Star Trek

Chapter 73 New Journey 5

Finally, after preparing for the battle, Liu Zheng's troops, including seven siege tanks, five battlecruisers, and five Thor armors, finally occupied the enemy's high platform. And that high platform is also exactly where the enemy's base was originally located.

However, Liu Zheng is actually very clear that although he occupied that high platform, in fact, it can't explain anything at all. It can only be explained that he simply cost too much to occupy this high platform. As for other things, it really doesn't explain anything.

Yes, that's really the case. Although it is true that their troops have not decreased much in terms of that number after occupying that high platform. However, Liu Zheng knew that it was because his temporary base was constantly replenishing his front-line troops. Otherwise, I'm afraid that I would have had such a little combat power long ago. It's all gone. Wow!

And now, the main force of the enemy has long been transferred. Moreover, Liu Zheng has seen from the map that there should be at least three enemy bases that have been rebuilt so far. The nearest base to Liu Zheng is next to the high platform just occupied by Liu Zheng! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing. There should be at least three bases rebuilt by the enemy so far. The nearest base to Liu Zheng is next to the high platform just occupied by Liu Zheng! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing, haha, haha, haha, haha,! ~! Now that I have occupied this high platform, I can take advantage of this "condescending" attack advantage to launch another attack on the enemy's base, the base that has just been built! Hey hey, hey, I just want to make some of the enemy's combat power difficult to really stand firm!

After Liu Zheng thought of this, he gave an order, so he drove all his seven siege tanks to the "point of good hope" on the high platform closest to the enemy base. At this time, Liu Zheng has also clearly seen from the shooting coverage of those attack guns that have entered the city mode. Still, most of the military facilities and some combat power in the enemy's base have been shrouded in the attack of Liu Zheng's seven siege tanks. It's within the scope of the attack.

"Attack! Goal! The most powerful military facilities in the enemy's second base! Wherever you can be beaten, you can't miss it one by one!" And with Liu Zheng's order, it just fell. At first, the siege guns slowly rotated, and naturally they were aiming and selecting targets. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

"Ha ha, ha, it seems that the ground attack mode developed by me, this kind of cluster siege fire, is really very powerful!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel happy. At present, half of the enemy's base has been beaten into ruins by Liu Zheng's siege guns. However, at this time, the opponent actually began to launch a fierce counterattack. All kinds of combat strength of a group of enemy troops, including "colossus" and "hunters". In addition, there are some other combat forces, such as the glowing void ships flying in the air, and even aircraft carriers.

At the beginning, Liu Zheng really didn't take it as a thing. However, soon, as time went by and the nominality of those combat power approached, Liu Zheng actually felt an unparalleled pressure that he had almost never felt. In fact, Liu Zheng did not feel much threat to other combat power, except for those two. One is a giant statue, and the other is a glowing void ship.

Through some information, Liu Zheng once learned that this "giant elephant" is a ground unit of the Protoss and belongs to a high-tech arms. Its advantage is that it can climb over the trenches, hit the strike distance and the damage is large, but it has a fatal disadvantage that both air and ground units can strike it, and the cost is high, even if However, players still often use it. The huge colossus has terrible lethality against low-level units of the enemy. In many cases, a colossus with upgraded shields can kill a large group of marines. However, due to the slow movement, the colossus can easily become the target of the enemy, so you need to spend more energy on micro-operations on them. It should be noted that due to the high altitude, the colossus will be attacked by airfire. For example, human missile towers can attack the colossus. The huge giant is a robot of the Protoss, and its design can be traced back to the brutal conflict years of Kalath. It has four slender and flexible legs and can easily cross the battlefield terrain. His extremely high height allows him to easily cross ravines and cliffs and occupy the best fire point. The height of the colossus makes it more vulnerable to attacks, and ground and air-to-air units and buildings can also attack him. The colossus is protected by heavy armor, and two powerful hotline cutting guns are placed on both sides of the body. The sophisticated energy gathering and aiming system ensures that the hotline cutting gun has continuous damage output at maximum power. When a target is destroyed, the hotline will immediately switch to the next target, so the flame of destruction released by each round of attacks of the colossus can destroy a large number of enemies.

Therefore, the attack and lethality of this giant elephant's "hotline cutting gun" is still quite large. Because "when a target is destroyed, the hotline will immediately switch to the next target", this giant elephant can cause huge damage to a large number of enemies in a short time. It's really a terrible thing.

And that kind of enemy's "bright void ship" is also quite amazing. As one of the most important air combat forces of the Protoss, this "bright void ship" looks light and its body is translucent, like a sea philosophy. However, the aggressiveness and destructive ability of that thing is undoubtedly unique among all the air combat power of the Protoss. Through the actual information on the battlefield, Liu Zheng has learned that the Void Radiant Ship is a new air force of the Protoss and the perfect embodiment of the ultra-high civilization of the Protoss. After a long and difficult test, the two ethnic groups united again. However, overcoming the fear and suspicion brought about by centuries of exile is not an easy task for the Dark Templar. Nevertheless, the fusion of two completely different races has brought many new inventions to Xingling. One of the products is the Void Glow Ship. It combines the completely different technologies of the light star spirit and the dark temple warriors, which is a symbol of the unity between the star spirit and the dark church. The powerful combat effectiveness of the Void Radiance makes many people even believe that it will replace the awesome aircraft carrier as the main battleship of the Star Spirit Fleet.

The essence of the Void warship is a ship built around a huge energy source - the core of the prism. Its design includes two fields of technology: one is the void energy that only the Dark Templar can understand, and the second is the ghost energy matrix that only the Bright Templar can control. These two forms of energy combine and interact with each other, giving them powerful. Usually, the energy of the prism core is limited to the radiator array in the thermal region. When the void warship locks the target, the robotic arm of the radiator will unfold slowly like a petal. A complex array of energy beams and phase crystals guides the prism core to gather energy into a devastating beam. When the prism beam hits the target, the other two focused arrays will also enter a state of arrangement, eventually bringing the three separate beams together. After a few seconds, the energy of the intensity of the beam will increase exponentially. Few enemies can withstand this terrible prism for a long time, and even buildings or battlecruisers with huge and heavy armor will be quickly disintegrated.

The Void Glowship plays the role of long-range heavy bombing in the Protoss Air Force. It is a mechanical unit and is an armored warship that can attack air and ground targets, especially good at attacking armored units. The longer the void glow ship attacks a target, the higher the damage caused by its prism beam. When the prism beam reaches a fully charged state, you will have a few seconds to start attacking a new target without recharging before the fully charged state disappears. The Void Glow ship cannot concentrate on attacks for a long time when attacking machine gunners and other troops, with the lowest firepower output ability, the least attack efficiency and the greatest danger.

Liu Zheng naturally knew the terrible things about these two opponents and combat power, so he mobilized his five battlecruisers to take advantage of this air attack to kill them. Or, to a certain extent, slow down its attack. However, all this basically did not stop the devastating attacks of the enemy's forces. After the faint blue attack beam passed by, it sounded one after another with the sound of explosions. Almost in a blink of an eye, Liu Zheng's group of siege guns and several battlecruisers were blown up. Wow, this, this, this, such a powerful attack ability is too shocking!

However, Fortunately, Liu Zheng has that kind of fighting style of "no pride, no defeat". Therefore, Liu Zheng was so angry that no matter how much production and construction funds he had spent now, so he produced ten siege tanks, five battlecruisers, and seven Thor mecha.

"It seems that I didn't produce Thor mechas last time. Well, in this case, both in the air and on the ground will face great pressure on the enemy's combat strength. Wow! This time, take a look again!" Liu Zheng seems to have tasted something.

This time, Liu Zheng also really learned the lesson of the last time. Instead of rushing to pull up all his ten siege guns, he sent his five battlecruisers first. Because that kind of battlecruiser belongs to the kind of unit that flies in the air, there is naturally no need to make a detour and have to go through that slope. Instead, just fly directly from the air.

Five battlecruisers, like five huge kites, fluttering and swaying, but they have a great momentum. Flying slowly, a low and depressing roar sounded one after another. Soon after crossing the steep cliff, the battlecruisers finally flew over the cliff and flew over the enemy base. Then, they first began to attack some of the military facilities of the enemy's Xingling God clan below, and some of the remaining military facilities!

"chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi-chi, began to attack. And with that sound after another, the unique sound of attacks continued to sound, and Liu Zheng saw that the raindrop-like laser cannon began to shoot dense shells. This laser gun group shoots at a high speed with a damage value of 9 points per hit. Yes, although the damage value of nine points per hit is really not very powerful, then again, the shooting frequency of this laser cannon is quite high. And such a high firing frequency is enough to make up for the disadvantage of the lack of lethality of the single shell.

In this way, under the intensive fire attack, under the attack of the seemingly ordinary laser artillery group, which actually has a considerable attack advantage, the buildings in the enemy base were destroyed one by one.

"Wow, damn it, damn it, this speed is too slow!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng decided to try the power of the Yamato gun. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng suddenly switched the attack mode of one of the battlecruisers to that kind of "Yamato attack mode". Then, with Liu Zheng's "fire", a "buzzing" sound came up one after another. Then, the orange light shone at the muzzle of the battlecruiser. Finally, a dazzling shell suddenly shot out from the mouth of the barrel and saw the shell. Crossed a straight line, and the sound of running at high speed even melted the air around it. Then, the powerful attack shell named "plasma cannon" suddenly hit the target - the military facility in the enemy base. So, a loud "boom" sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a strong explosion burst into the sky. Therefore, under this blow, the target was suddenly knocked out 300 points of health.

Fortunately, at this time, there was no other enemy's combat power to rush over. This also provides conditions for the attack of Liu Zheng's battlecruisers. So, one after another, the attacks of cannons began one after another. And in the sound of explosions, in the successive glowing attacks, the target's health value is also falling one after another.

Buildings were destroyed one by one. Finally, the wanton attacks of Liu Zheng's battlecruisers soon attracted the attention of some of the enemy's combat power. So, soon, from the inside of its base, one after another, like a translucent seaflies, rushed to Liu Zheng's battlecruisers in a seemingly light floating posture.

"Yoh, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ..." It's like several long tentacles shot out and accurately hit the target. After receiving such a blow, Liu Zheng's battlecruiser naturally had a sudden battle, and his health was also suddenly lost more than 30%.

At the same time, the enemy's void glow ship continues to shoot their kind of "presm rays" and swish at the same time, the enemy's void glow ships are also constantly rotating, and each rotation seems to be making an adjustment. At the same time, it is also fully prepared for the next attack.

Finally, with the deafening explosion, Liu Zheng saw that Liu Zheng's battlecruiser was finally blown up.