Star Trek

Chapter 103 Light and Shadow Fortress 16

It should be said that this time, Liu Zheng played a considerable role in the fixed-point defense target aircraft laid through those Iron Raven fighters. And just now, it was really thanks to the dozens of fixed-point defense target aircraft, the laser beams fired out one after another, thus intercepting all the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles, thus creating conditions for the successful attack of its battlecruiser. .

Yes, in fact, the reason is very simple, that is, through that piece of "point defense target", as a result, some of the enemy's combat-powered anti-aircraft missiles were intercepted by those fixed-point defense target aircraft. In this way, Liu Zheng's group of battlecruisers naturally has no possibility of being destroyed. In this way, some of Liu Zheng's battlecruisers can also attack all the fighting forces of the enemy. In this way, Liu Zheng's group of battlecruisers naturally has no possibility of being destroyed. In this way, some of Liu Zheng's battlecruisers can also attack all the fighting forces of the enemy.

You know, after all, Liu Zheng's battlecruiser is a multifunctional machine that can be both air-to-air and ground-to-ground! Moreover, the power of its characteristic weapon, the Yamato gun, is not too powerful! Since one shot is out, then even the combat effectiveness of some large enemy forces, such as thunder beasts, often can't stop the heavy blow at all.

Therefore, this time, Liu Zheng finally found again that the "point defense target machine" laid by those "Iron Raven fighters" actually has such a strong effect! For this, Liu Zheng should say that he really hasn't really experienced it in those previous battles!

However, Liu Zheng also knows that although the "point defense target aircraft" laid by the Iron Raven fighter has a very good defense ability, some things have a time limit. Generally speaking, after three minutes, those hard-won fixed-point defense target machines, those football-sized fixed-point defense target machines with some spikes on them will disappear by themselves. In this case, there is no other good way to continue to use their defense functions. The only way is to use the Iron Raven fighters again and re-launch them. As for the other methods, they really don't exist.

Yes, Liu Zheng has encountered such a situation now. That is, the fixed-point defense target machine that I just laid has disappeared one by one. Yes, there are only a dozen fixed-point defense target machines so far. In this case, once the enemy's combat power attacks again, there are only a dozen so far. In this way, once the enemy's combat power attacks again, then their battlecruisers will naturally not be protected by those fixed-point defense target aircraft again.

However, Fortunately, so far, Liu Zheng has really figured out the rules of those Zerg' combat power to attack their own positions. That is, they will not go up at one stroke. If they don't succeed, they will become benevolent, move and attack with all their strength. It's a wave of attacks. In this way, often, once the attack goes well, they will continue to attack until they attack the other party's main base, and even until the other party's main base is destroyed.

However, once the attack is frustrated, the situation will naturally be different. Yes, that's true. The attack was frustrated? What is an attack setback? That's when you find that the attack is not going well. For example, once they are strongly counterattacked by their opponents, or if they attack themselves and do not achieve the set goals well, then they, the fighting forces of the Zerg, will also retreat in due course.

This attack method also gave Liu Zheng the opportunity and time to reposition his defensive position. Yes, that's it. In this way, that is to say, as long as Liu Zheng can resist the powerful attack of the enemy, then with the retreat of some of the enemy's combat power, Liu Zheng can, on the one hand, request the arrival of reinforcements from his base; on the other hand, he can also use his own again. Those Iron Raven fighters once again supplemented some fixed-point defense target planes that have just disappeared. Or, go further and place the fixed-point defense target more tightly. Wouldn't that be better?

And now, Liu Zheng is right in such a period of time. Therefore, now, he is in a hurry, commanding several iron ravens fighters, further, like spiders repairing their cobwebs, constantly, through those iron ravens, and constantly embellishing the fixed-point defense targets once again over his defense positions. The Iron Raven fighter fought all over, and then released a fixed-point defense target plane to the designated place as if spitting out an object from its mouth. And the small fixed-point defense target machine, which looked like a small light ball, flew slowly, crossed a smooth curve, and flew. Finally, it stopped at that designated place.

In this way, Liu Zheng laid the fixed-point defense target aircraft evenly and as much as possible over his own defense base through those iron crow fighters. One, two, three~~~ With the fixed-point defense target machine one by one, it was constantly laid over the air defense position. Liu Zheng saw that soon, another fixed-point defense target network began to form...

And at this time, another wave of attacks by the enemy's combat power finally began again. Thunder beasts, rotten people, stinging snakes, etc., the combat power of all the enemy shows their rampant faces and exudes that evil and disgusting atmosphere.

However, although those guys look terrible, Liu Zheng didn't take them to heart this time. Wow, wow, wow, that's what he did! What's the big deal? What's the big deal? As long as Laozi's fixed-point defense target is there, your anti-aircraft missiles will all be intercepted by Laozi's fixed-point defense target. And at that time, hey, hey, hey, I either use Laozi's battlecruiser, or simply use Laozi's iron crow fighter. Anyway, any combat power can beat you up...

Sure enough, soon, while Liu Zheng was still calculating there, another large-scale attack on those Zerg forces finally began again. I saw missiles roaring, and corrupt balls exuding a green breath of death, which were more like throwing hydrangeas, constantly projecting at Liu Zheng's combat power on the ground and some battlecruisers that had just been mobilized by Liu Zheng.

"Ped-point defense target machine, attack!" Seeing the enemy's attack, it had officially begun. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the defense system laid by the "point defense target machine" finally began to play their role. I saw that with the strange and sharp sound of chirp calls, laser beams shot out from the fixed-point defense target machines one by one, shaking everywhere, flying up and down, and dancing wildly. And in the network of laser beams formed by the dance of the flying and messy laser beams, Liu Zheng's siege tanks and the attack missiles launched by the two battlecruisers were almost completely destroyed. And the protective wall formed by the dense laser beam network almost destroyed all the attacking missiles. Under the excitation of the laser beams one after another, the attack missiles after another exploded one after another. Therefore, in the forest of beams formed by the laser beams dancing up and down, The dark red light of the explosion shot away, and the sound of a roaring explosion was endless...

Looking at the enemy's attacks of various combat forces, they were intercepted one by one by the interception beams emitted by their own fixed-point defense target machine. Liu Zheng's face, a faint smile passed by quietly. At this time, although his attack has been successfully defended by Liu Zheng's fixed-point defense target machines, and although his attack has been successfully defended by Liu Zheng's fixed-point defense target machines, its attack still does not decrease and still looks very fierce.

"Hey, hey hey, now, since you can't do anything to me, you can't blame me! Battlecruiser, Yamato artillery attack!" With Liu Zheng's order, several battlecruisers had slowly come closer. An important factor in Liu Zheng's leading at least five battlecruisers to come forward at the same time is that the attack of this battlecruiser's cannon has a certain cooling time. Therefore, he wants to pose a threat to the enemy's combat power, especially to form a continuous attack on it. Then, naturally, just one or two is far from enough.

At this time, facing all kinds of enemy forces who were still tired of dealing with the interception of Liu Zheng's fixed-point defense target, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling, and then gave an order. Therefore, his five battlecruisers began to attack from the high altitude! The front of the battlecruiser opened fire first. A "buzzing" sound rose one after another, and then the orange light was shining at the muzzle of the battlecruiser, as if it was constantly accumulating some energy. Finally, with the extreme rise in the frequency of the sound generated by the accumulation ability, a cannonball with dazzling golden light suddenly shot out from the mouth of the barrel. The shell crossed a straight line, dragged out a dazzling trajectory, and hit the target directly. And go.

"Yo-yo-yo~~~" The shot and cannonball went at a high speed, looking like a meteor, breaking through the wind, emitting dazzling fire all over the body, shining, like a small sun shining with strange light. . Moreover, its high-speed sound even melted the air around it. Then, the powerful attack shell named "plasma cannon" finally hit the target after a very short time of high-speed flight in the shortest time. So, a loud "boom" sound suddenly sounded, and at the same time, a strong explosion burst into the sky. The intensity of the explosive flame can also be seen from the brightness of the dazzling explosive firelight. Therefore, under this blow, the target was suddenly knocked out 300 points of health.

In this way, Liu Zheng's battlecruisers continuously fired large and cannonballs one by one, and the large and cannonballs one after another hit the target one after another. Therefore, on the ground, in mid-air, the various combat forces of the Zerg, who are still being intercepted by those fixed-point defense target machines and made their heads burnt, are shining with the explosion of the cannonballs, and the powerful explosive power of the Zerg forces of the enemy army, their arms and broken their legs. They flew around, shot into the mid-air, and fell down one after another.

A fishy smell permeates, which is disgusting.

And those Zerg' fighting forces did not achieve the expected effect when they saw this attack, so they had to retreat first. Countless amputated remnants were left behind. However, after such a war, the Zerg slurry on the ground slowly receded a lot. Liu Zheng knew that the retreat of those Zerg slurries also meant the convergence of those Zerg forces. It seems that every battle not only eliminates some of the enemy's combat power, but more importantly, narrows the enemy's sphere of influence. And this, considering the whole combat strength, it is indeed quite important.

And with the retreat of those Zerg's combat power again, Liu Zheng did not choose to catch up. He just moved his position forward for a distance, which is called consolidation and improvement. Yes, he must firmly consolidate every inch of the fiefdom occupied by the residence, accumulate small victories for great victories, and exchange time for space.

However, at many times and under many circumstances, Liu Zheng also ignored the strength of the enemy's seemingly mixed Zerg forces. Originally, after the war just now, Liu Zheng also felt that at least his position should be preserved. Not to mention its own main base. Then, on top of the fact, the progress of things was out of his expectation.

That scene is simply overwhelming! Thunder beasts, bone needle worms, rotten people, etc., almost all the combat power of the Zerg has come together. The harsh noise, all kinds of strange shapes, the disgusting Zerg plasma, and the smell of fishy smell made Liu Zheng feel as if he had suddenly come to the end of the world.

Between heaven and earth, it also fell into a kind of darkness. That's the result of those Zerg's fighting forces covering the sky. Originally, Liu Zheng felt that his defense line was as solid as gold, under the overwhelming power of the enemy, burst in the fierce attack that almost swept the world.

The fixed-point defense target array that took Liu Zhengdi a lot of thought was also under the attack of the enemy's tide-like combat power, and almost suddenly lost its spirituality, no luster, and lost its attack ability. As a result, like pearls buried in the dunghill, there is no more At the beginning, the energy was everywhere, but it was dim. Let those dirty weapons of the Bugs attack unsystematic, and the last one burst and exploded...

In this way, Liu Zheng's defensive position was quickly broken by the enemy. Then, the combat power of those Zerg, **, suddenly attacked near Liu Zheng's general base. The situation suddenly became very critical. Fortunately, on the cliff of Liu Zheng's general base, dozens of siege cannons that Liu Zheng had prepared for a long time were laid, so that once the front line fails, then these siege guns will be the main combat force to deal with some of the enemy's ground attack forces. At the same time, in mid-air, dozens of battlecruisers were also lined up there, staring at the enemy's Zerg fighting power.

In addition, because it is deep in his own base, Liu Zheng also has a batch of more important combat weapons, that is: anti-aircraft missile turret. You know, as a special anti-aircraft weapon, their air defense effect is quite powerful!

Moreover, the combat power of some Zerg, in terms of their elite combat power, is mainly in the air. Therefore, once some of the enemy's air combat power is successfully suppressed, then basically, the enemy's uncontrollable attack will also be suppressed.