Star Trek

Chapter 233 Who competes with 14

Chapter 57 Star Wars 3

In this case, Liu Zheng can't let the enemy pick up such a fortune in vain. Therefore, in fact, after a little delay, Liu Zheng should also resolutely guard his gem deposit. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng immediately flew his three heavy missile helicopters directly to the enemy's armed mining truck.

Soon after, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters flew above the head of the enemy's armed mining vehicle as scheduled. At this time, the enemy's armed mining truck was still happily collecting ore there. In the city, it carried out ore collection next to the opponent's base, especially the kind of high-end gemstone mine with considerable gold content, which felt quite good. Moreover, it is also possible that the enemy's armed mining truck is still muttering in his heart that I have collected her bag in vain, but the opponent did not even dare to fart. It seems that the opponent has been scared by his own reality.

However, soon, as Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters had flown over the head of the enemy's armed mining truck, the enemy's armed mining vehicle finally understood whether the opponent was scared to pee. And at this time, Liu Zheng found that after the ambush just now, two of his three heavy missile helicopters had been upgraded to the level of one-star veterans. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but feel very happy. You know, as long as you go to the next level, you will have a Samsung elite heavy missile helicopter. At that time, Liu Zheng couldn't say how much his combat ability would improve after having a Samsung elite-level heavy missile helicopter. Anyway, the current level is simply a world of difference.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his three heavy missile helicopters finally unceremonially launched the kind of missile attack from top to the ground, which was being collected live. With the continuous sound of missile swish, it suddenly sounded, and then air-to-ground missiles shot out one by one.

Liu Zheng saw that the air-to-ground missile launched by his heavy missile helicopter looked quite large, with a red spot on the rear, and made a roar sound from time to time during the flight. At the beginning, the speed of those air-to-ground missiles was not flying very fast, but as time went by, the sound of breaking the air rapidly intensified, and the flight speed of those air-to-air missiles also increased significantly. The huge air-to-ground missiles dragged the thick orange tail flame, constantly adjusting the direction of flight, roaring through the wind from top to bottom, and then hit the top of the enemy's armed mining vehicle that was collecting ore one after another on the ground. So, as the sound of the explosion kept ringing, Liu Zheng saw that the target was finally blown up, blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered, shot into the air one after another, and then fell down...


After eliminating the enemy's armed mining truck that dared to run to his base for ore collection, Liu Zheng knew that he should no longer waste time. In the next step, you must detect all the terrain characteristics, as well as the location of the enemy base, terrain, combat characteristics, military facilities layout and other information. Be fully prepared for your next upcoming counterattack.

However, through the battle just now, Liu Zheng also summed up something. The most important point is that once its heavy missile helicopter is damaged, although it can be repaired, it must fall to the ground and transform into the form of a land-based artillery. At the same time, there is another condition, that is, there must be a battlefield repair vehicle. However, in the process of reconnaissance, how can you take a field repair vehicle to investigate on the enemy's territory?

However, if one and two field repair vehicles do not follow, what will happen once your heavy missile helicopter is damaged? Let them return to their own base. It will be a long journey, hundreds of miles or even thousands of miles back and forth, which will take much time. If you ignore the damaged helicopter, after all, the production of such a heavy helicopter will also cost 3,000 production and construction funds, and its cost is not low. Therefore, Liu Zheng felt that he must have a best way to put on a field repair vehicle without dragging the legs of his heavy missile helicopters.

After thinking about it, Liu Zheng finally came up with a better way. He remembers that in his chariot production catalogue, there is a transportation unit called the Red Star Transport Ship. Moreover, Liu Zheng also knows that his own Red Star transport ship has very good performance. As a transport vehicle, this Red Star transport ship not only has a considerable carrying capacity, but can transport five to seven tanks at a time. This kind of carrying capacity is not large. And more importantly, my Red Star transport ship belongs to the transport vehicle flying in mid-air. And this is exactly what Liu Zheng appreciates the most.

Yes, in this way, this kind of red star transport ship has been used by its own handsome combat power, or other combat materials, because they all take the air route, so it is naturally the nearest route, which has greatly improved its efficiency. In addition, thinking of his reconnaissance mission, Liu Zheng knew that this Red Star transport ship just solved the problem he had just faced. That is, it can not only carry one and two field repair vehicles to scout together, but also avoid the problem that the medium-range repair vehicle is slow on the ground and easy to be found by the enemy, thus dragging the legs of the heavy missile helicopter flying in the air.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng ordered Mei Ting to quickly produce a Red Star transport plane. Well, at this time, through the information recovered by Mei Ting, we know that because she has built three scientific and technological drilling wells, the production and construction funds in her base are relatively abundant. Thus, after getting rid of the situation that was still stretched not long ago, the method of building a base to repair the west wall of Taidong Wall may never happen again.

In this way, Liu Zheng finally formulated his own reconnaissance plan: using his three heavy missile helicopters, and in addition, equipped with a Red Star transport ship he had just produced, loaded a field maintenance vehicle in it, and cooperated with the three heavy missiles straight Move up and act together.

It should be said that Liu Zheng's reconnaissance plan is still very good, with a relatively high level of technology and tactics. After the deployment, with Liu Zheng's order, the three heavy missile armed helicopters flew in front, followed closely the Red Star transport ship and flew in the direction of the enemy base.

In fact, before that, Liu Zheng had used his own reconnaissance aircraft to investigate other locations on the map. Therefore, now, Liu Zhang only needs to further investigate the following, especially the topography of some areas, as well as the production of combat power in the enemy base, the construction of the base, the road to the enemy base, and some other factors.

In this way, three heavy missile helicopters led the red star transport plane behind them and set out from Liu Zheng's base. In that huge roar, they flew over mountains, flew over waters, flew through jungles, and finally got closer and closer to the enemy's. Two bases. At this time, naturally, Liu Zheng's heart suddenly became nervous again. Now it has entered the enemy's territory. Of course, it can no longer be as free and casual as before.

Although the field repair vehicle was escorted, he said to Commissar Liu that he could avoid conflicts with the enemy's combat strength as much as possible. Because I don't want to attack the enemy's base this time, my main reconnaissance task this time is to understand the combat power production of the enemy base. In short, my main task this time is reconnaissance, not attack. To be precise, it is not a real counterattack. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng will not take the initiative to clash with the enemy's defensive forces. Because in that case, it will affect the completion of your reconnaissance mission.

It doesn't matter how much combat power you don't have to destroy the enemy. As long as we can really understand clearly, the enemy now has several bases, and what is the relationship between the different bases? Such important information should be said to be of great significance for Liu Zheng's next counterattack. Yes, it can be said that in a sense, what kind of attack plan you have adopted is closely related to the situation of the enemy's current base.

Finally, Liu Zheng saw that Mei Ting finally produced a Red Star transport ship. So, Liu Zhang flew to the three heavy missile helicopters on the edge of his base by leading the newly produced Red Star transport ship. However, when Liu Zhang led the newly produced Red Star transport ship to the place where the three heavy missile helicopters were just parked, Liu Zheng found that there was only one heavy missile helicopter left there at this time! Shit, he's getting bigger. What on earth is this? What on earth is this?

However, Liu Zheng soon found the answer. That is, just now, when I focused on my own chariot factory and produced a Red Star transport ship, it is also possible that my three heavy missile helicopters have competed with the enemy's air power here. As a result of the competition, when producing a Red Star transport ship, it is also possible that their three heavy missile armed helicopters compete with the enemy's air power here. As a result of the competition, naturally, three heavy missile helicopters destroyed the enemy's air targets. However, at the same time, his own heavy missile helicopter finally crashed due to accidental injury to each other.

After thinking about this, Liu Zheng also felt very sorry. Yes, after all, it takes at least 2,000 production and construction funds to produce such a heavy missile helicopter. Moreover, Liu Zheng saw that the remaining one was only at the general level. It can be seen that the two recovered must include the heavy missile helicopter that has been upgraded to a one-star veteran level. It is not easy for me to upgrade that heavy missile helicopter to a one-star veteran level. But now, in this way, it was destroyed by his comrades-in-arms. Damn, this is really a tragedy, this is really a black humor.

Fortunately, Liu Zheng is still storing two spare heavy missile helicopters in his base. After seeing this, Liu Zhang will naturally not continue to leave them in his base. It is most important for him to complete this reconnaissance mission. Naturally, Liu Zhang will not continue to keep them in his own base. It is most important for him to complete this reconnaissance mission.

After thinking of this, Liu Zhang gave an order, and his other two heavy missile helicopters were also led here together. With the original one, P naturally formed three heavy missile helicopters. Then with an order, three heavy missile helicopters gave way in front of them, followed closely by the Red Star transport aircraft, flying towards the strange area in the sound of deafening propeller spinning at high speed.


Soon after, Liu Zheng led the three heavy missile helicopters and the Red Star transport aircraft to repeatedly investigate around the enemy's base and found that the enemy had two bases here, one of which belonged to the Allied combat power type and the other to Liu Zheng's combat power type. See here After that, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be secretly surprised.

Especially when Liu Zhang saw that there were so many combat forces hidden in the enemy base with the same type of combat power as his own, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be extremely surprised. Yes, I didn't expect that during this period of time, I was tired of dealing with the enemy's attack. I thought that I had eliminated a considerable number of the enemy's combat power. I originally thought that I had produced a considerable number of combat power and also had quite good war capabilities. But in fact, through investigation, I found that I was really wrong.

Not to mention anything else, let's talk about the enemy base that gives himself the same type of combat power. Liu Zheng roughly counted that among the enemy's base, there are at least seven to eight nuclear mecha. I know that the cost of that nuclear energy mecha requires at least 7,000 to 8,000 yuan for production and construction. It took a lot of effort, didn't you just produce a nuclear mecha? And I only have one nuclear mecha and an enemy base, in which there are seven nuclear mecha. In this way, I really underestimate the enemy's production capacity.

In this way, after Liu Zheng has detected the general situation of the enemy base, the next thing to do is to prepare a combat plan and consider how to launch an attack on the enemy base.

Yes, in what way should I use to launch a sub-attack against the enemy? Liu Zheng knew that he was preparing a battle plan and considering how to attack the enemy's base.

Yes, in what way should I use to launch a sub-attack against the enemy? Liu Zheng knew that an attack was particularly important and directly affected the success or failure of his future operations. Therefore, there is no reason for Liu Zhang not to pay attention to this first attack. Although Liu Zhang has always been willing to fight face to face with the enemy, how happy it is. However, now it seems that with what I have. Compared with the combat power of the enemy, its own value is nothing, and it is simply incomparable with the enemy's combat power. Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng knew that he should naturally not fight harder with the enemy, but should fight with the enemy more skillfully.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng finally formulated his first battle plan. However, make full use of the powerful attack ability of its own heavy missile helicopter, combined with the protection effect of short iron and wood, and strive to destroy the main factory in the enemy base within the protection time of the short screen. As the saying goes, as long as the enemy's main factory is destroyed, at least in terms of confidence and momentum, it will give the enemy a considerable suppression.

After arriving here, Liu Zheng continued to form his own attack force. Because he was mistakenly injured by himself just now, there are only two heavy missile helicopters in Liu Zheng's hand. However, since I intend to let this heavy missile helicopter rely on the protagonist of this attack, just two heavy missile helicopters is far from enough. In this case, Liu Zheng decided that he should produce at least three to five heavy missile helicopters to barely meet his needs.