Star Trek

Chapter 101 Light and Shadow Fortress 14

At this time, Liu Zheng has gathered 20 Thor mechas and is carrying out that kind of deadly fighting...

The battle is naturally quite fierce. Fortunately, after all, the power of the more than 20 Thor mecha is also quite great. After all, that kind of big guy is not so easy to mess with! Moreover, that guy has two means of attack against the ground and air, and the attack of the enemy's Zerg forces are generally combined with ground combat power and air combat power. Therefore, for ordinary combat power alone, the attack of the enemy's Zerg forces is generally ground combat power and air. The combat power is combined, so if it is just ordinary combat power, I'm afraid there is no such thing as the ability of air defense and ground attack at the same time...

However, soon after repelled some of the Zerg forces of the enemy, another round of Zerg counterattack forces began again. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's Thor mecha has been greatly damaged in the fight just now, so there are still some unbearable things at this time. However, fortunately, Liu Zheng's two important shaking forces - one is 15 siege guns, and the other is Liu Zheng's battlecruiser. Moreover, in fact, this kind of battlecruiser is nothing compared with Liu Zheng's combat.

So, now, after leading enough preparation, the 15 siege tanks that have been set by Liu Zheng to become the "city siege mode" immediately began their best carpet bombing of ground combat power. I saw, "Attack!" With Liu Zheng's attack order, it can be seen that the siege guns, at first, slowly rotated, and naturally aimed at the target. Then, with a loud "boom", the fiery red light flashed at the mouth of the gun. At the same time, the siege gun was full of fierce battle, and the huge recoil caused it to retreat suddenly. Then, a huge shell shot out, so fast that it could hardly see its flight at all. The trajectory. The targets that were attacked also kept ringing with the roar of the siege guns. After the huge shells were hit, the whole body ignited with flames in an instant. At the same time, the targets also shook with the rhythm of the siege guns. For a while, the whole battlefield was almost shaking. In particular, when the seven siege guns were almost fired together, the attacked target became a sea of fire almost in a blink of an eye.

In this way, under the full attack of Liu Zheng's newly arrived siege artillery, the ground attack forces of the enemy's combat power were naturally blown up one after another. However, for the air combat power of the enemy, Liu Zheng's more than a dozen siege tanks could not attack. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's more than a dozen battlecruisers finally reached the designated position.

In this regard, Liu Zheng did not directly use that conventional attack method, but directly used the strongest attack for this battlecruiser, that is, the attack of Yamato cannon. Because Liu Zheng knows very well that if you fight, you must show the strength of the enemy's strength! As the so-called "If you don't fight, you will succeed in one dozen."

So, in this case, Liu Zheng quickly serializes his dozens of battlecruisers one by one, which will facilitate the Yamato-style attack. Attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the dozens of battlecruisers began a fierce, cannon-style attack on the various Zerg forces of the enemy. A "buzzing" sound rose one after another, and then the orange light shone at the muzzle of the battlecruiser, as if it was constantly accumulating some energy.

Yes, attacks like this kind of artillery with super destructive energy require a certain amount of warm-up time. And the "preheating time" here is the preparation time before the launch, or "cooling time". Although it looks a little long, it is nothing compared to its huge lethality. Finally, with the extreme rise in the frequency of the sound generated by the accumulation ability, a cannonball with dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the mouth of the barrel. The shell crossed a straight line, dragged out a dazzling trajectory, and hit the target directly. And go. Moreover, its high-speed sound even melted the air around it.

The straight flight route, a roaring fireball, the huge explosive power, and the exploding beams coming from everywhere. All this has formed the uniqueness of the Yamato artillery attack. Then, the powerful attack shell named "plasma cannon" finally hit the target after a very short time of high-speed flight in the shortest time. So, a loud "boom" sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a strong explosion burst into the sky. The intensity of the explosive flame can also be seen from the brightness of the dazzling explosive firelight. Therefore, under this blow, the target was suddenly knocked out 300 points of health.

In this way, as the cannons hit the target one after another, the dazzling flashes rose to the sky. Seeing the flashing explosion scene, it looked like a round of small sun, dazzling and dazzling. And with the explosion fire rising to the sky and the spread of the deafening explosion sound, the enemy's large group of various combat forces were suddenly hit with great momentum and suddenly lost their fighting spirit, so they retreated one after another...

At this time, Liu Zheng found that this should be the best opportunity to perform that kind of fusion blow. Yes, under his own full attacks just now, some of the enemy's Zerg combat power is, it should be said, like a frightened bird. In this way, if you send out ghost warriors, you should no longer be so easily discovered by the enemy's combat power, so it should be said that it is easier to cause the success of the sneak attack. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so Liu Zheng suddenly sent five ghost chariots, and they had long been set to be invisible, heading for the target and hurried forward...

In this way, Liu Zheng's three ghost warriors stepped on the extremely sticky Zerg slurry and rushed to the Zerg's nest not far ahead. Fortunately, because it has been passively set to that kind of "invisible" state, it has entered its attack range, but it has still not been found. And this also made Liu Zheng secretly happy. Soon after that, Liu Zheng gave an order, so two ghost warriors in a row began to attack that must be guided by ghost warriors, directly towards the Zerg's nest! That kind of nuclear fusion attack!

Everything is going well. The two ghost warriors, because they entered that kind of invisible state, looked translucent. They all have sniper rifles - of course, this is the kind of C-14 shotgun with special functions, and this kind of sniper rifle can not only sniper, but more importantly, it is through which it can achieve the effect of guiding fusion strikes.

At this time, what Liu Zheng is waiting for is the preparation for the fusion strike in the base. Yes, because the two ghost warriors are responsible for leading the fusion missiles in the base to the target. An important premise of such an attack is naturally in the base. First of all, the nuclear fusion strike must be ready!

Finally, five seconds later, a sound of "the fusion strike is ready, the fusion strike is ready" kept ringing. Then, the nuclear fusion strike officially began! One of the ghost warriors pointed gently to the enemy's command center with the C-10 shothand rifle in his hand, so a white beam of light came out, and then the target was locked in a gray-white aperture.

Once the target is locked, Liu Zheng also knows that his ghost warrior can't do any other actions. He can only firmly stare at the target in front of him and faithfully perform his guiding task. Next, thirteen seconds passed in the strange sound of the tsunami. Finally, with an earth-shaking sound, an earthy explosive firelight rose to the sky, and then the skylight turned into a mushroom cloud and released a huge energy fluctuation. Even the whole enemy base was illuminated by the dazzling explosion. The ground shook violently for a while, and it was difficult to see the true face of the attacked target for a while, which was tightly shrouded and covered by the dark golden explosive light.

In this way, two successive nuclear fusion strikes naturally blew up a large amount of enemy combat power. However, what Liu Zheng did not expect at all was also attracted a large amount of combat power from the Zerg's general base, such as thunder beasts, rotten people, eye insects, snakes waiting, and responded. All rushed in one after another.

After seeing this situation, Liu Zheng, who had always taken "good men not suffer immediate losses" as his principle of action, naturally found the danger of the situation, so he issued an order that all his combat power retreated one after another and retreated to the edge of his base, ready to carry out defensive operations.

"A man can bend and stretch!" That's true, and Liu Zheng still understands this sentence very well. In the face of a strong enemy, you should naturally not fight hard. You should be good at avoiding the strong momentum of the enemy, and you should learn to take advantage of the situation. Now, there is no doubt that although he has successfully carried out two fusion strikes in a row, it has also attracted such a large number of enemy Zerg counterattacks. Therefore, now, I must shrink back, concentrate my strength, and defeat the enemy's strong attack first.

"Tron Raven No. 2, go up and set the point defense target machine!" With Liu Zheng's order, a crow came up to the designated area to carry out the unique "point defense target machine" deployment. The Iron Raven fighter fought all over, and then released a fixed-point defense target plane to the designated place as if spitting out an object from its mouth. And the small fixed-point defense target machine, which looked like a small light ball, flew slowly, crossed a smooth curve, and flew. Finally, it stopped at that designated place.

Liu Zheng knows that this "point defense target machine" is a temporary defense force. Through the laser beam, all missile attacks can be resolved. Therefore, by setting up this "point defense target machine", it can indeed greatly defend against the enemy's large-scale attacks, thus ten It effectively protects the safety of your combat power, and thus can save too much combat power production for yourself.

Just after Liu Zheng ordered the Iron Raven fighter to set up a "point defense target aircraft" with as many as 20 or 30 in one go, the attack forces of the enemy have also attacked the front of Liu Zheng's position. Then, all kinds of Zerg combat power and the unique weapon opened fire together. However, to Liu Zheng's relief, most of the missiles were actually intercepted. I saw that with the strange and sharp sound of chirp calls, laser beams shot out from the fixed-point defense target machines one by one, shaking everywhere, flying up and down, and dancing wildly. And in the network of laser beams formed by the dance of the flying and messy laser beams, Liu Zheng's siege tanks and the attack missiles launched by the two battlecruisers were almost completely destroyed. And the protective wall formed by the dense laser beam network almost destroyed all the attacking missiles. Under the excitation of the laser beams one after another, the attack missiles after another exploded one after another. Therefore, in the forest of beams formed by the laser beams dancing up and down, The dark red light of the explosion shot away, and the sound of a roaring explosion was endless...

At the same time, the combat power in Liu Zheng's hand mainly refers to those battlecruisers and those siege tanks, which carry out air and ground attacks respectively, roaring and roaring, shooting ground missiles and photon shells at the target one after another. In this way, most of the enemy's attacks were basically intercepted by the "point defense target machine" just laid by Liu Zheng. However, Liu Zheng's attacks in this regard are still carried out. In this way, in the flash of laser beams and the scene that looked like the scene on the stage, the enemy's attack was basically intercepted, while Liu Zheng's attack was playing well.

And Liu Zheng will never let go of such a good attack opportunity at this time. As an auxiliary attack force, Liu Zheng knows that the main role of his kind of "iron crow" is to set up that kind of "point defense target machine" array. This is the most important point. However, it does not mean that this kind of iron crow can't attack. In fact, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of "iron crow" "hunting missile" is indeed true and has quite good attack ability. However, because the iron crow has low health and poor defense ability, it can rarely be used as a separate combat force. Liu Zheng knew that this kind of "iron crow" "hunting missile" is true and has quite good attack ability. However, because the iron crow has low health and poor defense ability, it can rarely be used as a separate combat force. However, now, in the face of such a good situation, Liu Zheng will naturally not give up such an opportunity!

So, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng commanded the "iron crow fighter" under control and began to use its "hunting missiles" to attack the target. With Liu Zheng's order, the unique attack belonging to the Iron Raven fighter - the missile-type attack, officially began! I saw a metal sphere that looked like iron thisthorn, with sharp iron thorns and a white beam of light, shooting towards the target. Although the flying speed of the ejected iron torcus ball is not very fast, it has a very good guidance ability. So, in this way, the iron quincus ball looks like an unrelenting ghost, chasing the target of the enemy who is on the way. Finally, the chase was in place, collided, and exploded! Boom~~~~ Boom~~~~ With that loud sound, the firelight of the explosion went away, and at the same time, a fireball exploded golden yellow, looking like a small sun exploded. And the target, also in such a strong explosion, was almost blown out of all the health points...