Star Trek

Chapter 272 Stormy Day 7

This time, Liu Zheng finally found the crux of the problem. That is, as long as the power supply in the enemy base can be cut off, the enemy's base will basically be taken down by itself.

Just when Liu Zheng was thinking hard, suddenly, his eyes lit up, and there was a pull! Can the deployment in your own barracks train spies? That's good! You can use spies to cut off the power supply of the enemy base. After training the spy, you can transform it into the enemy's infantry force, so that your spy can easily enter the enemy's base. Once sneaking into the enemy's base, because it has transformed into the enemy's infantry force,

Therefore, the defensive combat power in the enemy base will certainly not attack him. In this way, one of his spies can easily penetrate into a power plant in the enemy base in 10 minutes. Once this operation is successful, the enemy base will cut off the power supply for at least one minute. However, he can make full use of the one-minute power cut time to build the main factory in the enemy base and the enemy's cannon through his long-range attack force - the mighty intercontinental missile launch vehicle. Of course, Liu Zheng did not forget the enemy's newly built super magnetic explosion line. Circle. And once the enemy's important military facilities are destroyed, then there is nothing to be afraid of.

Next, Liu Zheng naturally demonstrated his plan, and he thought that he should fully consider every step. That's how you do things. If you don't do it, you have to do it well.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, Mei Ting quickly trained several of her own spy soldiers. However, at this time, a question also appeared in front of Liu Zheng: What should they use to transport these three spies to their front positions? In fact, Liu Zheng thought that there were only two transportation forces to choose from when he could transport the three spy soldiers for himself. One was his own female deer helicopter, also known as the magnetic transport helicopter. This is the kind of submersible that is often used by yourself. Also called excavator.

However, Liu Zheng thought that although the transportation speed of that kind of magnetic helicopter is also very fast, in the process of flight, it will accidentally become the enemy's air defense attack target. In contrast, that kind of submersible car can avoid this problem. Instead, that kind of submersible vehicle is completely underground. In this case, from that time, there was no power to attack underground targets. Therefore, in this case, which means of transportation to choose will naturally be solved.

In this way, soon, Liu Zheng loaded all the three spy soldiers who had just produced into the submersible car, and then, with his order, after you chose the target, the submersible car began to move. At the sound of an order, the diving car began to break down. With your own order, after you have chosen the target, the submersible car began to move. At the sound of an order, the diving car began to break down. On the ground, the originally light green land began to turn earthy yellow, and for a moment, it surged.

Then, the subterrane began to sink slowly. Soon after, it sank into the ground, and the place where it had just sank, leaving only a pile of loess, which was the only trace it left. Then, the submersible car began to dive on the ground. Liu Zheng only saw that a sign was moving, directly crossing a cliff, crossing a narrow valley, and then crossing a high mountain again, and then stopped at the bridge of the stone bridge.

Then, on the ground, the loess rolled again and the land began to break. Therefore, the diving car slowly emerged from the ground, and the whole body was still as old as before. Moreover, it looks energetic. And where it drilled out of the ground, there is still a pile of arched loess, which looks like a small grave.

Yes, of course, Liu Zheng did not dare to drive his diving vehicle directly to the enemy's base. After all, it is heavily guarded, and once your dive car appears there, it is certain that it will definitely be attacked by the enemy's defensive combat power! Moreover, both the submersible car and its own three spy soldiers will be eliminated. Liu Zheng still understands the basic knowledge of this.

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng's dive car, not far from the enemy's base, emerged from the ground in a jungle. And here, just with Liu Zheng's base, it is not very far from the front position. That's it, Liu Zheng thought. Yes, you can't move forward any more, otherwise you will be killed by the enemy's cannon. You know, relying on the enemy's local killing ability, your own submersible car may have just emerged from the ground and a shell will blow it up. Therefore, it is better to be careful. It's just Liu Zheng's way of doing things, but also his own combat style.

After arriving here, Liu Zheng invited his Sanming spy soldier out of his own diving car, and then switched his perspective to the enemy's base. Yes, this is the time to change the identity of the spy. Because the spy has a special ability to transform himself into an enemy infantry. Of course, you are a police dog that turns it into an enemy, and that's okay. This ability to disguise is also the most reliable thing for spies as an infiltration force.

In this way, Liu Zheng first selected a spy soldier, and then found a mobilizer in the enemy base, and then gave an order: transformation - immediately, his spy soldier immediately became an enemy mobilizer. The rapid change and good effect are completely beyond Liu Zheng's expectation. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very satisfied. Then, with an order, his spy soldier who had just turned into a mobilizer of the enemy army began to walk towards the enemy's base.

Looking at the spy soldier walking, Liu Zheng felt very funny. The guy bowed his waist and walked forward while looking around. So that I can lose what I can't do. Yes, Liu Zheng thought that this spy soldier really didn't do anything openly. In that case, I saw the guy bowing his waist and walking forward while constantly looking around. So that I can lose what I can't do. Yes, Liu Zheng thought that this spy soldier really didn't do anything openly. In that case, the spy soldier would not be called a spy soldier.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that one of his spy soldiers passed through a forest and his defensive position. Soon after, he came to the enemy's base. At this time, it is time to proceed with caution. Yes, you must be optimistic about whether there are enemy police dogs and no enemy chariots passing by here. Even the enemy's mining vehicles will often become the killer of spy soldiers in many times and in many situations. Yes, you must be optimistic about whether there are enemy police dogs and no enemy chariots passing by here. Even the enemy's mining vehicles will often become the killer of spy soldiers in many times and in many situations. Therefore, for Liu Zheng, everything should be careful and strive to be foolproof.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was thinking about whether there was a wooden bridge separated by, his own aircraft carrier and his own submarine. It should be said that submarines can pass in one category. They are the kings of underwater. Naturally, it is very simple to pass under that wooden bridge. However, Liu Zheng himself can't say whether his two aircraft carriers can pass or not. In this case, I can only give it a try first.

This is the super magnetic explosion coil that was just built later. These are all strong combat capabilities with long-range attack capabilities. However, Liu Zheng also knows that although the fixed land-based combat force of the enemy is very powerful, it has a weakness, that is, the support of electricity they must have. Once the power support is lost, they will become a pile of scrap metal and useless. Yes, it's really useless. In this case, how can I cut off the power supply of the enemy base? If you can solve this problem, then the enemy's base will basically be taken down by yourself.


At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his spy had rushed out of the jungle, and then marched in the direction of the enemy's base. Yes, as long as his spy can get into a power plant in the enemy base, then naturally, the problem will be solved. Liu Zheng still has considerable expectations for this. Yes, that's true. Because Liu Zheng knew very well that as long as he cut off the power supply of the enemy's base, it could almost be said that the enemy's base would have no combat effectiveness, and in that case, it was up to him toss himself.

Then, under Liu Zheng's personal command, his own spy soldier had passed through the cobblestone path. In front of him was the enemy's base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help feeling nervous. Yes, Liu Zheng's heart is like a rabbit jumping around at this time.

Liu Zheng knows that the significance of his espionage operation this time is really of great significance. Because once this operation is successful, it means that the power supply of the enemy's base will be cut off by itself. And the base of the enemy without electricity support, for Liu Zheng, it is basically a piece of fat meat that has reached his mouth! I will slowly play to death like a cat playing with rats.

In that case, your mission this time will also mean that it has ended in victory. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng's face couldn't help but show a trace of self-contained. Haha, haha, damn it, if nothing happens, then this spying will become an important turning point for me to win this battle. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that his spy was about to march towards the enemy's base. Suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that an enemy armed mining truck was driving out from his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel tight. Wow, damn it, damn it, I'm not afraid that you will kill my spy soldier, but I'm really worried. I'm really worried that you will kill my spy soldier!

Yes, now, because his spy has transformed into an ordinary infantry fighting force of the enemy, the general combat unit of the enemy can no longer recognize it at all. Unless it's an enemy police dog. However, at present, Liu Zheng has not found an enemy police dog. However, although the enemy's armed mining truck will not do anything to its own spy, it is still possible to crush it to death.

So, Liu Zheng commanded his spy soldier and dodged to the side very cleverly. As a result, he really dodged it. Then, Liu Zheng touched his sweaty forehead, and then led one of his spy soldiers to the direction of the power plant in the enemy's base. Fortunately, the power plant in the enemy base is not in the core area of the base, but in a relatively marginal area. Soon after, Liu Zheng's spy had approached the power plant in the enemy base.

"Start to cut off the power!" With Liu Zheng's order, soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his spy soldier flashed. At this time, he no longer looked like a ghost, but looked agile and vigorous, with awe-inspiring spirit. And with his spy soldier, he finally got into the enemy's power plant. At this time, Liu Zheng saw that, as expected, the power supply in the enemy's base had really stopped!

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very excited. He looked at the time: the power cut-off time was two minutes! Well, I can completely use these two minutes to destroy the most important military facilities of the enemy base!

"Well, which one should I play first? Chariot factory? Combat laboratory? Barracks? Construction of the main factory~~" Liu Zheng kept thinking there. It is almost difficult to find a breakthrough at once. However, finally, Liu Zheng finally found his target: that's it! I killed the huge cannon first, and then the main construction factory in the enemy base. In this way, it is equivalent to digging out the roots of some military facilities in the enemy base! In this way, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his seven V5-intercontinental missile launchers began to launch again! The target went straight to the huge cannon in the enemy's base and launched a fierce attack!

saw that their missile launchers were set up one after another, and then, with the sound of missile launch suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that several rockets began to emit fierce flames from above the launch rack, and at the same time, on the ground Then there was a rolling black smoke. Then, in the roar, the missiles launched by the V5-continental missile launchers sprayed the orange tail flame and soared to the sky under the acceleration.

Then, after flying to a certain height, it suddenly changed direction, and then, in the middle of the sky, it skipped over its own base, flew through the jungle, and flew across a large area of the sea, and then continued to roar towards the power plant in the enemy base...

"Boom~~" In this way, with the sound of the explosion, Liu Zheng saw that the huge cannon in the enemy base finally exploded with a bang after being knocked off the last bit of health.

Next, Liu Zheng naturally set the target of the attack at the core position of the enemy base, the main construction factory. Yes, it is the main construction factory in the enemy base. Well, as long as you blow up the enemy's main construction factory, then everything will be easy.

When attacking the enemy's main factory, Liu Zheng naturally used his own V5-Intercontinental missile launcher. Yes, it's my own V5-continental missile launcher. Because the enemy's main factory is far away, it should be more appropriate to use this V5-intercontinental missile launcher to attack.