Star Trek

Chapter 178 Conspiracy 8

Yes, at this time, Liu Zheng had no choice but to place his hope on the two Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopters. After the sound of "buzzing" flying one after another, his two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters have flown over the target!

"Fire!" Liu Zheng's eyes were already full of flames at this time. Yes, he has to get rid of it anyway. That guy is the culprit of his Thunderbolt rocket in such a situation!

With Liu Zheng's order, the seven missile helicopters began to adjust their postures towards the target to adjust to the most suitable posture for attack. Finally, the attack began: from the missile launchers on the two missile helicopters, open-ground missiles were constantly fired out. Those missiles roared, making the sound of tearing through the air, and the tail sprayed orange tail flame, dragging the longer, straight-looking gray-white tail smoke, and shooting at the target with an irresistible momentum and the power to destroy everything.

"Boom~~" A small dark red mushroom cloud rose to the sky, covering up the whole forest! Even Liu Zheng could see the blazing flame rising into the sky, and even ignited the primitive forest! The fire, whirling, whirling ~ the fireworks in the sky swept over the primitive forest. And in the huge explosion, in the raging fire, Liu Zheng saw that in the dense forest, the enemy's super Yuri clone was killed!

"Ah~~~~" A miserable shout suddenly sounded. And the super Yuri clone of the enemy suddenly fell into a pool of blood with the sound of shouting.

However, although the enemy's super Yuri replicator died, as all kinds of shells like rain fell from the sky, the target, Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt rocket that had just escaped from the enemy's super Yuri replicator, also exploded. It exploded!

"Oh, damn it, in the end, it's still empty! Unexpectedly, it only fell empty!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. For a while, I was also very helpless.


Now, Liu Zheng finally feels that his attack team has gained a firm foothold in that frontier position. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally felt some relief in his heart. Yes, and next, I will launch the largest attack on that Yuri-type base!

And Liu Zheng's so-called "largest attack" is naturally the so-called nuclear bomb attack. Combat power, that is, the nuclear energy mecha. At this time, my nuclear energy mecha still belongs to that general level of combat power. However, Liu Zheng believes that with the passage of time, it only takes a little time to destroy several military facilities of the enemy, then his own nuclear mecha will certainly become a Samsung elite combat force! That's almost certain!

Once it becomes the combat power of the Samsung elite level, its attack level, its destruction, and its attack range will be greatly improved. And that is also what Liu Zheng is very willing to see. Yes, I really want to see it!

At this time, the position of Liu Zheng's attack team is not far from the Yuri-type base of the enemy, not far above the cliff of that base. However, Liu Zheng saw that although his nuclear energy mecha has the ability to strike long-range nuclear bombs, the so-called "long-range strike" also has a certain limit to the distance range.

So, now, it only has the power plant on the edge of the enemy base and the mental control tower. Yes, for Liu Zheng, if he can destroy that mental control tower, it will naturally be better than anything else. Yes, that's it. Because of the existence of the enemy's mental control tower and that mental control tower. Yes, for Liu Zheng, if he can destroy that mental control tower, it will naturally be better than anything else. Yes, that's it. Because of the existence of the enemy's spiritual control tower, his combat power can't get close to the past at all. Otherwise, it will soon be controlled by it!

"Well, good, good, good, good! I will destroy the enemy's spiritual control tower first~ In this way, the combat power after me can get closer! Hahaha~~" Liu Zheng's eyes appeared in red at this time. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack of his own nuclear energy machine began!

The nuclear mecha of Liu Zheng felt constantly shaking, and the sound of "buzzing" was endless. Then, the nuclear missile launcher behind the nuclear mecha had been opened, and then, two seconds later, the tactical nuclear missile began to ignite. After a loud sound, a missile that looked like a large warhead sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch frame. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight to the target. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

The nuclear warhead looks quite large, at least half larger than ordinary missiles. The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

Finally, as the explosive fog slowly dissipated, Liu Zheng saw that the nuclear missile attack of his nuclear mecha just now destroyed an enemy power plant, a mental control tower, and a combat laboratory. A one-time attack can achieve such a destructive effect, which should be said to be a quite good attack effect for Liu Zheng!

So, Liu Zheng upgraded his one, which has been upgraded to a Samsung elite-level nuclear energy mecha, and once again loaded it into his Red Star transport ship. After that, together with his two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, he flew to the highest cliff. Then, he flew to the base that was close to the enemy. There is a flat land. A gloomy jungle scattered there, looking green. Just in time, Liu Zheng saw that the jungle was the Samsung elite nuclear mecha that hid himself.

"Well, in this way, you can hide your nuclear mecha in the jungle, and then launch a fierce attack on the enemy's base!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but make a good calculation.

It seems that the opponent wants to test the attack power of Liu Zheng's Samsung elite nuclear mecha. Just as Liu Zheng hid his Samsung elite nuclear energy mecha into the jungle and was ready to fire at the enemy's base, he found that the enemy's base was still tightly shrouded by the fog of war. This made Liu Zheng feel that he had nowhere to do it.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned. Shit, damn it! How to say this! I want to scout my two Samsung elite-level missile helicopters, but I'm afraid of being attacked by anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy base! You know, it is not easy to train that kind of heavy missile helicopter to become a Samsung elite level. Yes, that's really the case! You know, it is not easy to train that kind of heavy missile helicopter to become a Samsung elite level. Yes, that's really the case!

At this time, suddenly, with a chaotic sound, Liu Zheng saw that an enemy's combat laboratory was not far away from his nuclear mecha! Haha, haha, the live target has finally arrived, and the live target has finally arrived!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order, and he didn't need to attack with that kind of nuclear missile, but with its ordinary artillery! Liu Zheng knew that when his kind of nuclear energy mecha was upgraded to the Samsung elite level, he did not need to attack with that kind of nuclear missile, but with its ordinary artillery! Liu Zheng knows that when his nuclear mecha is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, the power of its artillery attack will certainly be quite great!

"Fire! Damn, I just want to test how powerful the ordinary artillery attack of this nuclear mecha is! I just want to test how powerful the general artillery attack of this nuclear mecha is!" After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack officially began! You know, it is not easy to train that kind of heavy missile helicopter to become a Samsung elite level. Yes, that's really the case!

"Oh, boom~~" The three cannon barrels stretched one after another, and then three huge cannonballs shot out and crossed three arcs. In that very sharp cry, it banged and hit the enemy in the distance, which had just been built. Above the war laboratory.

And at the moment when the three huge shells just fell to the ground, Liu Zheng saw that it was like that kind of carpet-style bombing. The black and red explosive firelight looked like a small mushroom cloud rising to the sky, stretching continuously and spreading everywhere. , and in the black and red explosion fog rising to the sky, the enemy's combat laboratory had no resistance at all. Soon, with the explosion fog rising to the sky, it turned into countless debris and fragments and dispersed...

After defeating the enemy's one and the newly built combat laboratory, Liu Zheng also thought that he could not stay his Samsung classic nuclear energy mecha in the jungle, right? Yeah, you can't always park that guy in that jungle, can you? Although the enemy base is still shrouded in the dark fog of war, he should always find a way to uncover it! Otherwise, when can you get rid of it?


However, it was because of Liu Zheng's momentary carelessness. Later, in an accidental battle, Liu Zheng actually buried all the combat power of his attack team! Including that Samsung elite nuclear energy mecha! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be speechless.

It seems that, as people say, no matter what happens, you can't be careless. Otherwise, it is likely that it will lead to an irreparable loss. Yes, that's it.

Immediately after that, things seemed to have taken a turning point. Liu Zheng's base defense, followed by a great change. Originally, in Liu Zheng's base, due to the fact that he has produced too much combat power for a period of time, the consumption is naturally quite large. At the same time, its own ore refinery has also been destroyed by the enemy. Therefore, at this time, there is not much production and construction capital in Liu Zheng's base. Yes, at this time, it can almost be said that I have gone to that kind of penniless and desperate situation. Only the technology drilling well in its own base is still working there.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that with that technology to drill an oil well, it is far from enough for his base! It seems that it's time to think of a way. Therefore, Liu Zheng produced an engineer under the very scarce production and construction funds. Then, under the order, he saw his own engineer, holding the toolkit in his hand, which was located in the primitive forest, which had been given by the enemy. The occupied technology drilled oil wells.

Yes, there is not much enemy defense there. Basically, as long as Liu Zheng's engineer passes, he will occupy it very easily. That should be very simple. It's really a very simple thing!

However, just as Liu Zheng's engineer hurried out of the base and walked to the oil well occupied by the enemy, Liu Zheng saw five orcs of the enemy's five orcs from the Yuli combat power base as they were constantly getting bigger. Roared and rushed this way.

Looking at the group of enemy's mad orcs, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel nervous when they kept screaming and spitting their noses. Damn, if one of my engineers continues to go at this time, he will definitely meet the crazy orcs of the enemy army. In that case, won't his own engineer be eaten by the monster? Or, just slap it and break it.

Therefore, Liu Zheng decided to avoid one of his engineers for the time being. Then, with an order, the Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopter over his base was mobilized there. Yes, Liu Zheng has enough confidence to defeat the enemy's wild orcs with his Samsung elite heavy missile helicopter, which should be a very simple thing, that's a very simple thing!

"Fight!" With the three-star elite-level heavy missile helicopter, it finally flew over the heads of the enemy's mad orcs, and the air-to-ground missile attack on them also began! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. Those huge air-to-ground missiles...

dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusted the direction of flight, roared from top to bottom, and broke the wind, and then hit the enemy's magnetic and electric chariot on the ground one after another. Therefore, with the sound of the explosion of "banging", Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless debris and fragments, scattered, and shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...