Star Trek

Chapter 183 Jungle War 1

In this way, Liu Zheng used the red star transport ship to send his engineer to the one located in the jungle, next to the technology drilling well. After that, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng's engineer finally came down from the red star transport ship, and then carried the yellow toolbox and took the big step into the technology drilling well.

After seeing this scene, Liu Zheng finally breathed a long sigh of relief. Wow, damn it, it's almost the same! In this way, Liu Zheng has also seen that the production and construction funds are also rising rapidly on the account in his base. And this is exactly what makes Liu Zheng feel most gratified.

Of course, Liu Zheng carried a total of two engineers together with the Red Star transport ship. In this case, one is used here, and there is another one. According to Liu Zheng's consideration, that engineer was used in the technology drilling well in another jungle.

The sound of the wind. Song Tao, bursts. At this time, the beautiful scene still makes people feel a kind of heartfelt warmth. However, according to Liu Zheng's idea, in addition, it is necessary to control another technology drilling well. Therefore, the engineer was sent into the flying car again, which still made people feel a heartfelt warmth. However, according to Liu Zheng's idea, in addition, it is necessary to control another technology drilling well. So, once again, the engineer was sent into the flying car, and then, once again, he flew to the technology drilling oil well.

However, far away, Liu Zheng saw that the technological drilling well hidden in the jungle had also been occupied by the enemy. Moreover, next to that technology drilling well, several enemy slave mines are standing there. Countless, dense slave miners are hurriedly collecting ore there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly. Shit, damn it! In this way, even if he put down one of his engineers, he will not be able to safely enter the technology drilling well.

Yes, because Liu Zheng knows that that kind of enemy slave mine has fire attack ability! In this case, his own engineer is in the process of moving towards the goal, so it is almost certain that the firepower assigned to the enemy's slave mines will be killed. That's almost certain.

So, after seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Then, after thinking for a while, Liu Zheng felt that there seemed to be no other better way. He can only destroy the enemy's slave mines first. Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing secretly. Then, after thinking for a while, Liu Zheng felt that there seemed to be no other better way. He can only destroy the enemy's slave mines first. In this way, you can safely and boldly land one of your engineers and safely. And you can safely enter the technology drilling well.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng smiled and turned his eyes back to his base to have a look. At this time, five Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets had been produced in his base. He turned his eyes back to his own base for a look. At this time, five Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets had been produced in his base. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that that kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is the most powerful of his combat strength.

"Well, okay, okay, okay! I simply brought those Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets. In addition, I don't know if there is no air defense force!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help saying fiercely again: "Although the number of heavy missile helicopters in his base is not very large, it doesn't matter. Shit, Yaya, you must destroy the enemy's slave mines first!"

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng first landed his flying car smoothly into the jungle. The lush jungle looks very lush and happens to be the hiding place of Liu Zheng's red star transport ship. After that, with Liu Zheng's order, three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, the lush jungle, looked very lush, just the hiding place of Liu Zheng's red star transport ship. After that, with Liu Zheng's order, three Thunderbolt rocket launchers, led by a heavy missile helicopter, marched towards the dense forest above the plateau.

Not long after, Liu Zheng saw that his heavy missile helicopter first arrived at the target location. Subsequently, Liu Zheng's three Red Star transport ships also arrived. At this time, the sun is just right and looks very bright. The wind is blowing, the pine waves are bursting, and the singing of all kinds of birds are rising one after another, which sounds endless. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. Shit, soon, it will become a sea of artillery fire. Soon, this place will become a battlefield! And the main attack is itself! The enemy's target was the enemy's slave mines!

"Mom, if you don't destroy the ground guy, then it will be almost difficult for you to put your engineers into that technology drilling oil well! And whether you can bring your own engineer in time is almost related to whether you can produce enough combat power in a timely and effective manner! So, naturally, that's also quite an important thing!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's four or five slave mines were very committed to collecting ore there. In particular, the dozens of slave miners were as dense and as fine as ants. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing after another.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his heavy missile helicopter arrived first. Looking at the ground, there was no anti-aircraft firepower, so Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed for a while. Ha ha, ha, very good, very good! Before your own Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets arrive, you might as well do it first! You might as well do it yourself first! After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his star veteran-level heavy missile helicopter soon hovered over the head of several enemy slave mines. Huhu, Huhu, the sound of the huge propeller spinning constantly came, and then, Liu Zheng's veteran-level heavy missile helicopter flew over the forest and kept adjusting its posture. After that, the attack began!

Naturally, Liu Zheng is still very confident in the attack of his heavy missile helicopter. With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-ground missiles shot out of the missile launch pipe, dragging the thick orange tail flame. The sound of breaking the air was endless, which made people feel a thrilling feeling. Moreover, it seems that the missiles are constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top down, and then hitting the enemy's magnetic and electric chariot on the ground one after another.

The accuracy is indeed quite accurate! So, with the continuous sound of the explosion, Liu Zheng saw that the dark red explosion fog showed the shape of a small mushroom cloud and rose from the flat ground! Moreover, the mushroom cloud rose higher and higher, and its shape became bigger and bigger, as if it was constantly expanding. At this time, looking at the attacked target, it was finally blown off, blown up into countless debris and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel a little excited. Yes, looking at the slave mines one after another, the feeling when the enemy was destroyed one after another is really great! It's really great! However, despite this, Liu Zheng also knows that he has just destroyed a slave mine of the enemy.

There are at least four or five slave mines, which have not been destroyed by themselves! And Liu Zheng has already thought about that task and handed it over to his three Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers to complete! After all, when it comes to that kind of attack power, that kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is naturally, but it is quite threatening, especially for its own heavy missile helicopter.

Seeing that his three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets finally rushed over, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited. Haha, haha, Yaya, my combat effectiveness, who said it was not good? Who said that Lao Tzu's combat effectiveness is not good? Look, it is because Laozi's combat tactics are decent, so now, in the case of insufficient combat strength, it can actually form a partial combat advantage. And this is enough for my current situation.

The rumble of the chariot drove into the place, and the rumble was endless. It sounded like an indescribable excitement. At this time, in the dense primitive forest, the enemy still had five slave mines, where they still insisted on collecting ore. It seems that all this has nothing to do with me. And you can only complete your own use.

However, Liu Zheng also knows, that is, that is, although it seems that some of the enemy's combat power seems to be nothing, but, no one knows whether there are those enemy slave mines or not. Which signal to improve its base? So Meizhong's signal for help? Anyway, Liu Zheng clearly felt a danger and was approaching his side. Therefore, Liu Zheng has decided that he must seize the time now! Yes, you must seize the time, otherwise, once the enemy's attack force rushes, then you will never have a chance again!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng did not hesitate any more, so with an order, his three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets had rushed into the jungle. There, it can be said, looks like ambushing thousands of troops and horses, with a sense of mystery and a feeling of awe. And it was in this situation that Liu Zheng's three Thunderbolt rockets resolutely rushed in. Then, prepare to attack it!

Because Liu Zheng's kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher has a long-range attack ability, although at this time, the Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers are still some distance away from the target in front of them, but it doesn't matter.

Moreover, at this time, the enemy's Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers were being attacked by Liu Zheng's one-star veteran-level heavy missile helicopters, so their attention was not on the side of Liu Zheng's three Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launchers, but basically , completely noticed by the one-star veteran-class heavy missile helicopter. That kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher has a longer-range attack capability, so that they can completely attack the target! Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack officially began!

On Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher, a large cabinet-like device, which is a rocket launcher. Liu Zheng knows that don't underestimate that cabinet, which is loaded with too much ammunition! Because the blow of that kind of Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket launcher is a dense attack gunfire! And if you want to support such dense artillery fire, then if you don't have enough ammunition reserves, you will definitely not be able to do it.

The rocket launcher was slowly positioned, and Liu was watching the launch turret slowly turn and rotate. Finally, stop moving! Liu Zheng knew that the attack on the enemy's slave mines was about to begin! Yes, it's about to start! "Whisw~~" sounded one after another with the harsh sound of missile fire, a bunch of ground attack missiles, from the three Thunderbolts hidden in the dense forest, Liu Zheng's three rockets by themselves, with the sound of "huh" sound, the successive fires The arrows dragged the dark red sparks, and their trajectory looked extremely smooth. In the process of their flight, the roaring with the wind was endless.

The dense rocket shot out of the dense forest and flew at a high speed. Crackling, crackling, the high-speed rocket broke off all the countless branches and leaves, and the dozen rockets also flew away angrily between the remnants and blue leaves. It was the roaring all the way, and the fireworks all the way. Moreover, the number of missiles is still quite large. At the very least, there are at least five or six missiles launched by each Thunderbolt self-propelled rocket.

And if the three Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets fired at the target at the same time, the bunch of missiles would roar in mid-air, which was simply flying like rain! It's like countless meteors flying through the night sky and crossing a beautiful track. After hitting the target, the dark red explosive fog that broke out also looked very eye-catching. For a moment, where the missile attacked was naturally filled with smoke and dust, and a large area of purple fog rushed to the sky.

"Boom~~" small mushroom clouds rose to the sky, and the high-explosive rocket and the huge lethality caused by the dense amount of bombs made the enemy's slave mines almost unbearable. So, for a moment, in the dense forest, smoke and dust rose and fire rose to the sky. And with the sound of the violent explosion, the enemy's slave mines were finally blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered...

"Ha ha, ha, mother, mother, this is almost the same, this is almost the same!" At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly happy. However, Liu Zheng just remembered his engineer at this time, but he didn't know what was going on now. Yes, Liu Zheng knows that his own engineer is a very fragile kind! Its vitality is very low, and it has no resistance. In this way, it is easy to become the target of any combat power of the enemy. That's the very fragile one! Its vitality is very low, and it has no resistance. In this way, it is easy to become the target of any combat power of the enemy. Therefore, Liu Zheng is so worried about that guy.

Finally, in that dense forest, Liu Zheng finally saw that there, a unkempt guy who had been unkempt by the flames of war had just got up from the ground, moaning and patting the dirt on his body. Then, he did not forget to carry his toolbox, and then , upside down, walking towards those few of Liu Zheng's Thunderbolt rocket launchers.