The Brave Continent of Online Games

Chapter 61 Negotiation

"Now it is rumored on the Internet that our mercenary regiment is with you. The reason is that we occupied the portal and helped you guard the only way, so that no one could get in, so that we let you appear. Mr. Wei said slowly that there seemed to be an appeal in his words, so that everyone would listen to him carefully. Therefore, even if he did not answer Lin Yuchen's question directly, Lin Yuchen did not react much and still listened to his words quietly.

Although we did not have any previous negotiations, this unintentional cooperation has achieved unexpected results, so why don't we just maintain this cooperative relationship? This is a matter of two benefits. We are responsible for guarding the channel, you are responsible for supporting, and then take this opportunity to make good use of the resources in the Tianxu Forest and strengthen ourselves. Once we grow up, who else dares to talk to us? In the game world, we have always been strong, and whose fist is bigger. Speak, the rest is the last section!" Mr. Wei said.

"Ms. Wei, do you want to guard that passage like this, and you don't want to let anyone come over?" Little gangster.

"That's not true! If that's the case, the operator will definitely not agree. This problem mainly depends on what they mean, but I think the operators will solve it in the near future. Mr. Wei said.

"If it is not solved, will everyone carry on like this! I just want to ask you a question, how do you solve the problem of food supply!" Lin Yuchen suddenly said.

Now the biggest problem in the Warring States is that there is no continuous supply of grain and fodder. Recently, Tofu told him that some trade unions and organizations on the forum have begun to form alliances and are ready to launch a counterattack when the food and fodder of the Warring States Period is exhausted and take down the Warring States Mercenary Corps in one fell swoop. If the Warring States can solve this problem, it will never be a big problem to guard this channel.

Mr. Wei's eyes lit up and looked at Lin Yuchen and said, "This is one of the reasons why we want to form an alliance with you."

"You need food!" Lin Yuchen said. He finally figured out the intention and logistics of the Warring States, which no one could avoid in this game. Lin Yuchen could even infer that the current logistics of the Warring States Mercenary Regiment must be very tight, otherwise he would not have taken such a risk to find him in his territory.

"Yes!" Mr. Wei said cheerfully, "Originally, our food can still last for a period of time, but in the past few days, mercenary regiments have been retreating to our camp one after another. We are all mercenaries, so we can't just ignore it. Therefore, our food consumption has also been much larger recently. Therefore, we need some extra assistance.

Logistics, logistics, everyone is coming for logistics. Lin Yuchen said in his heart. First, it was the Fire Dancing Rose, and now it is the Warring States Mercenary Regiment.

Lin Yuchen felt that he had taken the initiative again.

He thought for a moment and said, "We don't have much food, but it's just enough for us to support ourselves for a while. In this way, if the problem of this portal is never solved, even if we fully support you, it will just survive. In his tone, he didn't want to get into this matter.

Mr. Wei smiled and still said slowly, "Don't worry about this. This matter won't take long. We have calculated that there are more than 100 known portals. The most conservative estimate is that operators have tens of thousands of income per day. In the week we stuck, their losses are at least hundreds of thousands, which is the most conservative estimate. Now the game has gradually opened. If this matter continues, their losses The loss will only get bigger and bigger. I don't think it's them who can't stand it any longer. Therefore, I think they will come up with a feasible solution in a week at most. Therefore, we don't need too much food.

" Mr. Wei, what kind of plan do you think they will come up with? What if they block all your accounts and delete files in anger? Little gangster. It seems that he has experienced such a thing before.

Mr. Wei heard this, but he was not panicked at all. Instead, he said confidently, "If this is the case, they will lose even more. Because we didn't violate any rules, didn't use plug-ins, and didn't cheat. We just took advantage of the rules. If they blocked our accounts and deleted files, they lost not only money, but also the reputation of the game. I'm sure they won't do that. Because if you do this, the game will lose a lot of fun, and players can only be more tied in the future. This is a matter of winning and losing a lifetime. If they are a courageous operator, they will never do such a thing. If not, it's okay not to play this game.

"Well said!" Hearing Mr. Wei's words, Xiaohei was so excited that he applauded. In the past, he was often tossed by game operators and was quite dissatisfied with the attitude of game operators.

Players and game operators are always full of contradictions.

After listening to this, Lin Yuchen found that compared with Mr. Wei, he was really a frog at the bottom of the well. This Mr. Wei's perspective on the problem was many times better than him. Not only his opponent, but even the operators were calculated by him. Thinking of this, he suddenly had an inexplicable idea in his mind, that is, not to do this Mr. Wei is the enemy.

In this goblin village, Mr. Wei has laid an ambush. In today's situation, it can be said that there are two benefits and defeats, but Mr. Wei has no plan. If he can't talk about it, how many points he has a chance of winning.

Is it Mr. Wei's proposal or did he make a temporary plan after receiving the news? Either way, I was calculated.

Wei Wuji, the head of the four famous sons of the Warring States Period, the person in front of him really deserves this name.

What's more, there are Zhu Hai and Wu Zixu beside him. The other person should be an ice mage. He doesn't know him, but he doesn't seem to be mediocre. As far as the main players are concerned, he and Xiaohei may not win the four of them together, not mention those who are hidden in the dark.

Such an opponent is terrible.

Is he his opponent? If you are his opponent, how many points can you win?

If you score, you will lose twice, and you may not even have a chance to lose both sides with him.

So he thought for a while before saying, "Mr. Wei, what kind of solution do you think the operator will come up with to solve this matter?"

"I think it should be to send someone to mediation and then modify the transmission rules. This should give some benefits." Mr. Wei said.

"What about after that?" Lin Yuchen asked reluctantly.

"After the rules of the portal are modified, the operator will definitely not let players guard so casually, but after some of our explorations, there are still many places in the Tianxu Forest that can be guarded. As long as we control these key paths, we can still achieve the purpose of controlling the entry and exit of the Tianxu Forest. I don't think this game operator can control it anymore, unless they revise the map. Mr. Wei is still confident.

" boss, this proposal is good! If this is really the case, just selling Xunlong's equipment will be enough for us to make a lot of money in the future. Little gangster.

Mr. Wei's proposal is a bit like the forces of various big guilds in traditional games to fight monsters, controlling this place and monopolizing all the resources here, so that others can't get in. Then make money by selling resources.

The proposal is good, but Lin Yuchen is worried that if they form an alliance, with the ability of Mr. Wei, he and Xiaohei will only be firmly controlled by him in the end. The last thing Lin Yuchen wants is to be controlled by others. Otherwise, he will not attack the "Fire Dancing Rose" mercenary regiment.

And he felt that Mr. Wei's plot was never more than that. He dared to do such a cow X thing as the card portal. If he only wanted a little resource, it would be too useless. His purpose is not just to occupy the Tianxu Forest. Maybe this person wants to paint the king here again!

Draw the king of the land!

Even Lin Yuchen was shocked when he thought of this word.

So he said, "Mr. Wei, your proposal is very good, but your plan is too big, and I can't afford to play with these people. Besides, I have long been used to working alone, so I won't get along with you in this matter." As he said, he took over the command and began to mobilize his troops.

"Do you want to give up this village?" Mr. Wei said.

"Hmm! I originally wanted to give up here. I'm not strong, and it's not cost-effective to stay here. So I decided to follow the old path and fight guerrillas. Lin Yuchen laughed.

"What about the dwarf village? Do you also want to give up like this? There are a lot of iron ore in it! Do you want to give this resource to others like this? Mr. Wei said again.

Iron ore!

At this time, Lin Yuchen realized a problem: he didn't know that he was lying on a big treasure. This big treasure is the iron ore vein of the dwarf.

In this game, there are four kinds of minerals. The most common is the stone mine, which is the basic material for building the city. There is also iron ore, the most important thing is the crystal mine, and the other is gold mine.

Needless to say, you will basically get rich if you find a gold mine.

Crystal is the energy base in this world and the favorite of magicians. Therefore, having a crystal mine is equivalent to having important strategic materials, not to mention making a fortune.

Although the value of iron ore is not as good as the first two, it is also one of the strategic materials. Equipment and weapons all require iron ore, so once possessed, it is also a good way to make money.

Only when Mr. Wei said this suddenly realized that the dwarves' original residence was an iron ore vein. According to Mr. Wei's words, if they give up like this, they will never be polite to him.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuchen couldn't help but be a little reluctant. There are no resources in the goblin village. It doesn't matter if he gives up, but the dwarfs are different. There are at least hundreds of thousands of resources there. How can he give up?

Lin Yuchen's sense of small farmers began to work, and there is nothing we can do about it. If he is a rich second generation, he will not care about this money at all. Unfortunately, he is an ordinary family and does not have that big pattern with the world in mind. This benefit is enough to move him.

Since Lin Yuchen decided to give up the Goblin Village and try his best to explore the underground world, all the remaining people in the dwarf village have been brought into the tunnel by him to settle down. The dwarfs have liked to dig deep underground, and this underground world is also suitable for them.

But Lin Yuchen has been in it these days, but he has already felt a little stuffy. In this highly realistic game, the underground world can only be used as a logistics base, and its own way back can never be used as a permanent place.

Lin Yuchen's hesitation, Mr. Wei continued: "If you don't want to give up the dwarf village, after the portal is restored, if there is no one to help, although your strength is very strong, elephants are also afraid of many ants. How long can you resist such a day and night attack?"