Star Trek

Chapter 105 Step by Step 1

Therefore, just as soon as the enemy's large group of Zerg combat power approached Liu Zheng's main base, five or six anti-aircraft missiles built on the edge of the base began their fierce attack.

Yes, as a professional air defense force, the defense power of that kind of anti-aircraft missile is unusually strong. I don't know how many times the space has. Once the enemy's combat power approaches the edge of Liu Zheng's base, it is basically those anti-aircraft turrets, destroying the enemy's air combat power first, and then forcing the enemy's other combat power to retreat one after another.

Now, in the face of the seemingly arrogant and invincible enemy Zerg combat forces, finally, as soon as they entered their attack range, their attack began. I saw that with the sound of missile launch, the missile tower, in the rising smoke, launched one after another long-looking missiles, holding the long orange tail flame, flying rapidly and roaring through the air. Although the long arrow missiles were very large, their flight speed was very fast and their movements were very agile, so they hit the target very easily. And with the deafening explosion sounded one after another, Liu Zheng saw that in the golden explosion, the health of one of Liu Zheng's battlecruisers was suddenly lost more than 30%.

In this way, under the attack of those missile anti-aircraft missile turrets, finally, the enemy's tide-like attack was finally suppressed for a while, and finally stopped attacking forward. However, the attack did not stop - within their existing range, they began to attack crazily against all the forces that could attack within that range. Moreover, Liu Zheng soon found that their attack targets had begun to shift to Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft missile turrets! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be nervous. Wow, damn it! I rely entirely on these anti-aircraft missile turrets. Why do you want to destroy them all for me?

However, now, because Liu Zheng feels that his mastery of that kind of iron crow fighter has reached a level of perfection. Therefore, with a single order, three iron crows came quickly. Yes, just other hunting missiles!

Liu Zheng has only recently learned about the power of the hunting missile of the Iron Raven fighter. At the beginning, Liu Zheng just thought that that kind of hunting missile was actually a kind of lightning-like thing. However, in reality, this is not the case. Liu Zheng felt that in terms of its power, the hunting missile is not much worse than the cannon of Dahe. Moreover, that kind of Raven fighter also has a different ability. In this case, in any case, Liu Zheng naturally has to consider using that kind of hunting missile to attack if there is a chance.

"buzzing~~~" With the continuous sound of buzzing flight, Liu Zheng felt that he could attack the target now. So, at Liu Zheng's order, an iron crow fighter came out and prepared to hunt missiles. When they were ready, they were ready to attack! Therefore, a metal sphere that looked like thisthorn, with sharp iron thorns and a white beam of light, shot at the target. Although the flying speed of the ejected iron torcus ball is not very fast, it has a very good guidance ability. So, in this way, the iron quincus ball looks like an unrelenting ghost, chasing the target of the enemy who is on the way. Finally, the chase was in place, collided, and exploded! Boom~~~~ Boom~~~~ With that loud sound, the firelight of the explosion went away, and at the same time, a fireball exploded golden yellow, looking like a small sun exploded. And the target, also in such a strong explosion, was almost blown out of all the health points...

Faced with the difficult-to-expanded results, Liu Zheng felt very helpless. Alas, he really didn't expect that the level of Zerg's combat effectiveness was so strong.

However, it should be said that in general, Liu Zheng has now basically grasped the key to controlling the life of human combat power. And if Liu Zheng comes to make a summary, the most important thing is the control of that kind of iron fighter. Of course, the most important thing here is how to give full play to the important role of the fixed-point defense target of your own iron fighter.

"In any case, we must produce enough reserve power, which is also a necessary prerequisite!" Liu Zheng kept thinking, because he knew that even his steady combat plan worked well, but that didn't mean that everything was fine. Because no matter how good the combat plan is, it does not mean that it is foolproof, not to mention the Zerg fighting power I faced this time is even more in small.

And even from the series of battles carried out not long ago, you should also see that if you are a little careless, you will even be fiercely attacked, and this situation has not happened twice. Therefore, it is necessary to arrange the necessary reserve force.

In addition, Liu Zheng also feels that while engaging in this kind of positional battle with the enemy, he might as well consider conducting a disturbance battle at the same time. The advantage of that kind of harassment battle is that it can make the enemy awkward, which will also affect its overall offensive. It is still necessary to try this combination of frontal position warfare and the original attack and disturbance war.

"Haha, only if the enemy is uncertain, then the attack in front of it will also lack attack power. These two points actually complement each other." Thinking about the past, I also led the ghost warriors to go deep behind the enemy and triggered the fusion missiles to the target, thus turning the base of the army upside down. And today, I'm likely to do that again, hey~~~

In addition, from the tactical level, Liu Zheng feels that his tactical literacy can be improved. For example, he can attack the enemy's combat power from both front and side, instead of just attacking from the front. In this way, if there are more levels, it will naturally be difficult for the enemy to take care of them, so they will win the battle.

Now, Liu is seeing that as some of the enemy's Zerg combat forces retreat again, he should also set up a defensive position again to prepare for the next enemy attack. Yes, it seems that I have only come to that final victory in this kind of battle of attack and defense. This is also a way.

"Use this propulsion attack method! Step by step! Strive to gain a firm foothold! Then, go all the way to the center of the enemy's base!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about himself. However, at the same time, he also thought, is it possible to move and expand his base here? In this way, many drawbacks can be avoided. For example, because the time to dismiss the combat power is too long, so in many cases, in many cases, it is true. It took a lot of good combat opportunities, and even wasted a lot of combat power.

"And if you extend your base, then you will definitely move your strength as the base moves. At that time, hey, hey, hey, needless to say, I will be more advantageous to deal with some of the enemy's Zerg attacks!" Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling secretly, and then began to continue to deploy his combat strength.

Liu Zheng knows that in order to achieve this goal, he must first stand on this plateau with his main base and a Grand Canyon. Only in this way can we lay a solid foundation for building another base here. Well, that's it! Therefore, Liu Zheng's confidence also increased greatly and continued to deploy his "Iron Raven Fixed Defense Target Machine".

Liu Zheng naturally knows very well that in any case, if he wants to deal with some of the enemy's Zerg combat power, he must take advantage of this "point defense target machine" that can be said to be a "profitable". Yes, that's it. Even if there is only one Iron Raven fighter, it doesn't matter. Even Liu Zheng has experienced several times, just relying on the formation of the "point defense target machine" laid by an Iron Raven fighter, which is just like that. Even if there is only one Iron Raven fighter, it doesn't matter. Even Liu Zheng has experienced several times, just relying on the formation of the "target defense aircraft" laid by an iron crow fighter, and then, with the help of the "hunting missiles" of the iron crow fighter, to repel a large group of enemy combat power.

"Well, although my plan is really good to think of, if it is really realized, then it really needs a process! Therefore, the current plan is to build this first line of defense! Be sure to repel several enemy attacks! Let them know how powerful I'm!" While thinking about it, Liu Zheng continued to carry out the defense deployment of the "target-point defense machine".

Five Liu Zheng's Iron Raven fighters are busy here, almost very busy. However, among these five Iron Raven fighters, only one is really busy working, while the other four are just that kind of backup force. Yes, it's our spare power. Because Liu Zheng has tried, that is, instead of controlling several iron ravens fighters at the same time to carry out the deployment of that kind of "point defense target", it is better to just control a Raven fighter, which seems to be more efficient.

I saw that the busy Iron Raven fighter, under the careful command of Liu Zheng, was like a hard-working spider, repairing and improving the "fixed-point defense target machine" network one after another. Liu Zheng, on the other hand, stared at the "network" that had been laid with dozens of nodes, and then carried out supplementary treatment in a place that did not seem very perfect. The Iron Raven fighter fought all over, and then released a fixed-point defense target plane to the designated place as if spitting out an object from its mouth. And the small fixed-point defense target machine, which looked like a small light ball, flew slowly, crossed a smooth curve, and flew. Finally, it stopped at that designated place.

And at this time, a rotten man with no long eyes of the enemy unexpectedly crashed into the "net of fixed-point defense target machine" laid by Liu Zheng alone. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing and thought, hey, hey, little guy, you really don't have long eyes, really don't have long eyes! However, since you have come, you will be at ease, and you will not be treated badly when you are old! However, you little rotten man is not worth me to use that kind of powerful battlecruiser. Well, let's give you a try~ You know, the hunting missile of that kind of iron crow fighter is also very powerful!

"Wow~~~" At this time, the rotten man of the enemy seemed to be very curious about the spherical things in front of him that looked like sharp thorns, so, with the sound of "plop" kept ringing, green one by one. The sphere, with a wisp of continuous green atmosphere, shot away at the fixed-point defensive target position that had just been laid by Liu Zheng.

However, it seems that those fixed-point defense target machines are also very easy to deal with the most successful attacks of this kind of rotten people. With the sound of "chirp~~~~" sound, they have not yet waited for the green smoke balls of the enemy Zerg. How far the attack object flew, it would have been hit one by one by the laser beams emitted by those fixed-point defense target machines.

However, although the "spherical attacks" of those rotten people did not achieve their intended purpose, after being detonated, they emitted a bright green light fog all over the sky, floating around.

Moreover, Liu Zheng found that the bright green light fog was very corrosive. Whether it was the "fixed-point defense target aircraft" directly wrapped, or Liu Zheng's battlecruisers not far away, and the iron crow fighters, their health value had been received to a certain extent. Loss. With the strange and sharp sound of calls, laser beams shot out from the fixed-point defense target machines one by one, shaking around, flying up and down, and dancing wildly. And in the network of laser beams formed by the dance of the flying and messy laser beams, Liu Zheng's siege tanks and the attack missiles launched by the two battlecruisers were almost completely destroyed. And the protective wall formed by the dense laser beam network almost destroyed all the attacking missiles. Under the excitation of the laser beams one after another, the attack missiles after another exploded one after another. Therefore, in the forest of beams formed by the laser beams dancing up and down, The dark red light of the explosion shot away, and the sound of a roaring explosion was endless...

"Ha, ha, how about it? Is my fixed-point defense target machine really powerful? Isn't it really awesome? However, I won't let you feel any more! Well, is it really powerful to use Laozi's fixed-point defense target aircraft with an Iron Raven fighter? Isn't it really awesome? However, I won't let you feel any more! Well, just use an Iron Raven fighter, and then you can be killed!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the iron crow fighter, which seemed to have been unable to calm down for a long time, had answered the sound. Then, Liu Zheng tapped the most powerful attack weapon of the iron crow fighter - hunting missiles. After that, he determined another target, an attack target, that was the enemy's one. Only the rotten, and then with an order, the attack begins!

That is, there is only one second of preparation time. After that, with the sound of "Yo-yo-yo" sounded one after another, the iron crow fighter, which looked like a hen laying eggs, finally shot out a dazzling missile.

And the metal sphere, which looks like an iron thistremis, with sharp iron thorns and a white beam of light, shot at the target - the rotten man of the enemy army, to the rotten man who was preparing to attack again in the air. Although the flying speed of the ejected iron torcus ball is not very fast, it has a very good guidance ability. Therefore, in this way, the iron quince sphere looks like an unrelenting ghost, following a straight line, tightly chasing the enemy's target in progress. Finally, the chase was in place, collided, and exploded! Boom~~~~ Boom~~~~ With that loud sound, the firelight of the explosion went away, and at the same time, a fireball exploded golden yellow, looking like a small sun exploded. And the target, also in such a strong explosion, was almost blown out of all the health points...