Star Trek

Chapter 269 Stormy Day 4

Then, as the large thrust rockets kept flying through the air, suddenly, anti-aircraft missiles roared at the large thrust rockets. Therefore, a war between air strikes and anti-air strikes also began. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be overjoyed. Haha, in this way, my goal has been achieved. Well, that's it. I just let your air defense forces not be idle, so that my other air strike forces will have the opportunity to attack.

At this time! Liu Zheng saw that two aircraft carriers had been produced next to his shipyard! Haha, the two aircraft carriers should be enough for me!

The long-range missiles launched by their own long-range missile launch vehicles have attracted some of the enemy's air defense forces, so on! Naturally, their two aircraft carriers also had the opportunity to attack. After thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, his two newly produced aircraft carriers set out from their own base! Then follow the river in the direction of the second base of the army.

Yes, although Liu Zheng is not short of money now, after all, that engineer also needs to consume 500 production and construction funds. In particular, no matter what, I can't let her send it for nothing. After hearing Liu Zheng's order, one of his engineers was really obedient in the future. Then, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his own and multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots, yes, that kind of multi-functional laser chariot, in that sound and buzzed towards several enemy mobilized soldiers next to the technology drilling well. The character is said to know yourself and know your enemy. The second and second point summarized by Liu Zheng is that, in any case, we should understand it first.

Finally, after a lot of twists and turns, Liu Zheng finally led his own attacking force. After a journey of thousands of mountains and rivers, after about 10 minutes, he finally arrived at the base of the enemy, less than 30 kilometers away. Then, Liu Zheng saw the situation, so he told Mei Ting that we would camp here.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking around to check the terrain characteristics of the camp site he chose. Yes, it should be said that as a camping place, it should be good from the topography. Yes, that's true. The terrain here is flat, which should be said to be very suitable for camping here. In particular, such terrain characteristics are very helpful for the construction of that factory.

Moreover, it is still very close to the enemy's base. Moreover, there is no natural barrier between the two sides. In this way, although your base may be vulnerable to attack by the enemy, on the contrary, this situation is certainly conducive to your attack on the enemy's base. Opportunities should be equal for both sides, and knowledge depends on who can better grasp them.

However, Liu Zheng had not yet made a preliminary deployment of his attack force, but at this time, the enemy could not calm down. Yes, Liu Zheng also understood that he was on the side of Chen Bing's base. The ancients said it well that the side of the couch would not allow others to sleep peacefully. Anyway, I camped in front of other people's homes. Therefore, it is understandable to attack yourself so quickly.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng did not feel any pressure on the enemy's attack. Because this is actually what I expected. Otherwise, I wouldn't have brought so many combat forces to escort. It can be seen that, as the ancients said, no, it should be said in the art of war. I have made full preparations in advance. Although I have not yet deployed my combat strength, it has nothing to do with it.

"Wow, damn it, I just haven't deployed my mobile chariot factory yet, okay? But what does it matter? I will kill Yiya's attack first. If you don't give me a taste, you don't know how powerful I'm. Liu Zheng scolded while facing the organizer's own troops in the sea.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that the attack force sent by the opponent was mainly composed of more than a dozen rhino chariots. Yes, it's more than a dozen rhino chariots. Therefore, in general, Liu Zheng is more confident about this attack by the enemy. The reason is very simple. The enemy's rhinoceros chariot, snail combat ability, is only a general combat power at best. Whether it is defensive ability or attack ability, there is nothing special. Therefore, Liu Zheng felt that his existing strength was more than enough to deal with the enemy's attack force and the enemy's more than a dozen rhino chariots.

At this time, Liu Zheng roughly looked at the enemy's attack power, which was 50 kilometers away from his position. And such a distance, but such a time should be said to let Liu Zheng further make a specific deployment. Although it is not very calm, it is still about the same.

In this way, Liu Zheng still deployed his seven laser mechas at the front of the position. In this way, according to their own way of fighting, let them act as vanguard troops and form a wall of defense. While killing and injuring the enemy's attack power as much as possible, they also create conditions for their own long-range attack power behind, give full play to their role and buy time.

Finally, just after Liu Zhang was deployed, more than a dozen enemy rhino tanks had rushed up. Looking at the enemy's dozen rhino tanks, in a combat formation, divided into left, middle and right. In the roaring sound of the chariot marching, in the heated yellow dust, Liu Zheng couldn't help but look at it. After I saw the overwhelming momentum and the overwhelming pride before, Liu Zheng couldn't help It's not thrilling.

Soon, some of the melee troops of the two sides have been mixed together. Yes, that's really mixed together! In that situation, see that this is you, you have me, attack each other and kill each other. Some of the enemy's rhino tanks attacked Liu Zheng's laser armor mercilessly. Rumbled, and the shells accurately hit the target after crossing the arcs. Therefore, an explosion sound came one after another, and a dark red explosive fog rose to the sky one after another.

It should be said that although the process of the battle is not much different from Liu Zheng's expectations, there are still some differences. And this difference is exactly what Liu Zheng thought he didn't expect, and of course it was also his own mistake. That is, in any case, Liu Zheng should have known for a long time that his laser mecha naturally has a far greater attack distance than the enemy's rhino tanks. The enemy's rhino tank can stand it and is completely a kind of melee weapon. It belongs to the kind of thing suitable for close combat, and the attack distance is not too far, but to its own laser mecha, but the laser beam fired is far higher than the shells of the enemy's rhinoceros chariot.

Although Liu Zheng also admitted that his kind of laser mecha, as a kind of mecha, is indeed very different from that kind of light-rim chariot. It is mainly reflected in the lethality of a single attack. Yes, it is true that his single attack and lethality is better than that kind of light chariot. It's much worse. At the same time, his attack distance is far from that of the kind of ray chariot, but Liu Zheng also knows that his kind of ray mecha also has the strengths that the ray chariot does not have at all, that is, his laser emission frequency is much higher than that of that kind of ray chariot. Specifically, for example, if the time between the two attacks of that kind of ray chariot is three seconds, then ~ your own kind of laser mecha can launch three laser beams in a second, and such an attack frequency is indeed unmatched by that kind of ray chariot.


In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng's multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots, which have a certain long-range attack ability, and those of the enemy, belong to the battle between that kind of melee rhino chariot, which naturally has some disadvantages for Liu Zheng. It's like a scholar meeting a soldier, but it's reasonable and I can't explain it clearly!

So, there were many casualties on both sides for a while. However, at this time, Liu Zheng saw that his short-range missile launchers finally came over. Now, Liu Zheng sees hope. Yes, that's it. My ten-way multi-functional laser attack mecha chariot dragged the enemy's rhinoceros to attack the troops, and my short-range missile launchers, as a long-range attack force, are now the best time to attack. Therefore, with Liu Zheng's order, his five or six short-range missile launchers finally began to fire. On the slender short-range missile launcher, missiles roared out one by one. Their rear tails dragged the sparkling tail flames while flying and constantly adjusting their direction. At the same time, there was a shrill sound, which sounded endless. .

Then, the missiles, after crossing the ever-changing arcs, hit the target one after another! Therefore, with the sound of the explosion one after another, the light fog of the explosion kept rising at the target. Some of the enemy's rhino chariots were just about to move, and some were directly blown up without any reaction...

In this way, due to the long-range support of Liu Zheng's short-range missile launchers, the battle soon turned in favor of Liu Zheng. Half a minute later, Liu was paying the price of five multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks. Soon after, the battle quickly turned in favor of Liu Zheng. Half a minute later, finally, soon, Liu was paying the price of five multi-functional laser attack mecha tanks, which wiped out the enemy's attack force, which had more than a dozen rhino tanks. At this time, on the river, which is basically equivalent to the boundary between the two armies, the wreckage of countless chariots piled up there, which really makes people feel shocking.

Of course, there are also many multi-functional laser attack mecha chariots that have suffered some damage. However, Liu Zheng didn't pay much attention to this. Because, after all, I also brought the two field maintenance vehicles at the same time. In this way, naturally, Liu Zheng will no longer worry that his chariot will be injured.

"Lao, repair some of Laozi's injured combat power!" In this way, Liu Zheng waved his hand to his two field repair vehicles, so he saw his two field repair vehicles rushing up quickly to the side of the damaged chariots at the fastest speed. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, he saw his two repair cars waving iron pliers. In that "squeak" sound, the huge iron pliers and the place where they were contacted by the repair chariot were shot everywhere. At the same time, the repaired chariot suddenly flashed golden light, bright and dark. It looked as if it was about to transform. And its health value is also recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye...

Seeing his two field repair vehicles, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very gratified that he repaired his bookseller's chariots in an orderly manner and was very efficient. Yes, the valuable fighting power like this kind of battlefield repair vehicle, no. Even how much money it costs, you should also produce more. With their services, how much combat power and how many chariots can you save? After a lot of health points are lost, it is precisely because of the maintenance of this kind of battlefield repair vehicle that you can restore your youth and set foot on the battlefield again and continue to fight. Therefore, the role played by this kind of field repair vehicle is very large.

"Mei Ting, launch our mobile chariot factory to produce our attack power at the door of the enemy's house. Oh, by the way, after launching our mobile chariot factory, we must first produce a few more field repair vehicles. Now I find that their role is getting bigger and greater. There are so many field repair vehicles around us, so our combat force will be an invincible force." Liu Zheng was so excited that he said to Mei Ting at this time.

"Of course, there is no problem with this. Don't worry, Brother Zheng. If you don't need three, I can produce five field repair vehicles for you." Mei Ting said confidently to Liu Zheng.

But at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that something was wrong. Yes, that's exactly what happened. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that Mei Ting had just opened her mobile chariot factory and the production work had just begun. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's ear suddenly remembered a strange voice. Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, Yo, one after another, like a strange sound from space. Then, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking up and found that helpless shells poured down into his newly launched mobile chariot factory like rain. Moreover, Liu Zheng also clearly found that among the shells falling from the sky, some looked very large and some looked relatively small. Obviously, these shells were fired by two weapons.

Then, Liu Zheng followed the direction of the shells and found that the larger shells came from the enemy's base, while the smaller shells came from the water next to the enemy's base. In this way, Liu Zheng couldn't help but understand that it was obvious, but the huge shells flying from the enemy base must have been fired by the huge cannons in the enemy base. And those smaller shells seem to be more. Since they were fired from the surface of the water, they should naturally be fired by enemy destroyers moored on the river.

Yes, Liu Zheng already knows that the enemy has upgraded their destroyers, so the range of the shells fired by their home has greatly increased. In this way, those enemy destroyers have actually become a very important long-range attack force for the enemy to attack themselves, and their status is quite high among the enemy's combat forces.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that his newly launched mobile chariot factory also has quite good health, so naturally, he will not be defeated so easily. Liu Zheng thought for a moment and felt that it was still the destroyers of the enemy moored on the sea and rivers. Although the shells they fired were relatively small and not very lethal, they were quite dense. In this way, it would be the most destructive to their mobile chariot factory.