Star Trek

Chapter 261 Total War 7

Yes, it should be said that Liu Zheng still has considerable confidence in his kind of multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot. Yes, that's true. And that kind of confidence also comes from my performance of that kind of multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot at ordinary times.

"High attack frequency, long distance, and great lethality!" This is also the rules summarized by Liu Zheng's own multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot. Soon, with Liu Zheng's order, Liu Zheng finally saw his nine multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots (four or five have been eliminated in the fierce battle just now) moving its huge steps and standing towards the target in the "buzzing" mecha sound. He drove away in a hurry.

Soon, finally, his multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots finally rushed to the head of the wooden bridge, and then opened fire on the enemy destroyers under the wooden bridge! At this time, laser beams shot out from those multi-functional mecha chariots. It looked like a light sword, breaking through the wind and hitting the target fiercely, making a loud explosion. Moreover, the laser emission frequency of those multi-functional mecha chariots is quite high, almost one after another! The attack laser beams came from different directions, and the momentum was so powerful that it was quite terrible.

It's strange, just like Liu Zheng's multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot is the nemesis of the enemy's destroyer. With the rapid launch of the laser beam, it didn't take long for Liu Zheng's multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot, which was the nemesis of the enemy's destroyer. As the laser beam of "choo" came out, it didn't take long for the enemy's destroyers to sink down quickly. After seeing this, Liu Zheng finally breathed a long breath. Wow, damn it, I didn't expect that these two guys are still so difficult to deal with! This is really Liu Zheng, who didn't think of it at all, and didn't think of it at all!


The battle is still going on.

However, at this time, the problem of production and construction funds once again troubled Liu Zheng. Yes, now, there is no construction and production funds in my own base. Soon after, his own ore refinery was blown up by the enemy's aerial giant*. Yes, that kind of continuous, every bombing is equivalent to that kind of small nuclear bomb attack. In the face of such an attack, its own ore refinery can no longer stand at all!

It was also that I didn't have much anti-aircraft firepower at that time. Otherwise, such a situation, together with my own ore refinery, was almost unimaginable for me. Yes, yes, that's true.

"Well, anyway, next, I have to solve the problem of production and construction funds in Laozi's base first. If you don't have money, what kind of war do you have? Cut it!" Liu Zheng's heart is bright and clear about the production and construction funds, money, and the important role of his base construction and combat production.

Soon after, Liu Zheng saw through the electronic map and saw that there was a technology drilling oil well on the small island across the river of his base. However, it has been occupied by the enemy. At this time, I am working hard there! After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally moved: Ha ha, ha, that's it, I'm going to drill an oil well with science and technology! I'm going to drill an oil well with technology!

Occupied by enemy engineers? What's the matter with that person? What does it matter? Cut! Won't I re-send engineers and occupy them? After thinking of this, Liu Zheng loaded one of his engineers into the female deer helicopter. Then with an order, his engineer carried the toolbox from his base and got into his own female deer helicopter.

"Take off!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, the propeller of his female deer helicopter soared into the sky in the rapid rotation, and then flew over the river. Soon after, it landed on the island. The engineer came out and went to the side of the technology oil well occupied by the enemy engineers. After thinking for a while, he flashed and drilled into the technology oil well.

And almost at the same time, Liu Zheng saw that hundreds of production and construction funds were suddenly increased in the accounts of his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng's heart was naturally happy. However, what made me happier was that after my own engineer finally got into the technology drilling well on the island, his first short-range missile launcher was finally produced! Looking at his short-range missile launcher, the long body, imagine that the guy has a pretty good medium-range missile attack ability, and the kind of missile it launches, the enemy's air defense force, can't be intercepted at all! It is famous for its fast flight speed!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Just in time, the enemy's one is just a small river base away from its own base, and magnetic explosion coils have long been built on its edge. Naturally, it poses a considerable threat to the combat power of Liu Zheng's base.

Once, Liu Zheng sent his two female deer helicopters to attack it. However, the anti-aircraft guns in the enemy base did not allow their two female deer helicopters to approach at all. Therefore, the magnetic explosion coils of the enemy have always been a pain in Liu Zheng's heart.

It's all right now, it's all right now! I finally produced a short-range missile launcher! Therefore, after seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, his newly produced short-range missile launcher finally produced a short-range missile launch vehicle! Therefore, after seeing this, with Liu Zheng's order, his short-range missile launcher, which had just been produced, marched towards the edge of the river. Soon after, I got close to it.

Because its own short-range missile launcher has the attack distance and attack range of the magnetic detonation coil far from the enemy, naturally, Liu Zheng's short-range missile launcher, which preceded the enemy's target - the magnetic detonation coil, began to launch an attack. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! So, with the sound of the explosion one after another, the light fog of the explosion continued to rise at the target. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that with the missiles hitting the target, some of the enemy's magnetic explosion coils just wanted to move, while others directly blew up without any reaction...


Although it has its own two process missile launchers, which blew up the two magnetic detonation coils on the edge of the enemy base, eliminating some of the threats of those magnetic explosion coils to their own base. However, the missile launch vehicles in the region still pose a threat to their own bases and combat units. However, so far, not only six V5-intercontinental missile launchers produced by Ding have been produced. Well, Liu Zheng knew very well that a small number of V5-intercontinental missile launchers did not care about his own use at all.

This is indeed the case in the city. Because Liu Zheng knows that among the bases in the area, the owner has a very strict air defense system. Including several anti-aircraft guns and some movable anti-aircraft vehicles. In particular, the air defense capabilities of those anti-aircraft guns are indeed very strong. In that case, it is almost impossible for the missile launched by its own V5-intercontinental missile launcher to pass through the regional air defense system and accurately hit the target.

In this case, what should I do? This is really a problem. Yes, that's true. Since the beginning of this battle, the enemy's missile launchers have caused considerable trouble for their bases. Looking at the large thrust rockets launched by the enemy's missile launchers, they were still flying crazily in the air, coming towards Liu Zheng's base and consumption, hitting the target one after another and making a loud explosion sound.

Liu Zheng knows that thanks to his base, he has a good air defense system, so in the face of the continuous attacks of ground-to-surface missiles launched by several missile launchers in the enemy base, his base, so far No destroyed military facilities were found. Although some missiles also concentrated their targets, under Liu Zheng's timely maintenance, the health of the attacked military facilities was replenished in time, so that they were not destroyed in the end.

Faced with this situation, to be honest, Liu Zheng is really a little difficult. Wow, damn it! Wow, damn it! Unfortunately, if it goes on like this, this one can't be played. It's time to figure out a solution to this problem.

Liu Zheng frowned and stared straight at the base in the area. Suddenly, Liu Zheng took the same attention as a year ago. He thought: One of the main reasons why his V5-intercontinental missile launcher cannot pose a threat to the base in the region is that the air defense system of the enemy base is particularly powerful. Therefore, once you destroy the air defense system of the enemy base, your own V5-intercontinental missile launchers can also cause fatal damage to the military targets in the enemy's base.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng suddenly became excited. At the same time, Liu Zhengyou is happy to see that several short-range missile launchers have been produced next to the chariot factory in his base so far! It's like that kind of short-range missile launcher. Although the supply distance of that kind of missile launcher is a little more than that of V5-Intercontinental missile launcher, another feature makes up for the disadvantage of this relatively small attack range. That is, the missile launched by this kind of short-range missile launcher is very fast, so it is difficult to be intercepted by the rugged air defense system. So far, Liu Zheng has seen that there are five such short-range missile launchers in his base.

Moreover, after Liu Zheng looked at the terrain in detail again, he was happier to find that the power support needed for the normal operation of the enemy base was to rely on that super power plant. That's the nuclear power plant. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the nuclear power plant in that area was built on the shore of Xiao He and gathered his base very close. In this way, I can use the recently produced short-range missile launcher to attack the nuclear power plant in the area.

"Once you destroy the enemy's nuclear power plant, you will cut off the power supply of the enemy base. In this way, without power support, naturally, the antiques in the area will also become mute. At that time, what are you afraid of? Naturally, the long-range missiles launched by their own V5-continental missile launchers can hit the target in Beijing Opera, thus destroying the missile launchers in the enemy base.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng is really very proud of his ideas. Yes, that's true. You know, my idea just now is a complete combat system, a complete combat system. It is a scheme of 1 ring and 1 ring. Once successful, I will completely reverse the offensive and defensive situation in the area, and once I avoid the base in this area, the other base is not at my present at all.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng once again sorted out his combat plan and made sure that there were no loopholes. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order to gather his five short-range missile launchers that had just been produced. Point straight to the nuclear power plant on the other side of the river.

"Attack!" In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, in the jungle, Liu Zheng's five process missile launchers finally began to launch an attack. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! So, with the sound of the explosion one after another, the light fog of the explosion continued to rise at the target. However, in any case, the health value of the enemy's nuclear power plant is still quite large. Naturally, it will not be knocked out at once. Moreover, it seems that Liu Zheng found that the missile launched by his kind of short-range missile launcher is not so lethal to the enemy's nuclear power plant.

"Wow, damn it, this, this, this, what's going on?" Liu Zheng was really a little confused at this time. Generally speaking, the attack ability of my kind of short-range missile launcher should be really good. However, why does it have no attack effect on the enemy's nuclear power plant? This is really an unsolved mystery. Yes, it is indeed an unsolved mystery!

However, since the attack has begun, there is no reason to stop it. Yes, that's true. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but have an idea: Hey hey, hey, in this case, why don't he concentrate his V5-Intercontinental missile launchers together with his short-range missile launchers to attack the nuclear power plant that produces the enemy? What? I believe that it will be very easy to destroy the enemy's nuclear power plant with the killing ability of the missile launched by its own V5-intercontinental missile launchers.