Star Trek

Chapter 154 Enmity 7

And Liu Zheng, at this time, really found the cruelty of this battle.

Now, both sides have used their own tricks, almost all the tricks! Including, including their own killers - super weapons. Yes, now, both sides have no future and can be retained.

Looking at the enemy's base, the glittering and towering giant Tesla coils of the enemy, it looks like a tall and straight warrior! Moreover, with their kind of defense, which is almost watertight, it is almost impossible for me to break through the enemy's base now, which is almost impossible!

It should be said that now, Liu Zheng and his opponent have just played a draw. Yes, it's really just a draw. Draw? Yes, this is not bad at all. Now, Liu Zheng knows that he attacked the enemy twice with his own combat bomber. Yes, this is not bad at all. Now, Liu Zheng knows that he attacked the enemy twice with his own combat bomber. The enemy, in the same way, attacked themselves twice. Both sides, in the base, are scarred. The smoke is full and the war is raging.

However, Liu Zheng is now quite developed. And the most important development is that it has now built its own, which should be said to be the most powerful combat power, which is also its own real super weapon - the super cannon. However, what Liu Zheng doesn't understand is that it should be said to be the most powerful combat power, which is also his own real super weapon - super cannon. However, what Liu Zheng doesn't understand is that his super cannon, the Terminator cannon, didn't even move after it was built. And this also made Liu Zheng doubtful. Shit, what is this? What, why don't you even move!

Yes, it should be said that its own Terminator cannon has quite strong and eye-catching capital. Yes, look at that posture, look at that head, leaning, it's as high as several floors! This, this, this, this is the real king of cannons! Compared with it, Liu Zheng's main battle tank, which was just regarded as a god, is more than ten times bigger than that!

However, no matter how powerful and how huge the guy is, but then again, he always doesn't move. In this way, how can he and how can he give full play to its unique value? What kind of super cannon? Needless to say, the gun was fired at the target. Shit, even the gun barrel didn't move! This really made Liu Zheng angry for a while!

Yes, Liu Zheng was still really angry by the Terminator cannon that he had just built on his own side. Originally, as soon as I saw the cost, I got 5,000! That's definitely a pretty powerful character! Because Liu Zheng has known for a long time that the range of that kind of cannon is already far away! It's a pretty powerful role! Because Liu Zheng has known for a long time that the range of that kind of cannon is already far away! In this way, the range of this kind of super cannon will naturally be farther away!

Moreover, the lethality of its huge shell is also quite powerful! In this way, the combat effectiveness of those enemies who are slightly close to their own base will certainly be simply destroyed by their own super cannons! Well, that's for sure! Such a thing is, of course, quite simple for that super cannon!

However, in the face of the armed mining vehicles of the enemy carrying out ore collection on the ore deposit on the top of the mountain not far away, Liu Zheng found that his own one had a huge body shape and extremely high cost. The big guy, the Terminator cannon, was still That's it, motionless, sticking there, looking without any expression or a trace of vitality.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was angry! Shit, damn it! Such a thing that I don't like to eat! Such a big man, so long and barrel, but there is no weapon that can be used! And this is naturally a pity! Yes, this regret is not small!

And what on earth is this? What on earth happened? Liu Zheng's heart was really puzzled. However, Liu Zheng found one of the most important reasons quickly. That is, because I have just built such a big guy in my base, the power consumption will naturally be quite large! Therefore, this led to a tense situation in the power supply in his base.

"Yes, I'm still very clear about this! Without the support and supply of electric energy, then a lot of combat power, such as Patriot missiles, spy satellites, cannons, etc., will have no attack ability at all, completely, just a pile of scrap iron!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

"So, if you want to make your super cannon really play its real role, then you must first solve the power supply in your base!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly.

Lack of electricity? Shit, why didn't I find this problem? If it hadn't been for the prompt of the power indicator bar, it would have been quite passive.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that if something else is changed, it is really hard to say, but if the current problem is only the power problem, it will be much easier to do. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng quickly used the remaining production and construction funds to upgrade his power system. In this way, you should be able to solve your own power shortage problem.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at the indicator bar of his power supply. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that 1 was still a red color. Naturally, Liu Zheng also knows the meaning of the red color, that is, the performance of the lack of electricity. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally seemed to have some understanding. Yes, now Liu Zheng finally understands, that is, his current base: how much power supply is lost.

"And there is naturally a reason for this. Um! It should be because of the Terminator cannon you just built, right? No wonder that the Terminator cannon is really not a joke. It's strange that such a tall body doesn't consume dead power!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

And there is nothing we can do about it. Yes, what else can be done besides improving the power supply in your base again? After thinking of this, Liu Zheng had no choice but to spend more than 1,000 production and construction funds again to build another power plant. Although it can still make the power indicator progress bar green, it also solves the problem faced by Xidi to a certain extent. Haha, haha, it's moving, it's moving! My giant cannon has finally moved! Now he finally moved. Looking at the long barrel and slowly turning, Liu Zheng's heart finally relaxed. Yes, as long as it moves, things will naturally be much easier to do.

Yes, according to Liu Zheng's unindeserved words, since the barrel of his giant cannon has begun to rotate, the next step should also be able to attack. Yes, that should be the case. Moreover, at this time, Liu Zheng could even hear the subsequent silky cry when the barrel was turning, which sounded very harsh.

According to Liu Zheng's inference, his own cannon will soon attack some of the enemy's military targets, and! That kind of attack should be the kind of super weapon with quite strong offensive and destructive power, and even the kind of super powerful lethal power. Liu Zheng is still very confident about this, otherwise, the so-called "terminator" cannon seems impossible to explain.

However. In fact, just after the Terminator cannon stopped rotating, just as Liu Zhengyi thought that the destructive shelling was about to begin, the Terminator cannon suddenly stopped and stopped there, and 1 stopped motionless, no matter what No matter how Liu Zheng waited, he couldn't move a little further. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little confused. What the matter! What's the matter? What's going on?

Yes, looking at his Terminator cannon, he didn't move. Liu Zheng's angry lamp, Liu Zheng's anxious! However, there is a saying that the emperor is not in a hurry! Even if Liu Zheng's giant cannon did not move, Liu Zheng's eyes couldn't help but fire at this time.

However, just when Liu Zheng felt very helpless, Liu Zheng's eyes suddenly lit up. I saw a time countdown display above the display panel in front of me, which is progressing for seconds. It shows the time left for the ultimate cannon attack, and there are still people---

It was not until this time that Liu Zheng realized that his ultimate cannon also needed this cooling time!

Well, in this case, we can only continue to wait for a while. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that there were also super weapons ready to attack in his opponent's base. What kind of super weapon? It turned out to be an attack! What, *attack? What a terrible way to attack! *'S lethality is powerful enough! However, this kind of * attack should be a more powerful attack!

Yes1 For Liu Zheng, the most important thing seems to be to kill the one * in the enemy base first. But before that, Liu Zheng also wanted to do something paving first. That is also very helpful for your next action. Yes, especially if you can't kill the target in time after your super weapon Terminator cannon is fired! You can also carry out supplementary attacks in time. And that point is naturally very important.

Yes, it's very important! Because once you can't attack the enemy's super weapon, that is, the * attack mechanism! Yes, once the enemy's * attack is succeeding: it is very likely that the mi will be more lethal than its own weapon. Therefore, Liu Zheng thought that in any case, he would destroy the super weapon of his army before it detonated. In any case, it has to be eliminated. Otherwise, your own base will suffer at that time. And once you really get to that point, then you really have no power to return to heaven.

Fortunately, several intercontinental missile launchers have been produced at Liu Zheng's base. And those intercontinental missile launchers 1 have very good long-range attack capabilities. It can attack almost every corner of the enemy base. That kind of ultra-long-range attack ability was really gratifying and worthy of appreciation at that time. Yes, there was no problem with this at that time!

However, Liu Zheng also knows that this kind of intercontinental missile launch system has a huge flaw, that is, although its attack distance is quite far! However, it is easily intercepted. \1 Yes, that's it. After flying for such a long time and flying such a long distance, what about it? It's about to hit that target! However, suddenly, Cheng Yaojin suddenly appeared on the way, no matter what kind of anti-aircraft gun! It's still the same kind of super magnetic explosion coil 1 anyway: it's quite lethal.

In a word, after the anti-aircraft missiles continued to plant those super missiles, with the sound of the roaring explosion, and with the sudden sound of explosive flames, those intercontinental missiles exploded in mid-air. As a result, it can be imagined that those intercontinental missiles were all scrapped.

Therefore, Liu Zheng has never felt that this kind of intercontinental missile can do something for himself. But! No matter what, this kind of weapon is better than nothing.

And now, naturally, the situation on the battlefield is almost more tense and intense, and the tension and fierceness are almost out of control! First of all, a combat laboratory has just been built in the enemy's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally knew very well that this kind of enemy's combat laboratory was quite powerful! Because once the combat laboratory is built, it means that the enemy's super weapon - * attack will be staged again!

Yes, because that kind of enemy's so-called "* attack" belongs to that kind of super weapon. As long as it is a super weapon, it must be supported by a combat laboratory. Otherwise, then, the enemy can't build it!

Therefore, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked when he saw the enemy's combat laboratory suddenly rising up. However, now, relying on other combat power, Liu Zheng knows that it is also terrible! Yes, basically, I just can't pull out any more combat power to do that thing now! However, the enemy's combat laboratory must be destroyed again! Therefore, in this situation, you must also think of another way well.

Thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided to use his four intercontinental missiles! Although the attack of that kind of intercontinental missile is easily intercepted by the enemy, and they cannot carry nuclear warheads. However, when the words come back, it's not a big deal. Yes, it's really nothing serious. Because the location of the enemy's newly built combat laboratory is on the edge of the enemy base! Moreover, it is still built in the nearest place to Liu Zheng's base. In this way, naturally, when Liu Zheng's intercontinental missiles fly in, they do not need to pass through the enemy's air defense area, so the possibility of successful attack is still very high, absolutely great.

"Start the launch! Shoot together!" Liu Zheng finally gave an order. Therefore, with the sound of igniting, four missiles, spraying the orange tail flame, slowly launched away. At the beginning, the speed of its flight was not very fast, but it was very fast, but the speed of flight was rapidly increasing and increasing in the way of acceleration.

Four intercontinental missiles, in this way, along their established flight trajectory, in the air, breaking through the air and roaring, flying at full speed almost at the same speed. Finally, after seven seconds of flight, the four missiles finally hit the target one after another. Although two of them were still blown up by the enemy's anti-aircraft fire, in the end, two of them hit the target accurately and made a roaring explosion, which was endless.