Star Trek

Chapter 244 Missile War 5

After adding two allies to himself, and at the beginning of Wu, Liu Zheng felt that he was not very used to it. However, after a long time, he was not used to it and finally disappeared.

Yes, before that, Liu Zheng had been fighting alone. Therefore, Liu Zheng feels so unaccustomed to the current situation. However, then again, after all, there are three gangs of heroes, one fence and three piles. In particular, now, I am facing five enemy bases. Let alone how to attack, how to defend against the enemy's crazy attacks is a very big problem. Now, there are two allies deployed on both sides of their bases. In this way, they should be able to share a considerable amount of pressure on enemy attacks. In this way, how to defend against the crazy attacks of the enemy is a very big problem for me. Now, there are two allies deployed on both sides of their bases. In this way, they should be able to share a considerable amount of pressure on enemy attacks. In this way, of course, it is very powerful for me.

Yes, the layout of the base on the battlefield is very interesting. Your own ally base, one left and one right, is located on both sides of your own base. In the center of their base, there is a channel, that is to say, if the enemy attacks their base, they must pass through that channel. Although there is also a channel on the left and right sides, that channel passes through the base of its allies. In this way, there should be no pressure on the left and right wings of your base. On the contrary, the left and right wings of your base should be an important channel to obtain the support of your allies. Of course, it is also an important channel for you to send support to your ally base.

Therefore, in this case, although I face five enemy bases, I have the direct points of my two allies, especially the bases of these two allies, which are built on the left and right sides of my own bases respectively. In this way, at least, my base will not be fully affected by the enemy. The attack. Since then, naturally, he has also strengthened his own base construction, and Wu has created very good conditions to improve his combat production speed.

Therefore, in this situation, Liu Zheng naturally adjusted his combat mode. Yes, that's true. In the past, when the base was loaned, in order to ensure that his base would not be destroyed by the crazy attack of the enemy at the beginning, generally speaking, he first built a power plant and an ore refinement plant. (In the Yuri's combat power base, this ore refinement plant is a slave mine. Factory), that's all. Yes, that's actually the case.

Because I am sure that I dare not spend too much production and construction funds and spend too much time to build more power plants and slave mines. At that time, I will first train enough orcs. In addition, I have to train at least one virus sniper, and there are at least five to six Yuri clones. Yes, these combat power is the least necessary to have. At that time, I will first train enough orcs. In addition, I have to train at least one virus sniper, and there are at least five to six Yuri clones. Yes, these combat power is the least necessary to have.

In this case, it is of course unrealistic to want to build a sufficient number of power plants and slave mines. Now the situation is different. Because now, I have two allies, and the base is built on the left and right sides of my base. In this way, I will naturally share the pressure of too many enemy attacks in the area. Therefore, in this case, Liu Zheng can safely and boldly build more power plants, and at the same time, he can also safely and boldly build several more ore refinement plants.

In this way, you can guarantee that when the military facilities in your base reach a certain number, there will be a shortage of power supply in the base. At the same time, it is more important to avoid the lack of supply of production and construction funds in their own bases at the most critical times. Yes, although the way to earn your own production and construction funds is not just a channel. However, it can be said that when the base was founded, the financing of production and construction through slave mines should still be the most important channel. Moreover, the construction of slave mines is very slow and requires costly production and construction funds, which is also quite amazing. Therefore, in this case, try to build in advance, which can save at least a certain number of vehicles.

In this way, according to such a combat idea, Liu Zhengyu built three power plants. With these three power plants, it should be said that in the power industry, at least, I will not feel too nervous. These three power plants should be able to support for a long time. Liu Zheng is still very relieved about this. In addition, after the construction of the three power plants, Liu Zheng built three ore refinement plants. And the speed of this triangular ore refinement factory, which earns production and construction funds through ore collection, has jumped to the end. At the very least, on the one hand, it can be guaranteed that after the construction of the three power plants, Liu Zheng built three ore refinement plants. And the speed of this triangular ore refinement factory, which earns production and construction funds through ore collection, has jumped to the end. At the very least, it can ensure the construction of military facilities in its own base and the basic needs of combat production.

However, Liu Zheng certainly knows that although he has the help of two allies, to a large extent, they are fighting separately. The so-called support can help themselves through their own allies in some way and way at a critical time. However, in essence, it is still fighting separately. Now, Liu Zheng has built his own troop recycling plant. Yes, relatively speaking, this kind of troop recycling plant is indeed very important to me. Yes, that's true. Because only after building a troop recovery plant can some of the enemy's combat units under control, especially the enemy's chariot combat units, be converted into a certain amount of production and construction funds through this troop recycling plant.

At this time, when Liu Zheng was busy surrounding his base construction and combat production, suddenly, the enemy's first attack finally began. Although Liu Zheng was psychologically prepared for the enemy's attack, he still felt a little sudden. Because so far, less than 10 minutes have passed since the start of its own base. However, as the saying goes, soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. Now that they have come, they should face it positively.

However, what made Liu Zheng feel a little helpless was that this time, the enemy's first attack gave him a down. Yes, that's true. Because of the enemy's attack this time, the main combat power used was actually that kind of stealth bomber. And that kind of stealth bomber has a rather horrible attack capability. Yes, that's true. Unlike ordinary bombers, the guided bombs dropped look very large, and they rotate at high speed. For targets, whether fixed targets or movable targets, they have the characteristics of chasing and deployment. That is to say, he doesn't stop aiming and doesn't run anywhere for the goal. No matter how long it takes, he will always chase and set up until he hits the target. Blow up. In addition, his lethal ability is also quite strong, which should be said to be a small nuclear bomb.

The enemy's stealth bomber flew over its base like a bat. Soon after, a high-speed rotating blockbuster was dropped by the enemy's heavy bomber. Moreover, it is obvious that the Chinese bomb that has just been dropped attacked is Liu Zheng's only group of combat forces - five wind tanks and seven to eight Yuri recruits. Soon, Liu Zheng saw that the bone did not explode, and the little snake opened its eyes. Although its speed was not very fast, it was moved by the wind. Soon the residents accurately hit the target. Then, a deafening explosion suddenly sounded, and a small cloud of mushrooms rose to the sky, just in the deafening explosion sound,

Liu Zheng saw that his wind tanks and the Yuri recruits were all destroyed. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. You should know that so far, your own ground combat force is just these forces. However, these ground combat forces of their relatives and friends have been wiped out by the announced bombs notified by the enemy's stealth bombers. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. You should know that so far, your own ground combat force is just these forces. However, these ground combat forces of their relatives and friends have been wiped out by the announced bombs notified by the enemy's stealth bombers.

However, the enemy's attack has only begun. Soon after, a more brutal attack began. This time, Liu Zheng saw that the combat force of the enemy involved in attacking his base was mainly the enemy's phantom tanks. Liu Zheng roughly counted that there should be no less than eight. However, at this time, Liu Zheng only had three Yuri replicators in his hands. In addition, there are several Gate cannon chariots that have just been produced. Obviously, at this time, there is no other better way for Yi Liu Zheng. Yes, that's true. Not long ago, the combat power given by his system was wiped out by the blockbuster dropped by the enemy's stealth bomber. Therefore, it can be said that for Liu Zheng, the only combat force he can use at present is these three Yuri clones.

However, the development of the matter was quickly beyond Liu Zheng's expectation. Two of the Yuri replicators, who had not had time to attack the dragged power of the enemy, had been eliminated by the enemy's welcome tank. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be shocked. It seems that the direct attack must be through some means before the enemy's chariot can be controlled. Anyway, you must make full use of your own Yuri replicator. Otherwise, this time, I really have no place to die.

After thinking of this, Liu Zheng led his Yuri clone to a jungle not far away. It should be said that the replicator of Yuri should play a protective role in the jungle, so that it can be avoided, at least to a certain extent, not be welcomed by the enemy tanks and attacks. Then, he is looking for opportunities to control the enemy's combat units.

However, at this time, some of the enemy's attack forces have attacked Liu Zheng's base and launched a full-scale attack on the barracks in Liu Zheng's base. Although the enemy's phantom tanks attacking buildings are not their specialty. However, after all, their number is quite large. Seven to eighty-two phantom tanks besieged their own barracks. Soon after, Liu Zheng saw that with his barracks, many places had been turned red by the high-heat rays of the enemy's phantom tanks. At the same time, Liu Zheng saw that the health value of his barracks was also declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Soon, with a earth-shaking explosion, one of his barracks was finally blown up into countless wreckage and fragments, scattered away.

However, just as the enemy's phantom chariots were about to carry out a more fierce attack on Liu Zheng's base, suddenly, from the jungle, Liu Zheng's Yuri replicator finally began to drive the enemy's phantom chariot, the last one. Start with that kind of mental control. I saw that his hands were stretched forward, and the action looked like an ape. Then, the sound of spells came one after another, and at the same time, the sound of "buzzing" came. Then, soon, the orange control lines came out one after another. Therefore, the enemy's phantom chariot at the end was finally controlled, and then followed Some rear chariots that had not been controlled started a fierce battle.

At the same time, Liu Zheng gave an order, and his crazy orcs also kept howling, shaking their hands and waving their arms, looking like an angry bullfight. Yes, fortunately, Liu Zheng has produced these mad orcs at the beginning. Otherwise, he really has no success in the face of the attack of the enemy's phantom chariots.

Soon after, Liu Zheng's wild orcs roared and rushed to the side of the enemy's phantom chariots. Then, the phantom chariots facing the enemy were a painful blow. As they roared, they kept waving their strong arms. Their mutant bodies were born not afraid of the material of steel and gunfire. Between the waving of their arms, their strength reached a thousand! And with the sound of desperate collisions ringing one after another, sparks were everywhere at the impact. Although the enemy's shells kept hitting them, those terrible guys, who didn't care at all, still hit the chariots in the roar of the position. Four shots, fireworks soared to the sky.

In this way, soon after, Liu Zheng's mad orcs, after all, were the natural enemy power to deal with the enemy's chariots, so soon after, they had wiped out all the enemy's phantom chariots. After seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help but be very happy. Haha, haha, it's good, it's good, it's really pretty good! In this way, it should be said that I finally won the first counterattack.

Yes, after seeing this, Liu Zheng couldn't help looking at the phantom chariot he controlled. Haha, haha, with the help of his own mad orcs, the phantom chariot that had been controlled by himself finally wiped out all the other illusions of the enemy. The chariot, and its level, has been successfully upgraded to the Samsung elite level. And such a level of high-intensity attack ability is not a joke for the enemy's chariot combat power or the enemy's infantry combat power.

Therefore, under such a situation, Liu Zheng decided that he would of course not upgrade this one into a Samsung elite-level phantom chariot and enter the army recycling plant, but protect the Yuri replicator who controlled Fengqi. Otherwise, once this Yuri replicator is defeated by some force of the enemy, then naturally, his own one has been successfully upgraded to a Samsung classic-level phantom chariot, which can no longer be used for himself, but also to harm his own interests. And that kind of situation is naturally not what Liu Zheng wants to see.