Star Trek

Chapter 203 Step by Step 1

So, with the sound of the explosion that kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the last military facility of the enemy was also the most important military facility. At this time, with the sound of the explosion, with the dark red explosion flashed by, with The building instantly became countless wreckage and debris, scattered everywhere. Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and debris, scattered away, shot into the mid-air, and then fell down again...

And now, staring closely at the next enemy's base, Liu Zheng has begun to figure out how he should do with his guy and strive to eliminate it in one fell swoop.

Of course, the first thing Liu Zheng considered was to give him another nuclear bomb with his own nuclear mecha. Yes, under normal circumstances, this kind of attack is quite normal. However, immediately, Liu Zheng hesitated again. Yes, he did have some hesitation. The reason is also very simple, that is, I don't have enough barrier defense now.

You know, your own nuclear energy mecha, after all, belongs to that kind of long-range attack power! In this way, once the nuclear bomb is fired at the enemy's base, it is certain that after being attacked by its own nuclear bomb, there will be other combat forces in the enemy's base! Moreover, this base is very different from the previous one. It's really different.

The last enemy base I killed was too close to my base, so in this way, some of my ballistic missiles were launched one after another, killing most of the combat forces in the enemy base.

Yes, when he talked about his ballistic missiles, Liu Zheng suddenly felt a sense of pride in his heart. Yes, I'm really proud! My own ballistic missile has a quite good long-range attack ability, and its lethality is also quite good. At the same time, it also has a quite good positioning ability! Once you are targeted by it, then basically don't want to run away.

At the same time, the characteristics of its automatic attack target are also greatly appreciated by Liu Zheng. It is also under the guidance of its ability to automatically find and attack targets, and the distance is not very far. If some of the enemy's military forces in the enemy's base are slightly blown, then the distance from Liu Zheng's base is not very far, the enemy's If the military forces of the enemy in the base are a little windy, then they will be attacked by the rain-like dense and almost saturated attack of some ballistic missiles from Liu Zheng's base.

And it is also relying on that kind of saturated missile attack, so most of the combat forces in the enemy's base have been destroyed with it, and have basically been killed! Therefore, later, when Liu Zheng launched a full-scale attack, he did not find that there would be chariots rushing out of the enemy base. Therefore, the last enemy base, the last target attacked by Liu Zheng, was so easily defeated!

However, the current enemy's base is completely different from the enemy's base! Yes, that's quite different! It's really quite different, and it seems that the difference is really quite big!

Mainly, this time, Liu Zheng's ballistic missile was not built near the enemy's base. In this way, some of the military facilities in the enemy base, especially those movable combat forces, naturally do not suffer much harm. In such a situation, then, if Liu is launching a long-range nuclear bomb attack on him in such a situation, then, once the nuclear bomb explodes, it is bound to cause a large number of enemy's mobile combat forces in the enemy base to continuously towards his own nuclear energy. The mecha rushed over.

However, once such a result occurs, can you cope with your current combat forces? Can you really handle it? Liu Zheng couldn't help asking himself. The large number of enemy's movable combat forces continued to rush towards their own nuclear mecha.

However, once such a result occurs, can you cope with your current combat forces? Can you really handle it? Liu Zheng couldn't help asking himself. And the answer is obviously negative. Yes, that's it. That's indeed the case.

Because, at present, Liu Zheng's deployed some combat forces at the forefront, including four heavy missile helicopters, two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets, and his own old nuclear mecha. And it is his own combat power that makes him feel very stretched. Although my four heavy missile helicopters do have quite good attack capabilities, then again, the defense ability of that thing is too poor, the health value is too low, and it is easy to be shot down by similar missiles. Therefore, it is barely reasonable to use them to deal with some soldiers. But...

However, once it is used to deal with that kind of large, cluster combat power, it seems to be powerless. In particular, in many cases, in many cases, they were not really destroyed by the enemy's air defense firepower, but clearly, they were fired by the missiles of their other heavy missile helicopters. In many times, in many cases, they were not really prevented by the enemy. The air fire was destroyed, and clearly, it was shot down by the missile fire of his other heavy missile helicopters!

Naturally, this is also one of the most important reasons that make Liu Zheng feel very sad. Therefore, for its own heavy missile helicopter, it is really difficult to come in the face of that kind of cluster combat attack. Yes, it's true, that's it.

In addition, it is the two Thunderbolt self-propelled rockets that have just been produced. Because it has just been produced and has not been tested in actual combat, its attack ability is not very strong. In this way, once besieged by a large number of enemy chariots, it will also fall into a very obvious disadvantage. Therefore, after thinking about it over and over again, based on the above aspects, Liu Zheng feels that it is better not to launch nuclear missiles at the enemy's second base for the time being! The timing is not very mature.

In this way, then naturally, you should once again extend it to the edge of an enemy base through that kind of ballistic missile array, and achieve a large number of inexhaustible ballistic missiles by constantly launching that kind of inexhaustible ballistic missiles. The target of killing and injuring the enemy's combat power. In that case, generally speaking, it will not lead to a large number of combat power of the enemy, which will facilitate the annihilation of some of their own ballistic missiles!

When his ballistic missile array really extends to the edge of the enemy base, and at the same time, when he can build a sufficient number of ballistic missiles, Liu Zheng naturally no longer worries about the enemy's more established and clustered vehicles to hit him. The combat power of the squad has been attacked.

"Well, okay, okay, then, I'll do it, I'll do it!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking. Then, Liu Zheng looked at the amount of production and construction funds in his base. Well, mother, it's not bad. It's really good! At this time, his construction and production funds still have as many as 40,000 to 50,000. In this way, naturally, I won't worry about anything!

Ha ha, ha, now, I'm rich, so what are you afraid of? Even if more than a dozen ballistic missiles have been built, what? After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, one after another ballistic missiles continued to be built. Starting from your own base, you will come to that one every few hundred meters. In this way, soon, Liu Zheng's 17 ballistic missiles have really extended to the vicinity of the enemy's second base!

At the same time, Liu Zheng also consciously retreated some of his combat forces to the back. In this way, it is also easy to create a certain space for your next attack. Of course, that is very necessary. Of course, in order to strengthen the firepower, Liu Zheng also specially built no less than five ballistic missiles in front of the ballistic missile array he had just built. In this way, it is also convenient to carry out dense missile attacks on the movable enemy's combat power in the enemy's base in front of you at the same time!

Everything is almost ready at this time. It's really almost ready. Therefore, without waiting for Liu Zheng's order at all, the ballistic missiles, especially the five ballistic missiles at the front of the array, have begun to carry out the saturation of the most enjoyable ballistic missiles belonging to some of the enemy bases. The attack! As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind.

I saw the missiles flying away in the air, through the clouds and fog, wrapped in a roaring airflow. The state of high-speed flight almost aroused a sound of sonouri, roaring. At this time, when Liu Zheng saw that as the missiles flew rapidly and watched them cross a melon line, they hit the target in the enemy's base very accurately and made a roar, Liu Zheng's face finally showed a long-lost smile.

Although the enemy's base is still covered by the fog of war, it is difficult for me to see what is going on in the fog of war. However, when the words come back, it doesn't matter. It really doesn't matter! Because Liu Zheng knows that in many cases, in many cases, there is no need to use eyes at all, but only ears to easily see the situation at the target. Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow each other until they hit the target.

"Boom~boom~boom~", a deafening explosion sounded again. Liu Zheng listened to the earth-shaking explosion and imagined what kind of scene was happening in the dark curtain. Yes, it's definitely looking for a son. At this time, Liu Zheng seemed to have seen that his ballistic missiles hit the targets one by one after roaring into the fog of war. At the same time, after their successive explosions, the fighting power of the enemy was blown up with the explosion flames rising to the sky. Countless wreckage and debris scattered away.

After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a dark red explosive fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

In this way, Liu Zheng is immersed in the attack of the kind of ground-to-ground ballistic missile attack caused by his own hands! Looking at the dense missiles flying through the air and looking for their respective targets one after another, Liu Zheng's heart, that free spirit, simply didn't mention it! Ha ha, ha, this is a large-scale ground-to-ground missile attack! This is really the world of missile attacks!

However, Liu Zheng also knew that soon, some chariots in the enemy's bases would rush out of their bases to attack his ballistic missile launchers. However, at this time, Liu Zheng has already been fully prepared to face the attack. Damn, as long as his mother dares to come, I won't let them go back alive this time! Now, the current situation has changed over time! Although Laozi's mobility has not been enhanced, the ballistic missiles on the ground are not just beautiful there! With their cooperation, Laozi's elite attack power will give full play to their 102 percent combat ability!

However, just as Liu Zheng saw that his group of ballistic missile guns were attacking again and again at the enemy's base, Liu Zheng heard the sound of successive explosions in the enemy's base, in the dark curtain. When it sounded one after another, suddenly, the situation changed. That is, it is not far away from Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles. Suddenly, an enemy's tempura tower actually rose from the ground! Suddenly, I got out of the ground!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be slightly stunned! He knows that this may be a bad thing. Because of my kind of ballistic missile, although it has a long range and strong guidance performance, after all, it is only a long-range attack firepower! And that kind of long-range attack firepower, generally speaking, is almost powerless in the face of that kind of melee firepower attack.

"Squeaky ~ ~" powerful laser beams suddenly came, and Liu Zheng clearly saw that the laser beam was a laser beam condensed by several light prism towers, and its combined attack was quite unusual. Pretty good!

"Boom~~" came with the stimulation of the thick laser beam, and with the combined laser beam, it hit the target fiercely. Liu Zheng suddenly saw that the health value of his attacked ballistic missile was suddenly lost 30 to 40 percent of its health, and a stream of green smoke. Sudden! A dark red flame also rose to the sky! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be confused! Shit, damn it, damn it! I really didn't guard against this move, and I really didn't guard against it!

Of course, Liu Zheng will never ignore it! Fortunately, my two helicopters have been upgraded to Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopters, which are nearby! Therefore, Liu Zheng gave an order, and his two heavy missile helicopters went away and flew straight to the target!

For good, there is no enemy anti-aircraft firepower there at this time! In this way, their two heavy missile helicopters can also carry out that kind of air-to-ground attack! With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one. The huge air-to-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the enemy's magnetoelectric chariot on the ground one after another.

So, with the sound of the "boom" explosion, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, exploded into countless debris and fragments, scattered, shot into the mid-air, and then fell down...