Star Trek

Chapter 256 Total War 2

Now, Liu Zheng sees that there is another kind of exhaustion in his base. Yes, that's true. Now, Liu Zheng saw that there was no production and construction funds in his base.

However, the chariot factory that has just been controlled by its allies and the Yuri construction factory have caused a raging fire, and its health has been almost beaten, almost to the verge of collapse. It can be said that at this time, as long as any little combat power of the enemy comes to attack, its two military facilities will be blown up.

Yes, at this time, the most needed thing is to repair it.

Generally speaking, there are two ways to repair it. One is to repair the kind of repair tool equipped by the base itself. The second is to use engineers for maintenance. Yes, you can station the engineer in that construction factory, and then it will be repaired at once. It is to use engineers to carry out maintenance. Yes, you can station the engineer in that construction factory, and then it will be repaired at once.

However, both of them need money! And now, in my base, there is nothing at all! And his two slave mines were also collecting ores there, looking listless. Mother, mother, he, this, this, how dare I live such a life?

"Wow, why didn't the enemy launch an attack on Laozi's base? And once the attack begins, then, naturally, you will have money to spend! Yes, yes, that's exactly what it looks like! Some of their own Yuri replicators can control a large number of enemy chariots, and then, as long as they throw them all into their own base, after the unit recycling factory, it is really like this! Some of their own Yuri replicators can control a large number of enemy chariots, and then, as long as they throw them all into their own base, after that unit recycles the factory, haha, haha, everything is over! In your own hands, you will have money to spend!!!" Liu Zheng couldn't help yearning for that kind of scene when he led a large number of enemy chariots to the recycling plant of his base, and he couldn't help but have a yearning in his heart...

However, when Liu Zheng finally returned to his base again, he was surprised to find that the situation was really not as bad as he thought. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng quickly found a large number of Yuri replicators in his base!

"Haha, haha, it's really good, it's really good! Why didn't I see it just now? Why didn't I see it just now?" Looking at the dense Yuri replicator gathered in his base, the Yuri barracks and the replica center were still stretching their hands, as if they were ready to control the target combat power of the enemy who came to attack at any time.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was really in full bloom. Wow, damn it, this is not a replicator of Yuri. This is obviously a pile of money! That's obviously a lot of production and construction funds! Great, great, this is simply great! Now, Liu Zheng's heart really feels like an upstart. Haha, haha, I'm rich, I'm rich!

After Liu Zheng saw this, he was naturally very happy. That's because this kind of Yuri replicator can send them to a troop recycling plant in exchange for a considerable amount of production and construction funds. On the other hand, Liu Zheng can also deploy them around his own base, so that when the enemy's combat power attacks, these Yuri replicators can control all the enemy's combat power.

So, in this case, Liu Zheng will no longer worry about the lack of production and construction funds. So many Yuri replicators in their own base are indeed equivalent to countless production and construction funds in their own hands. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng handed over part of the Yuri replicator and sent it to the unit recycling plant in his base, while the other part of Yuri replicator was not stopped around his base.

"Start action!" With Liu Zheng's order, 13 Yuri replicators, under the guidance of Liu Zheng, stretched out their hands and walked towards a unit recycling plant in the 6+ base. Then, with a miserable cry, Liu Zheng saw that his group of Yuri replicators were quickly swallowed up by the army's recycling factory. Thousands of production and construction funds have been added to the accounts of his base. At the same time, Liu Zheng also saw that the other 10 Yuri replicators, under the leadership of Liu Zheng, had stepped into the surroundings of his base. Yes, it was the best place to eat in ambush in the jungle.

Now, I finally have money and have sufficient production and construction. In this case, I should consider how to deal with the enemy bases. After thinking about it again and again, Liu Zheng decided that in any case, he would produce at least a large number of magnetic electric chariots. Yes, you should know, that kind of magnetic electric chariot is the main weapon for his long-range attack. In addition, some magnetic and electric chariots have many other roles. In short, they will play a more important role in their own attack.

Another point is that you must produce enough laser UFOs. Yes, you should know that the laser UFO is the only weapon among its own weapons that can attack the air and the ground. Moreover, there is also a very important point, that this kind of laser UFO can be used to cut off the power support in the enemy base. In this case, once the power support in the enemy base is gone, then a considerable number of weapons will not be taught to fire. Especially those land-based weapons. Therefore, in this sense, once the power support in the enemy's base is cut off, it is basically equivalent to the defeat of the enemy's base.


At this time, Liu Zheng has deployed the combat forces in the base of his allies, including three Apocalypse mecha and five laser UFOs. In addition, there are three heavy missile tanks. However, Liu Zheng still doesn't feel enough. So, immediately, two newly produced virus snipers were deployed. Yes, once the enemy infantry combat power attacks, those mecha combat power alone are far from enough. Yes, it's really far from enough!

Originally, Liu Zhengke was very calm. Yes, with a considerable amount of production and construction funds, I can really produce some weapons that I could have produced. Then, according to your own needs, go to attack some of the enemy bases. This was originally a very good battle plan. However, now, such a very good combat plan will be affected. Because Liu Zheng saw that several heavy air-sky fighters of the enemy had once again flown towards his base.

However, at this time, there is no better air defense firepower in its own base. In addition, his laser UFOs have also been led to the base of his allies. In this way, the anti-aircraft firepower in your base will naturally become empty. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that he had to lead his laser UFOs from the base of his allies anyway. Otherwise, I can't deal with the enemy's air bombers at all!

It can almost be said that Liu Zheng's most divided and worried thing is the enemy's kind of air bombing. Yes, like this time, at least seven air bombers came at once! Although this kind of enemy's air bomber does not fly very fast, then again, once they fly over their own base, their bombing ability is also quite large.

At this time, the batch of laser UFOs mobilized by Liu Zheng from his ally's base were still halfway. However, at this time, the land-based Gate cannon in his base has been handed over to the enemy's air bombers. Liu Zheng saw that at the beginning, the firing frequency of the Gate cannon was not very high. The whole machine gun kept shaking. At the mouth of the barrel, a dark red firelight spewed out. Soon after, the attack became more dense, and the sound of fire changed from the whimper just now to the current wolf howl. And the mouth of the barrel is like a dazzling sun...

Naturally, in mid-air, the enemy's air bombers will not let go of the Gator cannon on the ground! With the shrill sound of that rang one after another, Liu Zheng saw a round of high-speed rotating gyroscope bombs flying and falling from the open magazine. Looking at its trajectory, it should have a certain guidance system, so it can accurately hit the target!

"Boom~" After the gyro-type bombs hit the target one after another, Liu Zheng saw that his Gate machine gun was not blown up as he thought, but only 30% of the left. Right health. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help nodding secretly: It seems that the bombing ability of this kind of air bomber is really not as powerful as he thought!

Fortunately, Liu Zheng saw that the enemy's air-sky giant bombers were not to attack the fixed combat power in his base, but to attack his own axis of slave mines. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was relieved. Wow, damn it, in this case, I won't be so afraid. Yes, that's true. Because its own kind of slave mine can be moved and moved. After arriving here, Liu Zheng was relieved. Wow, damn it, in this case, I won't be so afraid. Yes, that's true. Because its own kind of slave mine can be moved and moved.

It is not so easy to catch up with his slave mines relying on the flight speed of the enemy's air bombers. Yes, it's really not that easy.

So, with Liu Zheng's order, his two slave mines slowly went to other deposits for ore collection. Later, the enemy's air bombers followed closely.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his five or six laser UFOs finally came from his ally's base! Finally came here! Then, with Liu Zheng's order, his five lasers and air-to-air attacks on the enemy's air bombers officially began!

"Bighten ~ Beat me hard! Be sure to knock him down in one fell swoop! Hit it in one fell!" Liu Zheng said fiercely.

With Liu Zheng's sound, almost some hysterical roar sounded one after another, and a strange scream sounded one after another. Then, Liu Zheng saw that at the high-speed rotating edge of those laser UFOs, the five-color arcs kept flashing. , it looks very illusory. Then, suddenly, a dazzling laser beam shot out, piercing the clouds and hitting the air fiercely on the enemy's air bomber that was firing at the slave mine on the ground.

"Boom~~" came with the shooting of several laser beams, and the target was finally in the middle of the sky, blowing up! With the sudden flash of the dark red explosion, then, one of the enemy's air bombers immediately turned into countless debris and fragments, scattered away, and fell from the air to the ground one after another. It looked like rain...

In this way, on the ground, Liu Zheng's slave mines ran here and hid there, leading the enemy's nose. And taking such an opportunity, in mid-air, their laser UFOs hit the laser beams fiercely on the target through their unique attack. So, the sound of "boom" explosion sounded one after another, and the target, the air bombers, were also shot down from the air one after another and hit the ground fiercely, blowing up a dark red explosion fire...

And now, after such a painful toss, Liu Zheng finds that the production and construction funds in his base have been almost squandered by himself. Alas, this war is obviously fighting for money! Looking at the empty field in my base, there are colorful gem deposits, but although there are many ores on the ** surface of the mine, there are only two slave mines in my own!

"Well, later, you can also consider building two more slave mines! After all, if the ore is collected through this kind of slave mine, it is indeed a profitable thing! Naturally, this good thing should be fought for!" Liu Zheng couldn't help saying to himself.

However, soon, Liu Zheng's eyes lit up. Haha, haha, wow, wow, damn it, now, finally another enemy has sent money to me! Finally, the enemy sent money to themselves! The reason why Liu Zheng was so happy is that he was thinking about what to do first. When he built two slave mines, at the entrance and exit of his base, next to the jungle, all kinds of fighting forces of five or six enemy troops rushed over again! And in that jungle, there are just more than a dozen Yuri clones lurking themselves!

This, of course, is to send production and construction funds for Liu Zheng.

After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw that his dozen Yuri replicators began to do something in the woods. I saw that his hands were stretched forward, and the action looked like an ape. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, a "buzzing" sound came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy chariots rushing in front of them were controlled one after another, and then, with those that had not yet been The chariot behind him started a fierce battle. However, soon after, the war ended, because soon, all the enemy's chariots had been controlled by Liu Zheng's Yuri replicators!

Although after the killing between them, there were only less than five left in the end, looking at those enemy chariots, including air washers and all kinds of mecha, they stayed there obediently, like several prisoners of war caught by themselves. General. Liu Zheng couldn't help laughing, and then, with an order, the enemy's chariots that had just been controlled by Liu Zheng rushed to the army recycling factory on the edge of his base.