Star Trek

Chapter 180 Conspiracy 10

And the attack distance of my own ballistic missile is far beyond the control distance of the Yuri replicator! In this way, naturally, before being attacked by the enemy's Yuri replicator, his ballistic missiles can be killed in one fell swoop! This should not be a problem.

Sure enough, he did not wait for Liu Zheng to order at all. After the enemy's group of combat power had just entered the attack distance of Liu Zheng's ballistic missile deployed at the front, Liu Zheng had seen that the attack on some of the enemy's combat power had begun! As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. After touching the target, the ballistic missiles were bombarded one after another, which was enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

It should be said that the rapid launch and rapid operation of this land-based ballistic missile is almost beyond its own expectation. Moreover, that guy really has quite good lethality! As the missiles broke through the air, as they hit the enemy's targets on the ground one after another, a sound of explosion suddenly sounded, booming ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ So, for a time, all the enemy's combat power, including the super Yuri replicator, was blood. The meat flew across, and countless chariot wreckage and fragments scattered away, and the virus sniper not only failed to defeat Liu Zheng's infantry readiness, but also put him in!

Around the ground, there is a mass of bright green light fog floating between them, floating there, floating...

However, the three enemy's laser UFOs still continued to fly towards Liu Zheng's base! Mother, mother, where is my anti-aircraft chariot? Beat him down! Liu Zheng couldn't help roaring angrily. At this time, more than eight or nine anti-aircraft vehicles of Liu Zheng have been produced. Liu Zheng, who has so much anti-aircraft firepower, naturally does not care too much about the three enemy aircraft flying over his base. Yes, he is indeed fully sure to get rid of it now! There should be no problem.

"buzzing~~~" continues to fly this way. At this time, with Liu Zheng's order, his air defense vehicles had gathered at the front of their defensive positions and rushed straight away against the three laser UFOs of the enemy.

"Fire!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's shout, he saw that his own anti-aircraft chariots suddenly stopped almost at that moment, and then began to carry out air defense attacks in mid-air! "Whisw~~" a bunch of ground-to-air missiles were launched from the missile launchers at the top of Liu Zheng's 89 anti-aircraft vehicles. They all dragged long gray-white tail smoke one after another, making a harsh whistling sound, piercing the air, piercing the clouds, and roaring through the air. Go. Those air-to-air missiles constantly adjust the direction of flight in the process of flying towards the target, swinging gently from left to right, looking like tadpoles swimming in the water.

Therefore, Liu Zhengcai made another plan to produce a number of anti-aircraft vehicles. By this time, he had produced as many as seven or eight anti-aircraft vehicles. It should be said that with these anti-aircraft weapons here, there should not be much problem. As long as you can prevent the enemy's air power, especially the enemy's laser UFO that can cut off the power supply in your base, then for the enemy's ground attack power, as long as you can prevent the enemy's air power, especially the enemy's laser UFO that can cut off the power supply in your base. Then, Liu Zheng still doesn't care much about the enemy's ground attack power.

It seems that Liu Zheng's action has really touched the nerves of his opponent! So, immediately, Liu Zheng saw that, as he expected, at this time, another batch of enemy forces had rushed in the direction of his base! Including several generals, several Yuri clones, and two (should be at least two) virus snipers, air and two laser UFOs, forming an orderly combat group, rushing towards their own base.

Just when Liu Zheng didn't take that as a matter at all, because he knew that even if the enemy sent Yuri replicators here, but what did it matter? It doesn't matter at all. Because our Yuri replicator can only control its own mobile combat units, and for that kind of land-based fixed combat unit, there is no control at all.

However, soon, when the enemy's attack team was getting closer and closer to his base, Liu Zheng finally found that the enemy's team was actually mixed with a super Yuri replicator! The super Yuri replicator of the enemy, standing on a flying altar, really looked like a leader, which looked quite majestic.

However, Liu Zheng knew that although he looked like a gentleman, in fact, he was definitely a madman! Shit, for buildings, they can be controlled and become their own facilities. Isn't a guy like this a madman? Therefore, Liu Zheng really has no good impression of the Yuri replicator. However, despite this, Liu Zheng is still not worried. Because its own ballistic missile has quite good long-range attack capability, so even the enemy's super Yuri replicator has strong control ability and can even control its own military facilities. However, it still needs to reach a certain distance before it can take effect. Of.

And if you look at it from afar, the flight trajectory formed by gray-white missile tail smoke, because the final goal is certain, looks like a huge net scattered from the sky into the space on the ground. Then, after the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target one by one, a roar suddenly sounded, and in mid-air, the enemy's laser UFOs also shook violently as the missiles hit the target. Then, Liu Zheng clearly saw a mass of smoke. Fog rises to the sky...

"yo-yo~~~" Finally, the three enemy's laser UFOs could no longer hold on. Helplessly, from the middle of the sky, they hit the swirling, like a straw hat, and like pieces of fallen leaves, floating down one after another and smashing them fiercely. On the ground, a burst of explosive fog burst into the sky...


Now, Liu Zheng has preliminarily realized that the production and construction funds of his base have been almost exhausted. Yes, it has really been almost consumed. Shit, mother, how could this happen? Liu Zheng couldn't help but have some doubts. However, Liu Zheng was relieved again. Yes, now, I have been engaged in the construction of bases, especially the construction of so many ballistic missiles, which is the owner of spending a lot of production and construction funds. It is no wonder that there is no shortage of production and construction funds in my current base!

"It can't always be like this! Shit, mother! No, I have to strive to accumulate more wealth! It seems that this war will not end immediately! You must also be prepared for a protracted war!" Liu Zheng thought secretly.

And just in front of your base, there is a mineral deposit. Moreover, that deposit is still that kind of gemstone deposit. Liu Zheng knows that that kind of gemstone deposit is many times better than that ordinary gold deposit! It's still that kind of gemstone deposit. Liu Zheng knows that that kind of gemstone deposit is many times better than that kind of ordinary gold deposit! Yes, the efficiency of gold conversion is also quite high!

According to Liu Zheng's plan, this time, he still wants to fight some step-by-step business battles. In this case, specifically, that is, I will build multiple ballistic missiles and ballistic missiles, according to the principle of "proximity and buildable" between buildings, starting from the edge of my own base, straight forward, straight ahead! So it lasted until the enemy's camp! Then, with the help of that long-range and powerful attack power, it caused huge damage to the enemy's base!

And now, Liu Zheng is very proactively carrying out such a business based on this idea. Now, its own ballistic missile has been built at the entrance and exit of its own base! After crossing that line, it is very likely that it will enter the territory actually controlled by the enemy!

At the same time, Liu Zheng has also clearly realized that since then, it is likely to lead to a large-scale invasion of the enemy. Yes, no matter who sees this thing built at their doorstep, no one will be able to stand it, that is, in this way, it is likely to lead to a large-scale invasion of the enemy. Yes, no matter who sees this thing built on their doorstep, no one will be able to stand it. Really, no matter who can stand it! That's absolutely certain. Liu Zheng actually won't doubt this at all.

However, Liu Zheng has not seen such a good deposit, where there is his own mining truck for ore collection! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking around his base. I saw that just behind my base, on the gold deposit, my own mining truck was collecting ore feebly! Moreover, the gold mine ** surface there, that kind of gold ore, has also been consumed much worse!

"Mom, I don't know the gold rate of that kind of gold ore, but it is far lower than that of that kind of gem ore? Really!" Liu Zheng couldn't help but be a little annoyed. Although the gem deposit is farther away from its own base, it doesn't matter. After all, at this time, my ballistic missile has been built there. As long as some combat power of the enemy rushes over, then their own ballistic missiles will definitely be able to make a mess! Therefore, there is no safety problem when going to the ** surface of the gem mine for ore collection. Liu Zheng is also 100% confident about this.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his mining truck went from the gold deposit behind his base to the gem deposit in front of him...

However, after all, only one ore refinery is far from enough. In particular, Liu Zheng's first ore refinery is located behind his base. In this way, it is naturally a long distance from the gem deposit. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but decide whether it was better to build another ore refinery. In this way, I have two ore refineries, and at the same time, I can get closer to that gemstone deposit! In this case, it is naturally quite beneficial.

So, another ore refinery finally began to break ground...

And in the following time, Liu Zheng was still focusing on the construction of his own ballistic missile. Yes, in any case, my kind of ballistic missile belongs to that kind of relatively low cost, but it is really a quite practical combat force. And if you have such a good combat power without using it, then you are really quite stupid.

Moreover, now, I have built another ore refinery, so that the financial supply in my base will certainly be greatly improved. In this way, I will have enough financial and material resources to fight a protracted war with the enemy. Therefore, it was from this kind of combat strategy that Liu Zheng made a plan to "build a missile corridor".

So, Liu Zheng's missile corridor continued to be built. Later, it was built to the edge of the enemy's base. Naturally, it will definitely provoke a strong rebound from the enemy. And this is also expected by Liu Zheng. Shit, mother, I'd like to have a look. What can you do to me?

The infantry fighting power of a group of enemy troops, one after another, has almost become systematic missiles by Liu Zheng, and has been wiped out one by one. And in that roar, and in that miserable cry, the infantry power of a famous enemy army, including some Yuri replicators and even virus snipers, was also knocked out one after another. And this is also a practical verification, preliminarily verifying Liu Zheng's expectation: the general combat power of the enemy is basically beyond the addition! Basically, it can't have any effect on your own missile corridor!

However, the front one belongs to Yuri's combat power type, and the enemy base is not so easy to destroy. Among them, there are also some forces with a certain combat ability. Yes, that's it. Well, when Liu Zheng felt that he had almost grasped the initiative of the attack this time, thinking that he had basically been above and would soon destroy it this time, suddenly, from the enemy's base - to be precise, Liu Zheng felt that this time, Almost, when I seized the initiative of the attack, I thought that this time, I was basically superior and would soon destroy it. Suddenly, from the enemy's base - and to be precise, from the base shrouded in the dark curtain, there was actually magnetism and electricity. The beam of light came out!

"Well, mother, magnetic electric chariot?" Liu Zheng couldn't help but be surprised. Yes, that's it. At this time, Liu Zheng clearly saw that two light purple magnetic and electric beams actually shot out of the dark curtain. At that kind of speed visible to the naked eye, he passed through the space and shot extremely accurately on the Liu Zheng's newly built ballistic missile. Then, a "boom" explosion suddenly sounded, and then a green smoke began to rise. And the magnetic and electric beams still continue to transmit the attack energy to the attack target, so the two magnetic arcs seem to present an illusory situation. Soon, Liu Zheng's ballistic missile could no longer withstand the attack of the magnetoelectric beam, and a loud explosion suddenly sounded, and then the target burst into countless debris and fragments, scattering...