Star Trek

Chapter 242 The Rise of the Empire 9

In this way, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy after seeing the wonderful performance of his five short-range missile launchers. Haha, haha, not bad, not bad, he is really quite good! It seems that in terms of guidance performance alone, this kind of short-range missile launcher has the incomparable accuracy of that kind of V5-intercontinental missile launcher.

Liu Zheng is still very gratified about this.

However, immediately, another batch of enemy combat power - and this time, it was mainly that kind of multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle. Um, damn it, it looks like there are at least six or seven cars rushing towards their own position. Because the speed of that kind of enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles is quite fast, Liu Zheng saw that just when he reacted, the five or six enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles had come to the forefront of his position.

In this way, his short-range missile launchers naturally lost the opportunity to attack. In this case, it can only be signed by Liu Zheng for a long time. With the many twists and turns of 89 vehicles, his multi-functional mecha chariot will be responsible for it. Yes, in Liu Zheng's view, he also happened to pass this battle. Let's take a look at what kind of defense ability his multi-functional mecha chariots have in the face of the enemy's close attack!

"Wow~~" ground-to-ground missiles roared and shot out from the enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, dragging gray-white tail smoke, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, cutting through the air and wandering away. Boom ~ ~ It hit Liu Zheng's frontal multi-functional mecha chariots and made waves of banging.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sneering. He knew that, in fact, the characteristics of this multi-functional infantry fighting vehicle are nothing more than air defense. Although they can also attack the ground, the missiles they shoot out also have high-precision guidance ability, but their lethality is not very strong. Moreover, there is a more fatal point, that is, their health is quite poor. Yes, that's true. Its health value is quite poor, so in close combat, it is almost a live target.

"choo~~" At this time, laser beams shot out from those multi-functional mecha chariots. It looked like a light sword, breaking through the wind and hitting the target fiercely, making a loud explosion. Moreover, the laser emission frequency of those multi-functional mecha chariots is quite high, almost one after another! The attack laser beams came from different directions, and the momentum was so powerful that it was quite terrible.

And some of the enemy's multi-functional infantry fighting vehicles, due to their own poor health value, were soon killed by Liu Zheng's seven or eight multi-functional mecha chariots, yes, their own multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks, quickly killed the enemy's multi-functional infantry The chariot has been wiped out. Liu Zheng saw that in the sound of the "boom" explosion, a cloud of dark red explosive light fog rose to the sky, and the countless debris and debris fell from the sky and scattered on the ground, everywhere.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng pondered for a while, then looked at the enemy's base, and then decided that his attack on the enemy's base should begin. Yes, it's time to start, and right now.

Not long ago, one of the important reasons why Liu Zheng did not attack the enemy's base was that the enemy's base was still shrouded in the fog of war. In this case, naturally, it means that you should not fight a blind battle, but should do it after you have a good understanding of the situation in the enemy's base. This means that you should not fight a blind battle, but should do it after you have a good understanding of the situation in the enemy's base.


At this time, although Liu Zheng has not seen that the enemy's main construction factory in the enemy base, that is, the most important military facility in Liu Zheng's view, is still shrouded in the fog of war. However, Liu Zheng has a lot of solutions. That is, that is, Liu Zheng saw that there was a power plant on the edge of the enemy's main construction plant. Once you destroy that power plant, then I believe that the prototype of the enemy's main construction plant next to it will also appear.

And after that time, I hit it as I wanted. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his ten V5-continental missile launchers were ready to attack. Under the cover of the jungle, they set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of a "hump" missile launch, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to emit fierce flames from the launch rack, and at the same time, the ground also followed. There was a rolling black smoke. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it skipped over its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew across a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the power plant in the enemy base...

The sound of explosions sounded one after another, and the enemy's power plant, which was attacked, was finally blown up. At the same time, with the explosion of the power plant, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's main construction plant finally showed its true face! After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly happy: Haha, haha, that's good, that's good~ As long as I destroy the enemy's main factory, then, basically, my own problems will be solved! The enemy's base will also decline day by day because there is no source of production and construction.

So, Liu Zheng seized this opportunity and once again ordered his ten V5-continental missile launchers to launch another attack on the enemy's main construction factory. Ten large thrust rockets fired out together, the tsunami went away, broke through the air, and hit the target one after another. Moreover, at this time, the anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base has been almost hit by itself, so almost all of the ten large thrust rockets hit the target. So, after a earth-shaking explosion, the enemy's main factory exploded with a bang.

"Well, next, I will use my own kind of short-range missile launcher to yearn for their role! Well, although the lethal ability alone is naturally much worse than the large thrust rocket launched by the V5-continental missile launcher, but their precise guidance ability is enough to make up for this deficiency!" Liu Zheng thought to himself.

Then, with Liu Zheng's order, his five short-range missile launchers went straight to the power plants in the enemy base and attacked. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's thinking, he must first destroy the enemy's power plants. In this way, the enemy's base will naturally lose power supply. Thus, many fixed weapons in the enemy base will lose their lethality. For example, that kind of Patriot missile, and some light towers, and so on.

In particular, the enemy's light prisms, whose killing ability is also quite terrible. Therefore, once the power supply in the enemy base is terminated, Liu Zheng can completely lead some of his multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks that are more suitable for close combat, and carry out ground-style, and finally, thorough, the military facilities in the enemy's base. , destructive attack!

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his five short-range missile launchers attacked the power plants on the edge of the enemy base. Because this kind of short-range missile launcher also has the ability to attack at medium-range (at least medium-range), their five short-range missile launchers attacked the power plants on the edge of the enemy base. Because this kind of short-range missile launcher also has the ability to attack at medium-range (at least medium-range), naturally, it must be able to avoid the attack of some of the enemy's light temples when attacking the target. In this way, things will be much easier to do.

So, the five Liu Zheng's short-range missile launchers, which seemed to be very narrow, slowly approached in the direction of the power plants in the enemy base. Soon after, with Liu Zheng's order, the attack of his own kind of short-range missile launcher finally began. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after passing the ever-changing arc of the road, hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of "banging" explosions one after another, the light fog of the explosion continued to rise at the target, and then the enemy's power plants finally exploded one after another. Since then, it has become obvious that the power plant in the enemy's base has been destroyed by Liu Zheng. At the same time, some military facilities in the enemy base, including those light towers, have also stopped working.

"Haha, haha, in this case, then I can send my own multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot and rush into the enemy's base to carry out a final attack! I can send my own multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot and rush into the enemy's base to carry out the final attack!" Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking so.

Yes, it should be said that now, it is almost time for Liu Zheng to send his melee force, a multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot, to the enemy's base, to attack. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his seven multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks (at least three of which have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level) were powerful and rushed away with full power to the interior of the enemy's base.

Now, because the enemy's base has been cut off by Liu Zheng, naturally, those light prisms and towers have completely become a kind of decoration and completely become a pile of scrap iron. Liu Zheng's multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots just took advantage of the virtuality, and then carried out an unprecedented massacre towards some of the dilapidated military facilities and some combat forces in the enemy base!

Although his kind of multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot does not look very big, Liu Zheng knows that that guy's attack ability is also quite powerful! At this time, laser beams shot out from those multi-functional mecha chariots. It looked like a light sword, breaking through the wind and hitting the target fiercely, making a loud explosion. Moreover, the laser emission frequency of those multi-functional mecha chariots is quite high, almost one after another! The attack laser beams came from different directions, and the momentum was so powerful that it was quite terrible.

So, under the attack of that dazzling, lightsaber-like laser beam, the enemy base almost became a network of laser beams for a while. The dilapidated military facilities and some dilapidated combat power of the enemy were almost completely shrouded in that shining light. At the same time, one after another violent explosion sounded one after another, and in that roar, the target, some of the enemy's military facilities in the enemy base, and some various combat forces also blew up one after another. Some of the enemy's military facilities in the enemy base and some of their various combat forces were also blown up one after another.

The wreckage is scattered all over the base, and large and small craters are even more dense.

However, just as Liu Zheng commanded his multi-functional laser attack mecha, which was fighting in the enemy's base and was rising, a sharp laser beam roared and shot! Therefore, suddenly, one of Liu Zheng's multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots was blown off, and there was almost no reaction time.

"Laser Tower? "Laser Tower?" After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but wide his eyes in surprise. Damn, obviously, there is no power supply in the enemy's base. Obviously, the power supply of the enemy base has been destroyed by itself. In that case, all the fixed weapons that rely on electricity to work should not be able to work anymore, and there is no electricity. The power supply has been supplied. Obviously, the power supply of the enemy base has been destroyed by itself. In that case, all the fixed weapons that rely on electricity to work should not be able to work anymore, but what happened?

For a while, Liu Zheng had some second-in-law monks who were confused. However, soon, Liu Zheng finally understood what was going on. Wow, damn it, it turned out to be such a thing! Yes, the power supply in the enemy's base was disabled by itself. However, as he successively destroyed some military facilities in the enemy base, it was natural that the already limited power could be redistributed. Therefore, only a few enemy military facilities can be reworked after their power is redistributed.

And it was in such a situation that the laser tower was able to fire again. After seeing this, Liu Qingshan gave an order, so his remaining four multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks hurriedly retreated. Yes, of course, I will not suffer unnecessary losses to my combat strength.

"Boom~~" and in the process of the retreat of its own axis of multi-functional laser attack mecha, another laser burst! Moreover, the laser beam is quite strong, naturally, and its lethality is also quite powerful! And with the sharp laser beam, Liu Zheng saw that another multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot was once again poisoned!