Star Trek

Chapter 134 Red Fusion 9

And until now, Liu Zheng also really felt the benefits of his own Red Star transport ship. Originally, when his own team just rushed out of the enemy's base and rushed out of the enemy's base, his Red Star transport ships stopped on the open space between the peaks, waiting for the result of the battle. Yes, it's the kind of situation that is on standby at any time.

Now, Liu Zheng needs to send some heavy guardian tanks from his base to here. In this way, it is naturally a useful place for Liu Zheng's Red Star transport ships.

Because if you go from your own base to the front line and take the ground route, you need to be quite far away. Yes, although the straight distance between the two is not very far, the problem is that the real distance between the two is not a straight distance. The mountains are vertical and horizontal, and the roads are tortuous. If Liu Zheng's heavy guardian tanks take the ground route, although the straight distance between the two is not very far, the problem is that the real distance between the two is not a straight distance. The mountains are vertical and horizontal, and the roads are tortuous. If Liu Zheng's heavy guardian tanks take the ground route, it will go far, time-consuming and laborious.

However, if you take the air route, it is quite close. It won't take long to arrive soon. This is also the progress of Liu Zheng's substantive understanding of his kind of Red Star transport ship, which has not been used before. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and his red star transport ships began to take off directly from the beam, and then flew away in the direction of his base.

In this way, after spending the shortest time with the two Red Star transport ships, Liu Zheng finally brought six heavy guard tanks from his base camp. Look at the two red star transport ships full of chariots flying in the air, watching them fly over thousands of mountains, watching their two red star transport ships full of chariots flying in balance in the air, watching them fly over thousands of mountains, since they are crazy. When the wind hit, he couldn't shake it at all. Liu Zheng really felt a kind of comfort in his heart.

Of course, Liu Zheng has not forgotten, nor has he forgotten that kind of very important combat power, that is, his own maintenance car. That kind of troop maintenance vehicle is naturally of great significance for the sustainable operation of a unit. Liu Zheng also has a deep understanding of this.

So, Liu Zheng sent two Red Star transport ships again and returned to his base. At the same time, he also added several Guardian tanks and two troop repair vehicles. In this way, you will be able to avoid worries in your own battle.

It should be said that Liu Zheng was still very effective against the enemy's nuclear mecha attack just now. At the very least, it is also the combat strength that severely attacked the enemy's Yuri combat base, thus laying a solid foundation for Liu Zheng to destroy an enemy base again.

Of course, in order to defeat some of the enemy's combat power, although Liu Zheng used nuclear mecha power, for Liu Zheng, his combat strength has also been seriously damaged. After all, when the enemy's melee combat power is too close to its own troops, and the enemy also has various types of missile launchers and that kind of rocket attack power. After all, when the enemy's melee combat power is too close to its own troops, and the enemy also has With various types of missile launchers and that kind of rocket attack power, it is still full of strong lethal power for its own unit used as a barrier defense position.

Therefore, when Liu Zheng saw that he saw some of his barrier combat power and was actually knocked out by 30 to 40 percent, he was also shocked. It seems that this battle is not as one-sided as you think!

And now, Liu Zheng has transported all his newly produced guardian tanks to his front position through those Red Star transport ships. In this way, naturally, it will also greatly strengthen the combat ability of its attacking troops.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that this battle is naturally not a quick battle. Although a lot of combat power has been destroyed by itself in the enemy's base, after all, there is still a lot of combat power there. Therefore, if you want to really eliminate that base, you really have to think about it.

Of course, at this time, Liu Sen's barrier combat power is gathering, preparing for the medium and long-range strike forces behind him.

At this time, an enemy M4-missile launcher saw Liu Zheng's heavy guardian chariots, which seemed to be too close to the slave mine, which was collecting ore, so it rushed straight over, and then kept ringing with the sound of missile launch. The missile launcher on the missile launch vehicle slowly rose, and then, with the sound of a "humping" missile launch, missiles fired out one by one, followed by a longer and thicker gray-white tail smoke, roaring away. And dozens of such ground missiles were launched one after another, and in mid-air, the trajectory of the missiles formed a network. Then, those missiles hit the target one after another and hit the heavy guard tanks under Liu Zheng.

The sound of a violent explosion suddenly sounded, but when Liu Zheng's heavy guardian mecha, whose health value was only more than 20%, was left. At this time, after the combat power was strengthened, there was enough Liu Zheng's heavy guardian tanks with nearly ten vehicles are almost ten thousand cannons. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that each shell is like the rain. After the combat power has been strengthened, Liu Zheng's heavy guard tanks with nearly ten cannons are almost ten cannons. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that Shells fell from the sky like the rain and hit the enemy's missile launcher fiercely.

Imagine that if so many shells fall together, the lethal power caused is also quite terrible. In this way, just after the countless shells fell, the enemy's missile launcher was quickly blown into countless wreckage and fragments and scattered.

And in the next time, what Liu Zheng did not expect at all was that in the enemy's base, to be precise, in the remnant base of the enemy's rose, there was still so much combat power left. In the remnant base of the enemy's rose, unexpectedly, it was still disabled. With so much combat power, it turned out that what he had just knocked down with a nuclear bomb was only a part of it.

And, at this time, after Liu Zheng attacked with a nuclear bomb, then, the combat effectiveness of the second batch of enemy troops still seemed to be rising one after another, rushing up to Liu Zheng's newly replenished defensive position. It seemed that it was a desperate attack that was life-and-death attack. Ah! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a little stupid. Wow, damn it, it's really a fight! Are those guys all crazy?

At this time, some of the combat power in front of Liu Zheng, including those heavy guardian tanks, and his three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, have begun to fire with the enemy's attack fire. Especially Liu Zheng's three Samsung elite-level guardian tanks are really quite lethal! In particular, there are several heavy guardian tanks in front of them, which is even more powerful.

"Oh, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my Later, Liu Zheng's three Samsung elite-level Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers can maximize their attack capabilities. With the harsh sound of missile fire, a bunch of ground attack missiles emerged from the rockets ambushed on both sides of the narrow road, dragging the colorful sparks, and its trajectory looked extremely smooth, and its flight During the journey, the roar of the wind was endless.

The dense, continuous missiles broke away through the wind and roared, dragging the orange flames. It really looked like meteors, roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way. Moreover, the number of missiles is still quite large. At the very least, there are at least five or six missiles launched by each Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket. Therefore, if several Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets fire at the target at the same time, the beam of missiles will roar in mid-air, which is simply flying like rain! After hitting the target, the dark red explosive fog that broke out also looked very eye-catching. For a moment, where the missile attacked was naturally filled with smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog rushed to the sky.

In this way, after a fierce battle, Liu was paying five heavy defense tanks, and finally wiped out the enemy's second round of attack power. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that from the place where his chariot was located, above the endangered sea, one carrier-based aircraft roared from the sea in the fog of war and flew straight to Liu Zheng's one, which had just been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level nuclear energy machine. .

As soon as he saw this situation, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. He knows the power of the carrier-based aircraft on that kind of aircraft carrier. Yes, that's really not a joke. Each carrier-based aircraft can shoot at least four or five air-to-ship missiles at one time, and the lethality of each air-to-ground missile is not a joke, but extremely lethal. That can shoot at least four or five air-to-ship missiles at one time, and the lethality of each air-to-ground missile is not a joke, but has great lethality.

In this way, with the attack of the missiles launched by the carrier-based aircraft, an earth-shaking explosion sounded one after another. Then, Liu Zheng's one that had been upgraded to Samsung elite-level nuclear energy armor, and was finally blown off under the strong attack.

"Wow, he's an aircraft carrier? Carrier-based aircraft? What a fucking bastard, what a fucking bastard!" Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting.

However, Liu Zheng has also thought of one of the best revenge measures, that is, to launch an attack on the target with his other two nuclear weapons. And this target, which Liu Zheng regards as the biggest threat, is the two enemy aircraft carriers anchored in a certain water. Wow, his mother's aircraft carrier!

"No. 1 nuclear mecha, launch!" Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting.

"No. 2 nuclear mecha, found!" Liu Zheng shouted harshly again.

In this way, two human nuclear energy mechas roared into the air one after another and roared away. The two nuclear bombs looked quite huge, and they flew in the air one after another. Moreover, even their shadows are obviously flying very quickly in the sea. At this time, the two enemy aircraft carriers were moored in that area of water, preparing for another round of attack on Liu Zheng's other two nuclear mechas.

At this time, Liu Zhengming's eyes had seen that the enemy's two aircraft carriers, on which the missile launchers had been slowly erected. The next step is to ignite and launch. After seeing this, Liu Zheng felt nervous. However, immediately, it came again. Because at this time, his two nuclear missiles are about to hit the target!

Between heaven and earth, the wind and waves were high, and the two enemy aircraft carriers were undulating and turbulent in the wind and vicious waves. And just as the carrier-based aircraft on the two aircraft carriers were about to take off again, suddenly, the two nuclear missiles had roared and attacked them directly. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions.

That site is an almost destructive attack! After the missile exploded, the dark yellow between heaven and earth, and the dazzling white light scattered away, blowing up the space hundreds of meters into a piece of scorched earth. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

The mushroom cloud rising to the sky looks like a giant pillar, which has swallowed up countless creatures on the ground. At the same time, the wind roared, the sand flew away, and the huge waves rose to the sky, disturbing the originally quiet water philosophy into boiling water. At this time, as the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb fell one after another, on the ground, the ground that had just been attacked by the enemy was naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there.

In this way, the first nuclear missile hit one of the enemy aircraft carriers, and the second nuclear missile hit the other aircraft carrier. In this way, the two enemy aircraft carriers sank from the surface one after another. There is a wave. However, despite this, there are still rough waves above the sea, and the afterglow of the huge shock wave caused by the nuclear explosion still exists and cannot be eliminated for a long time.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. It seems that the power of this nuclear weapon is really huge! It's really huge!

And in the next time, according to Liu Zheng's plan, that is, to continue to advance towards the enemy's base, the enemy's Allied combat base. After all, there are two more powerful opponents in the other two directions! If you don't bring this guy down, then your game task this time will really be difficult to complete. After all, there are two more powerful opponents in the other two directions! If you don't bring this guy down, then your game task this time will really be difficult to complete.

Liu Zheng saw that in the distance, just above the enemy's base, there was smoke everywhere. In this way, the wreckage of the fighting power that ran over the ground, the strong radiation that had not yet retreated, and the large and small craters, Liu Zheng's attack troops rumbled and rushed straight away. In front of us, the shadow of the enemy's base is already faintly visible. Immediately, his horse * will arrive there, and Liu Zheng also has enough confidence to turn it into an eternal cemetery!