Star Trek

Chapter 148 Vengeance 1

And after hitting the target, the dark red explosive light fog that exploded out also looked very eye-catching. For a moment, the missile attacked was naturally a large area of smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog rushed to the sky.

Then, seeing that the battle on the ground became more and more fierce, and at this time, the infantry fighting power of the following group of enemy troops had also rushed up. Liu Zheng decided that since he had tested the attack ability of the Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher, then his other firepower attacks Strike, it should continue to start!

So, with Liu Zheng's order, in mid-air, the two Samsung elite-level helicopter gunships and the Samsung elite-level nuclear mecha on the ground all opened the firepower of the attack. Therefore, for a moment, the enemy's counterattack force had almost fallen into Liu Zheng is in the sea of terrible firepower.


Attack. Now it has become an established strategy of Liu Zheng. Yes, that's the difference. In fact, it's not that Liu Zheng doesn't want to launch an attack. Many times, it's always because the timing is not mature enough. And this is also a matter of no choice. Sometimes, if you are too anxious, it will lead to something unexpected.

Liu Zheng's heart for this. It's still very clear. However, in any case, Liu Zheng's next active attack is indispensable. And this has also become a specific action strategy for Liu Zheng. At this time, the sound of wind and rain between the days became louder and louder. The real so-called "the sound of wind and rain".

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing in his heart: Damn, it is not very appropriate for him to use troops in this stormy weather. However, sometimes, it seems that it is also necessary to pursue a little effect of the so-called " soldier's way". Often, the more complicated the environment is, the better the opportunity to annihilate the enemy. And Liu Zheng is naturally fascinated by this.

However, in the fierce battle just now, the enemy's main battle tanks were not mud after all. Although they did not kill Liu Zheng's Samsung elite-level nuclear mecha, they also relied on their continuous shells. The attack destroyed Liu Zheng's repair car that came with the army by almost 70% or 80% of its health.

"Mom, this repair car of me is quite important for me, but it's really quite important! So, no matter what, I can't let it be blown up by the enemy! Once there is no such maintenance vehicle, there will be only a few attack chariots. How can you fight this air raid? How can you fight it!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

So, Liu Zheng has made up his mind that he should try to save his repair car anyway. Fortunately, there is also a maintenance chariot numbered "0" in its own base. Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and then the "0" repair car rushed out of his base, and then rushed to Liu Zheng's front-line position.

After Liu Zheng looked at it, he found it very funny that after the two repair cars met, they still kept greeting each other. Both of them raised their steel pliers high and circled around each other several times. Then, the "0" The repair car began to repair the other one whose health value was damaged. I saw my huge steel pliers gently shake on the damaged brother's repair car, and with the shaking, a "squeaky" sound of repair continued to sound. At the same time, there were waves of Mars from time to time where the iron pliers came into contact with the repair chariot. Shining, it looks like it is releasing fireworks.

"Squeak~~" With the unique sound of repairing, Liu Sen saw that two huge steel pliers dancing up and down, blowing the wind. At the same time, a burst of dazzling sparks shot out, looking as bright and gorgeous as fireworks. With the sound of "squeaking" repair sounded one after another, and with the sparks splashing like fireworks, Liu Zheng's repair car, which had lost a lot of life, finally recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye under the full repair of his companions.

Now, Liu Zheng saw that although he had suffered considerable losses in the enemy's base after his first nuclear missile attack, it did not damage its vitality. Therefore, after seeing this, Liu Zheng decided to give him a few more nuclear bombs to taste. Strive for several nuclear missiles to pass, and then the enemy's base will be turned into ruins!

Moreover, judging from the reaction of the enemy base, it seems that I really chose the right target this time! Yes, it's true that Liu Zheng did not find that there were too many enemy forces rushing out. In this way, my air strike this time was so successful without affecting the defense security of my base. Well, it's good, it's good, it's really good!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering secretly. Yes, now that Liu Zheng has mastered such a nuclear mecha in his hand, since there is not enough counterattack power in the enemy's base, he can blow it up to his heart's content!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng led his Samsung elite nuclear energy mecha and slowly walked down the cliff from the cliff he had just entered. In this way, the enemy base in front of him is basically within the attack range of Liu Zheng's Samsung classic nuclear mecha. Then, as Liu Zheng's nuclear energy mecha continued to move by, the timing naturally became more and more mature!

"Start! Attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the second nuclear missile attack finally began! The nuclear missile launcher behind the nuclear energy mecha had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

Yes, it is very different from the general missile flying in mid-air. Liu Zheng saw that his nuclear missile launched by this nuclear mecha actually sprayed the dark blue tail flame in the rear, and the size is also It has obviously become bigger. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion!

Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on the explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

Several enemy mobilized soldiers also followed. However, just after they came into contact with the dark green traces of nuclear radiation on the ground, they suddenly turned into a pool of green water. At this time, as the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb fell one after another, on the ground, the ground that had just been attacked by the enemy was naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation was still continuously immersed and rendered there.

In the following time, Liu Zheng relied on the main attack of his Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mecha. In mid-air, it was accompanied by the auxiliary attack of the two Samsung elite helicopter gunships. In addition, there was the one that had also been upgraded to Samsung Elite at this time. The level of Thunderbolt fire attacked by its own rocket launchers and fought all the way.

Yes, it should be said that the attacks between them still have their own characteristics. For example, the attack of nuclear missiles with nuclear energy mecha has a long attack distance and great lethality. An attack can often attack hundreds of meters or even thousands of meters away, thus killing the enemy's military facilities there one by one.

And that kind of air combat power - armed helicopter, especially, after upgrading to the Samsung elite level, the speed and frequency of its launch of air-to-ground missile, as well as the explosive power and lethality of that kind of missile after hitting the target, are quite good, quite good! Although at this stage, Liu Zheng's most lacking is the use of melee combat power, but the good thing is that some of the combat power in Liu Zheng's hands has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level! At such a level, naturally, no matter what kind of combat power the enemy is, basically, it can't stop the vast progress of Liu Zheng's raid troops!


In this way, since Liu Zheng owned the nuclear mecha, especially when the nuclear mecha was upgraded to the Samsung elite level, almost Liu Zheng's good luck followed. Whether it is a three-gun conventional attack or a long-range nuclear missile attack, it is quite lethal.

Therefore, with the attack of its own armed helicopters with the ability to attack the air and the ground, although the number of enemy's series of bases is quite large, they will still be destroyed in the end.

However, the next task taken over by Liu Zheng really made him feel a great pressure. Because this time, according to the headquarters, the opponent of the attack site he will go to this time is a guy with another type of technology, and he is extremely fierce and cruel.

However, this also fits Liu Zheng's mind. Yes, for Liu Zheng, he just wants to have a match with such an opponent. That kind of rookie-level opponents, now, Liu Zheng really despises them very much. Opening the combat power panel, Liu Zheng saw at a glance that there were all kinds of chariots! Apache helicopter, B-2 stealth bomber, and so on. There are many more fighting power that he can't name, which really made Liu Zheng's heart very happy.

However, however, soon, the enemy gave itself a downbeat. Yes, just as Liu Zheng ordered his mining truck to quickly carry out ore collection and make full preparations for the next construction and production of his base, suddenly, several enemy fighters roared! As for what kind of fighter it is, Liu Zheng is really not very clear. However, Liu Zheng can be sure that this kind of enemy's combat power flies quite fast, and the bombs dropped by him also seem to have quite strong lethality!

"Wow~~~" A series of air-to-ground missiles broke down the air, roared and flew, and hit Liu Zheng's mining truck very accurately. As a result, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and then Liu Zheng's mining truck was blown up in the west sky almost in the blink of an eye. A deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and then Liu Zheng's mining truck was almost blown up in the west in the blink of an eye.

At this time, Liu Zheng only wanted to defend against the enemy's ground attack, so he only produced a few howitzers. Liu Zheng knows that this kind of howitzer should have quite good long-range attack capability! In terms of "first is better", naturally, it should have quite good advantages and should have quite good advantages!

In front of Liu Zheng's howitzers, shortly after they were produced, seven or eight enemy mobilized soldiers lined up in a long snake array and rushed to Liu Zheng's newly built base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help smiling. Then, under an order, followed by the sound of "banging" shells, the true feelings sounded one after another. A round of howitzers, the rear, dragged the wisp of gray-white tail smoke, broke through the air and hit the group of the enemy fiercely, which was rushing towards Liu Zheng's base. Above the heads of the enemy's mobilized soldiers, a dark red explosion fog rose to the sky. And the group of enemy mobilized soldiers also lay in the pool of blood in the sound of explosions, in the explosions and fog, and in the screams...


However, Liu Zheng knew that although his first battle, he still had a certain upper hand. However, the real cruel side of the enemy has not really been shown. Moreover, with the passage of time, it should be said that the opponent's crazy attack is coming. Liu Zheng is actually quite well prepared for this in his heart.

As Liu Zheng's idea just came out, as expected, five enemy magnetic tanks have rushed through the forest not far in front of Liu Zheng's base and rushed to the forefront of Liu Zheng's defensive position. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be surprised.

And Liu Zheng naturally knows, that is, the enemy's magnetic chariot is also a guy with a considerable attack distance! Moreover, its lethality is also powerful enough. Needless to say, this kind of magnetic infantry, its attack power is enough! Therefore, after seeing the enemy's magnetic chariots rushing over, Liu Zheng's heart naturally couldn't help but feel nervous for a while.

"Squeak~~" A lightning-like magnetic arc suddenly burst out, piercing the space, and suddenly plunged fiercely to the chariot factory in Liu Zheng's base - damn it, he specially selected the most important facility to attack!

Then, a thick smoke rose to the sky. Liu Zheng clearly saw that his chariot factory had suddenly lost 50 to 60 percent of its health, and it had risen to the sky and burst into thick smoke.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles finally began to play their unique role. Just as the enemy's magnetic chariots were carrying out the attack on the target affectionately, suddenly, with the sharp sound of "wish" breaking the sky, Liu Zheng saw a bunch of ground-to-ground missiles, wrapped in the rolling flame, soaring to the sky. He cut through the air and crossed the arc. After that, he hit the target fiercely and made a loud explosion, which was endless.