Star Trek

Chapter 231 Who Fights 12

Liu Zheng has a very good giant system and detection ability, and the reconnaissance effect is still good for air flying objects with stealth ability. Sure enough, Liu Zheng saw that when the enemy's free bomber was about to enter its attack preparation, suddenly, on the ground, the five red flag 12 short-range anti-aircraft missiles just produced by Liu Zheng suddenly began to attack.

I saw that the five red flag 12 short-range anti-aircraft missile launch sites were filled with smoke for a while, and then one after another anti-aircraft missiles dragged the orange tail flame and roared through the wind. With its own high-strength guidance system, they constantly adjusted the direction of flight, and finally accurate Hit the target. Boom, boom, with the dull explosion sounded, Liu Zheng saw that in mid-air, clusters of explosive fog were shining there, and then, airborne objects, including the two Dafu 16 fighter jets, were shot down one after another.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Yes, very good! Fortunately, I have adequate air defense preparedness, otherwise, once it is hit by the base by the enemy's ghost bomber, the damage will be immeasurable.

At this time, Liu Zheng saw that his superweapon-nuclear missile attack was ready. After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally very happy. Damn, this time, I can finally vent my anger. Therefore, Liu Zheng first switched his perspective to the enemy base and looked at the current situation of the enemy base. Liu Zheng saw that the enemy had produced five intercontinental missiles there. Needless to ask, this kind of intercontinental missile must carry a nuclear warhead. Once the launch is successful, its base will face extinction. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very lucky: Wow, damn it! Without signal, my current nuclear missile strike ability has taken a step more than the other party. In this case, it is better to give it a first and smash the nuclear bomb slam on his base. Moreover, I just need to reach the nuclear bomb on the enemy's two intercontinental missiles first.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng knew that it was not too late to launch an attack immediately. Otherwise, once you are robbed by the enemy, you will be much more passive. Therefore, after thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so Wu only saw the high and towering nuclear bomb launch well in his base, and the rocket stood high and began to spray orange tail flames. Then, a earth-shaking sound came, so in the huge roar, the rocket began to save the speed in the air faster and faster swimming. Then, he flew in the direction of the enemy's base.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that the enemy's base could not escape this bombardment this time. Yes, because Liu Zheng knows that the enemy's anti-aircraft firepower can't be intercepted at all. At this time, Liu Zheng had switched his perspective to the enemy base. At the same time, Wu Liu was staring at the two intercontinental missile launchers in the enemy base. Yes, the target of my attack this time is that you don't have these intercontinental missile launchers. At the same time, Liu Zheng has begun to count down. Five, four, three, two, one, 0! In this way, Liu Zheng just finished counting zero,

I only heard a "bang~~", which was really a deafening explosion! Then, a huge explosion wave, centered on that explosion point, scattered in all directions. At the same time, almost a few miles away, the dust burst and burst, and everywhere was full of dazzling white light, which almost made people unable to open their eyes. For a moment, there was yellow dust between the whole world, and the strong wind roared, and then a huge mushroom cloud suddenly rose up and went straight to the sky...

At this time, with the light fog of the explosion of the nuclear bomb falling one after another, on the ground, the ground that has just been attacked by the enemy, is naturally covered with debris, and the bright green radiation is still constantly immersed and rendered there.

In the following time, Liu Zheng carried out three nuclear bomb attacks on the base of the Indian player. As a result, the base of an Indian player has been battered. Yes, according to Liu Zheng's battle plan, he just wants to destroy the base of an Indian player first. Then, free your hand to attack the base of an American player.

Therefore, under the suggestion of this combat plan, Liu Zheng gave all the opportunities for his three nuclear bomb attacks to the Indian player. As a result, Liu Zheng saw that under his three consecutive nuclear bomb attacks, the base of an Indian player had been blown up, full of gunpowder smoke and fire. After seeing this, Liu Zheng naturally felt very happy.

However, Liu Zheng also knows that it is not possible to completely destroy a base that truly destroys the enemy by relying solely on nuclear bombs. There is only one way to completely solve the battle, that is, to send your own ground combat force to attack the enemy's base, and then send the military facilities and combat forces in the enemy's base to a base that truly completely destroy the enemy's base, just relying on nuclear bombs, which still doesn't work. Of. There is only one way to completely solve the battle, that is, to send your own ground combat forces into the enemy's base, and then destroy all the military facilities and combat forces in the enemy's base.

In order to achieve this goal, Liu Zheng decided that he must produce the following combat force. One is a heavy long-range howitzer. The second type is the Dongfeng-21 medium-range ballistic missile. Fifth, Liu Zheng has also made a plan for the combination of these two forces. That is, first use your own medium-range ballistic missile to carry out long-range attacks. Yes, use your own medium-range missiles to destroy some of the offensive military forces in the enemy base first. Including machine gun bunkers, light towers, and, of course, some movable combat forces. In short, a certain dose of the combat forces in the enemy base should be eliminated first, and this task is naturally best given to its own medium-range ballistic missile to complete. After all, with this long-range attack, you can achieve the goal of destroying the enemy without damaging your combat strength. He did not lose, but destroyed the enemy, which is the best way to attack.

Then, the military facilities and combat forces in the enemy base are almost beaten through long-range attacks. At this time, they are sending their own ground attack forces - mainly the long-range heavy howitzers, and they have the remaining military facilities in the enemy base. Destroy the combat forces one by one.

Of course, Liu Zheng also thought that in this process, he would definitely suffer the dying struggle of the last military forces of the enemy and their stubborn resistance. Therefore, in order to avoid the loss of his combat strength, Liu Zheng decided to equip his heavy long-range howitzer troops with two field maintenance vehicles. Once they are damaged, their field repair vehicles can be maintained anytime and anywhere to ensure that their health is in good condition without affecting their combat.

In this way, Liu Zheng finally made a plan. The goal of this attack plan is to completely destroy the enemy's Indian player base. The core of this combat plan is to attack with its own long-range missiles and carry out long-range attacks on some important military facilities and combat forces in the enemy base. Then, send your own heavy long-range howitzers to attack the enemy's base and eliminate the remaining military cities and military forces.

Yes, that's indeed the case. Moreover, Liu Zheng also feels that his combat plan should be good. Of course, Liu Zheng also knows whether his combat plan can succeed, and the most important thing is whether his long-range attack can work. Yes, you should know that although your long-range strike force is very powerful, you should also know that the enemy's ground anti-aircraft firepower is not a joke. In particular, the enemy's Patriot three-aircraft missiles are fast and have strong early warning capabilities. Generally speaking, few combat forces, especially air strike forces, can escape from his interception. Therefore, it is still unknown whether its medium-range missiles can successfully hit the target and pass the interception of the enemy's Patriot three anti-aircraft missiles.

However, now, for Liu Zheng, we have to try again anyway. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order and saw that on his three medium-range missile launch vehicles, one by one missile, stood up one after another. Then, the missiles began to spewing orange tail flames, and then slowly rose. As time goes by, these missiles are flying faster and faster, flying over the sea and making a sound of breaking through the air. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that the missiles had passed through the sky and flew over the enemy's base.

As the missiles broke through the air and rushed towards the targets, the airfields in the enemy base. But at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly saw that on the enemy's base, three Patriot Samsung anti-aircraft missiles began to ejected anti-aircraft missiles one after another. One by one, anti-aircraft missiles spewed out at a high speed and shot into the sky. Then, Liu Zheng's medium-range missile that rushed down was fiercely hit.

"Boom, boom-" With the enemy's patriot triple anti-aircraft missile, it accurately hit the medium-range missile that Liu Zheng attacked, but somehow, there was a loud noise, and then a huge dark red explosion flashed through the air. Then, countless debris and debris fell from the sky. In this way, with the explosion of the first long-range missile, the other missiles that followed naturally caused a chain reaction and exploded one after another. Therefore, Liu Zheng saw that missiles continuously exploded in the air dozens of miles away over the enemy's base. Yes, the explosion lasted dozens of miles above the enemy base. That kind of scene looks really spectacular.

However, Liu Zheng's mood became very heavy. Yes, anyway, this also means the era of long-range strikes. I didn't expect that there would be such a powerful air defense force in the enemy's base. That kind of Patriot three-type anti-aircraft missile is so efficient that it is beyond my expectation.

After Wu saw this, Liu Zheng couldn't help worrying. Wow, if the enemy's Patriot III anti-aircraft missile really has such a strong air defense capability, then even if it is producing more long-range missiles, it will be useless. Yes, that's an example. As long as a long-range missile is intercepted by the enemy's Patriot III anti-aircraft missile, the following missiles will also explode one after another under the effect of chain reaction. Therefore, the essence of the problem is not how many long-range attack missiles you have. If the enemy's Patriot III anti-aircraft missile really has such a strong air defense capability, then even if it produces more long-range missiles, it will be useless. Yes, that's an example. As long as a long-range missile is intercepted by the enemy's Patriot III anti-aircraft missile, the following missiles will also explode one after another under the effect of chain reaction. Therefore, the essence of the problem is not how many long-range attack missiles you have. Uh-huh, it's about how to kill the enemy's Patriot tri-aircraft missile.

At this time, Liu Zheng couldn't help thinking. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that there were still groups of F-16 fighters from the base of the Indian player, yes, the F16 fighters, kept flying over the ocean, and then launched an air strike at his base again. However, at this time, Liu Zheng's base has deployed quite tight anti-aircraft firepower. Therefore, it is difficult for the enemy's expansion machine to work at once.

However, suddenly, Liu Zheng saw that 17 F16 fighters were used in this enemy's air attack. Wow, I dispatched so many F16 fighters? In Wu's words, Liu Zheng was a little worried. Yes, although it is true that the air defense capability in its own base is very good. However, once the enemy has too many air targets, its own air defense firepower is the most dense and the air defense firepower is the strongest, and it is inevitable that there will be a fish that leaks the net. Therefore, seeing such a dense enemy F16 fighter rushing towards his base, Liu Zheng couldn't help but ooze fine sweat from his forehead.

At this time, on Liu Zheng's base, more than a dozen land-based first-class doks moved to the anti-aircraft gun and opened fire at the same time. In the office, anti-aircraft shells hit the target, and a sound of explosion came from the class. A mass of black explosive smoke filled the air. In this way, Liu Zheng saw that most of the enemy's fighters were shot down by their own anti-aircraft fire. However, in the end, two enemy F16 fighters rushed through Liu Zheng's base to the air defense network and hit two blockbuster bombs at the construction factory in one of Liu Zheng's base. With a deafening explosion, a dark red mushroom cloud rushed up to the sky. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his main factory was built in the base that had not been like Mount Tai. For a moment, fireworks filled with black smoke.

Yes, at this time, Liu Qingshan saw that the health value of the main construction factory in his base was declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. At this time, it was only about 40%. After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that the situation was critical. Yes, if the enemy gives their own construction factory a piece of high-explosive bombs at this time, then it is very likely that their own construction factory will go to see the king of the city.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng was naturally 10 minutes anxious. So, with Liu Zheng's order, one of his engineers rushed to his main construction factory with the toolbox in his hand. Yes, at this time, the only way for Commissar Liu is to use engineers to repair his main construction factory at a very fast speed. Only in this way can it be possible to save the life of the main factory.

Wu Jian looked at his engineer, who was only dozens of meters away from the construction factory. Liu Zheng knows that as long as you come down and follow the engineer, it means that his main construction factory will be safe and avoid a big disaster.

However, at this time, a scene that Liu Zheng couldn't believe happened. Yes, from mid-air, an enemy bomber had just been shot down by its own anti-aircraft fire. At this time, I saw the enemy's ghost fighter rolling and spraying the dark smoke, hitting the ground quickly. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help shouting bad. Yes, it is obvious that the enemy's ghost fighter fell from mid-air. Judging from the trajectory of his fall, the landing point is the construction factory in his base!