Star Trek

Chapter 140 Red Fusion 13

After receiving the new task, Liu Zheng summed up his lesson in the last battle, that is, because his understanding of some new forces is not in place, to a certain extent, there was a misjudgment, which affected his work at many times and in many circumstances. Battle effect.

"It seems that I should be more proficient in the understanding of various combat forces and the application of some techniques and tactics!" Liu Sen warned himself from time to time.

Not long after the new mission, it finally came down, which is to eliminate the enemy's stronghold at the other end of the desert. From the battlefield intelligence analysis, it is a NATO combat power base, which is far away from its own base. Now, both sides are also standing on the same starting line, base construction and combat power production. From the battlefield intelligence analysis, it is a NATO combat power base, far from its own base. It's quite far away. Now, both sides are also standing on the same starting line, and the base construction and combat production have just begun.

The whole is a large desert! And on that desert, there are rare coconut trees everywhere, which don't look very desolate. With the development of the war, Liu Zheng saw that there was an inner lake in the center of the map. The water of the lake also looked very clear, in which there were two enemy aircraft carriers floating. And this almost made Liu Zheng laugh angrily. Wow, damn it, this is really a ghost! Aircraft carrier? In the inner lake? Moreover, this kind of inner lake is still that kind of inner lake in the desert!

What makes Liu Zheng feel incredible is that the area of the inner lake is not very large, no, it should be said to be very small. Moreover, there is no shipyard there, so Liu Zheng doesn't understand. What kind of method does that aircraft carrier go there? This is really unimaginable.

At this time, just when Liu Zheng was having some doubts, suddenly, a roar came one after another in the sky. According to experience, Liu Zheng knew that it must be the enemy's fighter plane! As for what kind of fighter, Liu Zheng can also know that it is the kind of enemy's black eagle fighter based on his many years of red police combat experience!

"Wow, it seems that that kind of Black Hawk fighter is also available in that NATO-type base! At the beginning, I thought that only France had it! Wow, you know, the bombing effect of that kind of Black Hawk fighter is quite powerful! Once the bombing succeeds, then, even if it has the greatest health value, only France has it! Wow, you know, the bombing effect of that kind of Black Hawk fighter is quite powerful! Once its bombing is succeed, then even the construction plant with the greatest health and the strongest defense capability can't escape their bombing and their clutches at all!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it secretly.

Then, Liu Zheng found that the four enemy's Black Hawk fighters had already flown over Liu Zheng's base. Fortunately, before that, Liu Zheng had already prepared two or three anti-aircraft guns, so, with the sound of anti-aircraft guns sounded one after another, the barrel of the three air-aircraft guns stretched and contracted, and the anti-aircraft shells shot out, broke through the wind, and hit the black eagle fiercely. Fighter.

"Boom ~~~~" The rolling black smoke dragged from the tail of the enemy's Black Hawk fighters. One of them exploded in the air, a dark red light passed by, and countless wreckage and debris scattered. The other one, dragging the rolling black smoke, dived down a 45-degree angle from the air, and then hit the ground fiercely, blowing up a column of smoke...

However, the remaining two enemy Black Hawk fighters still got the opportunity to attack Liu Zheng's base. After all, the air defense facilities in Liu Zheng's base are still very imperfect. I saw the two remaining Black Hawk fighters hovering over Liu Zheng's base for a while, as if they were determining the final attack target. Finally, with the sound of missile launch, a beam of air-to-ground missiles was rapidly launched by four Black Hawk fighters.

So, Liu Zheng saw that under the gray-blue sky, a bunch of air-to-ground missiles, dragging a long tail smoke, shot out of the two enemy's Black Hawk fighters. They kept changing their flight direction and looked like tadpoles with long tails.

Liu Zheng is very clear about this kind of enemy's Black Hawk fighter, and its combat ability is also quite powerful. Yes, that's really the case. Although this airborne air-to-ground missile looks very small, and if you don't look closely, you can't see its true face at all, the size of its size is naturally not a basis for judging its lethality.

For example, what is the size of the blockbuster dropped by the Kirov airboat? However, that's not the whole problem. The problem is that compared with the size of the nuclear missile launched by its own nuclear mecha, it is naturally incomparable and much larger. However, how much is its lethality? The two are not comparable. However, its attack power is very strong, and its destructive power is only strong and not weak compared with that kind of large thrust rocket. A large building, even a huge building like the main factory, can be killed cleanly with only one attack by three Black Hawk fighters.

A bunch of air-to-ground missiles hit the target - the ore refinery in Liu Zheng's base. Wow, it seems that this enemy is also a veteran, specializing in selecting its most important military facilities to attack! He is a girl, a girl! It's cruel, it's really cruel!

For good, after several air-ground missiles hit their own ore refinery, they did not kill it, and only lost 30% or 40% of their health. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it's okay to fix it. It shouldn't be a big problem, and it shouldn't be a big problem!

"However, from this point of view, it is very likely that the enemy's Black Hawk fighter will become a normal thing to bomb their own base! Wow, wow, no, no, damn it, it's okay, it's okay! In order to ensure the safety of some military facilities in your base, you must produce more air defense forces! Otherwise, that matter will be quite unfavorable to you! In order to ensure the safety of some military facilities in your base, you must produce more air defense forces! Otherwise, that matter will be quite unfavorable to yourself!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.


After thinking of this, Liu Zheng set up a production plan for ten "light armored vehicles" according to his understanding of the combat power of this version. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's understanding, that kind of light armored vehicle is quite good, really quite good! Although the name does not mention the word "aircraft" at all, it is not a problem at all. Yes, that's it.

At the beginning, Liu Zheng was also deceived for a long time. However, later, it was also an accidental opportunity that made Liu Zheng understand that this so-called "light armored vehicle" actually has a very terrible, pure air defense combat capability. It can even be said that this light armored vehicle is specially designed for air defense.

At this time, the second round of attack of the enemy's Black Hawk fighter finally began again. There are still four, but this time, the enemy did not seem to be well organized. The four enemy's Black Hawk fighters were not concentrated together, but hundreds of meters away from each other. The enemy did not seem to be well organized. The four enemy's Black Hawk fighters were not concentrated together, but hundreds of meters away from each other.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happy for a while. Haha, haha, it's good, it's good, it's really good! In this way, naturally, it is more conducive to attacking it! After thinking of this, Liu Sen gave an order, so his four "light armored vehicles" that had just been produced immediately entered that kind of attack state. Then, that kind of unique air defense attack also began!

A sound of such a sharp and harsh whistling sound suddenly sounded, and anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, crossed the sky, forming a gray-white trajectory, and headed straight to the target and towards the Black Hawk fighter in mid-air. Those missiles, the gray-white tail smoke dragged behind them, looks very smooth. Obviously, the trajectory of this flight also shows the rapid flight of this kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not like other anti-aircraft missiles, flying while adjusting the direction of flight from time to time, or left or right, but a curve that looks very smooth.

"Boom~~~~" With the loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that after the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target, the enemy's Black Hawk fighter that rushed to the front was first a fierce battle, then the fuselage tilted again, and then rolled helplessly. , fell from the air and carried it to the ground, blowing up a pillar of smoke that soared into the sky...

In this way, Liu Zheng used the same attack method to defeat several enemy Black Hawk fighters with the four or five light armored vehicles. Looking at the appearance of the Black Hawk fighters dragging the rolling black smoke and falling from the sky, Liu Zheng couldn't help marveling for a while. Haha, haha, that's good, that's good! It seems that I used this transformation armored vehicle as my anti-aircraft firepower. Looking at the Black Hawk fighters, dragging the thick black smoke and falling from the sky, Liu Zheng couldn't help marveling for a while. Haha, haha, that's good, that's good! It seems that I really made the right choice to use this transformation armored vehicle as my anti-aircraft firepower!

Then, soon after, with the passage of time, Liu Zheng found that he had actually produced a nuclear mecha. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happier. Yes, Liu Zheng's heart knows what kind of attack ability that kind of nuclear mecha has.

Let's not talk about its nuclear missile attack, but its general attack is also quite powerful! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have an idea, that is, use this nuclear energy mecha that has just been produced to attack the two enemy aircraft carriers moored in the inner lake!

"Mother, it looks uncomfortable to be moored there! Just kill them, just kill them!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it.

Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his newly produced nuclear mecha walked slowly, step by step, walking towards the inner lake. At this time, in the inner lake, the enemy's two aircraft carriers were still wandering there, walking towards the inner lake step by step. At this time, in the inner lake, the enemy's two aircraft carriers were still wandering there. It seemed that they did not feel the danger and were walking towards them.

"Regular attack! Well, it's okay. Even that kind of conventional carpet bombing is enough to destroy it!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so he finally came to the edge of the inner lake. The attack of Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha finally began! I saw, "Oh, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, my, Above.

"With that sound, it sounded like a very imposing attack. Liu Zheng saw that the one-time attack of at least six or seven shells had attracted Liu Zheng's own attention. And at the moment when many huge shells fell to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like a carpet bombing.

Yes, that kind of carpet attack, that kind of attack effect, that's really not a joke! Three thick barrels stretched and shrank one after another, and shells shot out one by one. The black-red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising into the sky, stretching and spreading one after another, and in the black-red explosion fog rising to the sky, The enemy's weather tanks had no resistance at all. Soon, with the explosion fog rising into the sky, they turned into countless wreckage and debris, scattered away...

"Hey, hey, hey, this three-gun attack of nuclear mecha is really powerful, and it's really powerful! It's really good, really good, really good!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel extremely happy with his general-grade nuclear energy mecha that had just been produced. At the same time, I am also glad that I finally decided to produce such a nuclear mecha first. Yes, that's it.

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that it is not easy to produce that kind of nuclear mecha. Because the construction of the nuclear power platform alone will cost 5,000 production and construction funds. In addition, each nuclear mecha produced costs 9,000 yuan for production and construction. Nine thousand, wow, wow, what kind of concept is that? What kind of concept is that! Generally speaking, how many nine thousand can a base have?

Now, it should be said that a very good defense pattern has been formed in Liu Zheng's base. That is, at the front is its own dozens of ordinary infantry fighting forces, and several Guardian tanks are pressing there. Behind it is its own "nuclear mecha" that has just been produced. And that nuclear mecha looks very imposing, just like a huge crab, with its teeth and claws, which looks scary.

Behind are your own light armored vehicles, which are also newly produced. That's an armored vehicle with quite good air defense performance! And Liu Zheng just learned about this kind of performance of transformation armored vehicles not long ago. Naturally, it is also regarded as a sharp weapon for air defense and its best air defense weapon.

In this way, it should be said that Liu Zheng has been fully prepared for both from the ground defense and from the direction of defense firepower.

"Next, the combat power you want to produce is to produce at least two more nuclear mecha. One alone, due to its long attack cooling time, it is difficult to cope with more enemy combat attacks. In addition, it is necessary to go further to strengthen the production of the kind that can be used as a barrier combat force, such as a Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher, or that kind of heavy guardian tank, which is a good choice.

"Of course, more importantly, you must produce a few more troop maintenance vehicles. That kind of army maintenance vehicle is quite good. How much combat resources can you save for yourself~~" Liu is constantly calculating his own.