Star Trek

Chapter 169 Killer Instinct 9

With the harsh "woo" sound, the enemy's three nerve assault vehicles, at this time, looked almost like a psychopath, desperately spraying that kind of neurotic poison gas, which continued to cause Liu Zheng's strong wind chariots, constantly Fighting. Moreover, as time went by, the area covered by the purple-red light fog was getting larger and larger. It looked like bursts of purple dust suddenly surged up in the flat ground. Liu Zheng's wind chariots covered by the purple fog suddenly turned into that dark red, and it seemed to be out of control.

"Oh~~~" Liu Zheng's own windmills were in the red tide, coming and going with each other, and the sound of cannons kept shooting out one by one, hitting each other fiercely. In this way, one by one, Liu Zheng's own windy chariot was blown off one after another. On the ground, the wreckage flew randomly and cratered everywhere...

Looking at his windmills, under the action of the enemy's three nerve assault vehicles, Liu Zheng was really dumbfounded at this time! However, Fortunately, the number of enemy's nerve assault vehicles was not very large, so in the end, they were killed by Liu Zheng's chariots. However, although the enemy's nerve assault vehicles were finally knocked down, after all, this also taught Liu Zheng a deep lesson! It seems that this opponent is really not so easy to deal with! It's really not that easy to deal with!

"It seems that I have to build that kind of ballistic missile next!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking. Yes, in this situation, that kind of ballistic missile is undoubtedly the best choice. Because of that kind of combat power, first, its cost is quite low. In this way, it is easy for you to build it at the fastest speed; second, the ballistic missile has a long attack distance. In this way, it can be eliminated before the enemy's combat power approaches. And this also meets my current combat needs.

So, Liu Zheng made every effort to build that kind of ballistic missile just before the enemy's next attack began. Soon after, as many as five or six have been built. Moreover, at the same time, a super power plant has been built to build that kind of ballistic missile. Soon after, as many as five or six have been built. Moreover, at the same time, a super power plant has been built, which is powered by nuclear fuel, thus providing a strong power supply for the operation of the base...

Not long after, another enemy attack finally began again! And this time, the enemy's attack is still the same kind of combat power that used to be Liu Zheng's capable general - the mad orc. Those guys kept waving their arms, and the huge steps almost shook the ground like a war drum. So, soon, they rushed up, and then beat Liu Zheng's wind chariots in pain. They only heard a bang, bang, bang, bang bang bang bang bang, every time they will hit a dazzling fire. At the same time, accompanied With the four-shot sparks and countless debris, the debris of the chariot flew away...

Yes, it seems that the kind of mad orcs of the enemy have a natural superiority over the combat power of chariots, and they are killed by two. It looks very crisp and sharp without any superfluous movements. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help opening his mouth again for their bloody methods.

However, the good thing is that my five or six ballistic missiles that have just been built are not good-looking. At this time, their attack advantage, especially their long-range attack advantage, has also been reflected. As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they very accurately hit the crazy beasts of the enemy who rushed over crazily. After touching the target, the ballistic missiles were bombarded one after another, which was enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

"Roaring~~~" At this time, I saw the few mad orcs of the enemy, although they looked almost endless, but in the face of the successive missile attacks, they had no power and nowhere to use, so they had to open their eyes in that mass of light fog. In the sound of bombing, he fell down and never got up again.


It should be said that during this period of time, the long-range attack method adopted by Liu Zheng to attack the target by relying on that kind of ballistic missile has achieved quite a complete success. Yes, that's it. In particular, Liu Zheng started from the edge of his base and built a great wall of ballistic missiles with the rich production and construction funds he had on hand, one by one!

The Great Wall of ballistic missiles has continued from the edge of his base to the periphery of his base, and it seems that as long as Liu Zheng wants to continue to build outside, he can still continue to build. Even if it goes to the edge of the enemy's base, it is not impossible. Yes, that's it.

Of course, although it doesn't cost much to build a ballistic missile, it comes back! After all, it is also a production and construction fund that costs more than 1,000 yuan! That's not a small number. Moreover, Liu Zheng has built more than a dozen ballistic missiles! More than a dozen have been counted on the number of more than 20! Therefore, naturally, it also cost a lot of production and construction funds!

Moreover, there is another problem, that is, once your base is cut off the power, then your "Great Wall of Land-based Missile" will also be worthless! This is absolutely certain!

At this time, with the continuous construction of Liu Zheng's "Great Missile Wall", the attack on the enemy naturally became more frequent. In front of him, Liu Zheng suddenly found that a group of figures were moving towards him. Shit, damn, what is it? What the hell is that? How can you move very fast? Looking intently, at this time, Liu Zheng found that the combat power of that group was actually, that is, it was also Liu Zheng's most good at using combat power - a special "Yuri replicator" belonging to the Yuri combat power type, and another kind of combat power, called "virus sniper". After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused!

"Damn, it seems that these two infantry combat forces are really likable! What, what the mother, also sent them to attack me! However, this time, I'm afraid it's not so good! Ha ha ha~~" Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering.

In addition, there are two other enemy chariots that follow closely, and that is not the ordinary conventional chariot, but the kind that looks like a spirit control chariot carrying a turtle shell! There are actually two other enemy chariots, and it is not that kind of ordinary chariot, but the kind of spiritual control chariot that looks like carrying a turtle shell! Shit, yes, that kind of mental control chariot!

Liu Zheng knows that that kind of mental control chariot can control multiple targets at the same time at once, which is quite a simple guy! Damn, it's so powerful that even that kind of mental control chariot has been sent here! However, no matter what kind of Yuri replicator or that kind of mental control car, they can't control my building!

"Attack!" Seeing that the group of enemy's various combat forces were moving towards his side and attacking, Liu Zheng immediately issued an order to attack. Therefore, his own, more than a dozen ballistic missiles, began to carry out that kind of cluster bombardment, almost carpet-style bombing. Liu Zheng immediately issued an order to attack. Therefore, his own, more than a dozen ballistic missiles, began to carry out that kind of cluster bombardment, almost carpet-style bombing.

With a whistling sound one after another, those ballistic missiles fired one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew rapidly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. Of course, one after another, the enemy's infantry fighting power, could not escape at all - naturally, they could not run away.

After touching the target, the ballistic missiles were bombarded one after another, which was enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile. With the sound of violent explosions, with the explosions rising to the sky, a sad cry came one after another, countless and broken arms, countless wrecks and fragments, with the sound of violent explosions, with the explosions one after another The fog rose to the sky, and a miserable cry came one after another. Countless and broken arms, countless wreckage and fragments were shot into the air one after another...

"Ha ha ha, another big victory! Another big victory!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. However, just as Liu Zheng sighed about his victory, when Liu Zheng felt that his group of ballistic missiles were almost unfavorable, suddenly, a "buzzing" sounded one after another!

And as soon as he heard this very familiar voice, Liu Zheng had already heard it: Wow, wow, damn it, this is, this is, the Yuri's combat power base - laser floating! Yes, that kind of laser UFO!

In this way, what I was most worried about happened! It still happened! Yes, in this situation, the most frightening thing about this kind of formation is the " laser UFO" of the enemy. Yes, because they absorb the power supply from their own base, resulting in the complete loss of power supply from their own base! And this is also the most unacceptable thing that Liu Zhengso can't allow!

However, now, Liu Zheng's most frustrating thing is that his current anti-aircraft firepower is really not so sufficient! That kind of anti-aircraft combat vehicle has only produced two or three, and it is very likely that it cannot prevent it from intervening into its own base!

"Buzz~~~~" with a buzzing sound, the unique sound of the laser UFO belonging to the enemy came one after another. Then, Liu Zheng saw that three laser UFOs had flown through the waters and were flying towards the depths of Liu Zheng's base.

"Wow~~~" On the ground, Liu Zheng's two or three anti-aircraft vehicles are constantly shooting secluded at the three lasers of the enemy in mid-air, firing those anti-aircraft missiles. Those anti-aircraft missiles dragged long tail smoke one after another, making a harsh whistling sound, piercing the air, piercing the clouds, and roaring through the air. Those air-to-air missiles constantly adjust the direction of flight in the process of flying towards the target, swinging gently from left to right, looking like tadpoles swimming in the water. And if you look at it from a distance, the flight trajectory formed by gray-white missile tail smoke is like a huge nucleus...

However, after all, Liu Zheng's anti-aircraft firepower is too small, so he can't effectively stop those laser UFO flights at all. It's just that he has lost a certain health value. So, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's three laser UFOs had flown over his own power plant deep in the depths of his base! Then, one of them was overriding it. They rotated and rotated quickly. At the same time, the activities of absorbing the electricity of Liu Zheng's base began without losing time!

Damn, damn it, it's really unexpected! Once there is a chance, then, he will definitely start the kind of activity to absorb the power supply in his base! And this move is also the best move!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing.

So, in the emotion of Liu Zheng's voice, he saw the strange sound of "yo-yo-yo~~" ringing one after another. Liu Sen saw the light yellow aperture, from top to bottom, small to large, from the top of a laser you fu. Then, the power plant below was shrouded.

Light yellow apertures slowly rise from the controlled power plant, from bottom to top, from small to large, as if it were a laser UFO, absorbing infinite energy from that power plant. At the same time, a strange sound of "buzzing" kept coming, as if it were a heavenly sound from heaven. Under this strange attack, Liu Zheng's base was immediately cut off from the power supply almost at that moment...

With the termination of the power supply in his base, Liu Zheng saw that his more than a dozen land-based ballistic missiles also immediately stopped operating! One by one, they all stood there stupidly, motionless, looking very helpless! Shit, damn, the more than a dozen missile launchers that were very heroic just now have become a pile of scrap iron! What a motherfucker, what a motherfucker!

However, the termination of electricity only affected the normal work of some land-based weapons, but it did not affect the combat production of its own chariot factory. Soon after, four or five more anti-aircraft vehicles were produced one after another! Therefore, a ground-to-air missile attack began again!

In this way, with the harsh sound of "whisw" breaking, anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, broke through the air, roared, sprayed the gray-white tail smoke, constantly corrected its flight direction, and hit the target directly...

"Boom~~" Finally, under the full attack of the seven or eight air defense forces, the enemy's three laser UFOs were finally knocked down because they were outnumbered, fell to the ground, and smashed up the fireworks that rushed to the sky...

The war, so far, Liu Zheng knows that this is just the beginning. More fierce battles, it should be said, are yet to come! Next, how on earth should I go? Liu Zheng is under calculation.