Star Trek

Chapter 113 Wind and Clouds 3

Still, Liu Zheng is still enjoying the interstellar space scenery and experiencing the mystery and emptiness of the interstellar space. Outside the window, from time to time, there are interstellar flying stones passing by. In that suspended posture, it looks very light. In the distance, there is a nebula, which looks illusory and looming...

One of the biggest features of this interstellar space base on the ground is the large area of the plain. Moreover, they are all piece by piece and widely distributed. Naturally, there are also some wide narrow valleys, some of which are still bottomless. Moreover, in the unfathomable narrow valley, snake-like lightning flashed and looked very eye-catching. At the edge of those huge stones, there are wide cracks, and under the cracks are unfathomable voids. There is something similar to a cloud, flowing between the cracks. On the so-called "continent", there are also some strange creatures, and most of them, whether animals or plants, Liu Zheng really can't say their names. However, most of the plants, especially those, are quaint, long, and even some desolate.

Finally, after flying for nearly three minutes, Liu Zheng's five Iron Raven fighters finally found that on the ground in front of them was a pool that looked very sticky**. Wow, wow, damn it, Zerg slurry! It seems that those Zerg bases should be here! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help fighting slightly. Then, he temporarily withdrew the four Iron Raven fighters behind, and only sent the Raven fighters to move on. Naturally, Liu Zheng's purpose is very clear, that is, to test what kind of situation the front space is.

Suddenly, when Liu Zheng's Iron Raven fighter flew far in front of him, suddenly, a group of green moldy balls rose to the sky and hit Liu Zheng's Iron Raven fighter. Suddenly, Liu Zheng's iron crow fighter suddenly became the kind of evergreen color, which looked smoky and scary.

"Infected!" Liu Zheng recognized it at a glance, which was the attack of the enemy's infected people. Withdraw! Withdraw! Then, with Liu Zheng's order, his own Iron Raven fighter flew back quickly.

After all, Liu Zheng's kind of iron crow fighter is flying faster! Therefore, soon after, the target was left behind. Now, Liu Zheng's heart also has a bottom: Yaya, okay, now, let me hit a guy like you first! Although this is not the kind of attack, it's all about hitting your arrogance first!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng separated an iron crow fighter, and then began to lay out not far from the Zerg base. The so-called "layout" of Liu Zheng, that is, on the one hand, he wants to weave a network of "point defense target machines"; on the other hand, he wants to arrange a small cannon on the ground. And these two things don't cost a penny! Yes, that's all the hard dedication of your own Iron Raven fighter!

"Open!" With Liu Zheng's order, the iron crow fighter fought all over, and then released a fixed-point defense target aircraft to the designated place as if spitting an object out of its mouth. And the small fixed-point defense target machine, which looked like a small light ball, flew slowly, crossed a smooth curve, and flew. Finally, it stopped at that designated place.

At the same time, still, after Liu is arranging the "point defense target", the next step is to arrange the ground defense position of that kind of "automatic cannon". This small "automatic machine gun", like that kind of "point defense target machine", is a temporary attack weapon, usually with only three minutes of life. And with the advent of time, they will explode one by one.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that although this small "automatic cannon" cannot cause too much damage to large targets and the combat power of a large number of enemy troops, as a tactical weapon, it is indeed very good. And this is also one of the advantages of this kind of Iron Raven fighter.

"tu tu tu~~~tu tu tu~~~~" On the ground, automatic cannons were projected. As a result, soon after, the ground was covered with small automatic cannons one by one. Those small ground automatic cannons, constantly rotating their small turrets, look very small and chic.

And when Liu Sen felt that the arrangement was almost done, suddenly, as expected, from the enemy's ground covered with royal plasma, from the shadow of the war fog, several eyeworms, several spiny snakes, and several infected people rushed to Liu Zheng's that had just been arranged. From the shadow of the war fog, several eyeworms, several stinging snakes, and several infected people rushed to the ground and launched a fierce attack on Liu Zheng's combat power that had just been deployed in mid-air - those fixed-point defense target machines and some automatic cannons.

"Woth!!!!" All kinds of weapons, shot out, bone needles, missiles, infected venom, and so on. One after another, one after another. However, although the health value of those fixed-point defense target machines and some "automatic cannons" on the ground is not very high, they will not be killed immediately. Therefore, for a while, the combat power of the enemy and the health of some "automatic cannons" on the ground are not very high, but they will not be killed immediately. Therefore, for a while, some of the enemy's combat power was entangled with the fixed-point defense target machines just arranged by Liu Zheng and some "automatic cannons" on the ground. In this way, it naturally provided Liu Zheng's Iron Raven fighters a good opportunity to attack!

"Sniper missiles, attack!" Finally, he saw the opportunity, so Liu Zheng gave an order, and then saw that Liu Zheng's Iron Raven fighter, which had been rushing to the front, trembled all over, so the unique sniper missile attack began. I saw a metal sphere that looked like iron thisthorn, with sharp iron thorns and a white beam of light, shooting towards the target. Although the flying speed of the ejected iron torcus ball is not very fast, it has a very good guidance ability. So, in this way, the iron quincus ball looks like an unrelenting ghost, chasing the target of the enemy who is on the way. Finally, the chase was in place, collided, and exploded! Boom~~~~ Boom~~~~ With that loud sound, the firelight of the explosion went away, and at the same time, a fireball exploded golden yellow, looking like a small sun exploded. And the target, also in such a strong explosion, was almost blown out of all the health points...

So, in just three minutes, Liu Zheng actually repelled a large number of enemy forces with those iron ravens! Moreover, relying on the attack effect of "hunting missiles", it also wiped out several weight levels of the enemy's combat power, such as snakes and so on. Thus, for Liu Zheng, he has played a good role in suppressing the enemy's momentum.

Of course, such an attack method cannot last long. It can only be a temporary air raid. An important goal of such an air raid is to disrupt the enemy's base construction and combat production, and shake the enemy's morale. As for other goals, they can't be achieved much.

"Well, we have to continue to carry out combat production and construction in our own direction. On the other hand, I have to go further and continue to attack the enemy from other aspects! Well, making the enemy have a hard time, that's actually equivalent to making yourself better! On the other hand, I have to go further and continue to attack the enemy from other aspects! Well, making the enemy have a hard time, that's actually equivalent to making yourself better! Delaying the enemy's production is equivalent to speeding up your own production!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but continue to calculate.

In this way, after thinking, Liu finally decided to use his own super infantry fighting power, the ghost warrior, to guide a few fusion missiles to attack the enemy's base. Well, in that case, it should be said that it can bring greater blow and lethality to the enemy. Hey, hey, hey, that's good, that's a good idea!

In this way, soon, Liu Zheng produced a medical transport plane through Mei Ting, and then installed several "ghost warriors". After that, under an order, the medical transport plane took off to the interstellar sky in a "buzzing" sound, and then, towards The enemy's base flew straight away.

A medical transport plane roared in the interstellar sky with Liu Zheng's hope. Although this medical transport plane does not have any attack ability, it is precisely because Yaya does not have any attack ability that it causes it to fly across the whole continent during the flight, even if it does not matter. It really doesn't matter. It is almost rare that causes it to fly, even if it flies across the whole continent, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter. It is rare and rarely attacked by the enemy's combat power. For Liu Zheng, I don't know whether it is a kind of luck or a misfortune!

Finally, soon after, Liu Zheng's medical transport plane finally flew over the vast interstellar sky and flew to the edge of the enemy base. Then, he looked for a pretty good position and guided one of the ghost warriors to the medical transport plane.

"Ha, ha, ha, okay, okay, good, good! Now, there is not much combat power in the enemy's base. And it's also good for me to let my ghost warriors carry out a fusion attack! Haha, haha, ghost warrior, you, now, it's up to you, it's up to you!" After seeing this, Liu Zheng seemed to be eagerly urging the ghost warrior with infinite hope.

And the ghost warrior also seemed to live up to Liu Zheng's trust. After coming down from the medical transport plane, he held a sniper rifle flat, and then rushed to the enemy Zerg base and rushed away bravely.

There, some important military facilities in the Zerg base have been preliminarily manifested. At this time, Liu Zheng's goal was already focused on the Zerg military facility that seemed to be the largest and should be the most important. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, "attack" ~ So, the real attack, once again used the ghost warrior to attract the fusion attack, and then began! One of the ghost warriors pointed gently to the enemy's command center with the C-10 shothand rifle in his hand, so a white beam of light came out, and then the target was locked in a gray-white aperture.

In fact, if the light spot is placed under normal circumstances, it should show a pure white color. However, because of the fog of war, it actually showed a dark red light. Next, thirteen seconds passed in the strange sound of the tsunami. Finally, with an earth-shaking sound, an earthy explosive firelight rose to the sky, and then the skylight turned into a mushroom cloud and released a huge energy fluctuation. Even the whole enemy base was illuminated by the dazzling explosion. The ground shook violently for a while, and it was difficult to see the true face of the attacked target for a while, which was tightly shrouded and covered by the dark golden explosive light.

For the first time, the nuclear fusion attack guided by the ghost warrior was finally carried out successfully. However, when Liu Zheng didn't expect it, just when Liu Zheng wanted to continue to attack these more times, some of the combat power in the enemy base seemed to have found something. Sixty-seven forces rushed over one after another, and then hit Liu Zheng's ghost chariot fiercely.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, oh,

In this way, with the loud attack suddenly sounded, and with the tragic cry, Liu Zheng saw that his ghost warrior who had just successfully guided a nuclear fusion strike, suddenly became fierce under the attack of the enemy's group of Zerg combat power. The ground screamed, and then lay in a pool of blood.

"Well, it seems that the nuclear fusion attack led by the ghost warrior this time can only be done here! Wow, it seems that the combat power of those Zerg has been guarded for a long time! Hey hey, hey, okay, okay, since you already have defense, then, okay, I won't play with you anymore! Let him stop here for this small clip!" After Liu Zheng saw this, he couldn't help smiling and then gave an order. So, his medical transport plane, so, well, I won't play with you anymore! Let him stop here for this small clip!" After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling and then gave an order. Therefore, his medical transport plane carried his two remaining ghost soldiers and sailed back to his base again...

"Well, in this case, I have to think of another way! It can't be like this, it can't be like this!" Liu Zheng's eyebrows were tightly locked, and then he suddenly became happy, hey hey, hey, in my opinion, I can only give full play to the advantages of rich production and construction funds again! It can't be like this!" Liu Zheng's eyebrows were tightly locked, and then he suddenly became happy, hey hey, hey, in my opinion, I can only give full play to the advantages of rich production and construction funds again! Swallow, that's it! Wait for me to send a construction factory there, where a second sub-base will be built. In that case, there is no need to travel a long distance~~" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking to himself.

Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng's idea is still very correct. That is, a star port and a heavy factory were built not far from the enemy's base. In this way, you can send your combat strength to attack the enemy's base in the shortest time!

Moreover, after several fights, Liu Zheng has also initially learned that the enemy's combat power is not so powerful! Well, if you can eliminate it early, just try to eliminate it as early as possible!