Star Trek

Chapter 238 Rise of the Empire 5

Liu Zheng naturally understands that the explosive power of that kind of nuclear bomb is really extraordinary. Naturally, the attack with a nuclear bomb will make you suffer a lot less and cost less.

"Explosion!" With Liu Zheng's order, in the sound and extremely sharp roar, a missile with a large warhead, sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch pad. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight. Go to the goal. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...


Looking at his nuclear submarine, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy and proud. I couldn't help thinking: Well, this nuclear submarine is really different from that kind of ordinary submarine!

Yes, in comparison, its own kind of nuclear submarine does have a considerable advantage, that is, first, the attack distance is long. It can be said that its attack distance and range are several times that of ordinary submarines. In this way, this kind of submarine needs to float on the surface when launching missiles, so naturally, once it is too close to the shore, it is likely to be attacked by the enemy's defense forces on the shore!

Yes, that's indeed the case. For example, the enemy's kind of light prism tower, or that kind of magnetic explosion coil, and that kind of cannon, and so on. It is possible to destroy the submarine that emerged from the surface. At the very least, it is very normal to kill a certain amount of health.

In this way, the advantages of their own nuclear submarine can also be truly reflected. Yes, that's true. With this ability to carry out long-range strikes, he can completely withdraw his nuclear submarine to a place far away from the enemy's base, and then launch a small submarine nuclear attack on it. In that case, it will definitely achieve a very good attack effect.

In addition, Liu Zheng also mobilized his own space ion laser attack weapon. Liu Zheng's plan is to first use his own nuclear submarine to destroy the air defense force in the enemy's base, or destroy the power supply in the enemy's base. In this way, the enemy's air defense system can also be interrupted, so as to finally carry out that kind of space ion laser weapon attack for himself. Conditions.

At this time, on the deep sea far away from the enemy's base, in front of Liu Zheng's heavy nuclear submarine are the five "sea spiders", that is, the kind of underwater weapons that can use magnetic and electric arcs to attack their opponents. In this way, since it is the enemy's anti-submarine warship, you don't have to worry too much. In this case, everything is ready, and then, the attack of the nuclear submarine belonging to Liu Zheng finally begins.

"Ready! Launch!" In this way, with Liu Qingshan's order, with the strange sound of "brupt" suddenly sounded, followed by a submarine-launched missile that looked bigger than the ordinary missile, and immediately began to spray the orange tail flame. Under the water, there is black smoke, which looks like a dark cloud.

Then, the huge submarine-launched nuclear missile began to slowly rush into the sky, slow and then fast. At the beginning, it seemed that there were some difficulties, always rising slowly. However, as time goes by, due to its acceleration, it is getting faster and faster. After flying to a height of hundreds of meters in mid-air, he turned around and made a big turn. Then, he dragged the roaring tail flame and roared towards the target at an almost horizontal angle along the sea level!

It was not until then that Liu Zheng realized that the ground nuclear missile launched by this kind of nuclear submarine was not only much larger than ordinary submarine-launched missiles, but also flew much faster than ordinary submarine-launched missiles. Moreover, because its flying speed is quite fast, the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower is almost difficult to intercept! Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that as the missile broke through the air and roared. Soon after, he had hit the target and made an earth-shaking explosion: boom~

A mushroom cloud rose to the sky, and above the ground was a light green radiation remnant. Naturally, the targets in the attacked enemy's base have also been destroyed to a certain extent, and bombed in a mess. In short, after that attack, the enemy's base has become very messy and unbearable.


However, what makes Liu Zheng feel incomprehensible is that he originally wanted to destroy the power plant in the enemy base first. If you want to cut off the power supply in the enemy base first, the air defense fire network in the enemy base will also be weakened. In this way, it will be convenient for your own space ion cannon to carry out a final and decisive attack on the enemy's base!

However, just after Liu Zheng launched a submarine-launched nuclear missile with the nuclear submarine, and when the mushroom cloud slowly disappeared, Liu Zheng found that the attacked power plant had only lost 560 percent of its health! After seeing this, Liu Zheng was almost so angry that he vomited blood! Wow, damn it, my nuclear bomb, its lethal ability is so bad! What a bullshit nuclear missile!

"Wow, damn it, it seems that I have to find another way! Uh-huh~~" Liu Zheng felt very depressed. However, when his eyes returned to his base, his eyes suddenly lit up: there, his five long-range intercontinental missiles had been neatly arranged there. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be happy: Haha, haha, this is good, this is good! Well, I will use those five intercontinental missile launchers again!

Yes, Liu Zhengzhi felt how stupid he was at this time! Wow, damn it, I even forgot my five V5-continental missile launchers! You know, as one of its own characteristic combat power, that kind of V5-continental missile launcher can also have quite good attack ability! Especially its long-range attack, which is even more awesome! You can hit almost any corner of the map!

After seeing this, Liu Qingshan couldn't help giving an order, so his five V5-intercontinental missile launchers, which had long been hidden by him in the jungle, supported their missile launchers one after another, and then suddenly sounded with the sound of missile launches. Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flame from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it skipped over its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew across a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the power plant in the enemy base...

When the missiles were about to hit the target, they were suddenly hit by several anti-aircraft missiles in the enemy base, and then made a sound of explosion, and two of them were knocked off in the air. The other three continued to fly away one after another, and the last one hit the target: the enemy's power plant, and then, with a bang, the target was finally blown off under the successive attack of the three missiles, turned into countless wrecks and fragments, scattered away...


In this way, with the assistance of Liu Zheng's five V5-Intercontinental Missile launchers, it should be said that his nuclear submarine still destroyed some military facilities in the enemy base, especially at least three power plants, thus making Liu Zheng feel that his next step, dispatch The plan to attack its own "space ion laser weapon" will also be completed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng felt that his next plan to send his "space ion laser weapon" to attack would also be completed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally very happy.

However, the problem now is that just when Liu Zheng felt that he had gained some combat advantages, Liu Zheng suddenly found that it was built on another enemy base - also on the opposite island - the enemy's There are so many warships moored near the shipyard: there are more than ten destroyers, and there are as many as six or seven aircraft carriers! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be stunned: Oh, my God! This, this, this, is this true? More than a dozen destroyers, seven or eight aircraft carriers, what is this? What is this? Among other things, if the enemy sends the six or seven aircraft carriers to attack their own base, then they can't stand it!

"It seems that my plan has to be changed, and it has to be changed!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking about it. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, the space ion laser gun stationed near his base flew straight to the shipyard on the edge of the enemy's base!

The own "space ion laser cannon" must be in that kind of stealth state when there is no attack. It looks translucent. It is hidden and silent. Even on the ground, no shadow was seen. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his space ion laser gun finally flew over the shipyard near the enemy's base.

"Wuffing ~ ~ ~" made Liu Zheng feel that his next step, the plan to send his own "space ion laser weapon" to attack, will also be completed. After seeing this, a sharp and harsh scream suddenly sounded, and anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, crossed the sky, forming a gray-white trajectory, and headed straight to the target and towards the space ion laser cannon of Liu Zheng in the air. Those missiles, the gray-white tail smoke dragged behind them, looks very smooth. Obviously, the trajectory of this flight also shows the rapid flight of this kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not like other anti-aircraft missiles, flying while adjusting the direction of flight from time to time, or left or right, but a curve that looks very smooth.

"Boom~~" is a sound of explosion from that space, echoing in the sky, and it sounds like a different feeling. However, Liu Zheng just smiled at the enemy's attack on anti-aircraft missiles from cruisers: What is this? If my kind of space ion laser gun doesn't have such a little defense ability, is it still called a space weapon?

Therefore, Liu Zheng did not pay attention to the attack of the anti-aircraft missiles of the enemy's cruisers at all. He still led his own space ion laser and flew near the enemy's shipyard.

"Ion laser gun - start - attack!" In this way, when Liu Zheng saw that his own space ion laser gun finally flew over the enemy's shipyard, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack from space finally began. Suddenly, from the transmitter at its lower end, a sharp beam of light came out, crossed the space, broke through the wind, and hit the target fiercely! So, after the crisp sound of "ding~", a dark blue halo spread out to four sides with that explosive point as the center, which looked like a tsunami in the deep sea.

For the attack of maritime combat power, it is the first time for Liu Zheng's space ion laser cannon. At the same time, all the targets affected by the dark blue halo, whether buildings or military facilities, whose health is small, have basically been blown up. Boom~~ A sound of explosions sounded one after another, and a mass of explosive light and fog rose into the sky. With the extremely fierce attack waves dissipated, the enemy's warships - whether it was more than a dozen destroyers or five or six aircraft carriers, slowly sank one after another. I didn't go into the water.

At the same time, the space is also slightly turbulent. It looks like it is experiencing a major earthquake on the ground, and it seems to have been hit by a comet! It took a long time to calm down!

Then, Liu Zheng took advantage of the hot iron, led his own space ion laser gun and continued to fly towards the enemy's base. Similarly, in the risk of the intensive anti-aircraft missile attack in the enemy's base, the main construction factory in the enemy's base was destroyed, and then the enemy's fully equipped shipyard was destroyed. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his space ion laser gun had been destroyed by more than 70% of the enemy's air defense firepower! After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that it was time to end! So, with an order, his own space ion laser gun slowly left the enemy's base and flew to the vast sea.

Yes, when he saw his own space ion laser cannon, he had upgraded to the level of Samsung elite. Liu Zheng knew that naturally, he had destroyed the enemy's main construction factory, and in this case, there was no need for him to risk being shot down. The danger continues to attack. First, get it to a safe place and restore its health. After that, when the time is ripe, it is best to launch a final attack on the enemy's base.

Yes, the real combat art has never been strong for a while, leaving unnecessary regrets. Naturally, Liu Zheng's heart is also very clear about this.