Star Trek

Chapter 292 Who competes with 3

However, although the anti-aircraft firepower in the enemy base is so fierce, it is nothing for Liu Zheng's four super bombers. Yes, so far, Liu Zheng has also seen that the health value of his four super bombers has been killed by about 30 to 40 percent on average. Only 40% was killed on average, but its top four super bombers killed so many military facilities in the enemy base. In this way, naturally, the top four super bombers have completed the task. Yes, even if they are all shot down, it is enough to look at the military facilities in the enemy base they blew up.

Next, Liu Zheng saw that his four super bombers were hovering over the enemy's base and did not continue to drop all kinds of high explosive bombs. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that there was a possibility that his super bombers had no ammunition. Therefore, they are just hovering over the enemy base.

In this case, Liu Zheng knew that there was naturally no need for them to hover over the enemy's base. That's useless. Moreover, he was attacked by the enemy's protective firepower in vain and lost some health points in vain. What's the pain? Therefore, after thinking of this, with Liu Zheng's order, their super bombers adjusted their direction from the enemy's base, and then flew straight in the direction of their own base. In this way, Liu Zheng's bombing of the enemy's base was finally over.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his four super bombers had successfully emerged from the enemy's base to his base. Then, Er Liu was watching that they all landed safely on the airport in his base. Looking at the huge fighters, they landed side by side on the airport, and they were not lost much health and still had a good 10 points of attack power. After seeing this, Liu Zheng nodded with relief.

After that, Liu Zheng found that seven enemy space-time mining vehicles actually came to the edge of his base for ore collection. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be furious. Damn, he actually went to Laozi's base to collect ore. I really don't know how thick it is. Naturally, Liu Zheng's next battle plan is to destroy the enemy's enrichment and mining vehicles and protect the gold deposit near his base. Yes, for Commissar Liu, it was good not to rob the enemy's deposit, not to mention that the enemy's mining truck actually came to its own base for ore collection. This is really a legend.

Now, Liu Zheng sees that after his own efforts, his base has finally been connected to his allies' bases. In this way, naturally, the strength of both sides has been strengthened. This should be a good start of 10 points. However, Liu Zheng also knew very well that he was facing six enemy bases. And he knows better than anyone what kind of strength the six bases have. Therefore, the cruelty of this war is clearly the lice on the head of the bald man.

Now, Liu Zheng has decided to study the position of the enemy and us first. In particular, what characteristics the enemy and we have in their respective terrain are very important for the construction of their own bases and for their next military operations. Liu Zheng saw that his and his allies' bases were now connected. Go to the location, which is located on the far right side of the whole map. All the enemy bases are located in the large area on the left side of the map. Liu Zheng saw that there was a path between the valley, passing through the middle of the whole map and leading to the central location of himself and his ally's base. On the north and south sides of that path, there are two enemy bases closest to their own bases. Moreover, Liu Zheng has also seen that the two enemy bases closest to his and his allies have a road, which is connected to his and his allies' bases.

In this way, such a pattern is formed: they and their allies each defend an enemy base. To be precise, it is an enemy base that defends the closest to them. This situation looks like fighting separately, and at the same time, it is more like mutual defense. However, Liu Zheng saw that because the right side of the base that has been connected with his allies is the edge of the map, so naturally, he does not need to invest so many troops in the defense of the base on the right side. And this is also one of the most reassuring places.

Now, Liu Zheng has produced a virus sniper and two Yuri replicators. In fact, Liu Zheng also knew that he should train at least 10-20 Yuri replicators. In this way, the safety of your base can be guaranteed. Otherwise, once a large number of enemy troops attack, it is impossible to defend your base with the combat power you are using now. This is a fact.

In addition, Liu Zheng has also built five land-based gate cannons. Naturally, there is a reason why Liu Zheng is eager to build so many land-based Gate cannons. Because, according to Liu Zheng's combat experience, Liu Zheng knows that in many cases, especially when the base is founded, the enemy will often make air attacks. Therefore, it is naturally very important to strengthen the air defense ability in your own base.

As for ground defense, although the enemy is also likely to launch a large-scale attack on its own base from above the ground, because he has that kind of Yuri replicator, Liu Zheng is not too worried about being defeated by the enemy's ground attack power. After all, the replicator of Zhongyouli can control the enemy's attack force. On the one hand, it can resolve the enemy's attack, and on the other hand, the direct attack can also send the enemy's combat forces controlled to the unit recycling factory in his base. In this way, it can be exchanged for a considerable amount of production and construction funds, thus greatly supplementing the source of production and construction funds for their own base, which is also a considerable support for their own base construction and combat production.

However, so far, Liu Zheng has not built his own troop recycling plant. However, when Liu Zhang first built his own troop recycling plant, he accidentally found that he had no surplus production and construction funds in his hand. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help frowning tightly. Wow, damn it, why don't I have money to spend so fast? Knowing this, Liu Zheng found that he had only built a slave mine. And that kind of slave mine is also equivalent to an ore refinement factory. Under normal circumstances, at least two ore refinement factories should be built. However, because of the food of his consciousness, he only built a slave mine. In this way, the efficiency and speed of ore collection have naturally been greatly reduced. In this way, it is normal that there is no excess production and construction funds in your base.

However, Liu Zhang quickly saw that in his base, on the ground of the military facilities, Liu Zheng suddenly found that a wooden box suddenly appeared. Shit, I don't know what that wooden box is? Liu Zheng knew that that kind of wooden box appeared randomly, and what was hidden in it was also random. However, as Liu Zheng knows, the contents of wooden boxes are often based on production and construction funds. The drag will reach 3,000 and 2,000, which is less than 7.8. Therefore, after seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Yes, just when I was short of money to spend, haha, the system finally sent me money.

Li Zheng knows about the upgraded wooden box, but if he touches the combat power of the wooden box, it will be upgraded to a certain level within a certain range. For example, once the original level of combat power touches the living machine wooden box, it can only make them within the upgrade range, then their level will be upgraded to the one-star veteran level. And if the combat power of touch is already a one-star veteran level, then once they touch and upgrade their alma mater, within a certain range, then their level will be upgraded to a one-star veteran level. If the combat power of touch is already at the level of a one-star veteran, then once you touch and upgrade your alma mater, within a certain range, all the combat power of touch will be upgraded to the Samsung elite level. It's that simple.

Therefore, considering this reason, Liu Zheng sent three wind tanks to touch the wooden box. Of course, in Liu Zheng's mind, Liu Zheng naturally hopes that the wooden box is the production and construction of capital. Or become a golden wooden box. It has also become a wooden box of money. Because now, Liu Zheng's base lacks 10 points of production and construction funds. Liu Zhengzheng seems to train a few more Yuri clones. In this way, once the enemy begins to attack on the ground, Liu Zheng will not be afraid.

Moreover, once I have enough Yuri replicators, I will not only no longer worry about the security of my base, but also mean that I want the enemy to carry out more ground attacks. Because in that case, you can use the Yuri clone to control some of the enemy's attack power. In this way, not only did he defeat the enemy's attack, but he could also send some of the ground attack forces of the enemy, especially the enemy's chariot combat power, to the recovery factory of the troops in his base. However, you can get a considerable amount of production and construction funds.

Yes, in many battles, Liu Zheng relied on this means to obtain a considerable amount of production and construction funds. It can be said that this method is indeed an important source of production and construction funds. However, one of the most important prerequisites for earning production and construction funds is that you must have a considerable number of Yuri replicators. In addition, it is an indispensable factor, that is, a troop recycling plant must be built in its own base. Otherwise, even if you control some of the enemy's ground combat strength, you still can't turn them into production and construction funds without the army recycling field. The reason is so simple.

However, what is the content of that wooden box? Is it a golden wooden box, a living wooden box, or something else? Of course, Liu Zheng is also difficult to say. However, Liu Zheng also knows that in addition to the most common golden wooden boxes and upgraded wooden boxes, there is another content, which is the spy satellite wooden box. The so-called spy satellite wooden box, that is, once touched, the party that touches this spy wooden box will have the surveillance ability of the spy satellite. That is to say, once you touch the wooden box of the spy satellite, then this method does not need to build a spy satellite, so the situation on the whole map will be clear at a glance. Whether it is the topography, the construction of each base, or the deployment and deployment of players, it is clear.

In this way, soon, Liu Zheng's three wind tanks rushed to the wooden box in the center of his base. Then, with one of the wind tanks, he rushed forward. As a result, the wooden box was suddenly knocked open. Then, Liu Zheng saw that the whole electronic map suddenly appeared in front of him. All the topography and the base situation of all players are displayed in front of themselves. Shit, it turned out to be a spy satellite wooden box. Not bad, really good. In this case, at least 2,000 production and construction funds have not been produced by themselves.

The reason why Liu Zheng said this is that he had to build a spy satellite anyway. Even if it is due to the lack of production and construction funds, it cannot be built in time. However, as time goes by, with the increasing amount of production and construction funds in their hands, they have to build it anyway. Even if it is due to the lack of production and construction funds, it cannot be built in time. However, over time, as the amount of production and construction funds in their hands continues to increase, they have to build a spy satellite. Only in that case can I have a panoramic view of the situation on the whole map. Of course, this is 10 points important for your own command and operation.

Just after Liu Zhang sent three gale tanks to touch the spy satellite wooden box, through the situation shown by the spy satellite in front of him, Liu Zheng found that at this time, five enemy rocket pilots were flying along the canyons towards his base. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel glad that he accidentally touched a spy satellite map again. Now, looking at the five rocket pilots of the enemy flying along the canyon in the direction of his base, Liu Zheng is naturally ready to fight.

In fact, Liu Zheng was not particularly worried about the five enemy rocket pilots coming to attack. Yes, because before that, Liu Zheng had built at least five land-covered cannons. And the air defense capability of the mortar is quite strong. Moreover, this land-based machine gun also has quite good defense ability. In this way, even in the face of the enemy's Kirov airship and the high-explosive bomb attack and bombing of the enemy's Kirov airship, this kind of land-based mortar can still play its super air defense capability for a long time. Therefore, Liu Zheng did not feel particularly worried about the upcoming attack of the five enemy rocket pilots.

What Liu Zheng is worried about now is that due to the lack of production and construction funds, he has not produced enough Yuri replicators. In addition, due to the lack of production and construction funds, I did not build a military recycling plant. In this way, once the enemy forces crush the situation, in fact, with the support of their allies, they are not confident enough to defend their own base and ensure that their base has no hidden dangers. However, under the current situation, how should I get a considerable amount of production and construction funds? Naturally, this has become the most important question in front of Liu.

However, in the current situation, Liu Zheng knows that there is really no other good way to get enough production and construction funds. The only way is to use your only slave mine to accumulate funds for the production and construction of the library, and then build the second slave mine. In this way, the two slave mines will collect ore at the same time. Naturally, the speed of ore collection and the speed of their own production and construction funds will increase rapidly. In that case, it is possible for you to build your own troops and comfort, and you can train as many Yuri clones as possible.

In this way, my only slave mine is particularly important for the next development of my base. Yes, that's true. It can be said that in the current situation, once there is a problem with his first and only slave mine, such as the destruction of the enemy, then for Commissar Liu, no matter how powerful he is, he has no power to return to heaven.