Star Trek

Chapter 284 New Journey 6

Liu Zheng naturally understands that the explosive power of that kind of nuclear bomb is really extraordinary. Naturally, the attack with a nuclear bomb will make you suffer a lot less and cost less.

"Explosion!" With Liu Zheng's order, in the sound and extremely sharp roar, a missile with a large warhead, sprayed the orange tail flame and slowly rose from the launch pad. It was getting faster and faster. After flying to a certain altitude, it immediately turned a corner and then went straight. Go to the goal. The long tail flame is spraying, and the tactical nuclear missile is also flying towards the target with the faster and faster acceleration.

The nuclear warhead roared through the air, dragging the light blue tail flame and marching. Five seconds later, the missile finally hit the target! I only heard a "bang~~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

Judging from the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that there are two main ways for the enemy to attack his position. One is to land from the edge of your own base through an amphibious landing ship. The second is to estimate the edge of your base through the bridge.

Although the second attack method is relatively rare, Liu Zheng still made up his mind to cut off the enemy's second way to attack his base.

And as for how to not cut off the enemy's two attack routes, Liu Zheng is now confident. Yes, since the enemy can attack their position through bridges, of course they can blow up that bridge. And Liu Zheng doesn't know how many times he has done this kind of explosive bridge thing before, so it's simply a familiar road to cover it.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng upgraded his self-propelled howitzer located in the center of the base, to a Samsung elite self-propelled howitzer and attacked the bridge at the right end of his base. With the sound of shelling, Liu Zheng saw that one shell shot out of the long barrel, drew a smooth arc, and hit the center of the stone bridge fiercely. After coaxing, the shell touched the stone bridge, and an explosion came violently. However, after all, the stone bridge is still quite strong, so even if Liu Zheng's three-star elite self-propelled howitzer attacked for a long time, the attacked part of the stone bridge still only showed some gray-white traces. However, it has not been interrupted.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel anxious. Damn, he didn't expect this stone bridge to take care of it like this. I originally thought that as my three-star elite self-propelled howitzer had begun to attack, the stone bridge would soon be blown up. However, I didn't expect that after attacking for so long, it just opened a layer of white skin. Damn, no, I have to strengthen my firepower. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng pulled over his Tropic-class warship moored on the sea with an order.

Yes, Liu Zheng knew that hishui gui line-class warship had already been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Although Liu Zheng knew that his Samsung elite-class regression line warship was actually suitable for attacking those multiple targets. For example, it should be most appropriate to attack the combat power of a group of enemies. Because the shell he fired was not a dedicated shell, but would turn into multiple warheads when approaching the target. In this way, although the attack area is large, the lethality to the targeted target is less.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng thought that it was better than nothing. Some is better than nothing, and less is better than nothing. Therefore, the guy on the sea, his own return line-class warship, quickly joined the battle to attack the stone bridge. Liu Qingshan saw that although the return line-class warship did not appear so powerful when attacking the enemy's target. However, when attacking the stone bridge, Liu Zheng found that the Hua was very powerful.

However, of course, Liu Zheng did not know when his two combat forces could be interrupted by the stone bridge. However, Liu Zheng also knew that he could not waste all his time here. After thinking about this, Liu Zheng began to think about his next move.

Liu Zheng saw that another attack method of the enemy, or the attack method of the enemy, was to start attacking from the sea. Moreover, Liu Zheng found that now, the enemy's attack from the sea is getting more and more frequent. However, the combat strength of the enemy who participated in the sea attack has not changed. Yes, that's true in the world. A kind of combat power is the enemy's thunder attack submarine. This is the kind of fearless warship of the enemy. Of course, relatively speaking, the enemy's thunder attack submarine is more powerful. Yes, that's true.

Of course, there is a basis for Liu Zheng to say so. That is, the enemy's thunderous attack submarine can launch two long-range missiles at the same time. Moreover, this long-range attack missile flies very fast, so it can avoid enemy interception to a certain extent. In addition, that is also an important reason why Liu Zheng appreciates this kind of enemy's thunder attack submarine. That is, once the enemy's thunder attack submarine is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, then the kind of missile attack it launches has almost the lethality compared with small nuclear bombs.

In addition, there is another important point. That is, this kind of enemy's thunder attack submarine, of course, when attacking the opponent's warship, which kind of * bullet is used to attack. Ordinary submarines can only fire one * bullet at a time. However, Liu Zheng knew that this kind of enemy's thunder attack submarine, of course, was attacked with that kind of * bullet at the general level. Ordinary submarines can only fire one * bullet at a time. However, Liu Zheng knows that this kind of enemy's thunder attack submarine can launch two * bullets at one time at a general level. Once this thunder attack submarine is upgraded to the Samsung elite level, he can actually launch four * bombs at a time to attack the target.

What a terrible attack capability! Liu Zheng knows that an ordinary submarine, a single attack, generally speaking, only has two * bullets. However, after upgrading to Samsung Elite level, Zhejiang Hua can actually launch four at once! This is really incredible. Yes, it's really incredible. However, this time, two enemy thunderous assault submarines came with the Dreadnought-class warship, the surface battleship of the enemy. However, he already had a way to deal with them last time, so Liu Zheng is not particularly worried now.

Soon, when the front enemy's dreadnought-class warship began to launch the missiles of the middle fleet again, the two enemy's thunder attack submarines behind finally couldn't resist loneliness. Therefore, in order to launch missiles, they must slowly float up. However, Liu Zheng wants this kind of slow rise. Because only after the enemy's submarines float to the surface, some of their special forces can install bombs on them. Once the bomb is placed on the target, the target will definitely be blown up unless there are special circumstances.

However, Liu Zhengyu will no longer give her the opportunity to attack his base again. Yes, just when the other two thundering attack submarines of the enemy wanted to surface and start missile launches, or at the moment he just surfaced, the two Liu Zheng's special forces that had been preparing to be there quickly swam over and put the bomb on it.

Soon after, a muffled explosion suddenly sounded, and a huge tax money soared to the sky on the sea. The enemy's two thundering attack submarines were killed by their own commandos one after another.

And the best performance is Liu Zheng's group of captain's white medical staff. Because the combat tasks of attacking the enemy's chariots basically fell on Liu Zheng's Fan tank infantry. Therefore, that kind of anti-tank infantry was naturally the most seriously injured during the battle. However, in the face of the heroic anti-tank soldiers, Liu Qingshan saw a very touching scene. On the one hand, most of the anti-tank soldiers have been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. In this way, they also have the ability to recover themselves.

On the other hand, because the headquarters has deployed several medical soldiers for itself, once their own infantry fighting force is injured in the battle, then some medical soldiers will rush over at the first time, and then quickly carry out uninjured soldiers for medical treatment. Soon, yes, it is often soon after that their own infantry fighting power whose health value is damaged. Once their own infantry fighting power is injured in the battle, then some medical soldiers will rush over at the first time, and then quickly send uninjured soldiers for medical treatment. Soon, yes, often soon after, the infantry's combat effectiveness with damaged health was quickly and completely repaired.

Yes, that's indeed the case. If it weren't for some of your own medical soldiers, they would indeed play an important role in the battle. Some of your own tank infantry may have died. Liu Zheng is very clear about this. However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that the island was occupied by the enemy in the south of his island. The reason why Liu Zheng made such a judgment was that through some mottled fog of war, Liu Zheng saw that there were actually some enemy military facilities on the edge of the island.

"Once the enemy's military facilities have weapons that can be attacked, is your base under their attack?" After Liu Zheng saw this, he couldn't help thinking secretly. Once the enemy's military facilities have weapons that can be attacked, is your base under their attack? After Liu Zheng saw this, he couldn't help thinking secretly.

Soon, Liu Zheng's idea became a reality. With the sound of missile launch, Liu Zheng found that from the edge of the enemy's base, he did not know what the combat force was. Anyway, missiles shot out from there, dragging the gray-white tail flame, constantly changing the direction of flight, and then towards the surface of the water. Liu Zheng's special forces soldiers attacked the past.

And Liu Zheng's special forces soldiers have already been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Relying solely on them, the enemy failed to launch attacks on their own bases with those warships and submarines. Yes, when the enemy warships approached them, they randomly set up a bomb except for the submarine, and then sent them to the west to get it. Even if it is a submarine, Liu Zheng knows that they will emerge sooner or later. Yes, especially when they launch submarine-launched missile attacks on their own bases, then they can only do this after they surface. Otherwise, submarines under water can only attack warships.

Therefore, Liu Zhengke was very unhappy when he saw some kind of shore-based missile of the enemy and was attacking his three-star elite special forces soldiers. Damn, Laozi's three-star elite special forces combat members have made great contributions to the history of Laozi's base. In this case, how can I let you get rid of them so easily? After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but give an order: Where are my ballistic missiles? Damn it, call me!

Liu Zheng's voice just fell, and he saw that on the edge of the island occupied by Liu Zheng, three ballistic missiles opened fire almost at the same time. As a whistling sounded one after another, the ballistic missiles opened fire one after another. "Oh, several missiles were fired from those launchers, spraying the orange tail flame, roaring and being blow away by the wind. The missiles flew quickly through the clouds and fog. After crossing a melon line, they hit the roaring enemy chariots very accurately. Moreover, what makes Liu Zheng feel that the guidance ability of this kind of ballistic missile is so powerful! Even if the position of the target has changed, the ballistic missiles still follow each other until they hit the target.

"Boom~boom~boom~" After touching the target, those ballistic missiles bombarded and exploded one after another, blowing up a mass of dark red explosive light fog and rising to the sky. It is enough to show the power of that kind of ballistic missile.

In this way, as Liu Zheng's ballistic missiles began to counterattack, ballistic missiles roared and broke through the air. Because Liu Zheng's ballistic missile has very good guidance ability, even fast-moving targets can be tracked and attacked by them. For that kind of fixed target, this kind of ballistic missile is naturally easier to attack.

"coax--" With the sound of explosions coming one after another, Liu Zheng saw that a group of dark red explosive light fog rose to the sky. Then, countless wreckage and debris also shot into the mid-air, and then fell down one after another, and many fell to the sea. Snow-white spray splashed.

Since then, the attack force on the edge of the island occupied by the enemy was quickly dumbed by Liu Zheng's ballistic missile. Next, Liu Zheng received another call from the headquarters, asking Liu Zheng to act as soon as possible and occupy the spy satellite that was the best on the map. Because only by occupying the spy satellite can they detect the location of the enemy's giant cannon deployed on the coast, Liu Zheng was once again called by the headquarters and asked Liu Zheng to act as soon as possible to occupy the spy satellite whose map was outstanding. Because only by occupying the spy satellite can they detect the location of the enemy's cannons deployed on the coast, and the location of the enemy's cannons is very significant for their attack.

And now, it can be said that Liu Zheng has finally gained a foothold in his base after repulsing more than 20 attacks by the enemy after some time of operation. Therefore, I can finally consider completing the task assigned to me by the headquarters. Although there has been a saying that the king's life has not been accepted since ancient times, no matter what, after repelled the enemy's attacks no less than 20 times, he finally gained a foothold. Therefore, I can finally consider completing the task assigned to me by the headquarters. Although there has been a saying that the king's life has not been accepted since ancient times, anyway, he is finally subordinate to the headquarters. In this case, he should abide by the regulations of the headquarters and obey the command of the headquarters.