Star Trek

Chapter 249 Battle of the Islands 7

Of course, Liu Zheng also knows that the number of the five multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks should not be enough. Therefore, on the one hand, Liu Zheng continued to carry out the production and construction of multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks in his base, and on the other hand, he began to actively prepare to launch attacks on some important military targets in the enemy base.

"Well, the first target is the enemy's airport! Damn, it's true that the enemy's air strike force has really caused considerable losses to itself! It seems that it should be right to kill that guy first!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng no longer hesitated! Therefore, under Liu Zheng's order, his seven V5-intercontinental missile launchers were fully prepared. In that jungle, suddenly, the ground was turbulent for a while, and then the smoke and dust rose everywhere. And Liu Zheng is also excitedly watching this exciting moment and the arrival of the extremely exciting scene!

As the smoke and dust in the jungle became stronger, bursts of dark red fireworks seemed to become more and more conspicuous. Then, Liu Zheng saw that they had set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launch rack, and at the same time, a rolling rose on the ground. Black smoke. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain altitude, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it swept over its own base, flew across the jungle, and flew over a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the airport in the enemy base...

The sound of explosions sounded one after another from the air. It was not until this time that Liu Zheng realized that most of his long-range missiles had been intercepted! Wow, damn it, I really forgot that there is quite good anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy's base! Now, I only have five V5-continental missile launchers, and the density is naturally greatly reduced. Therefore, under such circumstances, it is normal to be shot down by the anti-aircraft fire in the enemy base.


When he was helpless, Liu Zheng still thought of the method that had to be used, that is, the excavator-style submarine attack method. After thinking of this, Liu Qingshan gave an order, so Mei Ting had already responded to her own base. Half a minute later, five SEALs had finally been produced.

Then, Liu Zheng loaded them into the submersible car one by one, and then, with an order, he began to order his dive truck to go in the direction of the enemy's base.

Yes, Liu Zheng is unwilling to carry out this spy attack method unless he has to. However, now it seems that the enemy's base is really quite well defended, and it is really not so easy to attack and enter. Therefore, using this sneak spy attack method is also a last resort for Liu Zheng.

Find a good place - where your dive car broke out - it can be said that this almost determines the most important place that determines the success of this operation. In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw his own diving car and then began to move. At the sound of an order, the diving car began to break down. On the ground, the originally light green land began to turn earthy yellow, and for a moment, it surged. Then, the dive car began to sink slowly, and soon after, it sank into the ground, and the place where it had just sank, leaving only a pile of loess, which was the only trace it left.

Then, the submersible car began to dive. Liu Zheng only saw that a sign was moving, directly crossing a cliff, crossing a narrow valley, then crossing a high mountain again, and then stopping at the empty field in the enemy base. It should be said that it is really a pretty good place. It is surrounded by several power plants, a barracks and an ore refinery. And those have quite good land-based defense weapons, such as machine gun bunkers, light towers and so on. Liu was consciously avoided at the beginning.

Then, on the ground, the loess rolled again and the land began to break. Therefore, the diving car slowly emerged from the ground, and the whole body was still as old as before. Moreover, it looks energetic. And where it drilled out of the ground, there is still a pile of arched loess, which looks like a small grave.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very gratified by the thoroughness and perfection of his plan this time. Yes, almost everything is carried out according to its own plan. Just wait and wait for the dive truck to rise out of the ground and then take its own SEALs out of the dive truck. In that case, I will lead them to some important military facilities in the enemy base, haha, haha, put another bomb. After the explosion, immediately after a loud explosion, with a bang, he will naturally complete his mission...

However, imagine, and then, something incredible happened to Liu Zheng. Just after my submersible car emerged from the ground, suddenly, a thick magnetic arc, like a flash of lightning, came from the sky, cut through the space, and hit Liu Zheng's submarine chariot fiercely!

Moreover, there was almost no reaction. With the bursting of the magnetic arc, a sudden sound of explosion suddenly sounded. Then, my diving car was blown up all of a sudden!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be dumbfounded. Wow, damn it, this, this, this, this is something I never thought of, this is something I never thought of! Liu Zheng also saw that when his SEALs had just come out of the submersible car, another sharp magnetic arc suddenly came...

failed. In this way, a sneak attack carefully planned by Liu Zheng failed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing: Damn it, it seems that I really have to attack! With that kind of espionage, it seems that he can't achieve his purpose well. It failed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing: Damn it, it seems that I really have to attack! With that kind of espionage, it seems that he can't achieve his purpose well.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but order: multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot, get on! Short-range missile launcher, keep up!

Yes, Liu Zheng's combat policy is to use his more than ten multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks as his own barrier defense force. Later, his short-range missile launchers can be used as a medium-range attack force to attack the edge of the enemy's base. Power plants, machine gun bunkers and other combat capabilities. At the end, they are their seven V5-intercontinental missile launchers, which can be used as a reserve force and mobile power.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his thirteen multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots marched towards the enemy's base in the sound of mecha running. His thirteen multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots marched in the direction of the enemy's base in the sound of the mecha running. Behind, his seven short-range missile launchers kept up closely...

At this time, Liu Zheng's short-range missile launchers can already attack the targets in front of them, those enemy power plants and so on! Just as Liu was about to order the attack, suddenly, a strange sound of "buzzing" suddenly came, and then a huge cannonball broke through the wind and bombarded! Liu Zheng found that his multi-functional laser attack mecha was blown up all of a sudden! Those amputated arms were scattered into a piece, flew into the air, and then fell down...

Liu Zheng couldn't help but be terrled for a while!

What is it? The cannon is the enemy's cannon attack! Liu Zheng is not stupid. Naturally, he knows the power of that kind of cannon! After seeing it, Liu Zheng hurriedly ordered: withdraw, withdraw! His mother's mother withdrew for me! However, in Liu Zheng's distorted sound, suddenly, another explosion suddenly sounded and bombarded. As a result, another multi-functional laser attack mecha was blown into the sky.

"It seems that I have to use that kind of V5-intercontinental missile launcher to kill the target!" After thinking of this, Liu Zheng stared at the guy viciously: the enemy's huge cannon looked like Wei Weiran, extremely large, the barrel was extremely long, rotating, and a buzzing sounded one after another. Do you want to play again? Unfortunately, you can no longer fight against my combat power!

"V5-Intercontinental Missile Launch Vehicle, ready, launch!" Therefore, under Liu Zheng's order, his seven V5-intercontinental missile launchers couldn't help turning their turrets again. Open fire! They set up their missile launchers one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to spray the fierce flames from the launcher, and at the same time, a rolling black smoke rose on the ground. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Liu Zheng clearly saw those long-range rockets flying through the wind. And just after they flew to a certain height, they suddenly changed direction, and then, in that mid-air, they skimmed their base, flew through the jungle, and flew over a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the cannon in the enemy base...

This time, because Liu Zheng had just knocked down the Patriot missiles around the enemy base, so naturally, some rockets in mid-air were not hit by the enemy's kind of anti-aircraft missiles in the process of flight, especially when they were about to hit the target. Intercept. In this way, the target, the enemy's giant cannon, can only be blown up with all its own long-range rockets.

"Boom~~~" and the third rocket hit the target, and the enemy's cannon, which had risen in flames, finally couldn't hold on any longer, so it was finally blown up.

"Go on!" Seeing the enemy's cannon, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very excited and excited after it was finally blown up. So, once again, he ordered his dozen multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots to continue to rush towards! Clear the way for the attack of your five short-range missile launchers!

At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that five or six of his more than a dozen multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks had been killed. It seems that the lethality of the enemy's giant cannon shells is quite powerful! As a result, some of Liu Zheng's multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots were injured to a certain extent.

So, Liu Zheng mobilized his two field repair vehicles and set their working status to "automatic maintenance" mode. In this way, just after the setting was completed, they began to take action. You know, the movement speed of its own field maintenance vehicle is quite fast, and it is almost like a phantom between actions.

Moved in a hurry, quickly looking for objects and targets that can be repaired. The iron pliers of his two repair cars waved, and in the "squeak" sound, the huge iron pliers were in contact with the repaired chariots, and sparked everywhere. At the same time, the repaired chariot suddenly flashed golden light, bright and dark. It looked as if it was about to transform. And its health value is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...


"Haha, haha, the next step, my counterattack is about to begin! Laozi's counterattack is about to begin!" Liu Zheng looked very excited at this time.

However, just as Liu was preparing to continue to advance his attack force, when Liu Zheng felt that victory was approaching him step by step, suddenly, not far from his attack force, a huge cannon pulled up again! Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the long barrel of the cannon began to rotate slowly after it was built.

Another huge shell shot out and hit Liu Zheng's group of multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots. Boom~~ Another multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot was blown up. Of course, the health of the other multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks has also been blown up a lot.

Of course, at this time, the two repair cars naturally showed the quality they had. Almost at that time, they drove to the multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks that had been attacked and their health was also knocked off to a certain extent. The quality they had was almost the first time, and they drove to those who had been attacked, and their health was also knocked off the multi-functional laser attack mecha to a certain extent. Yes, on this war-torn battlefield, this kind of ready-to-repair field repair vehicle does indeed play a considerable role. It was under their maintenance that some of the attacked chariots were able to restore their health, re-participate in the battlefield, and start their new battles!

At this time, the newly built enemy cannon is still attacking. I saw, "Oh~~" and "Oh~~" one after another, and the shells came and hit the target fiercely...

And Liu Zheng's two field repair vehicles really have their place to use at this time. The iron pliers of his two repair cars waved, and in the "squeak" sound, the huge iron pliers were in contact with the repaired chariots, and sparked everywhere. At the same time, the repaired chariot suddenly flashed golden light, bright and dark. It looked as if it was about to transform. And its health value is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...