Star Trek

Chapter 235 Who competes with 16

Chapter 57 Star Wars 3

"Meiting, look, look, this is our anti-aircraft firepower, this is our anti-aircraft firepower!" Liu Zheng was also quite excited at this time. "Wash~~" sounded like such a sharp and harsh scream suddenly sounded, and anti-aircraft missiles shot out one by one, crossed the sky, forming a gray-white trajectory, and headed straight to the target and towards the Black Hawk fighter in mid-air.

The roaring anti-aircraft missiles, and the gray-white tail smoke dragged behind them look very smooth. Obviously, this flight trajectory also shows the rapid flight of this kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not like other anti-aircraft missiles, flying while adjusting the direction of flight from time to time, or left or right, but a curve that looks very smooth.

"Boom~~~~" With the loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that after the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target, the enemy's helicopter was flying towards his base. The enemy's helicopter was first a fierce battle, and then the fuselage was again. Crooked, and then, he rolled helplessly, fell from the air, loaded on the ground, and blew up a pillar of smoke in the sky...

"Boom~~" In this way, Liu Zheng saw that the missiles launched by those Thunderbolt rockets finally hit the target accurately after a period of air flight, making a sound of "bombing" explosion, which sounded endless. Next, what stunned Liu Zheng was that the target blown up was no longer the enemy's terrorist robots (in fact, those enemy's terrorist robots have been destroyed by Liu Zheng's infantry troops stationed in the defensive residential houses), but his two defensive residential houses!

And with the harsh explosion suddenly sounded, Liu Zheng saw that almost in the blink of an eye, his two defensive houses had turned into a pile of ruins.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that in the southeast corner of his base, there was a sound in mid-air. As soon as he heard this sound, Liu Zheng, who had rich combat experience, naturally knew what kind of enemy combat power it was about to attack.

Yes, indeed, combat experience is very important in many cases. Based on this sound he heard, Liu Zheng has concluded that it must be the enemy's Kirov airship flying over. Thinking of this, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at the southeast corner of his base. Sure enough, just above the sky in the southeast corner of his base, three enemy Kirov airships are slowly flying in the direction of their base. Of course, Liu Zheng knows how powerful the enemy's Kirov airship has. Therefore, under normal circumstances, Liu Zheng will not let the enemy's Kirov airship approach his base. Instead, they fell down before they flew into their own base. After thinking of this, Liu Zheng gave an order, so the light armored vehicles that have just been produced in his base, that is, the light armored vehicles with very good air defense capabilities.

In this way, with Liu Zheng's order, his light armored vehicles moved rapidly towards the southeast corner of their base at a very fast speed. There, in mid-air, the enemy's three Kirov airships are slowly flying in the direction of their base. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that his light armored vehicles had rushed under the enemy's three Kirov airships. Then, Liu Zheng saw that his light armored vehicles were almost immediately involved in the air defense attack against the three Kirov airships of the enemy.

"Big, beat me hard." Liu Zheng, who knew best the interests of the enemy's Kirov airship, clenched his teeth and almost burst into flames in his eyes. And

At this time, their light armored vehicles did not disappoint Liu Zheng. They only saw that "whisw" suddenly sounded with such a sharp and harsh scream, and anti-aircraft missiles shot out across the sky, forming a gray-white trajectory towards The target went straight to the Black Hawk fighter in mid-air. Those missiles, the gray-white tail smoke dragged behind, look very smooth. Obviously, this flight trajectory also shows the rapid flight of this kind of anti-aircraft missile. They are not like other anti-aircraft missiles, flying while adjusting the direction of flight from time to time, or left or right, but a curve that looks very smooth.

"Boom ~~~~" With the loud sound, Liu Zheng saw that after the anti-aircraft missiles hit the target, the enemy's one flew to the front Kirov airship. First, there was a fierce battle, then the fuselage was crooked, and then he turned over helplessly. Rolling, hovering, it fell from the air, carrying one end on the ground, blowing up a pillar of smoke in the sky...

However, although Liu Zheng's light armored vehicles attacked the enemy's three Kirov airships almost in the first time. However, after all, the enemy's Kirov airship has a quite strong defensive ability, so naturally, it is not so easy to be shot down. Therefore, when he knew that the last Kirov airship of the enemy flew to the edge of Liu Zheng's base, his light armored vehicles were still chasing and carrying out air defense attacks. Launch an attack on the enemy's three Kirov airships. However, after all, the enemy's Kirov airship has a quite strong defensive ability, so naturally, it is not so easy to be shot down. Therefore, when he knew that the last Kirov airship of the enemy flew to the edge of Liu Zheng's base, his light armored vehicles were still chasing and carrying out air defense attacks.

However, five seconds later, the enemy's last Kirov airboat was shot down and finally shot down! The enemy's Kirov airship hovered down from mid-air after losing the last bit of health. It hit the barracks in Liu Zheng's base. Then, with a loud explosion, Liu Zheng saw that his barracks had turned into a pile of ruins. In this way, he was knocked down and finally knocked down! The enemy's Kirov airship hovered down from mid-air after losing the last bit of health. It hit the barracks in Liu Zheng's base. Then, with a loud explosion, Liu Zheng saw that his barracks had turned into a pile of ruins.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help sighing: Wow, he is. I didn't expect that I would eventually be blown up by that house and a barracks. However, at this time, Liu Zheng was happy that the nuclear mecha platform was finally built successfully in his base. Yes, it's the nuclear power mecha platform! You know, only after building an excellent platform can I produce that kind of nuclear energy mecha! And why does that kind of nuclear energy mecha arouse Liu Zheng's interest so much? That kind of nuclear equivalence is indeed a quite unusual combat force.

Liu Zheng naturally knows that once he has that kind of nuclear mecha, it basically means that he has firmly grasped the initiative of the battlefield. Because that kind of nuclear mecha also has two different combat states. One is a movable state, and the other is multiple mecha platforms. Under the movable, this nuclear power will be able to carry out conventional artillery attacks. However, her conventional artillery attack can fire three to five shells at a time. Moreover, the shell it fired is not only large and explosive, but also the firing distance is quite far, and the lethality is also quite large. Under that kind of mecha platform, Liu Zheng knew that his kind of nuclear mecha could launch nuclear missiles at the target.

There is another important reason, which is also an important reason why Liu Zheng likes this kind of nuclear energy mecha very much. That is, Liu Zheng knows that his nuclear energy mecha can not only exert great power in ground combat, but also belongs to amphibious warfare weapons.

Yes, it is true that this kind of nuclear energy mecha can move on the surface of the water. Moreover, they can still attack the target even when they move on the surface. However, when attacking on the water, it is only limited to the kind of conventional artillery attack, and the launch of that kind of nuclear missile must be carried out under the platform state. However, Liu Zheng felt some regret that his kind of nuclear mecha could not be unfolded on the surface at all. In this case, Liu Zheng knows that it is almost impossible for his nuclear mecha to carry out nuclear missile attacks while marching on the surface of the water.

Wh, swirl - different models of anti-aircraft missiles of different specifications in the aircraft, of course, are not willing to be lonely and begin to fulfill their missions. The anti-aircraft missiles dragged the orange tail flame, broke through the air, roared, constantly corrected the flight trajectory, and finally hit the target one after another. In the sound of the explosion, the three heavy missile helicopters only shook slightly, as if they were adjusting their posture, and as for other aspects, they did not receive a day's impact.

Finally, under the attack of the enemy's various anti-aircraft firepower, Liu Zheng led the three heavy missile helicopters and finally found the enemy's core military facility - the construction of the main factory. Then, with Liu Zheng's order, in the continuous attack of air-to-air missiles, the enemy's main construction factory was destroyed in one fell swoop.

Next, Liu Zheng saw his three heavy missile helicopters, and the seven short iron curtains had more than 10 seconds left. So Liu Zheng thought: In this case, it is better to let them continue to exert their residual heat and exert the residual heat by returning their three heavy missile helicopters to their front positions after the deadline. So after thinking about this, Liu Zheng set his three heavy missile helicopters into automatic attack mode. In this way, under the effect of this automatic attack mode, the combat power will automatically find their respective attack targets without having to accept Liu Zheng's fate uniformly.

So, in this way, Liu Zheng saw that the three of his own heavy missile helicopters fought separately and found their own attack targets one after another. Liu Zheng found that at this time, his three heavy missile helicopters had actually been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. Of course, Liu Zheng knows how powerful the Samsung elite-level heavy missile armed helicopter has. Yes, that's true.

The current situation is that since he has destroyed the main construction factory in the enemy base, it means that some other military facilities in the enemy's base will be destroyed less than one enemy, and it will not be built again.

In addition, although there are a large number of combat units in the enemy's base at present. For example, there are at least 10 anti-aircraft vehicles of all kinds. In addition, rhino tanks, welcome tanks, rimson tanks, all kinds of howitzers, etc., are really everything, and they look dazzling and dazzling.

However, despite this, Liu Zheng has short iron and wood protection facilities. At the same time, with Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters, it has been upgraded to the Samsung elite level. And this Samsung elite-class heavy missile helicopter, their attack ability, and the powerful lethality of the missiles they launch are enough to destroy the target in the shortest time. Liu Zheng naturally has considerable confidence in this.

In this way, under the separate attack of Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters, the various chariots and some other military facilities in the enemy base were not hit at all. In a long time, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters have been beaten to sevens and in a mess. They have only fought and have no power to fight back. Those all kinds of chariots and some other military facilities in the enemy base are not well beaten at all. In a long time, Liu Zheng's three heavy missile helicopters have been beaten to sevens and in a mess. They have only fought and have no power to fight back.

However, at this time, Liu Zheng suddenly found that his three heavy missile helicopters had less than three seconds left, and the short iron curtain acting on them was about to end. Of course, Liu Zheng knows that the reason why his three heavy missile armed helicopters can fight in the enemy's bases and fight like no man's land is all because they have implemented the effect of a short iron curtain. After the short iron curtain of the second generation is cancelled, then some air defense engineering facilities in the enemy base and all kinds of air defense firepower will quickly shoot them down from the sky. Liu Zheng has no doubt about this at all.

So, after discovering the three heavy missile helicopters, there are only seven seconds left in its short iron curtain. Liu Zheng knows that it is time to evacuate. Like after arriving here, Liu Zheng gave an order, so his three heavy missile helicopters turned around in mid-air and flew to his temporary position.

However, what Liu Zheng did not expect was that his three heavy missile armed helicopters had just transferred the fuselage. It was true that they had just adjusted the fuselage, and the short iron curtain acting on it was over.

After seeing this, Liu Zheng knew that things were not good. Sure enough, with a loud explosion, Liu Zheng saw that seven to eight enemy anti-aircraft missiles had accurately hit the target - two of his three heavy missile helicopters. Liu Zheng saw that after receiving the attack of the enemy's anti-aircraft missiles, the health value of his two heavy missile helicopters was rapidly declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. And this also made Liu Zheng further understand the characteristics of his heavy missile helicopter, that is, although this heavy missile helicopter has a quite good attack ability, it also has a very poor defense ability. Their health value can be said to be quite poor, and they can't withstand the enemy's air defense and other attacks. And the reason why they were so free over the enemy's base just now was because of the protective effect of the short iron curtain.

Moreover, even if Liu Zheng's three heavy missile armed helicopters have left the enemy's base, there are still two enemy air defense fighting vehicles chasing out of their bases crazily, and while chasing them, they continue to launch their anti-aircraft missiles in mid-air. However, after all, the speed of this enemy's anti-aircraft combat vehicle is much different from that of Liu Zheng's helicopter gunship. Therefore, after a journey of pursuit, they gave up halfway because they could no longer catch up with the target.