Star Trek

Chapter 201 Alone in 7

In this way, due to the timely timing of his three heavy missile helicopters, the enemy's five or six Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks were killed in one fell swoop. However, Liu Zheng also knows that the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank actually has a certain air defense capability. Yes, that's true.

In this case, their own heavy missile helicopters will also face the attack of the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower! At this time, Liu Zheng saw that with the sound of missile launches ringing one after another, anti-aircraft missiles shot out of the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tank!

"Boom~~" anti-aircraft missiles hit the target one after another. Liu Zheng saw that two of his four heavy missile helicopters, especially the two original-level missile helicopters, thus, under the attack of the enemy's anti-aircraft fire, their health value was falling and falling at that speed visible to the naked eye. Then, soon, it suddenly shook from the air, especially the two, primitive-level missile helicopters. In this way, under the attack of the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower, their health value fell and fell at that speed visible to the naked eye. Then, soon, it suddenly vibrated from the mid-air, and then lost its balance, turned over the fuselage, and fell from the mid-air~~

"Boom~~" The two ordinary-level heavy missile helicopters kept turning over, dragging the rolling black smoke, and falling down from the air! A head hit the raised boulder on the ground, and as a result, a dark red light fog suddenly burst into the sky! The wreckage and debris after the explosion also dispersed and shot into the air one after another, and then fell like rain...

"Oh, well~" Fortunately, at this time, the level of Liu Zheng's nuclear mecha has finally been upgraded to the Samsung elite level in such a fierce battle! Therefore, when it opened fire again to carry out that kind of conventional artillery attack, the flame that exploded after the shells landed became a kind of dark red explosive flame! Moreover, it is often accompanied by a stream of nuclear explosion fog!

"Boom ~ ~" Finally, the last remaining Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks of the enemy, in this way, in the rise of the sky similar to the nuclear explosion fog, successively turned into the scattered chariot wreckage and fragments. However, just after the battle, Liu Zheng couldn't help but take a secret inventory: Shit, in this battle, I was killed by the enemy two general-grade heavy missile helicopters at once! Another point is that the health of the other two Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopters has also been lost a lot!

"Damn, damn it, there are only less than 40 to 50 percent left!" Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. Yes, it seems that the enemy's Leopard 2-A6 main battle tanks are still quite lethal to their two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters! At first glance, if your two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters are not repaired, the lethality of your two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters is still quite powerful! At present, if my two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters are not repaired, I'm afraid they will soon be martyred!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing. So, with an order, he slowly landed his two Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopters. Looking at the two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters that were full of black smoke, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly.

However, the good thing is that my two field repair vehicles are nearby. At this time, he is repairing his armed mining truck! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling angry and funny. Wow, wow, damn it! Laozi's main combat force hasn't been repaired yet, but he went to repair the mining truck first! I really don't know the priority! Come here, come here, first repair my two heavy missile helicopters!

With Liu Zheng's order, the two field repair vehicles had rushed over! Then, each one was constructed separately, and the maintenance work of Liu Zheng's two heavy missile helicopters also officially began. The giant pliers of the two field repair vehicles shook gently on the damaged heavy missile helicopter (after landing, it had become a heavy artillery mecha), and with the shaking below, a "squeak" sound of repair kept ringing. At the same time, the iron pliers and the magnetic From time to time, Mars shines where the electric chariots come into contact, and it looks like it is releasing fireworks.

"Squeak~~" With the unique sound of repairing, Liu Sen saw that two huge steel pliers dancing up and down, blowing the wind. At the same time, a burst of dazzling sparks shot out, looking as bright and gorgeous as fireworks. And with the sound of "squeak" repairing one after another, and with the sparks splashing like fireworks, those cars lost a lot of health and finally recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon after, it finally returned to the original perfect health value.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling very gratified. Yes, that's it. Anyway, it is indeed a very good thing to be able to repair one's best combat power in a first time. Yes, that's it.

At this time, his two heavy missile helicopters were like two injured antelopes, very meekly receiving the repair of their two field repair vehicles. It seemed that the scene was very touching. Pieces of Mars shot away, reflecting the space that was constantly dimmed because of the light. And the health of the two heavy missile helicopters has also been continuously restored.

Liu Zheng knows that to a large extent, his combat ability basically relies on these two heavy missile helicopters. In particular, they have now been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. And such a level, for Liu Zheng, what space means is self-evident. Therefore, Liu Zheng is very gratified that his two heavy missile helicopters can finally be repaired.

However, at this time, a bad news came! Just as Liu Zheng's two field repair vehicles were repairing the two Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, suddenly, a gunfire sounded from the edge of his base! As soon as Liu Zheng heard this, his face suddenly changed: Wow, the enemy actually took advantage of such an opportunity to launch an attack on his base again! Mother, mother, this is really...

Yes, for Liu Zheng, at this time, it can be said that he is the most vulnerable to attack! You know, many times, the situation of taking care of one thing and losing the other is always very awkward. Therefore, Liu Zhengxian switched his perspective. Over there, Liu Zheng saw that several of the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles were rushing over. When the track rolled heavily onto the ground, a loud "rumbling" sound shook the ground. At the same time, the sound of continuous shelling is even more endless. Shells kept falling from the sky and falling into Liu Zheng's base one after another, blowing up a burst of explosive fog into the sky...

However, Liu Zheng saw that fortunately, he had built a sufficient number of ballistic missiles at the beginning of the battle. Otherwise, I'm afraid that this attack by the enemy will make its base more or less auspicious!

Yes, on top of the fact, some of their ballistic missiles have indeed played a very important role in the offensive and defensive operations of their own bases. In particular, especially when some of his important combat forces have been dispatched to his own attack front line and carry out new combat missions, at this time, it is natural in his base, and at this time, his base must be very empty! Therefore, the enemy will often launch that kind of sneak attack on their own base in such a situation...

Yes, it is often that the enemy's sneak attack, once it is really successful, will certainly have a great impact on the safety of its own base. Liu Zheng is still very clear about this. Yes, of course that's it. However, due to the production and construction funds in its own base, it is now in a rather scarce situation. Therefore, in this situation, it is naturally not easy to produce some decent combat power!

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng can only rely on the ballistic missiles in the interior of his base to fight back. Fortunately, some of my ballistic missiles are still very powerful! Just as the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles rumbled in, suddenly, those land-based ballistic missiles located on the edge of Liu Zheng's base finally showed their power again! As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind.

I saw the missiles flying quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow like shadows until the target is hit. After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red exploding fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

In this way, although the enemy's BTR-70 armored vehicles have rushed into the edge of Liu Zheng's base, and several military facilities on the edge of Liu Zheng's base have also been damaged at this time, after all, Liu Zheng's land-based ballistics Missile, that is quite lethal! After a series of attacks, one after another missiles shot out and roared in mid-air. For a moment, it almost became the performance stage of that kind of ballistic missile flight!

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his attack team was once again ready to launch another attack on the target. Yes, now, Liu Zheng has slowly returned to that confidence. Yes, that kind of confidence! That kind of overwhelming confidence! Damn, I have been depressed for such a long time, and now, I should finally have an outbreak!

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but look at the enemy situation of the whole map. This military confrontation is mainly carried out by two islands. On one of the islands, there are four enemy bases. On that island where Liu Zheng's own base is located, there are three enemy bases. In this way, judging from the current situation, Liu Zheng has eliminated an enemy base. In this way, that is to say, there are still two enemy bases left on the island where his base is located.

There are two more! However, now it seems that the base in front of me has been messed up by me, and I don't have much resistance. Liu Zheng has every reason to believe that in a short time, the enemy base he is facing will soon be conquered by himself. Yes, Liu Zheng thinks that it is not a problem at all. The enemy base I am currently facing will soon be conquered by myself. Yes, Liu Zheng thinks that it is not a problem at all. Most of the time, that's not a problem at all!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking secretly, "Well, it seems that no matter what, I have to kill the enemy base in front of me first!" Then, go to the island where the tiger unified its base as soon as possible. After that, build your own shipyard, use the navy as the main combat force, and then land on another island!" When thinking about this, the corners of Liu Zheng's mouth slowly rose.

The enemy base in front of us does not have much combat power at this time. Therefore, Liu Zheng does not pay attention to the enemy base in front of him now.

What makes Liu Zheng feel that there is some dilemma is that now, the island where his base is located seems to have a tendency to attack the two enemy bases from both sides. Yes, that's it. Liu Zheng knew that once it was really like that, he would die too miserably! Because, although Liu Zheng now does not regard the two enemy bases as a worthy opponent, after all, the combat power in his hand is pitifully rare!

So, if it goes on like this, it is very likely that your little combat strength - including the two Samsung elite and heavily loaded missile helicopters, and one of its own nuclear energy mecha, will be surrounded by the two enemy forces. Once that situation really comes, then, with Liu Zheng's existing combat power, if you want to successfully defeat the enemy's two bases and its own nuclear energy armor, it will be surrounded by the enemy's two powerful forces. Once that situation really comes, it is almost impossible to successfully defeat the two enemy bases with Liu Zheng's existing combat power. Yes, it is indeed quite difficult. Liu Zheng still has a relatively clear understanding of this.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng knew that there were not many roads in front of him now. At present, the first thing I need to do is, in any case, I have to kill the enemy's base, which is opposite my base and closest to my base.

"Well, only after killing this base first can I really get rid of the situation of being attacked by the enemy! Only in that case can I really calmly unify this island first! Otherwise, then, I'm afraid everything will be empty!" Liu is still thinking carefully about such issues.

Night has come. Far from the opposite side, there was still a faint sound of artillery in the enemy's base. Liu Zheng knew that this moment was also the quietest moment before the storm.