom cloud and soared into the sky, and suddenly a dazzling snow-white between heaven and earth . Then, in the harsh explosion, in the dazzling white light, a huge shock circle was formed around the starting point of the mushroom cloud, and almost all the military facilities in this shock circle, including various combat forces, were greatly damaged to a certain extent. Some military facilities or combat power had not been destroyed at that time, but soon after, with the destruction of high-intensity radiation, they also exploded one after another!

"Ah, ah, ah, it's really hard, it's really hard!" Finally, on the affiliated territory of the yellow player La Cook, Liu Zheng naturally felt very emotional. Moreover, at this time, Liu Sen has also made up his mind, that is, after consolidating this base, he will invade the base camp of the yellow player La Cook.

Moreover, even, Liu Zheng has formulated the attack plan of the yellow player La Cook's base camp, that is, to rely on his own ground combat power to destroy all the Gate laser air defense systems in the Nara Cook base. . After that, he used his long-range missile attack system to send all those nuclear warheads to La Cook. Hey hey, hey, it's all a gift for that guy!

However, at this time, from the western area of the map, it should have flown from the bases of the red player Kadong. All kinds of air combat power, including heavy missile helicopters and rail bombers, are flying like locusts in the sky, which has just been built in Liu Zheng. The base kept hovering, roaring, and then firing air-ground missiles one after another at the military facilities in the base, or simply at the various chariots in the base.

And those bombers threw heavy bombs into Liu Zheng's base. Therefore, for a while, over Liu Zheng's base, the fireworks were clear and almost exploded into a pot of porridge.

And Liu Zheng's base lacks the necessary air defense force at this time. As a result, some of his various fighting vehicles, including three missile launchers and three nuclear cannons, were killed by the enemy's air forces.

However, fortunately, Liu Zheng has a fast production capacity at this time. In a hurry, he quickly produced five chivalrous air defense systems. In addition, three Gate lasers were built in the midst of the gunfire. Therefore, the enemy's air combat power was finally seriously threatened.

First, those chivalrous anti-aircraft tanks take the lead - they can move, so they naturally have the ability to attack first. One by one, ground-to-air missiles roared out of the launch vehicle, dragging the orange tail flame and the long gray-white tail smoke chasing the enemy's aircraft in mid-air and attacking.

"Boom ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~" With the beam of surface-to-air missiles hitting the target, some of the enemy's air combat power exploded directly in the mid-air, and some suddenly lost their balance, rolled down from the mid-air and hit Liu Zheng's base. There was a bang, and the fire flashed and exploded.

However, because the red player Cardon has sent too much air combat power. This can't help but make Liu Zheng think, isn't it that the red player Kadong has formed an alliance with the yellow player Lacook? Well, this is actually a very possible thing! After all, now, Liu Zheng's attack momentum is so strong that it will certainly arouse the fear of other foreign players. In this way, it is normal for them to seek sword injury partners one after another.

However, fortunately, Liu Zheng also built three Gate lasers! Therefore, once the enemy's air attack forces entered the attack range of the Gate lasers, their rather fierce air defense capabilities were finally reflected.